HomeMy WebLinkAboutFile Documents.306 W Francis St.0065.2017 (7).ARBK FORUM PHI | CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PLAN 306 W FRANCIS ST. ASPEN, CO 81611 TABLE OF CONTENTS City of Aspen Received 04/24/17 Building Department 2 1.0 GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.1 PURPOSE 1.2 APPLICABLITY 1.3 DEFINITIONS AND TERMS 1.4 REFERENCES 2.0 PROJECT INTRODUCTION 2.1 DISTURBANCE AREA 2.2 LOCATION 2.3 DESCRIPTION 3.0 PROJECT DOCUMENTATION 3.1 PERMITS / OTHER DOCUMENTS 3.2 PUBLIC NOTIFICATION 3.3 PROJECT SIGN 3.4 CONTACT DESIGNATION 4.0 PROJECT IMPLEMENATION 4.1 DATES OF CONSTRUCTION 4.2 HOURS OF CONSTRUCTION 4.3 SEQUENCE (PHASING) OF CONSTRUCTION 4.4 ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS 4.5 PROJECT FENCING 4.6 PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE 4.7 NATURAL ENVIRONMENT 5.0 SITE AND RIGHT OF WAY MANAGEMENT 5.1 RIGHT OF WAY MANAGEMENT PLAN 5.2 EMERGENCY VEHILE ACCESS AND ORDINANCE 35 5.3 CONSTRUCTION PARKING DETAILS 5.4 STAGING AREAS 5.5 RIGHT OF WAY LIMIITATIONS 5.6 CONSTRUCTION TRAILER, MATERIAL STORAGE, AND WASTE MANAGEMENT 6.0 TRAFFIC CONTROL 6.1 GENERAL 6.2 HAUL ROUTES 6.3 ONSITE VEHICLE LIMITATIONS 6.4 DELIVERY REQUIREMENTS City of Aspen Received 04/24/17 Building Department 3 6.5 TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN 7.0 PEDESTRIAN PROTECTION 7.1 GENERAL 7.2 LIMITATIONS 8.0 SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS 8.1 REQUIREMENTS 8.2 SMUGGLER MOUNTAIN RESTRICTIONS 9.0 FUGITIVE DUST CONTROL FUGITIVE DUST CONTROL PLAN REQUIREMENTS 9.1 FUGITIVE DUST CONTROL PLAN 9.2 REQUIREMENTS 10. EMISSIONS 10.1 GENERAL 10.2 EMISSIONS FROM DIESEL POWERED ENGINES 11.0 NOISE SUPRESSION 11.1 GENERAL 11.2 NOISE SUPPRESSION PLAN 11.3 NOISE LIMITS AND SUPPRESSION REQUIREMENTS 11.4 NOISE LEVEL MEASUREMENTS 11.5 CONTINUNED NOISE MONITORING 11.6 SPECIFIC RESTRICTIONS RELATED TO MANUFACTURING ON SITE A – Required Project Sign B – Haul Route Map C – Construction Schedule – To be provided prior to construction City of Aspen Received 04/24/17 Building Department 4 1.0 GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this Construction Management Plan Manual is to provide a consistent policy under which certain physical aspects of construction management will be implemented. The elements contained in this document are related to the development process. It is intended that they apply to both public and private work designated herein. These standards cannot anticipate all situations. They are intended to assist, but not to substitute for competent work by design and construction professionals. The City of Aspen does not intend to limit any innovative or creative efforts that could result in better quality, greater cost savings, or both. Any proposed departure from the manual will be judged on the likelihood that such variance will produce a comparable result, adequate for the user and City resident over the duration of the improvement/project. If the project changes ownership or contracting services change, the City Engineering Department must be notified, and must agree to comply with an approved CMP in writing. Any departure from the approved CMP must be submitted in writing and approved by the City Engineer. The approved construction management plan must be kept onsite. 1.2 APPLICABILITY This manual shall govern the construction and development of all public and private construction projects in the City of Aspen. These regulations shall apply to all commercial, industrial, residential, and mixed use developments which disturb 1000 SF or greater or require demolition, improvement, or renovation (interior and/or exterior) of 400 SF or greater within any twelve-month period. DEFINITIONS AND TERMS Construction Management Plan – A Construction Management Plan is a combination of diagrams, documents, drawings, and specifications that clearly define the steps that will be taken to demonstrate how the impacts to the community will be minimized. How the impacts associated with any construction project will be managed. Herein described as “Plan” throughout the remainder of this policy. Construction Mitigation Officer – An appointed employee of the City of Aspen whose charge is to ensure that all aspects of a Construction Management Plan are followed, and to further ensure that the impacts associated with construction activities within the City of Aspen are effectively managed and impacts associated with those projects are the least necessary to accomplish the project. Disturbance Area – A portion of land where topsoil or native soils have been removed for purposes of construction (development) Best Management Practices (BMP’s) – Schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices, maintenance procedures, and other management practices to prevent or reduce the pollution of waters of the state. BMP’s also include treatment requirements, operating procedures, and practices to control site runoff, spillage or leaks, waste disposal, or drainage from material storage. City of Aspen Received 04/24/17 Building Department 5 Tree Dripline and Protection Zone - Use the longest branch of the tree as a radius from the center of the tree and make a circle. The circle is then defined as the dripline and thus is the tree protection zone. Final Stabilization – Uniform vegetative cover has been established with a density of at least 70 percent of pre-disturbed levels. REFRENCES City of Aspen Policy 205-A Right-Of-Way Permit Requirements City of Aspen Policy 204-A Revocable Encroachment License Application City of Aspen Construction and Mitigation Standards for Work in the Public Rights-of-Way City of Aspen Municipal Code Titles 13, 21, and 26 City of Aspen Ordinance 35 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways – 2003 Edition Colorado Department of Public Safety General Permit Part IB Colorado Department of Transportation M&S construction standards Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment – Air Pollution Control Division 2.0 PROJECT LOCATION 2.1 DISTURBANCE AREA The disturbance will include minimal areas on site, as this is an interior remodel. Soil disturbance shall be kept to a minimum. Construction staging and phasing shall occur, where applicable, to minimize disturbance to the surrounding neighborhood. 2.2 LOCATION – Vicinity Map (306 W Francis St., Aspen, CO 81611) City of Aspen Received 04/24/17 Building Department 6 2.3 DESCRIPTION The project consists of the interior renovation to a single family home at 306 W Francis St. 3.0 PROJECT DOCUMENTATION 3.1 PERMITS / OTHER DOCUMENTS This Construction Management Plan (CMP) is being submitted as required by the Permitting Process for the Building Permit. The following permits are planned to be applied for by Forum Phi Architects and subcontractors whom are awarded contracts in the future. As permits are deemed necessary and approved/issued, the CMP will be updated to include them. Building: Future Date Mechanical: Future Date Electrical: Future Date Plumbing: Future Date All applicable local, state, and federal licenses and permits that apply to the project will be maintained by the contractor. City of Aspen Received 04/24/17 Building Department 7 3.2 PUBLIC NOTIFICATION Neighbors within 300’ of the project will be notified of the project and given a list of Contractor’s personnel and contact information. Though no road closures are expected due to the nature of the project, the contractor will advise neighbors of closures at least 24 hours in advance. The first public notification will take place a minimum of 10 days prior to commencement of construction. It will be distributed directly to neighbors within a 300 foot radius of the project. It will include an invitation to a preconstruction meeting, a description of project phasing, and describe future hauling/staging operations. Monthly notifications/updates will be posted via on-site notices. Excavation is tentatively scheduled to begin September 1, 2017. The preconstruction meeting notice will be will be issued 10-15 days prior. The Notice shall designate a project representative, date, and time for a required preconstruction meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the project and summarize the project specific Construction Management Plan. The contractor and subcontractors are required to attend the meeting. Utility personnel, applicable City departments, the Roaring Fork Transit Authority, neighboring property owners, and the Aspen School District shall also be notified. 3.3 PROJECT SIGN A project sign will be posted so it is visible from the street. See Appendix A 3.4 CONTRACT DESIGNATION Owner: Contractor: Fullerton Trust TBD (970) 920-1145 Architect: Project Manager Steev Wilson Ryan Lee (970) 279-4109 (405) 314-5104 swilson@forumphi.com rlee@forumphi.com Police Department Fire Department (970) 920-5400 (970) 925-8484 Aspen Community Development Aspen Water Department (970) 920-5090 (970) 925-5110 Aspen Electric Department SourceGas (970) 920-5148 (970) 928-0403 City of Aspen Received 04/24/17 Building Department 8 Aspen Consolidated Sanitation EMERGENCY (970) 925-3601 911 4.0 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION 4.1 DATES OF CONSTRUCTION Start: September 1, 2017; Completed: December 1, 2017 A schedule will be provided prior to the start of construction. 4.2 HOURS OF CONSTRUCTION As required by City Ordinance, Construction hours will be limited to 7:30am-5:30pm Monday through Friday and 9:00am-5:00pm on Saturday. Construction activities will not be permitted on Sundays. The following days are denoted as Non-Working Days; Sundays 4th of July and Weekend Memorial Day Weekend, including Monday Labor Day Weekend Thanksgiving Day Christmas Holiday Season (as defined by COA) Food and Wine Festival (Friday thru Saturday) USA Pro Cycling Challenge Presidents Day 4.3 SEQUENCE (PHASING) OF CONSTRUCTION A construction schedule will be completed and submitted prior to the start of construction. 4.4 ADJOINING PROPERTIES No person shall excavate on land close enough to a property line to endanger any adjacent public street, sidewalk, and alley, other public or private property, or easement, without supporting and protecting the property from any damage that might result from construction operations. 4.5 PROJECT FENCING The project will be secured with a 12’-16’ high sound fence and lockable gate. See Appendix B 4.6 PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE City of Aspen Received 04/24/17 Building Department 9 Public health and welfare is central to the daily operations of the demolition and construction processes. 4.7 NATURAL ENVIRONMENT See Landscape plan for protective and preventive measures. 5.0 SITE AND RIGHT OF WAY MANAGEMENT 5.1 RIGHT OF WAY MANANGEMENT PLAN Not applicable for this project. 5.2 EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS AND ORDINANCE 35 We will maintain continuous access for Emergency Vehicles (Police, Fire, and Ambulance) on and around the project site. 5.3 CONSTRUCTION PARKING DETAILS Parking will occur in the driveway and on the street, we will purchase parking passes as needed. We will encourage our sub-contractors and employees to carpool. 5.4 STAGING AREAS All staging will occur inside the residence. 5.5 RIGHT OF WAY LIMITATIONS There is no sidewalk on the property and traffic is low. Any pedestrian ROW impacts will be planned ahead of time, communicated with neighbors and handled with pedestrian safety as the major concern. 5.6 CONSTRUCTION TRAILER, MATERIAL STORAGE, AND WASTE MANAGEMENT There will not be a jobsite trailer on site. As required, an on-site hazardous materials “Spill Kit” will be provided and maintained throughout the project. OSHA-compliant Rag Disposal Unit for oily, flammable, solvent-laden rags will be provided and maintained. 6.0 TRAFFIC CONTROL 6.1 GENERAL We will provide a certified traffic control supervisor as needed. Our onsite supervisor will coordinate all deliveries. 6.2 HAUL ROUTES City of Aspen Received 04/24/17 Building Department 10 We will haul all materials up W Francis Street, to N Third Street, to West Main St, and down valley following the official heavy haul map. 6.3 ONSITE VEHICLE LIMITATIONS The weight and size limitation of vehicles that will support the project site are 3 axle lumber delivery trucks and pickup trucks carrying the trash trailers. 6.4 DELIVERY REQUIREMENTS We estimate a maximum of two deliveries at a time. Delivery hours would be between 8:00am and 5:00pm M-F. Debris pickup and delivery times will be coordinated such that only one truck will be on-site at any given time. Delivery vehicles and all other on-site vehicles will not be allowed to idle for more than 5 minutes, (with the exception of generators or PTO type operations). 6.5 TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Our traffic control plan is located on our site plan showing where all deliveries and staging will occur 7.0 PEDISTRIAN PROTECTION 7.1 GENERAL Pedestrian protection will be a major concern throughout the project. Per City code 21.04.060, no temporary guardrails, pedestrian walkways, protective canopies, field offices, or similar items shall be constructed without approval by the City Engineering Department. 7.2 LIMITATIONS No limitations are anticipated due to the project location. 8.0 SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS 8.1 REQUIREMENTS Not applicable for this project. 8.2 SMUGGLER MOUNTAIN RESTRICTIONS Not applicable for this project. 9.0 FUGITIVE DUST CONTROL 9.1 FUGITIVE DUST CONTROL PLAN City of Aspen Received 04/24/17 Building Department 11 Hand sweeping with brooms and shovels, and visual check and removal of debris along the project entry areas will be completed on a daily basis. During excavation, site watering will be performed by automatic sprinkler system or water truck as required to control dust. All exposed soils will be wetted prior to movement and at the end of the work day to prevent dust. The area of disturbance is under the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to trigger permit requirements. 9.2 REQUIREMENTS The project’s Dust Prevention and Control Plan are as follows: Avoid unnecessary site disturbance During demolition operations if dry or deemed otherwise necessary a hose and spray nozzle will be used on site to mitigate airborne dust. Exported debris will be hauled off via covered dump trucks All areas directly surrounding the site will be maintained daily with thorough cleanings taking place every Friday afternoon. 10.0 EMISSIONS 10.1 GENERAL All vehicles and equipment used on site will be properly maintained such that the engines will function within manufacturer’s standards or parameters. 10.2 EMISSIONS FROM DIESEL POWERED ENGINES Emissions from diesel engines operated within the City of Aspen shall be of a shade or density no darker than 40% opacity, except for starting motion no longer than 10 seconds or for stationary operation not exceeding 10 seconds. 11. NOISE SUPRESSION 11.1 GENERAL The noise limit for construction is measured at the property line of the construction site. 12’-16’ sound fencing will be placed per the and additional mobile sound panels will be used at points of noise such as shoring and geothermal drilling operations. All construction equipment shall be adequately muffled and maintained to minimize project noise. 11.2 NOISE SUPPRESSION PLAN All activity that generates noise in excess of 80 decibels (65 decibels during the summer season) requires a noise suppression plan and is restricted to operation between the hours of 9am and 5pm Monday through Friday. City of Aspen Received 04/24/17 Building Department 12 11.3 NOISE LIMITS AND SUPPRESSION REQUIREMENTS We will comply with the noise limits and suppression requirements outlined in this section. 11.4 NOISE LEVEL MEASUREMENTS Noise level measurements will be made with a sound level meters using the “a” weighting scale set on “slow” response. Measurements will be taken at the property line of the site. The meters will be used according to manufacturer specifications. 11.5 CONTINUNED NOISE MONITORING In addition to the standard practice agreed to within the noise suppression plan, the table from the city of Aspen’s complete pack has been included in Appendix D – Noise Suppression Plan for quick contractor/subcontractor reference. 11.6 SPECIFIC RESTRICTIONS RELATED TO MANUFACTURING ON SITE. Considering that some structures will require an increase in the level of manufacturing of certain materials in order to complete the desired finish of the structure, additional restrictions will be placed on those activities. The primary concern is that extending the duration, for which neighbors are exposed to high levels of noise, could cause specific unwanted responses. In order to reduce those risk factors to neighboring properties all manufacturing efforts must be limited on site and when possible shall be conducted off site, or in such a manner as to not contribute to any long term noise impacts off of the property. Manufacturing activities that are in excess of 80 decibels must be accompanied by an Extended Impact Permit, this will require that the activity is enclosed completely and limited to 90 days in duration. Air exchange / venting systems shall be installed or otherwise supplied within the enclosure to provide a clean air source for laborers. The enclosure must be constructed in a manner which prevents noise and dust from escaping. This may be accomplished with the use of plastic sheeting to contain dust and a more dense and rigid material (ply wood, foam insulation boards) erected to contain sound. Noise levels will be measured at the property line, while facing the source of the sound, and shall not exceed 65 decibels during working operations. Activities will be considered manufacturing if alterations to a material that is readily available on the market are made in order for the material to meet the needs of the end user. An example of this would be masonry wall construction. If all of the stone was delivered as a rough cut product to the site, and each of the stones were to be cut square and fit into place. In this example the stone cutting is considered the manufacturing portion of the masonry wall, and should be conducted off site. This would allow the stones to be cut square and to the appropriate dimensions and additional work to fit the stones would be permitted on site. All work which requires a limited amount of additional manufacturing to achieve the desired finish (including fitting) shall be conducted between 9am and 5pm, and shall have an approved noise suppression plan on site, relating to the activity. City of Aspen Received 04/24/17 Building Department 13 APPENDIX A – SITE SIGN 24 X 36 Metal sign City of Aspen Received 04/24/17 Building Department E MAIN S T W MAI N S T E DURA N T A V E E HOP K I N S A V E GI B S O N A V E E COO P E R A V E W HAL L A M S T W BLE E K E R S T N THIRD STS ASPEN STW FRA N C I S S T N FIFTH STW HOP K I N S A V E N MILL STNORTH S T N SIXTH STW SMU G G L E R S T N FOURTH STS MONARCH STPARK AVES MILL STR E D M T N R D N FIRST STS ORIGINAL STLAKE AVEN SECOND STS GARMISCH STLO N E P I N E R D O A K L N S HUNTER STS WEST END STE BLEE K E R S T N SPRING STNEALE AVEVINE ST S FIRST STSHADY LNMIDLAND AVEE HYM A N A V E S GALENA STGILLESPIE AVE W HYM A N A V E DEAN S T KIN G S T RI O G R A N D E P LN EIGHTH STS SPRUCE STMA P L E L N PARK CIRN GARMISCH STRACE STE HALL A M S T WATER S A V EN ASPEN STS THIRD STN SPRUCE ST TEAL CTA J A X A V ENICHOLAS LN W COO P E R A V E JUAN S T WILLIAMS WYASPEN MTN R DPUPPY SM ITH ST QUEEN ST CLEVELAND STLACET LN FOUN D E R S P L A C E C O T T O NW O O D L N S RIVERSIDE AVEN SEVENTH STPEARL CT SOUTH AVE SUMMI T S T GILBE R T S TS FIFTH STS SIXTH STW NO R T H S T S FOURTH STS SPRING STN RIVERSIDE AVES SPRING STDEAN S T S GALENA STN SEVENTH STP A R K C I R DEAN S TS MILL STASPEN MTN RDMap prepared by Engineering and GIS Department City of Aspen, CO 81611 May 4,2007 0 600300 Feet Legend Designated Heavy Haul Route Roads Parcels City Boundary OFFICIAL HEAVY HAUL ROUTE MAP PROJECT SITE 306 W FRANCIS ST. City of Aspen Received 04/24/17 Building Department