HomeMy WebLinkAboutFile Documents.660 Moore Dr.0134.2018 (8).ARBKADDRESS: L†f‡µ†v†A†‹Łê\Š§ŁÄ†æ„¾‡¤‡µ†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@PERMITNUMBŁã:
A= appIications for a bu“ûng permit within the Citv ofAspen are required to include a ce‰Ðfication ofcomp=ance
With applicabIe covenants and homeowne†u association poIicies. The ce†utjfication must be signed by the property
OWner O†u attO†uneV reP†ueSenting the property owner. The fo=owing ce‰Ðfication sha= accompany the application
l, the p†uopertY OWner Ce‰Ðfy as fo=ows: (pick one)
`™y†@This property is not subject to a homeowne†us associafron o†u otherform of private covenant.
†€†@†@This property is subject to a homeowne†uS aSSOCiation or private covenant and the improvements
PrOPOSed in this bu“ûng permit do not require approvaI bv the homeowne†us association or covenant
†€†@†@This p†uoperty is subject to a homeowne†us association o†u private covenant and the improvements
proposed in this building permit have bee= aPPrOVed bv the homeow=erS aSSOCiation or covenant beneficiary.
I understand the City of Aspen does not inte†up†uet†„ e=force†„ Or manage the appIicab‘ÉtY†fmeani=g†E Or effect
of private covenants or homeowne†u association rules or bvlaws. 1 understand that this document is a pu’…c
Owner Signatu†ue
Owner†fs Attorney Signature
Owner†fs Attorney P†uinted Name
Date†@‘\†@”O†‹ /…a
CITY OF ASPEN†v†Bn.†B,Y2O18 130 S. GALENASTASPENCO 8161105/07/2018
hazardsthatcouIdexposepeopIetoasbestosinthefutu'e†„longafte†utherenovafronactivityoccu†ured†ETheairborneasbestos‹¼er conc’…trationsresul”tgfromdistu†ubancesmayresuItinasign“fiantexposuretothecu†urentandfutu†ueoccupa=tSOfthehome.
ontheU.S.manuf†ÝCtu†uing,importafro=,P†uOCeS†Ÿing,Ordist†uibufronincomme†uceofmanvasbestos-COntainingprod=CtCategOrieswa†Ÿ setasideandDIDNOTmKEEFFECT.Therefore,A†vLdemolition,remOdelo†urenovationprojectsmustdetermineifdisturbedmateriaI
†€ŒÂs’}No Residen”²W™¬ouberemovingmorethan32sqft,501inearfeet(e.g.,PipeinsuIafron)†„OrthevoIume equivalentofa55-ga‹ê‹êondrumofanYmateria-besidesconcrete†„WOOd†„bricks†„OrSteeI-eXamPIesaredrYW„P†„ linoieum,Ce“ûngtiles,rOOfingmaterials†„etC.?
†€fi×SfiâNo commerclal;WŠpyouberemovingmorethan160sqft,2601inea†ufeet(e.g.†„PipeinsuIaton)†„Orthevolume equiva-entofa55-ga=ondrumofanymateria-besidesconcrete†EWOOd†Ebricks†EOrSteel-eXamPIesaredrywa=†„
lfthean†ŸWerisYEStoanyoftheabove,…ÁouW“ûeedanasbestostestbefo†ueyoucanreceiveabuiIdingand/ ordemo‰íonpe†umit.Ybuw’ìa-soneedtop†uovidep-ansindicathgareastobedemoIi†Ÿhedanddetermineifa costatedemoIifron†acenselsrequi†ued.Astatece'tifiedasbestosinspecto†u†cStdothiste†Ÿtandthetestreport mustbesubmittedwiththebuildingpe†umitapp-icatton.Ifthebu‰rnghasasbestos†„aStateCe'tifiedasbestos abatementfirmmustremoveit.Afterremovai,theabatementfirmmustp†uovideaIettertotheBuiIding Departmentsta”²gthata‹ê‹êtheasbestoshasbeenremoveda=dthattheairisclean.ThisIette†umustbereceived BEFOREapermitw“ûeissued.(SeetheIocaIorstatewideYelIowPages,DexOn‡µine,Orhttp://www.cdphe.state. co.us/ap/asbestos/index.htmlforcertifiedasbestosinspectorsandabatementcompanies.A‡¢NAVSaskforproof
Ifyouaredemo-ishingthebui-ding†„VOumuStSubmitademoIittonpermitappwiththeCDPHEinaddittontothe Aspenpermitapp.Thisformmavbefoundathttps://WWW.COIorado.gov/pacŠÕ/cdphe/asbestos-fo†umsNOTE: Acopyofthisdemolifronpermitappmustbesubmittedwiththe“üalbu‰rngpe†umitapplicafron.Whenthe CDPHEapprovestheapp,theirissuedpe†umitmustbegiventotheAspenBu“ûngDeptbeforeweissueour
App-icantSignature\†e†e†@†@†@Date†@L.†f†‹‹ê‹ê†õ†eŠ¹ pleasec„PtheCit…ÁOfAspenEnvironmenta-Hea-thDepartmentat92O-5039atanYtimeifyouhavequestions aboutasbestos,interpre”tgyourtestresults†„OrOtherm†Ý’¿erS.
C-ÅTYOFASPEN,ug.s,2†B,,†@†@†@130S.GALENASTIASPEN,CO81611 05/07/2018
Š¼”sti†BnS f†B, a buiIding permit within the CitY OŠÈpen are required to include a certification of
coŒ¦ance with bu“—g permit valuation requirements. The ce›¿ation must be signed by the property.†@†@›°‘ãfiy_____ -†v_Ii ___†s‰cŠA‡Ö†c.‘‚†v“⁄’H†khl„dz“„nn fn†u‚qnp†un
owne†u o†u authorized †uepresentative. The fol-owing certification s“—accompany the app"cation for a permit'
COmPl‰„†ul†vC Wl†c lJulIul=6 tJCII‹ê=†A †¥u†fu‘ê†gi†r†d †œ-†u†P†d†P†c†ł†ł.'_
‡¢he property owner Or authorized agent†„ under†Ÿtand and ceŒÊy as foliows:
city ofAspen Ordinance No. 40†„ Series of2016 adopts the 2O15 1nternational Residential CodeŒ¦C) and
lntemational Bu“—g Code™_C) with certain amendments. These codes define b”Rfl§g valuafron as‘Vows:
RlO8.3 Bu“—g permit valuatfons. Bu“ûg permit val=ation sha“ûcIude tota- vaIue ofthe work for which a
permit is being issued†E SuCh as elect†uica‹ê†E gaS†„ meCha=ical†„ P-umbing equipment†E and other permanent s…ÁStemS†„
including materials and labor"
109.3 Building permit vaIuations. The applicant for a permit shal- provide an estimated permit value at time
of app-ication' Pe†umit valuations s“—nc-ude total value of work†„ inc-uding materials and Iabor for which the
pe†umit is being issued†„ SuCh as e†ee†¼trica‹ê†E gaS†„ meChanica“ümbing equipment and permanent svstemS. "
the opinion of the bu‘Vg o-ÈciaI†„ the vaIuation is underestinated on the a”²Cation, the permit †Ÿhall be
denied†„ unlessthe appIicant can Show detailed es”tates to meet the approval ofthe bu“—g officiaI†E’…
bu“ûng permitvaluafron sha‹ê‹êbe set bythe bu™ªng oŁãa‘ã
city poŒ¦ndIcates that permit va-uation inc†eudes materials a“üabor for the structure and mechanicaI†E
electrical, Plumbing and gas“pe sprink-er and elevator systemS and equipment. Permanent SyStemS SuCh as
audio visua’ìghthg and HVAC contrOIs are“—ded in the total as are expenSeS directlv related to constructon
such as equipment †uental and contractOr fees. Finish materia‹ê†Ÿ SuCh as paint†„ flcor coverings, tile, Cabinets and
counte†u tops are inc-uded in the permit valuation total†E
costs such as a†uchitectura- and engineering design fees†„ landscaping and p-an›Ág†„ taP fees†E development
mitigafron fees†„ t†uaSh removal†„ and c-eaning are not included.
l ceŒÊy that the permit va'uation entered on the permit application fo†u this property COmPIies with the above
valuafron requirements„¾understand that this document is a pubIic document.
Owner Signature:
Owner Printed Name:”åŠp,flª†Afiñ‡µ
Authorized Agent SŒÂnature:
Authorized Agent Printed Name:
130 S.GALENA ASPEN 81611
4-PIans and elevations must include height or setback exemption items unique to the building, SuCh as stair/
eIevator overruns, uŁãty/mechanicaI apparatus, hot tubs and spas, and other height or setback exemption items
unique to the project,
5-The report sha‰„nclude a wr’¿en description or drawing notes of the benchmarks or controI points used to
estabIish property boundaries, Setbacks, building location, bui-Åding height,and grades for each measurement.
6-A= drawings must correlate with the bufi·ing locations, eIevations, and grading/drainage representations in
the approved buiIding permit set.
7-The report must inciude the signature, date, and stamp of Coiorado Professional Land Surveyorwho
COnducted the fieId measurements certifying that the field measurements areaccurately represented.
Review and Acceptance of Repo‰ÐThe Zoning OŁ|cer sha‰„eview the report(s) and either confirm the project
COnforms to the dimensions shown on the zoning sheets ofthe approved bu“ûing permit plan set and meets
the zoning limitations forthe property or shall determine which eIements ofthe project are not in compliance.
The Zoning O‘îcer may request additional information to verify zoning compliance, Which may include but is not
Iimited to additionai surveywork or a site visit.
AiI drawings ofthe survey report must correlate with representations in the approved bu“ûing permit set for
acceptance. ModŁácations to field conditions or amendments to the buiIding permit may be required.
A determination of non-COmPIiance sha= resuit in the issuance of a correction notice and possibIe work
StOPPage. Applicants are encouraged to verify zoning compliance as earIy as reasonablY PraCtica=n the
COnStruCtion process to minimize disruption to the construction scheduIe.
I (COntraCtOr name)-Ô((_fiñ„¾‡Å†õ\†„†‹/†A understand this poIicy. I agree that this project w’…
comply with the zonifl·Iimitations a‘Yecting this parcel and the representat‡¤ons made on the zoning sheets of
the approved buiIding permit plans. 1 understand that a Ce‰Ðficate ofOccupancy w“®not be issued untiI this
PrQject compiies with a= app=cabie zoning Iimitations.
CoflŁOrS”tture:‘\L†v‹ê‹ê†v›¹”ı) t‡Ó\…w…•†ð\‡Ö\‡Ö
Date:†@†@6†a†æ (‡Æ
CiTY OF ASPENAugustZO17†@†@†@†@†@130 S. GALENA STASPENCO 8161105/07/2018