HomeMy WebLinkAboutFile Documents.210 E Cooper Ave.0171.2018 (8).ARBK ELEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL | 37Degrees 051118 Cooper 1 Client Job Name Cooper Condo Property Address 210 E. Cooper St #1D Aspen, CO 81611 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 - Scope of Work 2.0 - Sampling Requirements 3.0 - Sampling Methodology 4.0 - Laboratory 5.0 - Suspect Materials Sampled 6.0 - Table of Results 7.0 - Description of Sampling Area 8.0 - Conclusion - Lab Report - Certifications Asbestos Samples Analyzed: 6 Positive Asbestos Samples: 6 _____________________________________________ Asbestos Sampling Report Date: 05/15/2018 Date of Inspection: 05/11/2018 Client: 37 Degrees 15 S. Willow Ct Aspen, CO 81611 Attn: Jacob Pipe Building Inspector: Ellen Johnson CDPHE #23799 Joshua Johnson CDPHE #18401 189 County Rd. 135 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 josh@elementenv.co (970)274-3139 6/22/2018 ELEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL | 37Degrees 051118 Cooper 2 1.0- This was an inspection for suspect ACM (Asbestos Containing Material) for a remodel. Element Environmental conducted a visible inspection for visible materials that would be impacted during the remodel. This inspection was limited to the areas found in the Description of the Sampling Area 7.0. Although sampling is destructive in nature, this was a non-invasive inspection. It was of materials that were accessible. If other suspect materials become visible/apparent during demolition or construction activities, work in that area should be halted and more sampling/testing must take place, per Colorado regulations. Any suspect materials that were not tested are to be assumed to contain asbestos. 2.0- A limited bulk sampling of from all suspect materials was conducted in accordance with Colorado State Requirements. The minimum number of samples per homogenous areas are as follows: 2.1- Surfacing Materials- <1,000 sq.ft.- Minimum of 3 samples 1,000 sq.ft.- 5,000sq.ft.- Minimum of 5 samples >5,000 sq.ft. Minimum of 7 samples 2.2- Miscellaneous materials- Minimum of 2 samples 2.3- Thermal Systems Insulation (TSI)- Minimum of 3 samples 3.0- The purpose of the inspection is to identify materials that are homogenous. A homogeneous area is defined as one which shares suspect material, texture, color, location, and/or apparent time of construction. The materials are segregated into separate homogenous areas. The size is determined and then samples are taken. The materials are touched to determine friability. Friable ACM is material that can be crushed or reduced to powder by hand pressure. The samples are taken in a random numerical sequence. 4.0- Ellen Johnson, a Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment certified building inspector, certification number: 23799, performed the inspection. The findings were reviewed by Josh Johnson, a Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment certified building inspector, certification number: 18401. Samples taken were sent to CEI Labs in Cary, North Carolina. The samples were analyzed by PLM (Polarized Light Microscopy) analysis. Per the CDPHE Regulation any sample that is found by a lab to be trace, or <1% asbestos, is considered to be ACM material. This material would still be a regulated material by CDPHE. The sample must have an additional “point count” performed to be considered less than 1% and not be regulated by the CDPHE. The lab’s documents with analyses and findings are found below. 6/22/2018 ELEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL | 37Degrees 051118 Cooper 3 5.0- SUSPECT MATERIALS SAMPLES • Joint Compound • Texture • Tape • Drywall 6.0- TABLE OF RESULTS HOMOGENOUS AREA DESCRIPTION OF AREA ACM CATEGORY NUMBER OF SAMPLES APPROXIMATE SQ.FT.* ACM ASSESSMENT CATEGORIES % AND TYPE OF ASBESTOS FOUND (A) Acoustic Ceiling Texture Throughout Condo Surfacing 3 ~800 sq.ft. Category 7- Friable ACM with Low Potential for Damage 2% Chrysotile in 3 of 3 Samples (B) Light Roll Texture in Hall, Bedrooms and Kitchen Surfacing 3 ~500 sq.ft. Category 7- Friable ACM with Low Potential for Damage 2% Chrysotile in 3 of 3 Samples Key: ACM Assessment Categories: 1- Damaged or significantly damaged Thermal Systems Insulation (TSI) ACM 2- Damaged friable surfacing ACM 3- Significantly damaged friable Surfacing ACM 4- Damaged or significantly damaged friable Miscellaneous ACM 5- ACM with potential for damage 6- ACM with potential for significant damage 7- Friable ACM with low potential for damage Other- ACM not classified in the above Assessment Categories N/A- Not Applicable * Square footage is estimated and not for bidding purposes 7.0- DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLING AREA • Samples of the Acoustic Ceiling Texture were taken throughout the condo. • Samples of the Light Roll Texture on the walls were taken in the Hall, Bedrooms and Kitchen in the areas to be remodeled. The doorways throughout the condo are to be enlarged and the soffit areas of the kitchen are to be removed. 6/22/2018 ELEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL | 37Degrees 051118 Cooper 4 8.0- CONCLUSION The areas on the table in Red contained asbestos: • The Acoustic Ceiling Texture throughout the Condo including the Living Room, Kitchen, Hall and Bedrooms. • The Light Roll Wall Texture in the areas to be remodeled, including the Hall and Bedrooms in the doorway areas. The Soffit area of the Kitchen is also included. These materials become friable when they are removed. If these materials are to be disturbed or removed, the materials MUST be remediated in accordance with the CDPHE Regulation No. 8 by a licensed abatement contractor. For residential projects over 32 square feet of surfacing material, 50 linear feet of pipe insulation, or 55 gallon drum of waste; and for commercial projects with 160 square feet of surfacing material, 260 linear feet of pipe insulation, or a 55 gallon drum of waste, a permit is required. The permit is through the CDPHE. Along with the permit, a final air clearance is required by a certified Air Monitoring Specialist. For projects over 3,000 square feet, a Project Design and Project Manager is required. Element Environmental is certified and can perform Final Clearances, Project Design, and Project Management if required. All work performed MUST follow all EPA, State Regulation 8, and OSHA regulations to protect the general public, the client, and the workers. Please feel free to contact us with any questions with our information below. Sincerely, Ellen Johnson 6/22/2018 ELEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL | 37Degrees 051118 Cooper 5 6/22/2018 ELEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL | 37Degrees 051118 Cooper 6 6/22/2018 ELEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL | 37Degrees 051118 Cooper 7 6/22/2018 ELEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL | 37Degrees 051118 Cooper 8 6/22/2018