HomeMy WebLinkAboutFile Documents.675 E Durant Ave.0009.2019.ACBK0009-2019-ACBK_BuildingComment1 Subject: PlanCheck Page Label: 1 Author: justinh File Name: 10_COMCHECK.675 E DURANT_2019-02 rev3_2019-03-12.pdf Color: Revise your ComCheck to be on the 2013 edition of ASHRAE 90.1, the 2015 IECC references 90.1 2013 rather than 2007. 10_COMCHECK.675 E DURANT_2019-02 rev3_2019-03-12.pdf (3) Subject: PlanCheck Page Label: 1 Author: justinh File Name: 10_COMCHECK.675 E DURANT_2019-02 rev3_2019-03-12.pdf Color: Completely fill out the owner/agent and designer contractor portions of this report. Subject: PlanCheck Page Label: 2 Author: justinh File Name: 10_COMCHECK.675 E DURANT_2019-02 rev3_2019-03-12.pdf Color: Please sign your ComCheck report Subject: PlanCheck Page Label: [1] _KGM-TLN_LIGHTING PLAN_FOR VE-LT2.01 Author: justinh File Name: 16_Permit Drawing Set.675 E DURANT_2019-02_rev.pdf Color: Multiple pieces of furniture are being shown in the required egress paths and accessible route. Revise all drawings so that these are shown as clear paths consistently throughout the entire set. The furniture layout should be shown on the egress plan to demonstrate that you will actually have clear egress and accessible routes. 16_Permit Drawing Set.675 E DURANT_2019-02_rev.pdf (11) Subject: PlanCheck Page Label: [1] _KGM-TLN_LIGHTING PLAN_FOR VE-LT2.02 Author: justinh File Name: 16_Permit Drawing Set.675 E DURANT_2019-02_rev.pdf Color: Please clarify what is being shown here, I do not see these shapes/fixtures referenced on any other plans. Mcheck Software Version terior Lighting Compliance Certificate 90.1 (2007) Standard Alteration Owner/Agent: ASPEN SKIING COMPANY Designer/Contractor: n The Little Nell - Lobby + Chair 9 ghting Power A Area Category B Floor Area (ft2) C Allowed Watts / ft2 D Allowed Watts (B X C) (Hotel/Motel:Hotel Lobby)1478 1.10 1626 Revise your ComCheck to be on the 2013 edition of ASHRAE 90.1, the 2015 IECC references 90.1 2013 rather than 2007. COMcheck Software Version Interior Lighting Compliance Certificate 90.1 (2007) Standard Alteration ve11 Owner/Agent: ASPEN SKIING COMPANY Designer/Contractor: mation The Little Nell - Lobby + Chair 9 or Lighting Power A Area Category B Floor Area (ft2) C Allowed Watts / ft2 D Allowed Watts (B X C) cierge (Hotel/Motel:Hotel Lobby)1478 1.10 1626 tel/Motel:Hotel Lobby)1283 1.10 1411 otel:Hotel Dining Area)1576 1.30 2049 on Space Types:Corridor/Transition)734 0.50 367 Space Types:Stairs-Active)122 0.60 73 Space Types:Office - Enclosed)500 1.10 550 6076Total Allowed Watts = rior Lighting Power E (C X D) D Fixture Watt. A ure ID : Description / Lamp / Wattage Per Lamp / Ballast B Lamps/ Fixture C # of Fixtures ncierge ( Hotel/Motel:Hotel Lobby 1478 sq.ft.) CESSED DOWNLIGHT: Other:1 8 13 104 CESSED COMBO DOWNLIGHT: Other:2 6 26 156 Completely fill out the owner/agent and designer contractor portions of this report. LED 21: F16: SURFACE MOUNTED LINEAR LIGHT: Other:1 5 2 12 LED 22: F21: RECESSED DOWNLIGHT: Other:1 2 12 25 LED 23: DF: WALL MOUNTED DECORATIVE SCONCE: Other:1 8 13 104 LED 31: F17: RECESSED STEP LIGHT: Other:1 4 3 10 LED 33: F5A: RECESSED SMALL DOWNLIGHT: Other:1 5 7 35 LED 34: F18: SURFACE MOUNTED LINEAR LED STRI: Other:1 20 2 50 Corridor ( Common Space Types:Corridor/Transition 734 sq.ft.) LED 25: F19: RECESSED DOWNLIGHT: Other:1 13 18 234 LED 27: F7: RECESSED COVE LIGHT: Other:1 81 3 243 LED 35: F17A: RECESSED STEP LIGHT: Other:1 4 3 10 Stairs ( Common Space Types:Stairs-Active 122 sq.ft.) LED 30: F19: RECESSED DOWNLIGHT: Other:1 6 12 75 Office ( Common Space Types:Office - Enclosed 500 sq.ft.) LED 32: F21: RECESSED DOWNLIGHT: Other:1 9 12 112 3602Total Proposed Watts = Interior Lighting Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed interior lighting alteration project represented in this document is consistent with thebuilding plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed interior lighting systems have been designed to meet the 90.1 (2007) Standard requirements in COMcheck Version and to comply withany applicable mandatory requirements listed in the Inspection Checklist. Name - Title Signature Date Interior Lighting PASSES Please sign your ComCheck report F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F2 F2 F2 F2 F4 F4 F4 F4F4 F4 F4 F4 F4 F3 F3 F14 F7 F19 F19 F19 F19 F19 F19 F4 F8 F8 F12F12F12 F3 F3 F2 F2 F2 F2F2F2 LT2.02 LT2.01 F8F8 F21 F21 F8 F8 A11 A12 A13 A10 A9 A8 A7 B2B3ZONE CONTINUESON SHEET LT2.02 B2 ZONE CONTINUESON SHEET LT2.01 ID 6. 0 28 ID-6.027VSVS2 2F12 Multiple pieces of furniture are beingshown in the required egress paths andaccessible route. Revise all drawingsso that these are shown as clear pathsconsistently throughout the entire set. The furniture layout should be shownon the egress plan to demonstrate thatyou will actually have clear egress andaccessible routes. F19 F19 F19 F19 F19 (3)F12 (3)F12 (3)F12 (3)F12 (3)F12 (3)F12 F12F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F19 (3)F12 F7 B2 ZONE CONTINUESON SHEET LT2.01 Z O C4 C3 C1 F5A F5A F5A F5A F5A C10 F19 F19 B4F19 VSC6 2F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 C2 F12 Please clarify what isbeing shown here, I donot see theseshapes/fixturesreferenced on anyother plans. R+B RESPONSE SEE NEW COMCHECK DATED 2019-03-18 R+B RESPONSE SEE NEW COMCHECK DATED 2019-03-18 R+B RESPONSE SEE NEW COMCHECK DATED 2019-03-18 R+B RESPONSE REMOVED FURNITURE FROM LIGHTING PLANS AND KITCHEN EQUIP PLANS - COORDINATED ON EGRESS PLANS ONLY R+B RESPONSE REMOVED FURNITURE FROM LIGHTING PLANS AND KITCHEN EQUIP PLANS - COORDINATED ON EGRESS PLANS ONLY 03/20/2019 Not addressed, revised ComCheck still shows 90.1 (2007) edition, revise to use either the 2015 IECC or 2013 edition of ASHRAE 90.1. Subject: PlanCheck Page Label: [1] _KGM-TLN_LIGHTING PLAN_FOR VE-LT2.04 Author: justinh File Name: 16_Permit Drawing Set.675 E DURANT_2019-02_rev.pdf Color: Please dimension the distance between adjacent tables, 38" is the minimum required for back to back seating at tables per IBC 1029.12.1. Subject: PlanCheck Page Label: [1] 21808_A0.5 EGRESS 2-A0.5 Author: justinh File Name: 16_Permit Drawing Set.675 E DURANT_2019-02_rev.pdf Color: Your accessible route cannot pass through a back of house space. IEBC 410.3 does not allow an alteration to reduce the accessibility of an area, which this new pantry space does. We will accept the existing condition here, but you cannot create an even more defined back of house area by adding a wall if your accessible route passes through it. Subject: PlanCheck Page Label: [1] 21808_A0.5 EGRESS 2-A0.5 Author: justinh File Name: 16_Permit Drawing Set.675 E DURANT_2019-02_rev.pdf Color: Please revise your scale to be the accurate scale for your drawings (1/8" per my measurements) Subject: PlanCheck Page Label: [1] LT1.00 Author: justinh File Name: 16_Permit Drawing Set.675 E DURANT_2019-02_rev.pdf Color: It appears that daylight responsive lighting controls will be required along these windows per IECC C405.2.3. Revise the plans to show the daylight zones and call out the requirement for daylight responsive controls or show how you meet an exception to this requirement. Subject: PlanCheck Page Label: 18 Author: justinh File Name: 16_Permit Drawing Set.675 E DURANT_2019-02_rev.pdf Color: Doors 105A and 124A are also required to be 20 minute rated doors as they define the corridor separation boundary, please revise. F15 DF F17 F16 B5 C9 C6 F17 F17 F17 ID-6.138ID-6.203 F17A F17A F17AF17A B6 PROVIDE POWER ONL FIXTURE PROVIDED BY MANUFACTURER PROVIDE POWER ONLY FIXTURE PROVIDED BY MANUFACTURER Please dimension the distance betweenadjacent tables, 38" isthe minimum requiredfor back to back seating at tables per IBC 1029.12.1. EGRESS PATH EGRE S S PAT HACCESSIBLE PATHEGRESS PATH LIVING ROOM LOUNGE LIVING ROOM NOT IN SCOPE 1 11 ' -1 0 " ACCESSIBLE PATH 3'-8"3'-8" Your accessible route cannot pass through a back of house space. IEBC 410.3 does not allow an alteration to reduce the accessibility of an area, which this new pantry space does. We will accept the existing condition here, but you cannot create an even more defined back of house area by adding a wall if your accessible route passes through it. SCALE: EGRESS & OCCUPANCY DIAGRAM 1/16" = 1'-0" 1 A0.5 PLAN NORTH TRUE NORTH 5 SF NET 40 40 PUBLIC TOTAL PUBLIC 404 TOTAL EMPLOYEE 8 TOTAL OCCUPANTS 412 Please revise your scale to be the accurate scale for your drawings (1/8" per my measurements) F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F2 F2 F2 F2 F4 F4 F4F4 F4 F19 F19 F19 F3 F6F6 F6F6 F7 F19 F19 F19 F19 F19 F19 F19 F19 F8 F8 F8 F10 (14)F9 DF DF DF DF DF DF (3)F12 (3)F12 (3)F12 (3)F12 (3)F12 (3)F12 F12F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F15 F16(3)F18 F3 F2 F2 F2 F2F2F2 F12 F12 F19 F1 DF DF LT2.02 LT2.01 F19 (3)F12 F7 F21 F21 F17 F15 F8 F16ID-6.148F17 F17F17 F9ID-6.138ID-6.203 F17A F17A F17AF17A DF DF F10A (5) F5AF5A F5AF5A F5A F19 F19 F19 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 It appears that daylight responsive lightingcontrols will be required along these windows per IECC C405.2.3. Revise the plans to showthe daylight zones and call out the requirement for daylight responsive controls or show howyou meet an exception to this requirement. Doors 105A and 124A are also required to be 20 minute rated doorsas they define thecorridor separation boundary, please revise. R+B RESPONSE SEE NEW DOOR SCHEDULE SHEET A8.1 DATED 2019-03-15 R+B RESPONSE ADDED DIMENSIONS AND NOTES TO PLAN A0.5 R+B RESPONSE SEE UPDATED A0.5 EGRESS PLAN SHOWING VESTIBULE TO PASS THROUGH FOR ACCESSIBILITY R+B RESPONSE SEE A0.5 FOR ACCURATE SCALE R+B RESPONSE SEE PLAN LT2.01 and LT2.02 AND EXHIBIT A BELOW FOR EXEMPTION TO C405.2.3 03/20/2019 No dimensions or notes were added to A0.5, comment not addressed. I do not see how this has been changed. A2.1 calls this out as a pantry area which we would consider to be a back of house type of space. Please clarify how this original comment has been addressed. Subject: PlanCheck Page Label: 26 Author: justinh File Name: 16_Permit Drawing Set.675 E DURANT_2019-02_rev.pdf Color: Identify your accessible seating, show the required approaches to these seats, call out table heights at accessible seating, and demonstrate that you are providing at least 5% of your total seating as accessible seating. Approaches to your accessible seating may not overlap into the accessible routes. Subject: PlanCheck Page Label: 26 Author: justinh File Name: 16_Permit Drawing Set.675 E DURANT_2019-02_rev.pdf Color: You are required to provide 2 accessible spaces at your bar (1 accessible space with a companion space). Show the required approaches to the two seats and demonstrate that the accessible portion of the bar will meet the requirements of ANSI 902 for height and knee and toe clearance. Subject: PlanCheck Page Label: 26 Author: justinh File Name: 16_Permit Drawing Set.675 E DURANT_2019-02_rev.pdf Color: Raised seating areas will not be accepted without an accessible route, IBC 1108.2.9 requires all interior and exterior floor areas to be accessible within dining areas. You are demolishing them per your demo plan and they are not shown as being replaced in the proposed floor plan, please clarify what is actually proposed and make sure that it is shown correctly and consistently throughout the entire set. Subject: PlanCheck Page Label: 26 Author: justinh File Name: 16_Permit Drawing Set.675 E DURANT_2019-02_rev.pdf Color: Remove this notation from all applicable plans, we will not issue plans marked "not for construction". SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"1 Level 1 Equipment Plan Identify your accessible seating, show the required approaches to these seats, call out table heights at accessible seating, and demonstrate that you are providing at least 5% of your total seating as accessible seating. Approaches to your accessible seating may not overlap into the accessible routes. A1 A1.2 A2 A3A6 A6.1 A8 A11 A12 A6 A6.1 A3 A13 A21 A17 A18A18A21 A21 A6.2A6.2 A23 A1.3 A24 A22A6.1 A6 A6.2 A16 A21 A20.1 A20 A19 A25.2 A25 A25.1 A25.3 1 1 1 1 1 1 You are required to provide 2 accessible spaces at your bar (1accessible space witha companion space). Show the required approaches to the two seats and demonstrate that theaccessible portion ofthe bar will meet therequirements of ANSI 902 for height and knee and toe clearance. A1 A1.2 A2A3A6 A6.1 A8A11A12A6 A6.1 A3 A13 A21A17A18A18A21A21 A6.2A6.2 A23A1.3A24 A22 A26 A27 A28 A34 A33 A31 A32 A33.1 A34.1 A6.1 A6 A6.2 A16 A21 A20.1A20 A28.1 A19 A25.2 A25A25.1 A25.3 1 1 Foodservice Eq Item Number Qty Des A1 1 Bar TopA1.1 1 Modular Bar Die SystemA1.2 1 Drink RailA1.3 1 Beer TowerA2 1 Blender Station A3 2 Liquor Display Steps A4 1 Spare NumberA5 1 Spare NumberA6 3 Cocktail Station A6.1 3 Speed Rail A6.2 3 Soda Gun Holder A7 1 Spare NumberA8 1 Hand Sink with Soap And A9 1 Spare NumberA10 1 Spare NumberA11 1 Dump Sink with Trash Chu A12 1 DrainboardA12.1 1 Speed Rail A13 1 Glasswasher A14 1 Spare NumberA15 1 Spare NumberA16 1 Blender StationA17 1 Back Bar Counter A18 2 Back Bar Cooler A19 1 Service Station A20 1 Service Station A20.1 1 Water Station With Pedest A21 4 POS System A22 1 Enomatic Wine DispenserA23 1 Beer System Conduit Exit A24 1 Soda System Conduit Exit A25 1 Sparkling Water Dispense A25.1 1 Water Carbonator/ChillerA25.2 1 Water Filtration SystemA25.3 1 Drip TrayA26 1 Service Station A27 1 POS System A28 1 Bussing Counter A28.1 1 Sink, Drop-in A29 1 Spare NumberA30 1 Spare NumberA31 1 Popcorn Popper A32 1 Wine RefrigeratorA33 1 Espresso Machine A33.1 1 Water Filtration SystemA34 1 Coffee Brewer A34.1 1 Water Filtration System SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"1Level 1 Equipment Plan 1 1 1 1 1 1 Raised seating areas will not be acceptedwithout an accessible route, IBC 1108.2.9requires all interior and exterior floorareas to be accessible within diningareas. You are demolishing them peryour demo plan and they are not shownas being replaced in the proposed floorplan, please clarify what is actuallyproposed and make sure that it is showncorrectly and consistently throughout theentire set. COPYRIGHT 2019 ROWLAND+BROUGHTON ARC THE INFORMATION AND DESIGN INTENT CON THE PROPERTY OF ROWLAND+BROUGHTON AR DESIGN. NO PART OF THIS INFORMATION MAY B WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ROWLAND+BROUGHT DESIGN. ROWLAND+BROUGHTON ARCHITECTU RETAIN ALL COMMON LAW STATUTORY AND OT INCLUDING COPYRIGHT THERETO. SHEET TITLE PROJECT NO: SCALE: 21808.00 5325 South Valentia Way, Green Phone 303 221 0500 Fax 303 2 www.ricca.com NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1/4" = 1'- Foodservice Pla QF40 07/07/17 Remove this notation from all applicable plans, we will not issue plans marked "not for construction". R+B RESPONSE REMOVED - SEE NEW RICCA DATED 2019-03-15 REV 1 R+B RESPONSE A0.5 FOR ADDED NOTES R+B RESPONSE SEE A7.1 FOR SECTION AND A0.5 R+B RESPONSE PLATFORMS ARE BEING REMOVED AND HAVE ADJ USTED THROUGH SET IN LIGHTING AND RICCA UPDATES ATTACHED 03/20/2019 From what I can tellonly the accessiblebar seating is shownon A0.5, 5% of allseating must beaccessible withcompliant approachesto be shown. Nowthat furniture is beingshown on the egressplan you have several spots where tables are shown in areas shaded as egress paths. Revise plan to clearly show your routes and approaches to all accessible seating clear of obstructions. Forward approaches at seats should always be shown tucked 17" into the table/bar to demonstrate you have compliant knee and toe clearance, please revise. EXHIBIT A - DAYLIGHTING EXEMPTION A2 OCCUPANY SIDE DAYLIGHT ZONES ARE EXEMPT SEE BELOW 03/20/2019