HomeMy WebLinkAboutFile Documents.975 Chatfield Rd.0224.2017 (59).ARBKCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT
Aribrstm is i known humin rannaarcnarrd K a Arbprnr, harard. Once ai,borne. asbesto+fibi,n pa slay wspendC-d in the nrfer d. ,
weeks, or �ntanths befs wrt4n Orn of these Thi, hhery Can ea.,tr become airborne grain tram a minor disturbance rite imrunit
ors an.tie w1daiOnt+. rj c malted a4b,YlOi dbaterrsta pr.^" or renphhrrn projects that 6Atu1b asbntoa may cap I.irMr asbcvt
haaards trs.t COutd Esc peOpte 10 asbc}tm m the f,ton-. 10,.6 after she rsn anon activity otturred_ The airherne asbcs[os fibre
m isntratans resuinng fn ra disturbarcl "n uh M a sigrihcant repos n, to the cunen[a0d ltrtureccrupenlsaf the home
The 19M "ban" an asbest�initc materiah is cornmanly miwr4arsipod In fart, in ]73i the U S. t f Occua mart of Apocal>
wsei trd much of ure sO� led gshCsto, fern AM phaSCnut Muir' and n- dosi Oto the EPA. I1 ,. much of the Ong,r,41989 EPA ban
an the U.S. maoufacturmP ra pft3W. pracrz•:tQ, or data evinan a t.arnmerte no ma" asbC ,, remaining product czleobeac)was
aside and DID NOT TAKE EFitCT. Therefore. AEE drmomw. mmttdi our fi,nMatian prgfcts must determine H daturtM rnum, tai
abo�me lnpytr kt"'is contains asbe;ms.
■ Yes ❑ No
Residential: Will you be removing more than 37 sq it, 50 linear feet Sc.g., pipe insulation), or the volume
equivalent at a S51alion drum of any matorial besides concrete. vrppd, bricks, or steel — examples are drywall,
Imoleum, ceiling ales, roaring materials, et[.'
0 yes Q NO
commercial: Will you be removing more than 160 sq ft, 260 linear feet (e.g., Poe insulation}, Or the volume
equivalent of a SS -gallon drum of any material besides concrete. wood, backs, or steel —examples are drywall,
linoleum, carpel, Wrpet adhcri: i. ceiling tiles, roofing matsnals, etc.?
If the ansvler is YES to any M the above, You will need an asbestostest before you can receive a building and/
or demolition perrriat- You will also need to provide plans indicating areas to be demolished and determine if a
Co state demolition license is required, A state cerrhed asbestos inspector must do this test and the test report
must be submitted with the building permit application_ If the ouilding has asbertos, a stale cerrifaed asbestos
abatement firm must remove it. After removal, the abatement hrm must provide a letter to the Building Division
stating that all the asbestos has been removed and that Ehe air is clean. This letter must be received BEFORE a
permd will be Issued. {See the local or statewide Ycliow Pages, DexOnl ine, or http-//www.edphestate.co.uslap{
asbestos/index.html for certfied asbestos inspectors and abatement companies. ALWAYS ask for proof of current
state certdicarion.l
If you arc demolishing the building, you must submit a demolmon permit aPP with the CDPWE in addition to the
Aspen permit app -This fwm may be found at haps:/Iwww.[oloradagov/pa[iB[/cdphelasbestos-forms NOT),:
A copy of this demolition permit app must he submitted with the initial building perms application. When the
CDPHE approves the app, their issued permit must be given to the Aspen Budding Dept before we issue out
1 hereby Certify that the above information is true and Ccomplete.
OwneKRB Real Estate ASSOC LLC _ Phone
Barry Bemsten Phone#215-351-1500
Applicant (print name)
Applicant 5lgnatur Date
Please call the OlNr of Aspen Environmental Health Department at 920- 939 at any time H you have questions
about asbestos, mterpreOnQ your test results- or other matters.
r'ITvnr ACDFi11.. ,---- I'zn C (:AI Git1A CT 1 aCPFIU rn Shit