Chairperson, Jay Maytin called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Commissioners in attendance were Sallie Golden, Nora Berko, Jane Hills
and John Whipple. Excused were Jim DeFrancia, Patrick Sagal and Willis
Staff present: Deborah Quinn, Assistant City Attorney
Amy Guthrie, Historic Preservation Officer
Kathy Strickland, Chief Deputy City Clerk
Justin Barker, Planner
Nora congratulated Jim for his award from the Government.
Jay said Jim was honored with the distinguishing service award from the
Navy. He served as a member of the Secretary of the Navy advisory board
from 2010 to 2012. He gave exemplary service while serving as a member.
Congratulations Jim!
Nora said regarding the work session Derek Skalko worked on our lot split
but I know nothing of this project and feel I have no conflict with 417/421
W. Hallam.
Jane said she has a relationship with the family on 417/421 W. Hallam but it
is not a financial relationship. Jane said she can be fair and impartial.
Jay pointed out that one of the interior airlock historic doors on the Red
Onion is damaged.
208 E. Main Street— Final Major Development, Public Hearing
Debbie said the affidavit and posting and notice is in order and the applicant
can proceed. Exhibit I
Justin Barker, planner
The property is a 3,000 square foot lot with two existing buildings on it.
One of those is a Victorian miner's cottage and a shed along the back alley.
This project received conceptual approval in June. A new residential unit
was designed and the shed was moved from the north east corner to the
north-west corner of the lot. For final we are dealing with landscaping,
lighting and materials. There is not much landscaping. There is a ramp
going along the east side of the property line leading to the back where the
trash area is. There will be removal of trees in the northwest corner of the
lot in order to accommodate the movement of the shed to that area. The
only lighting being added are a couple lights at the entrance to the residential
unit as well as some step lighting along the path to the back of the property.
Everything is staying on the Victorian and the landscaping in front. At
conceptual it was recommended that the applicant look at the material for
the stairwell because it might be too heavy. The applicant has provided a
barn wood siding to contrast the cementicious siding for the rest of the
property. Staff is in favor of the change as it gives it a lighter feeling and
more of a horizontal feel. The upper floor plan does show a fire place and
staff needs to know whether a chimney is needed or if it is a direct vent out
the wall. We need to know if it is in compliance with the code. Staff is
recommending approval of the project.
Nora asked if the trees that are being removed are going to be replaced.
Justin said some of the trees have been identified as diseased. Those that
are not will be mitigated for.
Sarah Upton, presented for Salon Tulio
Sarah said the proposal is an addition behind the existing salon. It is a
Victorian resource. The fireplace is intended to be a direct vent out the side
of the wall. There are no major changes except breaking down the mass of
the stair enclosure. We increased the amount of fenestration to reduce some
of the heavy blocks and mixed up the cladding. The landscape lighting is
not shown in the model but it will be unobtrusive. There is one down light
under the flat roof of the main entry, a 4x4 and the bulb is enclosed in the
fixture housing. There is also lighting mounted to the side of the house
along the pathway and back to the alley. The question would be whether we
can apply any of those to the historic resource. We are happy to work with
staff on the lighting. We might be able to have something come out of the
ground and not touch the historic resource.
Chairperson, Jay Maytin opened the public hearing. There were no
comments. The public hearing portion of the agenda item was closed.
Amy mentioned that she and Sara Adams met with Margaret Pierce the
immediate neighbor and her concern is about the actual construction. She
had no objections to the project.
Sarah said we will have contractor outreach to the neighbors so that they are
aware of what is going on.
Jay identified the issues:
Fenestration, landscape, lighting
Venting of the fire place which has been settled.
Jay said he feels no lighting should be attached to the historic resource and it
should be added to the motion. You could use the addition for lighting and
if you need one or two more lights mitigate that with staff and monitor.
Sara said she feels it might be more suitable to do landscape lighting and
you would have more of a benefit lighting the path.
John said he likes the lights and they make a pedestal that can stand alone.
Nora said she voted against this at conceptual because she feels according to
guideline 10.6 it totally changes the character and scale of this block.
MOTION: Jay moved to approve resolution #33 for 208 E. Main Street and
ad the condition that the east side walkway lighting will be approved by staff
and monitor and no lighting will be attached to the historic resource. Motion
second by John.
Roll call vote: Sallie, yes; Jane, yes; John, yes; Nora, no; Jay, yes. Motion
carried 4-1.
John is the monitor.
MOTION: Jay moved to adjourn; second by John. All in favor, motion
417/421 W. Hallam Street—work session — no minutes.
Debbie said a work session is not an action of the Historic Preservation
Commission. It is only for the purpose of exchanging ideas and it is in no
way binding what anyone says to the proposal.
Derek Skalko said he understands fully the intentions of the HPC work
Kathleen J. Strickland, Chief Deputy Clerk