HomeMy WebLinkAboutFile Documents.395 Thunderbowl Ln.0153.2017 (8).ARBKThe permit processing time is stopped on this review and will not begin again until all of the issues are addressed and the corrections are submitted. The review will queue with other permits being processed beginning at the date of resubmission. Date: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 To: David Johnston Email: david@djarchitects.com Phone: 970 925 3444 From: Molly Somes, Plan Review Technician, City of Aspen Parks and Recreation Dept. Phone (970)920-5582, Fax (970)920-5128, molly.somes@cityofaspen.com Permit Coordinator: Ben Chase (970)429-2763 ben.chase@cityofaspen.com Project Address: 395 Thunderbowl Ln Permit Number: 0153.2017.ARBK Owner’s Name: Aspen Extreme II, LLC Type of Construction: New Single Family Residence The attached corrections are required to be addressed. Revise and redraw the plans to clearly respond to the attached comments and resubmit this comment letter with your written response to each comment on this list. Indicate which detail or specification page shows the required information.Provide both a physical copy and a digital Word doc. Plan corrections cannot be made on the blueprints (e.g., red-lined). All changes must be made to the originals prior to making prints. Responses such as “will comply with code” are not adequate. Revised drawings must clearly show code compliance. If you have any questions specifically regarding the comments below, please feel free to contact me directly. If you have questions regarding the status of your permit in the queue or general permitting questions, please contact your Permit Coordinator. When all items from all agencies have been addressed regarding the comments below, call 970-920- 5090 to schedule a required appointment for re-submittal with your Permit Coordinator. You will be required to bring a copy of this letter with ALL responses and required documentation. If all items listed have not been addressed, the resubmittal will be deemed incomplete, and will not be accepted. Building plan check is only one part of the often complex process by which projects are reviewed for approval. These parts are interrelated and are sometimes conflicting. It is ultimately the applicant’s responsibility to coordinate these requirements. 04/24/2018 395 Thunderbowl Ln - WEL Comments 2 Page:1 Author:mollys Date:1/29/2018 5:09:03 PM File Name: IRRIGATION.395 THUNDERBOWL.2018.01.16.pdf Buffalo grass is a very low water use grass. Please update plant factor to reflect this in zone 1. 1 (4) Page:1 Author:mollys Date:1/29/2018 5:46:05 PM File Name: IRRIGATION.395 THUNDERBOWL.2018.01.16.pdf Rain garden plants indicated are low water use plants. please reflect this in the calculation sheet for zone 15. Page:1 Author:mollys Date:1/29/2018 5:54:35 PM File Name: IRRIGATION.395 THUNDERBOWL.2018.01.16.pdf Aspens and blue spruce are medium water use plants. Plan indicates irrigation limited to establishment period of 3 - 5 years. This puts the hydrozone at a low water use type. Please change plant water use type and factor to reflect this. Page:1 Author:mollys Date:1/29/2018 5:20:05 PM File Name: IRRIGATION.395 THUNDERBOWL.2018.01.16.pdf Zone 2, 4, and 5 trees and shrubs are medium water use. Update Plant Factors Page:2 Author:mollys Date:1/29/2018 5:41:07 PM File Name: IRRIGATION.395 THUNDERBOWL.2018.01.16.pdf Will these garden areas have plants indicated on sheet Z.02B? or are they just the dogwood shrub and aspen tree indicated? if additional plants are desired please ensure irrigation is sufficient to establish entire bed. 2 (2) Buffalo grass is avery low water usegrass. Please updateplant factor to reflectthis in zone 1. Rain garden plantsindicated are lowwater use plants. please reflect this in the calculation sheetfor zone 15. Aspens and blue spruce aremedium water use plants.Plan indicates irrigationlimited to establishmentperiod of 3 - 5 years. Thisputs the hydrozone at a lowwater use type. Pleasechange plant water use typeand factor to reflect this. Zone 2, 4, and 5 trees and shrubs aremedium water use. Update Plant Factors Will these garden areashave plants indicated onsheet Z.02B? or are theyjust the dogwood shruband aspen tree indicated?if additional plants aredesired please ensureirrigation is sufficient toestablish entire bed. Irrigation plans to change Zone A1 to "Very Low Water Use" Arch to change Zone 2 to "Very Low" changeto(Z.02a) Irrigation plans to change Zone a15 to "Low Water Use" Arch to change Zone 3 to "Low" change to (Z.02a) Irrigation plans to change Zone 6 to "Low" Irrigation plans to change Zones 2,4, 5 to "Medium" DJA Arch plans have been revised to show dogwood shrubs and aspen trees only. (Z.02b) 04/24/2018 Page:2 Author:mollys Date:1/29/2018 5:41:02 PM File Name: IRRIGATION.395 THUNDERBOWL.2018.01.16.pdf Will these garden areas have plants indicated on sheet Z.02B? or are they just the dogwood shrub and aspen tree indicated? If additional plants are desired please ensure irrigation is sufficient to establish entire bed. Page:3 Author:mollys Date:1/29/2018 5:54:04 PM File Name: ARCHITECTURAL.395 THUNDERBOWL.2018.01.16.pdf Please update grading per grading and drainage plan. Including location of scour stop culvert outlets. 3 (1) Page:4 Author:mollys Date:1/29/2018 5:53:42 PM File Name: ARCHITECTURAL.395 THUNDERBOWL.2018.01.16.pdf Missing information for water efficient landscaping standards review: 1. Planting and hydrozone plan for greenroofs. 2. signed statement of compliance. (Water Efficient Landscaping Standard 5.5.12 3. proposed grading updated from civil plans. 4 (4) Page:4 Author:mollys Date:1/29/2018 5:56:15 PM File Name: ARCHITECTURAL.395 THUNDERBOWL.2018.01.16.pdf Owner is responsible for the care and maintenance of the vegetated right of way. Please include re-vegetation plan. You may either protect existing vegetation from damage during construction phase, or re-vegetate after construction is complete. Supplemental irrigation may be required for establishment. Please coordinate and indicate plan of action with Parks landscape plan review technician, Molly Somes. Page:4 Author:mollys Date:1/29/2018 5:24:26 PM File Name: ARCHITECTURAL.395 THUNDERBOWL.2018.01.16.pdf Plant list on sheet Z.o2B indicates low water use plants. Will these garden areas haveplants indicated on sheet Z.02B? orare they just the dogwood shruband aspen tree indicated? Ifadditional plants are desired pleaseensure irrigation is sufficient toestablish entire bed. DRAWING ISSUELOT 7 THUNDERBOWL 395 Thunderbowl Lane, Aspen, COSHEET No. DRAWN BY:PROJECT No: 1605RH PERMIT SETDRB SET ASPEN STAMPS PERMIT RESUBMITTAL 1 119 S Spring StSuite 203Aspen, CO 81611 970-925-3444 All ideas, designs, arrangements and plansindicated or represented by this drawing are Z.02 BUILDING FOOTPRINTAND GRADING PLAN owned by and are the property of David JohnstonArchitects, PC and developed for use and inconjunction with the specified project. Noneof the ideas, designs, arrangements or plansshall be used by or disclosed for any purposewhatsoever without the written authorizationof David Johnston Architects, PC. 07/13/201705/18/2017 01/16/2018 SHEET No. 1UP -15.3% -20.1%8248.0 9 8246 .6 9 8245.6 88250(E)8244(E)8245(E) BUILDIN G ENVELO P ELOT 70.693 ACRESLOT 8LOT 6FRONT SETBACKEDG E OF PAVE M E N T BUILDING ENVELOPE5' ACTIVITY ENVELOPEPRIVATE SKI EASEMENT & 10' SEWER EASEMENT10' ACTIVIT Y EASEM E N T 5' ACTI V I T Y ENV E L O P E 10' ACTIVITY EASEMENTBUILDING ENVELOPEBUI L D I N G EN V E L O P E NMAIN LEVELEXTERIOR PA TIO ENTRYAUTOCOURT RAINGARDENEXTERIOR PATIOYENTRY UPP EXTERIOR PATIO PROPOS ED LOCAT ION OFUTILI TY M ETER S AND S HUT-O FFS TEMPORARY DRIPLIN E TO A LL TREES T.O. WA L L 825 2 ' T.O. WA L L 824 8 ' T.O. WALL 8255 'T.O. WAL L8250' T.O. WALL8250'T.O. WAL L8248 'PROPERTY BOUNDARYPRO P E R T Y BOU N D A R Y PROPERY BOUNDARY THUNDERBOWL LANEROOF ABOVEROOF AB OVEROOF ABO VE ROOF ABO VE ROOF ABOVE ROOF ABOVE 111118237(E)8236(E)8236(N )824782468245 8246(E)8247(E)8248(E)8249(E)8251(E )8252(E)8253(E)8254(E)8255(E)8243(E)8242(E)8241(E)8240(E )8239(E)8238(E)8245(N)8244(N)8243(N)8242(N)8241(N)8240(N)8239(N )8238(N )8237(N)82 4 6 (N)8247(N)8248(N)8249(N)8250(N)8251(N)8252(N)8246 8247 8253(N)8254(N)8255(N)8256(N)8257(N)8258(N)82252(N)82 5 1(N)8250 (N)8249(N)8248(N)8245111118244(E)8245(E)MAINLLEVEL8246(E)SITE 8,245' = ARCH 100'-0"SCALE = 1" = 10'-0" 1/16/18NDLaneUderbPlease updategrading per gradingand drainage plan.Including location ofscour stop culvertoutlets. ROOF ABOV Missing information for water efficient landscaping standards review: 1. Planting and hydrozone plan for greenroofs.2. signed statement of compliance. (Water Efficient Landscaping Standard 5.5.12 3. proposed grading updated from civil plans. DRAWING ISSUELOT 7 THUNDERBOWL 395 Thunderbowl Lane, Aspen, COSHEET No. DRAWN BY:PROJECT No: 1605RH PERMIT SETDRB SET ASPEN STAMPS PERMIT RESUBMITTAL 1 119 S Spring StSuite 203Aspen, CO 81611 970-925-3444 All ideas, designs, arrangements and plansindicated or represented by this drawing are Z.02A HYDROZONE ANDPLANTING PLAN owned by and are the property of David JohnstonArchitects, PC and developed for use and inconjunction with the specified project. Noneof the ideas, designs, arrangements or plansshall be used by or disclosed for any purposewhatsoever without the written authorizationof David Johnston Architects, PC.X:\Projects\Aspen\'16 Projects\1605 - Lot 7 Thunderbowl\DWG\2017-07-13 1605 - LOT 7 THUNDERBOWL - PERMIT SET - RESPONSES TO COMMENTS - RESUBMITTAL.pln | 3:52 PM | Monday, January 15, 201807/13/201705/18/2017 01/16/2018 SHEET No. 1 -15.3% -20.1%MAIN LEVE L EXTERIO R PATIO ENTR YAUTOCOUR T RAINGARDENEXTER IO R PATIO YENTR Y EXTERIO R PATIO 10'-0"5'-0"PROPO SED LOC AT IO N OFUTILIT Y METERSAND SHUT-OFFS TEM PORA RY DR IP LINE TO A LL TREES T.O. WALL8252' T.O. WALL8248'T.O. WALL8255' T.O. WALL 825 0 ' T.O. WALL 8250 'T.O. WALL 8248 'ROOF AB OV E ROOF ABO VEROOF ABO VE ROOF ABOV E ROOF ABOVE ROOF ABOVE SUN DECIDUOUS TREE SUN EVERGREEN TREE PART SHADE DECIDUOUS SHRUB SUN DECIDUOUS SHRUB PLANT LEGEND: NOTE: SEE DETAILED PLANT LIST AND SEED SPECIFICATIONS AT SHEET Z.02A LANDSCAPE BOULDERS ZONE 4 - HARDSCAPE (non-pervious) MATERIAL LEGEND: ZONE 2 - MOWED NATIVE GRASS = LOW WATER USE (1827 SF) ZONE 3 - NATIVE GRASS & WILD FLOWER SEED= LOW WATER USE (16,074 SF) ZONE 1 - GARDEN AREAS = HIGH WATER USE (2699 sf) ZONE 5 - GREEN ROOFS - NATIVE GRASS & WILD FLOWER SEED = LOW WATER USE (1,700 SF)(SEE ARCHITECTURAL ROOF PLAN) NOTE: SEE DETAILED PLANT LIST AND SEED SPECIFICATIONS AT SHEET Z.02A NOTE:SEE MAIN LEVEL RCP PLAN FOR EXTERIOR LIGHTINGLAYOUT NOTE:The Plant Water Use Category (listed in the materiallegend) used to calculate the Irrigation Water Budgetshould be selected from the plant list provided in the"Green Industry Best Management Practices (BMPs)for the Conservation and Protection of WaterResources in Colorado: Moving TowardSustainability" Appendix E, Third Release, May 2008.Aspen is located in the "West Slope" category.1/16/18NDLanUderb Owner is responsible for the care and maintenance of thevegetated right of way. Please include re-vegetation plan. You mayeither protect existing vegetation from damage during constructionphase, or re-vegetate after construction is complete. Supplementalirrigation may be required for establishment. Please coordinate andindicate plan of action with Parks landscape plan reviewtechnician, Molly Somes. 119 S S Suit Aspen, C 970-9 SUN DECIDUOUS TREE PLANT LEGEND: LANDSCAPE BOULDERS ZONE 4 - HARDSCAPE (non-pervious) MATERIAL LEGEND: ZONE 2 - MOWED NATIVE GRASS = LOW WATER USE (1827 SF) ZONE 3 - NATIVE GRASS & WILD FLOWER SEED= LOW WATER USE (16,074 SF) ZONE 1 - GARDEN AREAS = HIGH WATER USE (2699 sf) ZONE 5 - GREEN ROOFS - NATIVE GRASS & WILD FLOWER SEED = LOW WATER USE (1,700 SF) (SEE ARCHITECTURAL ROOF PLAN) NOTE: SEE DETAILED PLANT LIST AND SEED SPECIFICATIONS AT SHEET Z.02A R EXTERIOR LIGHTING Plant list on sheetZ.o2B indicates lowwater use plants. Note has been added: "Areas within right of way that are altered or damaged during construction are to be re-vegetated to existing conditions". (Z.02) Note has been added to Irrigation plans indicating source of irrigation for re-vegetation of right of way. Note has been revised to "very low" (Z.02b) Grading has been updated per grading and drainage plan and scour stop has been shown. (Z.02) 1. Zone 5 - Green Roof is indicated on sheet Z.02A The Material legend has note referring to Architectural Roof Plan. 2. Separate statement of compliance has been provided for Hydrozone planting plan. 3. Proposed grading has been updated from Civil Plans (Z.02) DJA Arch plans have been revised to show dogwood shrubs and aspen trees only. (Z.02b) 04/24/2018 Page:4 Author:mollys Date:1/29/2018 4:41:20 PM File Name: ARCHITECTURAL.395 THUNDERBOWL.2018.01.16.pdf Please indicate stormwater infrastructure at the surface and grading for entire site. Most notably for this area feeding into the rain garden. Page:5 Author:mollys Date:1/29/2018 1:40:05 PM File Name: ARCHITECTURAL.395 THUNDERBOWL.2018.01.16.pdf Remember, soil inspections prior to installation of plant material may be conducted by the City of Aspen as deemed necessary and shall include a review of adherence to all criteria and performance standards. Written verification of approved soil amendment type and volume is required at inspection. 5 (2) Page:5 Author:mollys Date:1/29/2018 2:02:41 PM File Name: ARCHITECTURAL.395 THUNDERBOWL.2018.01.16.pdf minimum 4 inch depth for organic mulch. Page:40 Author:mollys Date:1/29/2018 4:14:28 PM File Name: ARCHITECTURAL.395 THUNDERBOWL.2018.01.16.pdf Please indicate depth of growing media. 40 (2) Page:40 Author:mollys Date:1/29/2018 4:13:30 PM File Name: ARCHITECTURAL.395 THUNDERBOWL.2018.01.16.pdf Please indicate depth of growing media. DRAWING ISSUELOT 7 THUNDERBOWL 395 Thunderbowl Lane, Aspen, COSHEET No. DRAWN BY:PROJECT No: 1605RH PERMIT SETDRB SET ASPEN STAMPS PERMIT RESUBMITTAL 1 119 S Spring StSuite 203Aspen, CO 81611 970-925-3444 All ideas, designs, arrangements and plansindicated or represented by this drawing are ZA HYDROZONE ANDPLANTING PLAN owned by and are the property of David JohnstonArchitects, PC and developed for use and inconjunction with the specified project. Noneof the ideas, designs, arrangements or plansshall be used by or disclosed for any purposewhatsoever without the written authorizationof David Johnston Architects, PC. 07/13/201705/18/2017 01/16/2018 SHEET No. 1 -15.3% -20.1%MAIN LEVEL EXTER IOR PA TIO ENTRYAUTOCOURT RAINGARDENEXTERIOR PATIO YENTRYEXTER IOR PATIO 10'-0"5'-0"PROPO SED LOCA TION O FUTILI TY MET ERSAND SHUT -OFFS T.O. WALL 8252 ' T.O. WALL 8248 'T.O. WALL8255'T.O. WALL8250'T.O. WALL 8250 'T.O. WALL8248'ROOF ABO VE ROOF A BOVEROOF AB OVE ROOF ABOV E ROOF ABOVE ROOF ABOVE SUN DECIDUOUS TREE SUN EVERGREEN TREE PART SHADE DECIDUOUS SHRUB SUN DECIDUOUS SHRUB PLANT LEGEND: NOTE: SEE DETAILED PLANT LIST AND SEED SPECIFICATIONS AT SHEET Z.02A LANDSCAPE BOULDERS ZONE 4 - HARDSCAPE (non-pervious) MATERIAL LEGEND: ZONE 2 - MOWED NATIVE GRASS = LOW WATER USE (1827 SF) ZONE 3 - NATIVE GRASS & WILD FLOWER SEED= LOW WATER USE (16,074 SF) ZONE 1 - GARDEN AREAS = HIGH WATER USE (2699 sf) ZONE 5 - GREEN ROOFS - NATIVE GRASS & WILD FLOWER SEED = LOW WATER USE (1,700 SF)(SEE ARCHITECTURAL ROOF PLAN) NOTE: SEE DETAILED PLANT LIST AND SEED SPECIFICATIONS AT SHEET Z.02A NOTE:SEE MAIN LEVEL RCP PLAN FOR EXTERIOR LIGHTINGLAYOUT NOTE:The Plant Water Use Category (listed in the materiallegend) used to calculate the Irrigation Water Budgetshould be selected from the plant list provided in the"Green Industry Best Management Practices (BMPs)for the Conservation and Protection of WaterResources in Colorado: Moving TowardSustainability" Appendix E, Third Release, May 2008.Aspen is located in the "West Slope" category.1/16/18NDLaneUderbPlease indicatestormwaterinfrastructure at thesurface and gradingfor entire site. Mostnotably for this areafeeding into the raingarden. Remember, soil inspections prior to installation of plant material may be conductedby the City of Aspen as deemed necessary and shall include a review of adherenceto all criteria and performance standards. Written verification of approved soilamendment type and volume is required at inspection. minimum 4 inch depth for organic mulch. DRAWIN LOPERMIT SE DRB SET ASPEN STAMPS PERMIT RE1 SEE INTERIOR SPECIFICATIONS FOR FINISH MATERIAL PLYWOOD - S.S.D. VEGETATION - S.L.D. GARDNET INFILLED W/ LITETOP MEDIAGROWING MEDIA - S.L.D. GARDNET ST STL TENDONS HYDRODRAIN STYROFOAM HYDROTECH'S MM 6125 EV-FR ROOFING MEMBRANE HYDROFLEX RB REEN ROOF orming a minimum when cooled or pt. activator um 1/16-inch thick thickness, applied /ft2 over one layer of B", Confil "D689H", or Styrofoam panels Please indicate depth of growing media. VEGETATION - S.L.D. LITE TOP GROWING MEDIA SYSTEM FILTER GARDENDRAIN GR30 STYROFOAM HYDROTECH'S MM 6125 EV-FR ROOFING MEMBRANE HYDROFLEX 30 ROOT STOP orming a minimum when cooled or pt. activator um 1/16-inch thick thickness, applied ft2 over one layer of B", Confil "D689H", or Styrofoam panels Please indicate depth of growing media. Stormwater Infrastructure at the surface and grading has been added for entire site. Refer to Z.02 for gading. Arch drawing, Zone 2 has been revised from "Buffalo Grass" to "Fine Fescue" Noted Note has been changed to indicate 4" depth. (Z.02b) Note has been added to indicate 6" growing media depth (A7.5) Note has been added to indicate 6" growing media depth (A7.5) 04/24/2018