HomeMy WebLinkAboutFile Documents.COACH RD.0079.2018 (7).ARBK0079.2018.ARBK_BuildingComments_1 Page: A101-SITE PLAN File Name: A_ARCHITECTURAL.pdf Author: bonniem Subject: PlanCheck Color: Show required handrails at all exterior stairways with four or more risers. R311.7.8 A_ARCHITECTURAL.pdf (18) Page: A201-BUILDING GROSS AREA File Name: A_ARCHITECTURAL.pdf Author: bonniem Subject: PlanCheck Color: Add gross floor area information for the ADU building. Page: A300a-CRAWLSPACE PLAN EAST File Name: A_ARCHITECTURAL.pdf Author: bonniem Subject: PlanCheck Color: Show access panel for this portion of the crawl space 2015 IRC R408.4 Page: A304a-ROOF PLAN | EAST File Name: A_ARCHITECTURAL.pdf Author: bonniem Subject: R308.6 Skylight Color: Note the skylight materials, including the thickness of the interlayer. 2015 IRC R308.6 requires a minimum 0.03" polyvinylbutryal interlayer, unless the skylight is 16sqft or less and is less than 12' above the interior floor, then it may have a 0.015" pvb interlayer. Provide a detail of the curb (minimum height 4"). Page: A304a-ROOF PLAN | EAST File Name: A_ARCHITECTURAL.pdf Author: bonniem Subject: PlanCheck Color: Show locations for roof drains. R903.4 EL. 99'-9" [7779.75'] 100'-0" [7780.0'] 102'-6" [7782.5'] 7768 7769 7770 777177727773777477757677777778777977807781778277837784778577907767BUIL DI N G ENVEL OP E 77807781DNUPUP DN BUILDING ENVELOPE GARAGE ENTRY U UP T.O. LOWER (STORAGE) LEVEL MAIN LEVEL F.F.VE) T.O. MAIN LEVEL F.F. T.O. GARAGE LEVEL F.F. '-9" [7791.75'] 15' TOP OF SLOPE SETBAC K SINGLE FAMILYRESIDENCE88'-0" [7780.0']7780T.O. LOWER LEVEL F.F. EL. 99'-9" [7779.75'] 100'-0" [7780.0'] 102'-6" [7782.5'] 7768 7769 7770 777177727773777477757677777778777977807781778277837784778577907767BUIL DI N G ENVEL OP E 77807781DNUPUP DN BUILDING ENVELOPE GARAGE ENTRY U UP T.O. LOWER (STORAGE) LEVEL MAIN LEVEL F.F.VE) T.O. MAIN LEVEL F.F. T.O. GARAGE LEVEL F.F. '-9" [7791.75'] 15' TOP OF SLOPE SETBAC K SINGLE FAMILYRESIDENCE Show required handrails at all exterior stairways with four or more risers. R311.7.8 Add gross floor area information for the ADU building. DATEREVISIONS WWW.ZONE4ARCHITECTS.COM ACC FINAL SITEPLAN REVIEWZ4A 02.28.2018 PERMIT SETZ4A 03.30.2018 BY THORIZATION.PART OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE USED OR COPIED WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ZONE 4 ARCHITECTS LLC. ZONE 4 ARCHITECTS LLC. SHALL RETAIN ALL COMMON LAW STATUTORY AND ALL OTHER RESERVED RIGHTS, INCLUDING COPYRIGHT THERETO. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED| | B A R X R E S I D E N C E110 + 112 COACH ROADASPEN, CO 8161112'-6"12'-6"12'-6"12'-6"7'-8 3/4"4'-3 1/4"5'-6"21'10'EL. + 81'- 4" [7761.33']T.O. CONC. CRAWLSPACE 01A50401A503 02A401 OUTLINE OFSTRUCTURE ABOVE OUTLINE OF RECESSEDFLOOR ABOVE ACCESS PANEL ABOVE CONCRETEFOUNDATION WALL,RE: STRUCT. OUTLINE OF RECESSEDPATIO ABOVE 4 H J K L M 2 3 6 5 1 Show access panel forthis portion of thecrawl space 2015 IRCR408.4 "19'-1"Note the skylight materials, including the thickness of the interlayer. 2015 IRC R308.6 requires a minimum 0.03" polyvinylbutryal interlayer, unless the skylight is 16sqft or less and is less than 12' above the interior floor, then it may have a 0.015" pvb interlayer. Provide a detail of the curb (minimum height 4"). Date Scale Draw Z4A Z4A OUTLINE OF WINE DECKBELOW Show locations for roof drains. R903.4 Page: A401a-ELEVATIONS File Name: A_ARCHITECTURAL.pdf Author: bonniem Subject: PlanCheck Color: Handrail required, four or more risers R311.7.8 Page: A401a-ELEVATIONS File Name: A_ARCHITECTURAL.pdf Author: bonniem Subject: PlanCheck Color: Window 03 is required to be a tempered R308.4.3 Page: A401a-ELEVATIONS File Name: A_ARCHITECTURAL.pdf Author: bonniem Subject: PlanCheck Color: Show utility meter locations in elevation. Must comply with Black Hills Energy meter location requirements for distance from openings. Page: A402-ELEVATIONS File Name: A_ARCHITECTURAL.pdf Author: bonniem Subject: PlanCheck Color: Window 12 required to be tempered R308.4.3 Page: A402-ELEVATIONS File Name: A_ARCHITECTURAL.pdf Author: bonniem Subject: PlanCheck Color: Window 67 required to be tempered R308.4.3 03 Handrail required, four or more risers R311.7.8 A803 01A803 03 01 T Window 03 is required to be a tempered R308.4.3 Show utility meter locations in elevation. Must comply with Black Hills Energy meter location requirements for distance from openings. 30' [MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT]EL. 114'- 3" [77 EL. 100'- 0" [77 EL. 102'- 6" [77 EL. 88'- 0" [776 EL. 95'- 0" [777 12 13 67 1416 15 T.O. F.F. UP T.O. F.F. EN T.O. F.F. GA T.O. F.F. LO STEEL PLAT T.O. WALLVERI MANUF EXISTING G FINISH GRA FOUNDATIO RE: STRUCT RETAINING W RE: STRUCT 36" HIGH GL 2015 IRC R3 1 3 5/812 T T Window 12 required to be tempered R308.4.3 30' [MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT]E 67 T 30EX LI TE ST M EL Window 67 required to be tempered R308.4.3 Page: A403a-ELEVATIONS File Name: A_ARCHITECTURAL.pdf Author: bonniem Subject: PlanCheck Color: Window fall protection required at windows 25, 27, 29, 31 per R312.2 Page: A403b-ELEVATIONS File Name: A_ARCHITECTURAL.pdf Author: bonniem Subject: PlanCheck Color: Window 48, 46 required to be tempered due to proximity to tub R308.4.3 Page: A504-SECTION File Name: A_ARCHITECTURAL.pdf Author: bonniem Subject: R408.4 Crawlspace access Color: Provide access to this section of crawlspace per 2015 IRC R408.4. Page: A504-SECTION File Name: A_ARCHITECTURAL.pdf Author: bonniem Subject: PlanCheck Color: Air barrier details on A504 only address the framed wall conditions. Provide details and/or plan notes for how the air barrier continuity will be maintained at the mass wall locations. Page: A601-DETAILS File Name: A_ARCHITECTURAL.pdf Author: bonniem Subject: PlanCheck Color: REScheck calls for R-20 cavity insulation. Detail 5/A601 shows R-13 for the house. Revise one or the other so that they correlate. 11A604 30' [MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT]EL. 114'- 3" [7794.25'] EL. 100'- 0" [7780.00'] EL. 102'- 6" [7782.50'] EL. 88'- 0" [7768.00'] EL. 82'- 6 1/4" [7762.52'] EL. 90'- 6" [7770.50'] EL. 95'- 0" [7775.00'] EL. 81'- 4" [7761.33'] 2931 32 30 27 25 28 2633 T.O. F.F. UPPER LEVEL T.O. F.F. ENTRY LEVEL T.O. F.F. GARAGE LEVEL T.O. F.F. LOWER LEVEL 30' HEIGHT LIMIT ABOVEEXISTING GRADE BEYOND LIVING ROOM FLUETERMINATION T.O. CONC. CRAWLSPACE T.O. WALL T.O. WALL T.O. CONC. CRAWLSPACE EXISTING GRADE BEYOND FINISH GRADE FOUNDATION BEYOND,RE: STRUCT. CRAWLSPACE BEYOND GRILLE AT WALL BEYOND,RE: MECH RETAINING WALL,RE: STRUCT. 1 3 1 TTTTT TTT T T T T 01 SOUTH ELEVATION 1/4" Window fall protectionrequired at windows25, 27, 29, 31 perR312.2 46 4448 49 47 45 Window 48, 46 required to be tempered due to proximity to tub R308.4.3 W-1 01 SE Provide access to this section of crawlspace per 2015 IRC R408.4. 10A603 11A604 06A603 30' [MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT]EL. 114'- 3" [7794.25'] EL. 88'- 0" [7768.00'] EL. 100'- 0" [7780.00'] EL. 81'- 4" [7761.33'] EL. 113'- 11 3/4" 30' HEIGHT LIMIT ABOVEEXISTING GRADE T.O. F.F. UPPER LEVEL T.O. F.F. ENTRY LEVEL T.O. F.F. LOWER LEVEL LIVING ROOM102 OUTDOORPATIO CRAWLSPACE BEYOND T.O. CONC. CRAWLSPACE T.O. PLATE SIM SIM EXISTING GRADE FINISH GRADE BEYOND FINISH GRADE STEEL PLATE CANOPY BEYOND FOUNDATION BEYOND. RE: STRUCT. 01A601W-2 W-3 W-1 F-4 R-1 F-2 F-1 W-3 5/812 01 SECTION - D [NORTH-SOUTH] 1/4" = 1'-0" Air barrier details onA504 only address theframed wallconditions. Provide details and/or plannotes for how the airbarrier continuity willbe maintained at themass wall locations. DATEREVISIONS WWW.ZONE4ARCHITECTS.COM ACC FINAL SITEPLAN REVIEWZ4A 02.28.2018 PERMIT SETZ4A 03.30.2018 BY PRIOR WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION.CHITECTS LLC. NO PART OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE USED OR COPIED WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ZONE 4 ARCHITECTS LLC. ZONE 4 ARCHITECTS LLC. SHALL RETAIN ALL COMMON LAW STATUTORY AND ALL OTHER RESERVED RIGHTS, INCLUDING COPYRIGHT THERETO. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED| | B A R X R E S I D E N C E110 + 112 COACH ROADASPEN, CO 81611NOTE:1. REFER TO SOILS REPORT FORDETAILED INFORMATIONREGARDING THE FOUNDATIONWALL DRAIN (INCLUDINGRETAINING WALLS) AND SLAB ONGRADE DRAIN SYSTEM. (ANUNDERDRAIN WILL BE REQUIRED.)2. PER SOILS REPORT,GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER TO BEPROVIDED WITH SITE GRADINGPLANS FOR THEIR REVIEW PRIORTO CONSTRUCTION. INTERIOR EXTERIOR W-1/2 F-1 SLIP JOINT WITH SEALANT KEY AS REQUIRED PER STRUCT. PER FLOOR PLAN+ STRUCT.7 1/4"5/8"EL. + RE: FLOOR PLAN WOOD BASEBOARD,REFER TO INTERIORS FORWOOD SPECIES + FINISH,THICKNESS TO MATCH FACEOF WALL FINISH T.O. F.F.FACE OF WALL FINI AND BASEBORDTO BE FLUSHCT.4"RE: STRUCT EXT. CONCRETE FINISH WALL RIGID INSULATION(R-20 / MASS WALL) CONCRETE STRUCTURAL WALLWITH FINISHED EXTERIOR NOTE:EXTERIOR + INTERIOR FINISHES,CONCRETE TEXTURE, ETC. TO BEAPPROVED BY ARCHITECT PERSAMPLES PROVIDED BY G.C. NOTE:SPRAY FOAM INSULATION TOBE USED AT ALL EXTERIORPLUMBING WALLS ANDFLOORS, TOP OF FOUNDATION/ BOTTOM FRAMING PLATEDETAIL, INSIDE TUBE STEEL ATEXTERIOR WALLS, ANDAROUND ANY STEEL THAT ISBOTH INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OFBUILDING ENVELOPE.12" MIN.EL. RE: FLOOR PLAN EL. RE: STRUCT. EL. RE: STRUCT. EXTERIORW-6 METAL CLIP AND DRIP EDGE DIAMOND PLATE BASEBOARD SEALANT EXTEND EPOXY FLOOR FINISH UPWALL 3" MIN.METAL SIDING T.O. F.F. MAIN LEVEL T.O. PLY. T.O. CONC. WALLSLOPERE: CIVIL CT.1'-0" NOTES:1. PROTECT EXTERIORINSULATION PER IECC 2015R303.2.1.2. MINIMUM INSULATION FORBASEMENT IS WALLS PER NOTE COF IECC 2015 - TABLE R402.1.2. SURFACE CONDITIONER BYAMERICAN HYDROTECH Flex Flash FV BYAMERICAN HYDROTECH Monolithic Membrane 6125-FR BYAMERICAN HYDROTECH STYROFOAM (R-5 MIN.) BYAMERICAN HYDROTECH DRAINAGE MAT INTERIOREXTERIORGWB (AT INTERIOR,NOT AT CRAWLSPACE) ENGINEERED WOOD OR METALFRAMING, RE: FLOOR PLAN,WITH BLOWN-IN OR BATTINSULATION [R-13 HOUSE / R-21 ADU] CONCRETE FOUNDATIONWALL, RE: STRUCT. NOTES:1. PROTECT EXTERIORINSULATION PER IECC 2015R303.2.1.2. MINIMUM INSULATION FORBASEMENT IS WALLS PER NOTE COF IECC 2015 - TABLE R402.1.2.3. HANGING BATT INSULATION ATCRAWLSPACE WITHOUT FRAMINGIS ACCEPTABLE. [NOT DEPICTEDON FLOOR PLANS.]4. CRAWLSPACE WILL BECONDITIONED, REFER TOMECHANICAL DOCUMENTS FOREXHAUST / AIR TRANSFER. 1/4" MIN. AIR GAP[NOT DEPICTED IN FLOOR PLANDIMENSIONS] SURFACE CONDITIONER BYAMERICAN HYDROTECH Flex Flash FV BYAMERICAN HYDROTECH Monolithic Membrane 6125-FR BYAMERICAN HYDROTECH STYROFOAM (R-5 MIN.) BYAMERICAN HYDROTECH DRAINAGE MAT CAL INTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLY [W-7] 3" = 1'-0" CAL EXTERIOR CONCRETE FINISH WALL ASSEMBLY [W-2/3] 3" = 1'-0" 09 TYPICAL EXTERIOR FRAMED WALL w/ METAL SIDING [W-6] 3" = 1'-0" 05 TYPICAL FOUNDATION WALL [W-1] 3" = 1'-0" REScheck calls forR-20 cavity insulation. Detail 5/A601 showsR-13 for the house. Revise one or the other so that theycorrelate. Page: A603-DETAILS File Name: A_ARCHITECTURAL.pdf Author: bonniem Subject: PlanCheck Color: As REScheck has been provided for energy code compliance. Remove all plan references to the prescriptive table R402.1.2 because insulation values must comply with the REScheck. Page: A802-DOOR SCHEDULE File Name: A_ARCHITECTURAL.pdf Author: bonniem Subject: PlanCheck Color: Door A14A at the ADU laundry requires atleast 100 square inch opening for makeup air. 2015 IMC 504.6 Page: A904-ADU REFLECTED CEILING PLAN File Name: A_ARCHITECTURAL.pdf Author: bonniem Subject: PlanCheck Color: Show smoke and carbon monoxide detectors at required locations in ADU. Page: 5 File Name: M_MECHANICAL.pdf Author: bonniem Subject: PlanCheck Color: Total snowmelt on the mechanical schedule does not match what is shown on A102 and the REMP worksheet. Revise one or the other so there is one consistent total throughout the set. M_MECHANICAL.pdf (2) Date: Scale: A603 4/4/2018Plotted On: 4/4/2018 AS NOTED DETAILS ZONE 4 ARCHITECTS IS NOT LIABLE OR RESPONSIBLE AT ANY TIME FOR ANY CHANGES TO THESE DRAWINGS OR SPE c 2011 ZONE 4 ARCHITECTS, LLC. THE INFORMATION AND DESIGN INTENT CONTAINED ON THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PR 03.30.2018 SMART BARRIER OR SIMILAR SPRAY FOAM INSULATION(R-38) ROOF JOISTS, RE: STRUCT. GWB, REFER TO RCP'S ANDINTERIORS FOR CEILING FINISH NOTE:1. DETAIL ILLUSTRATED PER SarnfilMEMBBRANE ROOF WITH "DecorProfile" PROVIDING A CLASS 'A' ASSEMBLY.2. ROOF INSULATION TO BEINSTALLED PER IECC 2015 -R303.1.1.1. R-49 IS MINIMUM VALUEPER TABLE R402.1.2. BATT INSULATION(R-19) [TOTAL: R-57] [R-1] = 1'-0" As REScheck has been provided for energy code compliance. Remove all plan references to the prescriptive table R402.1.2 because insulation values must comply with the REScheck. 203B204A 4'-0"2'-8"10'-6"8'-5"------ A01A A10A A10BA13A A14A A15A A16A A17A 5'-0" 3'-0" 3'-0"3'-10" 3'-0" 3'-0" 2'-8" 2'-8" 8'-0" 8'-10" 8'-10"8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" --- --- ------ --- --- --- --- NEW DOOR SCHEDULE MARK SIZE W HT TYPE MATE | ADU ENTRY LEVELLOWER LEVELDoor A14A at the ADU laundry requires atleast 100 square inch opening for makeup air. 2015 IMC 504.6 X.2 X.3 X.4 02A407 X.1 11'-11 1/2"8'-2 1/2"16'-10"X.A X.B X.C X.D X.2 X.2 X.3 X.3 X.4 X.4 02A40602A407 01A406 ADU A-10ENTRY A-13STOR. A-17BATH A-15BEDROOM A-16W.I.C. A-14HALL X.1 X.1 11'-11 1/2"8'-2 1/2"16'-10"9'-10"17'7'-8"11'-11 1/2"8'-2 1/2"16'-10"EL. 9'-6" A.F.F. EL. 9'-6" A.F.F. EL. 9'-6" A.F.F. EL. 9'-6" A.F.F. EL. 9'-6" A.F.F. EL. 9'-6" A.F.F.SLOPEGWBSLOPEGWBGWB GWB GWB GUARDRAILBELOW STEEL CANOPY STAIRS BELOW GWB GWB GWB DECK A-12KITCHEN A-11LIVING Show smoke andcarbon monoxidedetectors at requiredlocations in ADU. Total snowmelt on the mechanical schedule does not match what is shown on A102 and the REMP worksheet. Revise one or the other so there is one consistent total throughout the set. Page: 6 File Name: M_MECHANICAL.pdf Author: bonniem Subject: R408 Crawlspace ventilation Color: There is some confusion between the REScheck, architectural sections/ details, and mechanical plans. Clarify whether or not the crawlspace is part of the thermal envelope. a. If it will not be part of the thermal envelope, insulate the floor and walls between the crawl and living areas per 2015 IECC R401. Provide ventilation per 2015 IRC R408.2. Ducts would need to be insulated in accordance with 2015 IECC 403.3 b. If the crawl is to be part of the thermal envelope, insulate the walls separating the crawl from the exterior per 2015 IECC R401. Provide conditioned air to the crawl per 2015 IRC R408.3 2.2 or ventilate per 2015 IRC R408.3 2.1 or 2015 IMC 406.1. Page: 1 File Name: REScheck-ADU_112 Coach Road_03-30-18.pdf Author: bonniem Subject: PlanCheck Color: Architectural sections call for W-6 with R-21 spray foam. Revise REScheck or architecturals to correlate. REScheck-ADU_112 Coach Road_03-30-18.pdf (1) Page: 1 File Name: REScheck-House_110 Coach Road_03-30-18.pdf Author: bonniem Subject: PlanCheck Color: Does not match foundation wall detail 5 on A601 REScheck-House_110 Coach Road_03-30-18.pdf (1) There is some confusion between the REScheck, architectural sections/ details, and mechanical plans. Clarify whether or not the crawlspace is part of the thermal envelope. a. If it will not be part of the thermal envelope, insulate the floor and walls between the crawl and living areas per 2015 IECC R401. Provide ventilation per 2015 IRC R408.2. Ducts would need to be insulated in accordance with 2015 IECC 403.3 b. If the crawl is to be part of the thermal envelope, insulate the walls separating the crawl from the exterior per 2015 IECC R401. Provide conditioned air to the crawl per 2015 IRC R408.3 2.2 or ventilate per 2015 IRC R408.3 2.1 or 2015 IMC 406.1. Zone 4 Architects 432a E. Hyman Avenue Aspen, CO 81612 jmccollum@zone4architects.com Your UA:300 based on code trade-off rules. me. Gross Area or Perimeter Cavity R-Value Cont. R-Value U-Factor UA Space 833 49.0 0.0 0.021 17 1,577 28.0 0.0 0.050 44 643 0.320 206 56 0.320 18 Architectural sections call for W-6 with R-21 spray foam. Revise REScheck or architecturals to correlate. Compliance: Passes using UA trade-off 3.0% Better Than Code Maximum UA:1801 Your UA:1747 The % Better or Worse Than Code Index reflects how close to compliance the house is based on code trade-off rules.It DOES NOT provide an estimate of energy use or cost relative to a minimum-code home. Compliance: Envelope Assemblies Assembly Gross Area orPerimeter CavityR-Value Cont.R-Value U-Factor UA Floor Over Crawl Space: All-Wood Joist/Truss:Over Unconditioned Space 3,327 38.0 0.0 0.026 87 Floor Over Outside: All-Wood Joist/Truss:Over Outside Air 1,083 38.0 0.0 0.026 28 Above Grade Wall: Wood Frame, 16" o.c.6,445 21.0 0.0 0.057 148 Window: Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 2,781 0.320 890 Glass Door: Glass 800 0.320 256 Solid Door: Solid 267 0.300 80 Above Grade Concrete Wall: Solid Concrete or Masonry:Interior Insulation 1,499 20.0 0.0 0.057 85 Below Grade Basement Wall 1: Solid Concrete or Masonry Wall height: 10.5' Depth below grade: 10.5' Insulation depth: 10.5' 840 20.0 5.0 0.032 27 Below Grade Basement Wall 2: Solid Concrete or Masonry Wall height: 10.5' Depth below grade: 10.5' Insulation depth: 10.5' 494 20.0 0.0 0.038 19 5/8:12 Slope Roof: Cathedral Ceiling 2,572 57.0 0.0 0.019 49 Deck Roof: Cathedral Ceiling 275 57.0 10.0 0.016 2 Skylight: Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 170 0.400 68 1/4:12 Roof: Cathedral Ceiling 116 57.0 10.0 0.016 2 Project Title: Bar X Residence Data filename: J:\Jobs\2018 - Jobs\18003.00 - DBX7\Mechanical\Calculations\REScheck\18003-RescheckHouse.rck Page 1 of10 03/28/18Report date: Does not matchfoundation wall detail 5 on A601