HomeMy WebLinkAboutFile Documents.610 S West End St.0182.2018.ARBK 1 HealthSafe Inspections Inc 390 Apple Drive Basalt CO 81621 970-920-2100 Jim Baker CDPHE Asbestos Building Inspector, Asbestos Air Monitoring Specialist (AMS) & Project Designer Certification #13437 CDPHE Lead-Based Paint Inspector & Lead Hazard Assessor Certification #23607 ASBESTOS REPORT DATE 07/02/2018 CLIENT Barbara Newton c/o Athens Builders, Inc. PO Box 4404 Aspen CO 81612 PROJECT PROPERTY ADDRESS 610 S West End St, Aspen, Colorado 81611 07/06/2018 2 CLIENT BACKGROUND The Client, Barbara Newton, hired Athen Builders, Inc. to perform a bathroom remodel and remove an entry closet which will also affect a small portion of the kitchen. Prior to the building permit acceptance, an asbestos inspection is required. Athen Builders, Inc. hired HealthSafe Inspections, Inc. (hereinafter, HealthSafe) to perform the required asbestos inspection, sampling and report. VISUAL INSPECTION & LABORATORY FINDINGS An inspection was conducted by Jim Baker of HealthSafe on June 27, 2018 with Marc Tergeoglou present during the initial survey. Suspect ACM/ACBM (drywall materials only) were identified and sampled. Samples of each homogeneous material were collected in opposite diagonal corners or opposite sections or rooms; in the case of surfacing materials, samples were collected randomly—considering different sections of walls and ceilings and different rooms or locations where each homogeneous material was applied and going to be impacted by the small renovation/remodel. No two samples were collected next to the other. This inspector did his best to get a broad representative of each homogeneous material without bias of locations to best represent the whole homogeneous material(s) which will be impacted. Those materials collected and analyzed by PLM analysis are the following: 1. Orange Peel Surfacing Material/Texture: a homogeneous spray-applied surfacing material/texture [samples 1-3: B-102-OP-C/W-T-1,2,3]. This surfacing material/texture is on some ceilings and all interior walls of the unit. The estimated surface area of impact is more than 10 sf, but less than 1,000 sf, requiring a minimum of at least three surfacing/texture material samples. The EPA 600 method PLM analytical estimated results: NONE DETECTED. 2. Joint Compound: a homogeneous miscellaneous seam taping compound requiring at least two samples [samples 4-5: B-102-OP-C/W-JC-1,2]. The PLM analytical estimated results: <1% Chrysotile asbestos in sample 4; 2% Chrysotile asbestos in sample 5. This miscellaneous joint compound used to create the miscellaneous drywall system prior to the application of the orange peel texture surfacing material/texture. The joint compound is not classified as ACM at less than 1% or trace amounts when composited with the whole drywall system. It is used in the composite sample to determine the percentage of asbestos in the drywall system as a whole—prior to the application of the surfacing material/texture. 3. Gypsum Wallboard/Drywall System: a homogeneous taped and joint compounded drywall system with gypsum wallboard panels, trowel-applied joint compound and tape (classified as a miscellaneous material as a complete integral system) [sample 6: B-102-C/W-J]; these composite layered taped and joint compounded drywall materials are on ceilings and walls of the unit interior with a surfacing material/texture known as “orange peel“.The EPA 600 method PLM analytical estimated results: <1% Chrysotile asbestos in the joint compound but 07/06/2018 3 not the orange peel texture. The composite results are <0.25% Chrysotile asbestos. This material is not regulated by the State CDPHE as ACM/ACBM. However, because asbestos fibers are present in the joint compound, OSHA regulations shall be adhered to during the demolition and disposal of the materials. There were no other additional suspect asbestos building materials to sample which were slated to be disturbed, removed or disposed of in the bathroom and entry closet-hallway and small section of the kitchen at the hallway. A total of 6 suspect homogeneous ACM/ACBM bulk samples were collected and 6 samples were analyzed. The bulk samples were analyzed by EPA 600 PLM analytical methods by a NVLAP accredited laboratory in accordance with Colorado State Regulation 8 for the presence of asbestos mineral fibers. There IS asbestos in all 3 samples analyzed. See supporting Hayes Microbial Consulting, Inc. data report #18020262. HEALTHSAFE CONCLUSIONS • There is Chrysotile asbestos in the joint compound of the drywall system, but not in the spray-applied surfacing material. The joint compound is part of the miscellaneous drywall system as a whole system, and therefore it is composited with all drywall layers; those composite results are : <0.25% Chrysotile asbestos. This drywall system will not require a State permitted asbestos abatement. However, since asbestos fibers are present in the drywall system joint compound--which will be rendered friable during a demolition and disposal—it must be handled following OSHA Class II Asbestos Work regulations. See EPA 40 CFR 763.121 Worker Protection Rule, OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 Respirator Protection Standard, OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1001 General Industry Standard and OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1101 Construction Standard regulations when dealing with asbestos hazards. Sincerely Submitted, Jim Baker COLORADO & FEDERAL ASBESTOS REGULATIONS SUMMARY Regulation No. 8 Part B – Asbestos of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), Air Quality Control Commission requires a State-certified Asbestos Building Inspector to inspect and collect bulk samples of all suspect asbestos containing materials (ACM) or suspect asbestos containing building materials (ACBM) prior to their disturbance, removal or demolition and disposal. The suspect materials shall 07/06/2018 4 be analyzed by a NVLAP accredited laboratory by polarized light microscopy (PLM) using EPA 600 analytical method. A material which is estimated to contain more than 1% asbestos is classified as ACM/ACBM and regulated by the State and Federal governments. Any friable (able to crush or reduce to powder by finger pressure) asbestos with trace amounts of asbestos fibers or less than 1% must be point-counted using EPA 400 analytical method to prove that it is indeed less than 1%; if not, it must be classified as ACM/ACBM and shall be treated as a State and Federal regulated material. Any friable asbestos containing material (greater than 1% asbestos concentration) or ACM/ACBM that could be rendered friable during its removal or demolition and disposal shall require an asbestos abatement by a certified asbestos abatement contractor to remove and dispose of the material(s). A Colorado State (CDPHE) issued asbestos abatement permit is required for the following trigger levels of ACM/ACBM: 1. Residential buildings of four or fewer units--if more than 32 square feet of any surface coverage (e.g., gypsum wallboard or drywall and associated applied surfacing materials/textures, acoustic sprays, joint compounds, plaster, etc.), 50 feet of asbestos covered or asbestos insulated pipe or any material which would fill a 55-gallon drum is going to be disturbed, removed or disposed of, an asbestos abatement permit is required. 2. Residential complexes with more than four residential units, public access areas to a residential building, commercial and retail buildings, public and civic buildings, industrial buildings--if more than 160 square feet of surfacing materials, 260 linear feet or more than 35 cubic feet (NESHAP) or 55-gallon drum (CDPHE) of suspect ACM/ACBM is going to be disturbed, removed or disposed of, an asbestos abatement permit is required under NESHAP and by the CDPHE. See note below on OSHA. The regulations require an absolute minimum of 3 samples (EPA suggests 9) per homogenous suspect surfacing and TSI materials and an absolute minimum of 2 samples of homogenous miscellaneous materials or any number of “samples sufficient to determine whether a material is ACM” (Reg8.IV.D.3). More samples are required based on surface area or volume. These are minimums; the asbestos building inspector has the field responsibility to determine homogenous materials and the number of samples to collect per material; more than the minimum number of samples may be necessary at the discretion of the inspector. An assessment of friability and functional space conditions of the materials are also the inspector’s field responsibilities. OSHA compliance is required for all employers and employees no matter the quantity of asbestos present with strict regulations regarding 10 sf or more of TSI or friable surfacing materials, and therefore it does not matter what the quantity or State trigger levels are: all suspect ACM/ACBM shall be inspected and tested for asbestos prior to their disturbance, removal and disposal for worker protection and safety. See EPA 40 CFR 763.121 Worker Protection Rule, OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 Respirator Protection Standard, OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1001 General Industry Standard and OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1101 Construction Standard regulations when dealing with asbestos hazards. 07/06/2018 5 Note: County or City regulations may be more stringent. 07/06/2018 HMC #18020262 contact@hayesmicrobial.com http://hayesmicrobial.com/ Analysis Report prepared for HealthSafe Inspections 390 Apple Drive Basalt, CO. 81621 Phone: 970-920-2100 Job Name: Barbara Newton 610 S. West End St., #B-102 Aspen, CO 81611 Date Sampled: 06-27-2018 Date Analyzed: 06-29-2018 Report Date: 06-29-2018 EPA Laboratory ID# VA01419 NVLAP Lab Code: 500096-0 Asbestos License: 300435 License: #PH-0198 Page 1 of 4 07/06/2018 HMC #18020262 HealthSafe Inspections 390 Apple Drive Basalt, CO 81621 June 29, 2018 Client Job Number: Client Job Name:Barbara Newton 610 S. West End St., #B-102 Aspen, CO 81611 Dear HealthSafe Inspections, We would like to thank you for trusting Hayes Microbial for your analytical needs. On June 28, 2018 we received 6 samples by FedEx for the job referenced above. 6 samples were received in good condition. The results in this analysis pertain only to this job, collected on the stated date and should not be used in the interpretation of any other job. This report may not be duplicated, except in full, without the written consent of Hayes Microbial Consulting, LLC. This laboratory bears no responsibility for sample collection activities, analytical method limitations, or your use of the test results. Interpretation and use of test results are your responsibility. Any reference to health effects or interpretation of mold levels is strictly the opinion of Hayes Microbial Consulting. In no event, shall Hayes Microbial Consulting or any of its employees be liable for lost profits or any special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of your use of the test results. Steve Hayes, BSMT(ASCP) Laboratory Director Hayes Microbial Consulting, LLC Page 2 of 4 07/06/2018 HMC #18020262 EPA 600/R-93, M-4/82-020 (PLM)HealthSafe Inspections 390 Apple Drive Basalt, CO 81621 Phone: 970-920-2100 Job Number: Collected by: Email: Jim Baker healthsafeinspections@gmail.com Job Name:Barbara Newton 610 S. West End St., #B-102 Aspen, CO 81611 Date Collected: Date Received: Date Reported: 06/27/2018 06/28/2018 06/29/2018 #Sample Name Description Asbestos Fibers Other Fibers Non- Fibers 1 1 B-102-OP-C/W-T-1 Texture / White (None Detected) (None Detected) 100 % 2 2 B-102-OP-C/W-T-2 Texture / White (None Detected) (None Detected) 100 % 3 3 B-102-OP-C/W-T-3 Texture / White (None Detected) (None Detected) 100 % 4 4 B-102-C/W-JC-1 Joint Compound / White <1 % Chrysotile (None Detected) 100 % 5 5 B-102-C/W-JC-2 Joint Compound / White 2 % Chrysotile (None Detected) 98 % 6 6 B-102-C/W-J Drywall / White/Brown (None Detected) 12 % Cellulose fibers 88 % Layer 2 B-102-C/W-J Joint Compound / White <1 % Chrysotile (None Detected) 100 % Layer 3 B-102-C/W-J Drywall/J.Compond / White <0.25 % Chrysotile (None Detected) 100 % Notes: Composite Of Drywall & Joint Compound Signature: Date:06/29/2018 Reviewed by: Date:06/29/2018 Page 3 of 4 07/06/2018 HMC #18020262 Asbestos - Additional InformationHealthSafe Inspections 390 Apple Drive Basalt, CO 81621 Phone: 970-920-2100 All samples were received in acceptable condition unless otherwise noted on the report. The Report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by: AIHA, NIST, NVLAP NY ELAP, or any agency. The results relate only to the items tested. The results include an inherent uncertainty of measurement associated with estimating percentages by polarized light microscopy. Measurement uncertainty data can be provided when requested. None detected: Below the detected reporting limit of 1% unless point counting is performed, then the detected, reporting limit is .25%. Per NY ELAP198.6 (NOB) TEM is the only reliable method to declare an NOB material as Non-Asbestos Containing. Hayes Microbial Consulting reserves the right to dispose of all samples after a period of 60 days in compliance with state and federal guidelines. Signature: Date:06/29/2018 Reviewed by: Date:06/29/2018 Page 4 of 4 07/06/2018 07/06/2018 07/06/2018