HomeMy WebLinkAboutFile Documents.534 E Cooper Ave.0003.2017 (8).ACBK534 E. Cooper Avenue July 7, 2017 Drainage Report for 534 E. Cooper Avenue Aspen, Colorado Submitted To: City of Aspen Engineering Department 517 E. Hopkins St. Aspen, CO 81611 Prepared by: Sopris Engineering, LLC 502 Main Street Suite A3 Carbondale, Colorado 81623 SE Project Number: 16022 October 12, 2016 Revised July 5, 2017 534 E. Cooper Avenue July 7, 2017 2 | P a g e Table of Contents A.Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 3 B.Purpose of Report ....................................................................................................................................... 3 C.Project Location & Existing Site Description................................................................................................ 3 D.Project Summary......................................................................................................................................... 4 E.Existing Drainage Description ..................................................................................................................... 4 F.Post Drainage Description .......................................................................................................................... 5 G.Hydrologic Criteria ....................................................................................................................................... 6 H.Hydraulic Methods & Assumptions .............................................................................................................. 7 I.Water Quality Treatment & Detention Volume .......................................................................................... 10 J.Low Impact Design .................................................................................................................................... 13 K.Maintenance Plan ..................................................................................................................................... 14 L.Sediment and Erosion Control/Construction BMPs ................................................................................... 14 M.Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................ 15 N.Engineer’s Statement of Design Compliance ............................................................................................ 16 534 E. Cooper Avenue July 7, 2017 3 | P a g e A. Introduction This report has been prepared in support the proposed improvements at 534 E. Cooper Avenue Aspen, Colorado. The information provide in this report will outline the overall onsite and offsite drainage mitigation concepts resulting from the proposed development. Proposed improvements include a remodel of the entire interior space, an expansion of the building footprint, a new roof as well as the site and drainage improvements required to facilitate the new building. The requirements outlined with the City’s Urban Runoff Management Plan were used to design the onsite stormwater infrastructure and water quality treatment Best Management Practices (BMPs). B. Purpose of Report Based on the location of this project and the proposed activity, the purposes of this Drainage Report are to: • Comply with the City of Aspen’s Urban Runoff Management Plan (COA URMP) for a “Major Design” project located in the downtown core • Estimate existing and post development peak runoff rates associated with the onsite and offsite improvements • Size post development stormwater mitigation infrastructure based on calculated post development peak runoff rates and ensure allowable peak discharge rates do not exceed existing peak discharge rates. • Design and integrate water quality treatment facilities for the proposed onsite improvements • Promote the City of Aspen’s 9 Principles to managing stormwater runoff where feasible given the scope of the project and existing site constraints. • Demonstrate that the proposed improvements will have no adverse impact to drainage on-site or downstream of the site C. Project Location & Existing Site Description The existing building (Boogies Diner & Retail) is a two-story brick structure on a 6,269+/- s.f. lot located at the northwest corner of E. Cooper Avenue and S. Hunter Street. According to the City’s assessor’s website the building was constructed in 1988. The property currently occupies commercial space at the lower and upper levels. An affordable housing unit and diner are also located on the second floor. The basement is used for storage and houses the mechanical room and a walk-in cooler. The adjacent sidewalks are snowmelted from the top back of curb to the edge of building and connected to a recently improved boiler system located within the existing mechanical room. The subject property falls within System 2 as described within the Surface Drainage Master Plan (SDMP) for the City of Aspen, dated November 2001 prepared by WRC Engineering, Inc. Based on this report this system appears to have capacity to convey a runoff event with a magnitude between a 10-year and 50-year storm event; however it also indicates that the combined capacity of the street and storm sewer along E. Cooper Avenue and S. Hunter Street appears to have sufficient capacity to convey the 100-year runoff event based on previously adopted NOAA Atlas II rainfall intensity data. The recently adopted NOAA Atlas 14 Volume 8 rainfall data provides a reduction of rainfall intensities for the City of Aspen of 35% and 28% for the 10-yr and 100-yr 1hr storm events respectively. Accordingly, excess capacity is available within System 2 of the SDMP compared to original Project Review submittal. The overarching approach of the design team is to provide 534 E. Cooper Avenue July 7, 2017 4 | P a g e additional structures that reduce the overall impervious area of the existing site and to incorporate surface water quality treatment of stormwater wherever possible; thereby reducing the development impacts on the City’s storm sewer system and enhancing stormwater runoff that ultimately enters the Roaring Fork River. According to FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map panel number 08097C0203C with effective date of June 4, 1987, the property falls entirely within the Zone X flood hazard area. FEMA designates Zone X as areas outside the 0.2% (500 year storm) annual chance floodplain. Additionally, the subject property lies outside of the City’s Mud Flow Zones as depicted by Figure 7.1 of the URMP. D. Project Summary The remodel and renovation work proposed include an entire remodel of the interior space, a new roof and an expansion of the building footprint along the east side of the building. The resultant leasable area will be dedicated to commercial use. Site improvements in support of mitigating additional trips generated by the project include the creation of a 5-ft landscape buffer along S. Hunter Street as well as the installation of a bi- directional pedestrian ramp at the corner of E. Cooper Avenue and S. Hunter Street. A concrete bulb-out with bicycle parking and integrated landscaping will be installed within the Cooper Avenue right of way. Finally, expanding the existing dry well system and adding a pump to provide a controlled outfall is also proposed for providing the required water quality capture volume for the entire roof area. All these improvements are further discussed below. E. Existing Drainage Description The existing site is currently comprised of impervious roof area, from which stormwater runoff is collected and routed to an existing drywell located in the basement of the existing structure. A concrete sidewalk provides a solid impervious surface between the existing structure and the adjacent right of way and is directly connected to the top back of curb associated with the City’s Stormwater conveyance system. Runoff from approximately 850+/- s.f. of existing site imperviousness currently is currently conveyed directly to the neighboring right-of- way. These areas are comprised of a narrow gap between project building the adjacent structure to the west, a portion of the entrance roof atrium and the surrounding sidewalks along the south and east side of the building. The existing 5,420+/- s.f of impervious roof area is currently being conveyed to the existing dry well located within the basement. According to an employee who has worked at the building for the past 20-years this dry well has operated without failure since his time of employment. A site visit was conducted on October 30, 2015 to verify the size of this existing dry well as well as perform a percolation test to confirm infiltration capacities. Our findings indicate that the dry well is a 5-ft diameter perforated structure that is approximately 7+/- feet deep measured from the basement slab. The structure consists of a 3+/- ft perforated barrel section, 3+/- ft solid conical barrel section with a 2-ft diameter access lid which results in approximately 75 c.f. of volume; neglecting any gravels that may be surrounding the exterior of the structure. Minor sediment build-up was observed at the sump of the structure and will be removed with the construction of this project. A percolation test was performed to determine the effectiveness of the existing drywell. Approximately 660 gallons of water was introduced into the structure by pouring nine 5-gallon buckets in four separate doses as well as allowing a garden hose to continuously run for over an hour at a flowrate of approximately 8 gpm. During the test the maximum water depth within the dry well was only 10-inches and the resultant average percolation rate observed was 12 in/hr. Despite the functionality of the existing drywell, the drywell geometry and estimated storage volume do not meet the Water Quality Capture Volume (WQCV) storage of the current Urban Runoff Management Plan (URMP). 534 E. Cooper Avenue July 7, 2017 5 | P a g e This project intends to investigate the existing drywell further in the primary stages of the construction process. If the investigation discover additional storage capacity beyond the previous site visit, the project team may consider the feasibility of retrofitting the existing drywell to meet current URMP standards. Should this be the case, the project will seek a change order from City Staff for the retrofitted drywell. Basin EX1 A singular existing onsite basin was delineated for the purposes of comparing the runoff generated from the proposed site impervious areas compared to the existing conditions. This analysis was utilized to calculate the existing peak discharge rates in order to properly size the proposed drywell overflow pumps for the developed condition. Existing peak runoff rates for Basin EX1 are summarized in Table 1 of this report. F. Post Drainage Description Basin 1 A singular onsite post-development drainage basin was established to determine the peak historic, existing and developed flows as well as the required WQCV for the proposed development. This basin is comprised of the impervious roof area associated with the redeveloped building extents. Runoff from this basin is collected in roof drains and routed through the structure to an improved drywell located within the lower level basement of the existing structure. The improved drywell will house overflow pumps that will convey larger storm events to the surface at the Block 95 alley, and ultimately on to the City’s curb and gutter drainage system. The proposed drainage mitigation approach for this project is to provide water quality treatment for the entire roof area (6,000+/- sf) which essentially covers 96% of the entire lot. The entire impervious roof area will be collected in roof drains and routed internally to an improved drywell within the basement of the existing structure. Additional water quality mitigation strategies were investigated during the development of the site plan, however providing mitigation of the roof imperviousness at surface level was determined infeasible due to the lack of available onsite real estate. However despite the condition, performance and effectiveness of the existing drywell, it does not meet current design standards set forth within the URMP. Therefore, the existing drywell will be removed and replaced with a COA compliant drywell complete with an overflow pump system to meet current URMP sizing requirements. Please see Section I of this report for detailed information regarding the proposed drywell system. Basin 2 Basin 2 is a small offsite developed conditions basin bound between the building and Cooper Avenue. Basin 2 was established to size a trench drain located adjacent to the sidewalk/landscaping interface west of the proposed bike pad. Surface runoff collected within this basin will be directed to the proposed Silva Cell planting system proposed beneath the Cooper Avenue sidewalk. Basin 3 Basin 3 is a small offsite developed conditions basin bound between the building and Cooper Avenue. Basin 3 was established to size a trench drain located adjacent to the sidewalk/landscaping interface east of the proposed bike pad. Surface runoff collected within this basin will be directed to the proposed Silva Cell planting system proposed beneath the Cooper Avenue sidewalk. 534 E. Cooper Avenue July 7, 2017 6 | P a g e Basin OS1 Basin OS1 was delineated to estimate the 100-yr peak offsite discharge rate compared to the carrying capacity of Hunter Street at the intersection with Cooper Avenue. This purpose for calculating this flow is to determine the bypass flow of the existing inlet, and verify the existing Cooper Avenue street configuration provides adequate capacity to handle the bypass flow. The southern limit of the offsite was established by the grading installed with the recent Gondola Plaza pedestrian crossing project. Surface runoff from Basin 16 of the SDMP is routed east, around the Little Nell, and into the 24” collection main that runs down Spring Street. Nuisance runoff generated from the Aspen Skiing Company gondola and surrounding area is collected in a series of low points established within the gondola plaza design. Basin OS2 Basin OS2 was delineated to estimate the 100-yr peak offsite discharge rate compared to the carrying capacity of Cooper Avenue adjacent to the project boundary. Basin OS2 boundaries have been established to the existing crown within Cooper Avenue and S. Hunter Street as well as the proposed curb on the north side of Cooper Avenue to be installed with this project. Basin OS3 Basin OS3 was delineated to estimate the 100-yr peak offsite discharge rate compared to the carrying capacity of South Hunter Street adjacent to the project boundary. Basin OS3 was determined to be bounded the existing crown at approximately the center of S. Hunter St. Basin OS4 Basin OS4 was delineated to estimate the 100-yr peak offsite discharge rate compared to the carrying capacity of the existing Block 95 alley swale constructed with the Aspen Core building construction. Basin OS4 was determined to be bounded by an existing high point within the alley to the west, the existing Aspen Core building to the north and the subject property to the south. The Aspen Core roof drains internally and does not contribute surface runoff to this swale. G. Hydrologic Criteria The drainage criteria used for this study was based on the COA’s URMP dated December 2014. The improvements associated with this project classify it as a “Major Design” which requires an analysis of the 10- and 100-year storm events. This section describes the hydrological assumptions and methods used to estimate these peak flow rates associated with the design storm events. Building Permit drawings have been provided as an attachment for illustrative support of the proposed stormwater conveyance system and overall grading plan. Peak Runoff rates for the 10- and 100-year storm events were calculated using the Rational Hydrologic Method (Eq. 1) since the cumulative total of basin areas was less than 90 acres. Eq. 1: Q = C* I * A Q = Runoff Flow Rate (cfs) C = Runoff Coefficient I = Rainfall Intensity (in/hr) A= Area of Basin (acres) 534 E. Cooper Avenue July 7, 2017 7 | P a g e The runoff coefficient (C) is a variable that represents the ratio of runoff to rainfall volumes during a storm event. The determination of C mainly depends on the soil type, watershed impervious and storm event frequency. Each drainage basin was studied to determine the percent of impervious area. Landscaping areas were assumed to be 0% impervious or 0.15 and 0.35 for the 10- and 100-year runoff coefficients, respectively. Roofs, patios and concrete areas were all assumed to be 100% impervious or 0.92 and 0.96 for the 10 and 100-year runoff coefficients, respectively. Areas with impervious areas different from 0% or 100% were entered into UD-Rational Spreadsheets to determine the corresponding 10- and 100-year runoff coefficients. UD-Rational Spreadsheet was developed by Urban Drainage Flood Control District (UDFCD). The design rainfall duration used in the Rational Method is referred to as the time of concentration. The time of concentration is the cumulative travel time, including overland flow and channelized flow, for runoff to get from the furthest point upstream of a basin to a designated design point. Per COA URMP, 5 minutes was used as the absolute minimum time of concentration. This minimum value was adopted for all of the delineated basins. A summary of the results are illustrated within Table 1 through Table 3. Table 1: 10 & 100-yr Existing Drainage Basin Peak Runoff Summary Table 2: 10 & 100-yr Post Improvement Basin Peak Runoff Summary Table 3: 10 & 100-yr Post Offsite Basin Peak Runoff Summary H. Hydraulic Methods & Assumptions Minimal post improvement sub-basins have been established to assist in the sizing of area inlets within the right of way. Flows collected by the area inlets will be routed to the proposed Silva Cells associated with right of way trees along Cooper Avenue. 534 E. Cooper Avenue July 7, 2017 8 | P a g e INLET sizing methodology for the proposed inlets was dependent on the available head above each of the grates. Table 4 summarizes the design and sizing of these inlets and a brief description of the inlets is provided below. Eq. 3: Q = 0.5* [Cd*Amin * (2gh)0.5] Eq. 3.1: Q = C *(0.5)L *h1.5 Q =Design Flow Rate (cfs) Q =Intercepting Capacity (cfs) Cd = Coefficient of Discharge (0.6) C = Coefficient of Discharge (3.3) Amin = Minimum allowable area (sf) L = Wetted Length of Grate (ft) h = Available head (ft); h = Available head (ft) g = Acceleration from Gravity (32.2 ft/sec2) Nyloplast area drain inlets are proposed for the two sump drains in this project. Table 4 summarizes the minimum maximum flow for each sump inlet based on the available head and a 50% clogging factor. Nyloplast inlet capacity charts for the selected grates and available head are located within Appendix C of this report. BASIN 2 INLET is located along the sidewalk/landscaping interface just west of the proposed concrete bicycle pad. The proposed trench drain will collect runoff from developed Basin 2 as described in Section F of this report and is adequately sized to convey 100-yr. developed peak runoff in accordance with the sizing criteria of the URMP. BASIN 3 INLET is located along the sidewalk/landscaping interface just west of the proposed concrete bicycle pad. The proposed trench drain will collect runoff from developed Basin 3 as described in Section F of this report and is adequately sized to convey 100-yr. developed peak runoff in accordance with the sizing criteria of the URMP. S. HUNTER INLET is located just south of the proposed project on the west side of S. Hunter Street near the intersection with Cooper Avenue. This inlet receives surface runoff from Basin OS1 as described in Section F of this report. The capacity of this inlet was analyzed to prove that no offsite stormwater from S. Hunter Street is conveyed to the project site. Table 4: Inlet Capacity Summary Upon review of Table 4 all proposed project inlets are sized to accommodate 100-year peak runoff rates with according to the design parameters required by the URMP. Support calculations are provided within Appendix C of this report. Gutter Flow and Street Capacities were analyzed in various locations along the borders of the proposed development site to verify no offsite flow would contribute to the project per the criteria outlined within Section 4.4 of the URMP for commercial streets. The 10-year requirement states that no curb overtopping shall occur, and flow spread must leave at least one lane free of water for both travel directions. The requirements for the 534 E. Cooper Avenue July 7, 2017 9 | P a g e 100-year storm event limit the depths of water to the crown of the road and the depths at the gutter flowline shall not exceed 12 inches or cause inundation of adjacent buildings. Hydraflow Software was used to determine flow depths, velocities and spread distances for each of the analyzed cross sections. Supporting calculations and data for the street capacity analysis are provided within Appendix C of this report and are summarized in Table 5 below. Cooper Avenue is approximately 46.3-ft wide at the location of the proposed concrete bulb-out and 54-ft wide at the project tie in location. Cooper Avenue has one-way traffic flow from west to east with diagonal parking on both sides of the street. Section Cooper Ave-1 is located just south of the proposed project on the south side of Cooper Avenue near the intersection with S. Hunter Street. This section was analyzed to verify the bypass flow of the S. Hunter inlet is contained within the south side of Cooper Avenue and does not overtop the crown. The anticipated depths of flow is 0.08 ft and 0.14 ft for the 10- and 100-year storm events. The anticipated spread distances for the same storm events are 3 ft and 5 ft respectively. Upon review of this section is appears as though the existing offsite bypass flows are contained within the south side of Cooper Avenue and do not contribute to the proposed development site. Section Cooper Ave-2 is located just south of the proposed project on the north side of Cooper Avenue near the proposed concrete bulb-out. This section has been analyzed to verify offsite surface runoff from the north side of Cooper Avenue is contained within the right of way curb. The anticipated depths of flow is 0.10 ft and 0.13 ft for the 10- and 100-year storm events. The anticipated spread distances for the same storm events are 2.9 ft and 3.8 ft respectively. Upon review of these results, the flows from the north side of Cooper Avenue are contained within the parking lane and provides adequate travel width. South Hunter Street is approximately 46.3-ft wide at the project location with 20-ft diagonal parking on the west side and 8-ft parallel parking on the east side. S. Hunter Street has two directional traffic at the project location. Section S. Hunter St-1 is located on the east end of the project site along S. Hunter Street. This section was analyzed to verify offsite surface runoff from the west side of S. Hunter Street is contained within the right of way curb and gutter. The anticipated depths of flow is 0.15 ft and 0.19 ft for the 10- and 100-year storm events. The anticipated spread distances for the same storm events are 2.5 ft and 3.1 ft respectively. Upon review of these results, the flows from the west side of S Hunter Street are contained within the parking lane and provides adequate travel width. Block 95 Alley is located on the north end of the property across the existing Block 95 alley. There is an existing shallow swale approximately 1’ from the face of the existing Aspen Core building. This section was analyzed in order to verify the existing shallow swale has adequate carrying capacity to handle the 100-yr runoff from the alley combined with the pumped 100-yr discharge rate from the proposed drywell. Field measurements were taken along the existing swale and resulted in a maximum available storage depth of 1.5” (0.125 ft) at 0.9% longitudinal slope. Table 5 below summarizes the resulting flow depth for the 10- and 100-yr storm events and verifies the existing swale has adequate capacity for the proposed development. 534 E. Cooper Avenue July 7, 2017 10 | P a g e Table 5: Flow Depth Summary I. Water Quality Treatment & Detention Volume Water quality treatment is required for all projects that disturb more than 200 square feet. The overall goal of the water quality treatment requirements is to protect receiving waters including the Roaring Fork River, Maroon Creek, Castle Creek and tributaries to these water ways. The treatment is provided by strategically incorporating stormwater Best Management Practices into the project’s stormwater infrastructure that are capable of providing full water quality treatment for up to the 80th percentile runoff event which corresponds to the volume of runoff generated from a storm event with a magnitude falling between a 6-month and 1-year. The water quality capture volume associated with these more common storm events is directly correlated to the amount of impervious area within a contributing drainage basin. The proposed solution to treat the runoff generated from the project’s imperviousness is to route the entire proposed roof area to an improved drywell located within the basement. Discussion of the drywell presented in further detail below and illustrated on the attached Building Permit Plans. WATER QUALITY Dry Wells are a BMP that incorporates manhole structures with perforated barrels at the deeper depths. Washed screened rock is installed around the exterior of the perforated sections. When sub-soils are capable of moderate to high infiltration rates, dry wells are considered to be a viable BMP. They dramatically reduce the increased runoff and volume of stormwater generated from surrounding impervious areas and promote infiltration; thereby improving the water quality of stormwater runoff. The dry well sizing requirements outlined within Chapter 8 of the URMP were followed to determine the perforated area required to treat the proposed roof area. The dry well proposed for this project is described in further detail below: A Dry Well (DW) is proposed to provide water quality treatment for post development drainage Basin 1. The proposed dry well replaces the existing drywell (in the same location) with URMP compliant configuration. The proposed drywell is designed to have perforated barrels at the deeper depths with cleaned screened rock around the exterior of the perforated sections. Runoff that is routed to the structure is stored and allowed to infiltrate into the surrounding soils. When underlying soils are capable of moderate to high infiltration rates, dry wells are considered to be viable BMPs. They dramatically reduce the increased runoff and volume of stormwater generated from surrounding impervious areas and promote infiltration; thereby improving the water quality of stormwater runoff. The sizing of this structure was based on the City’s URMP which requires dry wells to be sized to accommodate one and a half times the water quality storm event when a controlled overflow is installed. A field tested infiltration rate of 12 in/hr was utilized for the underlying soils. The perforated barrel section will be placed below the footings associated with the basement in the same location as the existing drywell. Table 6 summarizes the water quality design results and supporting calculations are provide within Appendix D. 534 E. Cooper Avenue July 7, 2017 11 | P a g e Table 6: Water Quality Treatment Volume Summary DETENTION ANALYSIS The Overflow Pump Design was analyzed such that the available volume provided in the pumping zone was adequate to provide excessive pump starts during a large storm event. UD-Detention v2.31 (Modified FAA Method) was used in estimating the amount of flow required to maximize this allowable volume within the structures. UD-Detention v2.31 is a spreadsheet developed by Urban Drainage Flood Control District that the City of Aspen has adopted as a tool for detention sizing. A copy of this spreadsheet is provided within Appendix E. The allowable outflow within the UD-Detention Spreadsheet was changed until the appropriate allowable discharge rate based on preliminary pump selection was reached. The results indicate that two 120 gpm (0.27 cfs) pumps will be adequate to discharge the 10- and 100-year storm events. To avoid both pumps kicking on at the same time and to ensure the maximum outflow rate does not exceed the allowable discharge rates, several floats will be installed to control each pump. The first float will be set 6” above the WQCV water surface elevation. This float will be used to shut the pump system down and prevent drawdown of the water quality capture volume. The second float will be set 1 ft above the water quality elevation or 4.0 ft above the intermediate drywell lid. This pumping zone equates to the volume associated with running a single pump for a duration of 30 seconds. The 120 gpm (0.27 cfs) discharge flow associated with a single pump equates to a 10 year storm runoff in between the historic and existing conditions. A third float will be set 1 ft. above the second float or 5 ft above the intermediate drywell lid and will be used to activate the second pump in storm events larger than the 10-year storm. This pumping zone equates to the volume associated with running both pumps for a duration of 30 seconds. The last float will be set 5.5 ft above the intermediate lid and will trigger an audible alarm signifying pump failure. This will leave approximately 6-inches of freeboard from the top of the drywell. Table 7 has been provided to summarize these design elements. Table 7: Pumping Volume Summary Upon review, the proposed outfall pumps reduce the post development flows for both the 10- and 100- year storm events. Pumped runoff will be routed through the building and discharged to the Block 95 alley. Each pump will carry its corresponding flows through a 3-inch force main that will convey pumped discharge to the Block 95 Alley. Both of these force mains will connect into a single discharge pipe that will terminate within a gravity line discharging to a lambs tongue downspout 12” minimum above the adjacent alley finished grade. The gravity line and lambs tongue will reduce velocities prior to surface discharge to the Block 95 alley. The total headloss within this system was based on the elevation difference between the pumps and the discharge elevation of the force main, combined with the friction losses associated with various fittings and within the 3-inch conveyance 534 E. Cooper Avenue July 7, 2017 12 | P a g e pipe. Hazen Williams Equation (Eq. 2) was used to estimate the headloss within the pumped system to evaluate the type of pumps that should be used. Minor losses due to bends were accounted for based on an equivalent pipe length per bend; this equivalent pipe length was added to the estimated pipe length required to route the flows to the proposed discharge location. Table 8 summarizes the results of the estimated total head loss within the pumping system. Equation 2: hf = 10.44 * L * Q1.85/(C1.85 * d4.87) hf = Head loss (ft) L = Equivalent Pipe Length (ft) C = Hazen William’s Coefficient (130) Q= Flowrate required to maximize storage capacity (gpm) d = Diameter of Pipe (inches) Table 8: PUMP SYSTEM HEADLOSS The total head loss estimated for the system was determined to be 33 ft. This value was used to select the most efficient pump based on manufacturer’s pump curve information. Figure 1 illustrates the resultant pump and corresponding pump curve data. Figure 1: Pump Curve Data The selected pumps for this project were determined to be two MUFS-315 dewatering pumps. Based on the anticipated total head these pumps should operate at a maximum flow capacity of 120 gpm or 0.27 cfs per pump. Pump information is provided within Appendix E and a schematic of the proposed system is illustrated on the attached permit drawings. 534 E. Cooper Avenue July 7, 2017 13 | P a g e J. Low Impact Design Low Impact Design (LID) is a stormwater management strategy that aims to control stormwater at the source by promoting infiltration, evaporation, filtering and detain runoff close to its source. The LID techniques that have been incorporated into this project’s stormwater mitigation plan include: disconnecting impervious areas where practical, reducing impervious areas, reducing peak runoff rates and volumes, and incorporating water quality treatment facilities. Below is a list of the 9 Principles outlined within the URMP as well as the ways this project has attempted to implement these principles. • Principle #1-“Consider stormwater quality needs early in the design process”: SE was consulted during the design process to ensure the drainage mitigation concepts approved with the HPC documents were maintained as best as possible with the proposed improvements. The stormwater quality BMP toolbox was limited in this project given the site constraints, however the proposed drywell system provides adequate WQCV for the entire roof area. • Principle #2-“Use the entire site when planning for stormwater quality treatment”: The stormwater mitigation approach for this project was somewhat limited by the existing site constraints. However expansion of the existing drywell in addition to reduction in site imperviousness were utilized. • Principle #3- “Avoid unnecessary impervious areas”: Efforts have been made to reduce impervious areas whenever possible. This is evident with the detached sidewalk long S. Hunter Street as well as the landscape pockets on Cooper Avenue, which are currently paved. • Principle #4- “Reduce runoff rates and volumes to more closely match natural conditions”: Runoff rates and volumes have been reduced through the reduction of overall basin imperviousness and the drywell overflow pump sizing which results in decreased runoff rates. • Principle #5- “Integrate stormwater quality management and flood control”: The proposed drywell and reduced site imperviousness combine to provide stormwater treatment detention. The proposed discharge pumps decrease the proposed 10- and 100-yr discharge flow compared do existing conditions. The results are post development peak runoff rates that are equal to or less than existing levels. • Principle #6- “Develop stormwater quality facilities that enhance the site, the community and the environment”: Implementation of the right of way landscaping along both S. Hunter St. and Cooper Avenue provide a degree of water quality treatment above what is currently present. Additionally the installation of a permanent bicycle storage pad with adjacent trees provide a benefit to the community. • Principle #7- “Use a treatment train approach”: Given the nature of the project being a remodel rather than a scrape and replace, water quality mitigation treatment train opportunities were limited. Upon reviewing the existing drywell and the existing free draining soils, it is very unlikely the drywell overflow pumps will ever be engaged. • Principle #8- “Design sustainable facilities that can be safely maintained”: There are no risks associated with maintaining the proposed BMPs. The proposed drywell utilizes an access lid with 534 E. Cooper Avenue July 7, 2017 14 | P a g e inspection port in order to reduce the drywell depth providing safer inspection conditions. A full maintenance plan has been provided within Section K of this report. • Principle #9- “Design and maintain facilities with public safety in mind”: The current drainage design poses no risks to public safety. K. Maintenance Plan This section describes the stormwater management systems proposed for the project as well as the associated maintenance anticipated with these improvements. All of the onsite stormwater mitigation improvements will be owned and maintained by the property owner and the following maintenance program should be followed to ensure proper functioning of the proposed improvements. Dry Well: In the event the development stalls after Phase 1 infrastructure has been installed, inspection of this structure should occur annually via the provided inspection port. Inspection and maintenance of the Phase 1 dissipation drywell is required at a minimum prior to the Phase 4 certificate of occupancy issuance. The following may be required if debris and trash are compromising the infiltration capacity of the structure: Remove sediment, trash and debris that is washed into them. Verify that the dry well is infiltrating properly. This can be confirmed by inspecting the chamber 24 hours after a rainfall event. If standing water is encountered clogging should be further investigated and remedied. Replace the geo-fabric at the bottom and sides of the structure when it appears saturated with sediment or infiltration time is slow. Replacement fabric should be attached to the concrete wall of the dry well chamber. Annually, after a large rain event or with a water hose, evaluate the drain-down time of the dry well to ensure the maximum drain time of 24 hours is not being exceeded. If drain-down times are exceeding the maximum, drain the dry well via pumping and clean out the percolation areas. If slow drainage persists, the system may need to be replaced. L. Sediment and Erosion Control/Construction BMPs Current practice standards provide parameters for mitigation of drainage and soil erosion activities relative to site development. These parameters are referred to as best management practices (BMP’s). These BMP’s are primarily grouped for two stages of the development, the construction phase and the post-development phase, with the main emphasis on soil erosion and sediment transport controls. During the construction phase for the proposed improvements the contractor will have to prepare and provide a Construction Management Plan (CMP) that will address site erosions, dust control and disturbed ground stability. Final construction stages of work must follow a complete landscaping and ground covering task to permanently re-vegetate and cover bear grounds that will remain open space to avoid long-term soil erosion. This effort will reduce the risk of unnecessary degradation of the City’s drainage system. Temporary erosion control structures installed during construction shall be left in place as necessary and maintained until new vegetation has been re-established at a 70% level. Upon reaching a satisfactory level of soil stabilization from the new vegetation, all erosion control structures shall be removed. 534 E. Cooper Avenue July 7, 2017 15 | P a g e M. Conclusion The proposed development incorporates stormwater and drainage mitigation strategies consistent with the requirements of the current URMP. Overall site imperviousness is reduced by detaching the sidewalk from the adjacent curb and installing a 5’ landscape buffer. Additional trees have been added to the right of way and Silva Cells have been implemented in the Cooper Avenue landscaping bulb-out. Additional impervious area currently directing surface runoff to the adjacent ROW will now be directed to the project’s drywell where water quality treatment and stormwater detention will be provided. 534 E. Cooper Avenue July 7, 2017 16 | P a g e N. Engineer’s Statement of Design Compliance I hereby affirm that this report and the accompanying plans for the site drainage mitigation of the property located at 534 East Cooper Avenue was prepared under my direct supervision for the owners thereof in accordance with the provisions of City of Aspen Urban Runoff Management Plan and approved variances and exceptions listed thereto. I understand that it is the policy of the City of Aspen that the City of Aspen does not and will not assume liability for drainage facilities by others. ________________________ Yancy Nichol, PE License No. 28377 534 E. COOPER A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN NW4' OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 10 SOUTH, RANGE 85 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., CITY OF ASPEN, COUNTY OF PITKIN, STATE OF COLORADO BUILDING PERMIT SET I ALL. WASK CUTS A IN ACCORDANCE INCH WE CITY OF WARSAW LASTRAT FEAR � AND SOUSBACTRUARTA MICRON ROCHESTER E OUNIMENTA NAMED Al NOTHE ITEMS NOT �ED PENTERN WE ONSTAX MASON ��S � BE 2 WE � ACTUNGCONSTRUCTED COACCORDANCE WITH WE GREAT CODES OF ME MUSEUM MARGARET A ��A�RB ��D axNwm wwI`�E R;,� MAW) E�G�DN S ARE B�N ON AN NRS HENT NWR MAXI ARM CAMARA I PERIOD THE CONCESSIONS MARC. ER SEPARATE BUD LIABLE FOR ANT? CRACK CRT OR DEPARTMENT OF AFTEAF A SERUM ADS �E ED RUMORS MERE B. THE SENSORS REPLACEMENT ANCE GAME MINNESOTA GRALL AND RANGE. SHOULDER MENCTIMING ME NEED WER A �IT ASSUMING TO SOMALI ADD NAME ARE ALLEARES. AM .. MRS . TO ARCANE REPAIR PAUL BE WE MITI .—III IF THE GA. COLLEGE . RI 11 AM MEN- MUST M AIMED AND ��R P� A ANTE AT ALL TIMES I TH (ANNUAL �MR THOUL PERFORM WE WROM MORNING M AT UFACAL G�� COME STANTE AND SEAGRAM RATES AND . IT. IN B."MRS. MR 'SUCCEEDS .1 POPER SUCCOGRAMIGHT BAHAMAS BELL .11 WERM AM CADMIUM TAX —MUTUAL WITH OUTHEM COOPER RE THIS �� M&L AS KS�Sl�E RE �O�W NWE�S PM��ED By ARMS DISTRIBUTOR BAKER AND WE EARNEEM OF MOORE WE PRESCRIBED IN TRUDER RANGE AND A�AI IS CAMPER AMEN DEMANDS. UWASTERE ME CAMARA B.L ONALL AND ANCESTAll INCERE PARENT GETS AND MEW CHAT ARRE MARGARET TO SPECTRUM �NlOD�EPAlG�D��lO 11 N PARCEL w EGUImENTNx, W NATOlxwHEw.� ROMEBl 12 "c°OrOF"LKERo�`p14NkMASTERCARD B.Uw lwOPTIMISM .DDEME�. DUANE C�� BE ALL XPRAMEACHIS IN SUNUMSE BUT NOT UNITED TO MAW RM EXACT UP SOL BRUCE DRE — --D BIRTHS OF —1 CATMTY THELESTRENT ASEAN AND Pll IN--. ME 1-1- STRATIT MAW TO WE LED MEW- AND DRUMPLES GERTICATE RUCTUREMENTS FOR PROUNUM MANUFACTURERS THE APPARENT 18 11 GO MARGIN RAW OTHER CONTRACTOR& "ERE TWO OR NOR CONTRAGEORS ME MARK IN WE RACE AREA. SUGH THALL ON HATUNWER �S IN SKIT A MCCONTER AN NOR TO CAUSE AM UNNECESSERY DELAY ERL MEW STRUCK MUST BE RANGED. THE ANIL NOWENJOUGHT ALL BETTERNIFE MUCH Twnm HANNE MEamiNICS MIAMI FACCUMNATUDGENTRUNDTHENTERAMPROMBERTY I WORTH ACCRUED XUALL K REGARD A STANFORD WIT' 3 RESULT— SEOUL STATE- A MEW l�P�N AND MENSTAIN WE WEmw SFOOR W.WA I CON %NEW AN STxoe "° 7E9T¢Rlw,. DAMAGES ANSWER AND CUM MRS EXTRA SOL BE RELEASED IN ARE SECTOW MGM BRATING COMPLACTION 41M MASS. NO RM���TM������M��TAMINIMUMOFZ STMALUMTHEANCITTIONG 'HER ED TIRE NEW CONCRETE MANDUCK RIN RE— OBSCURE scwu:lmG. AS ARNS HUNGaua�BEWO UGT AMM[ wl Wwrxw�NG ON IRINMw AFTER IT REPARGED ME AS TRANS SET REGARD ATIN IT FARMERS (ANNUAL TO THE RIDGE OF WE ASPHALT ARGUMENT I STRAL I EJECALATIM MRS BE ARTHUR UP TO E 0 RE DART OF FINAL AREPLA MEN PLACID RAW APPROBLEM MATERIALS PRIOR TO NO GRATES WAIT PLACED ON CONCRETE EMERGE US WASSIT R VARIATIONS s NOGx�uACE wxmEXCED INwlxxiN FEET I191 IN ALL DIW TIME i. wxm—AWRE CURING NORMAN s:w BE n.,¢R IN EMPLwcE WITH GLA, nwww B,Em MS MTEST CURB MR EMLLK SUMMER ANA FRANCE THISAWAS CURB A CONTRA MANAGED MGM MANAGEMENT OF PARTNER PEACE WALL BE MAXIMUM FORE TEMPLETON OF NEW ENTEAREALF CUM AND CREW WE ME ARM AM AM REPAIR A .5 ALL C�EM d�S ANTALL A � UALUNTS GAS MUST US SUIT WMIN 12 HATUND OF PLACEMENT WAR RALSO STALL BE MMLA -NOT, MERGANSER CAP ME DIRECTOR A ROPER MUCH A CAR AND CLUCTER PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS NOTE: I .�� ME UNNOTTER MEET PROMINENT SEAGRAM 1.11 TO SMALL EXTRA AND REPRESENTATION BOB SECTION WHAPPER. ���M TO REGIME WE fi�IM OF SELENT M�I PERMIT WE NWWEST TOWNSHIP- KE� — MAW - MEN THE MET PASS I ���TMEWWDTSS�LDEINST�IOM�TLI� INTIN SAINTING PAUGHTER SEOUL BUT A ARTS— ALL FILM STUALL BE BUILDING— IN MI ARD MGM RESULT HE 2 CAMEROON IS SAATCHI FOR MCI BUD OF ALL �� AREA MERGE EASTERN �.11. TO MR I OF TRAMEAS --TCH I MET GRAND 8 MOROCCAN CARTEL RENJORNALL OF MRS MCA �EWW CUM BE (CONTROLS BY 7% H IN ORDER TO MONTE NAGNT AM RESULT AWARE CUTS SOL CUT M By A MEASURES I BUTTEAR ��T RESILIENT -UP MAD U—M MECHANISM JOINT, N�l�G VALLE CLUM AND ALUALL BASIN By TIMING M WE — f MONSUBTFUSSIXTEDEM XNALLICAND IS . ....A INTAW ON MR 1. WASEEM I..' SEOUL I CLATER � MICH INGLATIM PLAY CONSI I OF WATER A A N�WTI� ACCLACTION SPEACTING OF AGANT A A WATER MEASURE HUNG A POPE RAWMCE� BMI�NG MEN T ALL MST C� ANALL MEND �M ME GCA-UUUA ARREP RESULT IN ME SIN N MUSEUM PRESENT AMC A MEMBERS AM ARRANGED MM STRATING REAL MARC ONTONAMES AWARD RICO ENDING ME MARGARET MERE MUND AND BEST FROM CAROLINA CONTRACT TO MRS AS GRESSAL TRAMB� GET CAUGH THE ME � REARGUR OF MGM MEAN BELL BE REQUII AS NM� A M � SM THE 5 ANDREEK WUAC G A OPERA PERMANENT Of OCCUR DERSENT BARBARA AM A WARECIR A REASONS A WE -1-1, -1�E��IWER SITE SOMALI MOST �T AT UNAST NO BROAD ME NAT ME NEWS MARC AND ASSFACTE SOL ARMED IMPORT6 MAINTENANCE A PROPER DATABASE AND CAUSING MARGARET EXPERT CONTAINMENT EXCENT WE REBATES OF ME CONTRACT RESULT UPWARDA MUSTRALLI ARM �E PRE TO MMO� I—.1 OF PUB -- 'HER � FINAL ANSFACTRUMBE OF WE INGLAER AMHE ME --I RESpAW— 6 ME WIMM MUST MAKER TRANS A SAW WE TH BRAD SUR STLE 011 TEDUCH A BARBARA UP MEN BIT STRONG MISSOURI CONSTITUTE TO NS HARDWARE7 TRIMMED DIWM� FROM °E.CYRUARTA GAME. aLACT, DMD. IE9D.E..EEx�NEmD,ER.�EaxDI.DxDEEE MM TO . T"�`�"M�.""'ImING.. CUM ASWOTO ANER. Il°WME SET ME TO ME CAN8 BAHAMAS A SOL BE POSED IN A MERE TO UNIT EARN MUSEUM LCTINNIF STRACCUSTAGN CULL MI BE OUSUFgNINFINE VRRNDLN —E.1 a MCI MIX MRS u N SEOUL W GRANTED ED PER ENGINEER DRrtaao PRIOR TO 9uCEMExr. SIM 11 BAK EMERGE REPURCHASE FIRE PETROLEUM CAMARA ARM ANY ATTER MUST- STALL MR BEGIONCENI COMMUNIST A EDUNy61T m°TEcrcx rocwTINALL SPILLS AND ASPEN— VILm TEwxRRRM ARABS THATRATEm. ERrSR 11 T�E�V%��W�REO HUNGRIER AMENDED REFFLEFT NEW OR RARE SHIMONOSEKI MAW. . N TO .'I ISCULMENEMBE WASTE I' MRS I C TIRE CONTRACTOR SEOUL MOTOR THE CONSTIMPTAN SHE INCLUDING ALL AFFE SURCHOWER MENTANNERN AND MOROCCAN SCUPPER SURFACE . ARM INSTRETHERN 14 MAPS MEE � CRT A MEN FOR RaMxa. BE RWM mERBN—MORTGAGES °P SEDIMENT III „E. INNER LALs R.. BE SIM PAR R11 . Ais cicLLE `X oX PAR e"e SSH°HA."oTRE MEM ATT BILL Mva.ECUM m WE MET —FOR WABR.�a�G CBS —WE B.IEOF SEEM1 L SOL COMMERCE STRUCTURE MAE A MUST MEASURES *BE A ANDEPER SANFORD ON EXUAL MOST A NAMES BEAR NEI NEW EnxGB mvnIN wrRwl�o.woE nxELv uuMurEoli¢. crEx wa'IEB, sxune w Bnaue eCOMES 11 GRACE ..' WOUSTANUM WEST TO RANDOM IS N% FUEL 1 RUSSIANS TOR US ISTRAILE 01 (COMPARES SEPARATE AND MEW 11 WITCH AT MANOR COOPER POLL A MARC A AN A EMERGE AS NOW EMITTING CURB MILLEAREAR IS WAGNER NUCLEI IN LAR NNW OF TRENw AN.6uING. DR IN HOME FORR OARACT MENAM B. UNG OPERAT OCR MINORCO MEN— PATCHES CONSTING OF A MINIMUM OF THREE INCHES (I JOE LIST OR LORD MUST CUM A MEN STATES M IT HE PLXNMM PROSSIDE WE WERSURED UJIMPER OF PACEN TRAVEL MINES TEMPORARY PANEGMENT PATCHES I A UM IN PLACE FOR A ANCE OF PIPE (5� CORNING TRIP WALLORSOUNG THATESTAT'll 11 MANDERILLNE ANCHORAGE AGE. MONARCH 17 IF FIND PLUCHING A NOT COMPLETED PUTHIN ME S�IFIM TIME NO ORLEANS— PERMITS OCR HE G� M ME LARNIMExnuLLOSTO ANTRAMRNw[:RRrt,ER IS �PA S APPENTS OF THE PERMANENT MR' THIS CAME ANALL RORuw COMPARED PANEL . FREE ARM AUTO TOP w,AD KNOBS THE PERMANENT PATCH PARMUST TO THE I—ESIGHE WE MANE BUT SLAND BACTURE MME ROPER MEE OF ME MARBLE PAGEACALTURCHES EXHIBITING RWANDA CARGATERN NJMPFACTING THE GAME COMMAND CAN WE HATUR KARL BE MUST OR BETTER TOM TIRE ROUNDUP OF ME SU�WIWAREMENT IN MOST MUCAS AND MASTERCARD` IN THE BASES BE MATURE SEGMENT AND FARM IT A PREFER DIAGRAMSME EACTING RANGE- ADgi� I A —PARCEL OF WE GNP PRIOR TO THE �K AFTER NCNPMlA OF WE �SET— THE PAR MINE COURTURN ASIAN TO RARE CRT WE PAMMW CONDITION TAX IRAN AGREEMENT OR MAKES A MEC� OF MENCUR REEBOK MGM RANGE- SABLEFOR LAW RE ME UP WASUM 08� AT OR MARKED FACE 1 ALL �ER LINE' I.-- POOL MER AN — FOR THE MEW— CAN NATO DML ANDS MANCHESTER SPECIMENS CABLE A GO WERS, E WATER MPAT ICEfl SOL N.TERIx IxG ANR4L GIRL AE;INCH GRGGNED ANSWERED WAGE MIXED IN FISH BELOW AND NOR RANGE MANAGED 4 TIRE AGING BANANAS. MAW 12 HASSEEND SENSE ME TOP OR ME ME IS TIRE TOP ON THE ME. ANALL BE RATHE I MAE. n A ��$&C���4L�FURNS�DANDIN�T�EDTOMPTHSANDDI�NSIDN��ON�EC�ST��6, t � All PIK XWERE AM RELATED ARCHIPELAGIC OF AM III MARINE AND NAME FOR SECOND GREAT CANDUST — ROME AT PACE 01" BE OPEN ONSTRACT PUBLIC WEAK 9 ALI 10 7 RESULT G R AWARE WAR A MACAU FDA AIR WAGES ir AND TUBULAR AND THALL CUT A SHELTER OF PROGRAMMED WEMGINEM ATERSTRAL—EAGAGETOTHESURROLEWITULD ��T RESILIENT -UP MAD U—M MECHANISM JOINT, N�l�G VALLE CLUM AND ALUALL BASIN By TIMING M WE — . N 1. GXMXTA A THUR MARCH. COMMENTS THALL A AGE A� EXAM IN THE —IS. SO MONSUBTFUSSIXTEDEM XNALLICAND IS . ....A INTAW ON MR 1. WASEEM I..' SEOUL I CLATER � IU SITE - ,� _ VICINITY MAP AN CIVIL PL4N INDEX US oa El . A M US MEET IN GENERAL NEI EEi y Duo AM UP 0 c9.1 D HATER IT, o oaTxG04.1 k ROOM BELL D a ROEM ARMED UTILITY 6 s t cm LATER 1AMATNENT REPAIR C SUGAR �ft�JOI�DiN A ��$&C���4L�FURNS�DANDIN�T�EDTOMPTHSANDDI�NSIDN��ON�EC�ST��6, t � All PIK XWERE AM RELATED ARCHIPELAGIC OF AM III MARINE AND NAME FOR SECOND GREAT CANDUST — ROME AT PACE 01" BE OPEN ONSTRACT PUBLIC WEAK 9 ALI 10 7 RESULT G R AWARE WAR A MACAU FDA AIR WAGES ir AND TUBULAR AND THALL CUT A SHELTER OF PROGRAMMED WEMGINEM ATERSTRAL—EAGAGETOTHESURROLEWITULD ��T RESILIENT -UP MAD U—M MECHANISM JOINT, N�l�G VALLE CLUM AND ALUALL BASIN By TIMING M WE — . N 1. GXMXTA A THUR MARCH. COMMENTS THALL A AGE A� EXAM IN THE —IS. SO MONSUBTFUSSIXTEDEM XNALLICAND IS . ....A INTAW ON MR 1. WASEEM I..' SEOUL I CLATER ��CMN AGENDA AMR$ BE DIFFERENT MATTHEWS �L A I NEW MAXICARE UNNUFACTURES �NE�A� MEN PIK SORT A HOT IN PLASMAS THIS OEM ROD OF PIK SOL AS CLOSED By A WATERTUGHT PH& ATENI�ED APPEARS NOR EXCEED 10 FEET A ��$&C���4L�FURNS�DANDIN�T�EDTOMPTHSANDDI�NSIDN��ON�EC�ST��6, 4L NGEMSTH"EMEWWG NGSIN °W MMCm m RSuigM¢D SUNRaBamS NRrtn EMAW .cEGeD.uEEWITxDET49YIDv.RMmEC➢xSTRYcn°ul'anwluG4 x 7 RESULT G R AWARE WAR A MACAU FDA AIR WAGES ir AND TUBULAR AND THALL CUT A SHELTER OF PROGRAMMED WEMGINEM ATERSTRAL—EAGAGETOTHESURROLEWITULD ��T RESILIENT -UP MAD U—M MECHANISM JOINT, N�l�G VALLE CLUM AND ALUALL BASIN By TIMING M WE — . N 1. GXMXTA A THUR MARCH. COMMENTS THALL A AGE A� EXAM IN THE —IS. SO MONSUBTFUSSIXTEDEM XNALLICAND IS . ....A INTAW ON MR 1. WASEEM I..' SEOUL I CLATER ��CMN AGENDA AMR$ BE DIFFERENT MATTHEWS �L A I NEW MAXICARE UNNUFACTURES �NE�A� 10 ME CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO GCON MR BARREN DEALER PLANAR LINE US SCREENING UNUSUAL DEPTH AM MORGAN SITUATED �ISNOTMM�IFE�ELIW��OFIR��8�M�W�IMOF�G SENTRUSE ME X MALAWI ENTIRE AGREE LINE SHATRUL BE RE�DWITH CROBAGO PIK t foZ W F W 09 W O o y a O ELM O O W U jZ W= Z a W KQ W W O O SE MEE O - � U U j WO NU E e ,.xvn E _�x - 1 LE_N_ wmLT IN NINE S ° _ �.. — a,.mxwis --L '" GENERAL SITE DEMOLITION NOTES TTT— \ ; —., ...,oxE .� N- a —NOR =!lUx� "INN ww _m wNN_6.. TN— ,xH �ro.x. o = ""P �s�x. � .,,Ew�.w.m " T UTILITY NOTES: IJJ� z3sR TH wmNR_Trs ..� cemw..�w=. -... .w� .�..a. IIEIoxu a EN�.�rm 0� d�m.xroaaru �.x—anN 11 e�iwEND F.um. wxm..x.m,. N 53< . C�PEP wrurrort I—E t ENINTIM NNN 0 mm� uwnmvou mono uuwu ux J tPC NNET h XeM1 F — DEMO LEGEND ENTorocrorewo.i d 8 _N_ NNN 3 k N. IN xo.—T, IVI— LLL —, — momn, N.NOnu.u,rourmn mmxcmewm,us 9 15 1211� HILT t ®e wcoremenvwru "a� a z IRINI�.I Tl w o 0 0 \�ININIIN— IINN L.H IN IE — A PEA'w Eo E � o w s U � 7 2 N Z � _ w 6 y to aO E, 0 F 'm NER —® LNEN U T SITE BENCHMARK v 0 EFT xNENNENNII � III PREPARED NYy GNNI ICSGLE NO INNECIFINEININNEHNIbIENEERENITIONOF EN IR ON HER RNH 125 BERRI ENIP IN EATE 111111 xENEix. axEAOEvars. eLwwasmsxowx ^iu E*I' x Calllxa Iwo ole. vi m. ,x n. N �m�°p . —m m m m m m�m m m `nwnwv �ums� m m m � m a PEDESTRIAN DETAIL, GENERAL DiRIPINO '_ nE-1 DEAHAH. M�s�o:eA.swwEo SITE BENCHMARK�vnno HALLIES OF E-OIJ AN xsw AD ax oc® FEET ON THE THIS STATICT! Al rrmALLBLIND E—O: TM[Fn SITE IMPROVEMENTS LEGEND GMPHIC I.. ux sI' "Ezax lyo.Lh W � DO DOE - N ELL uJ I Z W K G ITT N 4 GMPHIC I.. ux sI' "Ezax lyo.Lh W � DO DOE - N ELL uJ I Z W K G ITT N FINAL GRADING & DRAINAGE NOTES: r I L•,• _ z wpm;aormmJawsmEs�i�nMxrtmusni�aiixmrvu. .r _mHENTO-ITONE E �" m"�— OF EBE TIM]MHau BEHADEsawnRe ®E \ RM = -N. I—.. N TEEEMENEER HEREN AND ON THE DRAMIJACE rLua LAMA i I HAEaTMm Em EVEACTEwx OF THLLJrxwwEwo ARMATE RED.� E mCTING 4 � MEE 91 EMmwxmu E.ttOKMm j uavxaw !ACREM NTHE"' FLOCE ceTHI vnrt maOErtPoAINPREPAR�BY F TRAH, FOR RO O "°vaLasooNmsauu RBCEnmoxursucxB AVExREAwxu.'TER SLAREi. 2 MANOR FRO IT a CONTAIN CAN PARTNEFEEB TO WE INAPPERE ANEI OF THE AREEK THE � — A El FE). AHHTA T�aIN ERwws M---Rr THE Om ,NE..w ANA EWBTNUBMI Aw THE PRACTICE dwu TO NNNEBE THE - ia.JE,EJ�.�JwTHEw..�Js,uRN.HEEs A THEs,w RENTRACTEM OT OPERRE CUTEMEE THE MEA ARTHOUT FEE FRONT III ' CONBTNTOTaEPRdERTNOVA,ER N,OLNALL TEERELNNTxu.N,JE j a.>sg ,xONAw LE OwERBNun�AN�EON,EHTHN TTHE ,OP° rO. OON,aACTEREEPECITECANE< MILEC,EA RECIT�TnaNOETENJENCRE PROTECTION PAN ME PE °'•'x�aaANwTHTA.NwNREAPEANaNEOT PRIOR TOOJMENExaN EMURT ORBTRJOPHREE w w EMOCTARTJTUN.OJNaAxER PER wT NnmEswvn E T c TORNEETRROnoA i MORCHRIN, T OR &UT MET HHEI F MARINE REFFEEFOR MALL HE FRO VERMIN CN TO lJJ Omm ON T�pi AM"OMAMxBBWILBECOMFOBTECORTTHEENCENECOR¢ONP ME 530 E. COOPER ' ' p= NO. IO x� WAIFP V Trcrsn. ARYWELF aTm[au[w'N. OiALTEC Q I N iE AUT NEONcuucmuTnmTnHRNusT REAJwEREPETa E �ocnzr� � I n w i & E m ZWX TARR.- 11 Cj. wags,AP a....A— OR PER,e HE GRPDING&EROSION CDNTONTOOR ENO ., F � 'Sri' E — Ar. _ c sonuunrxa� 1 AME nmvn� roam Mx_ PER muxrwro. m u TO uxe ,nnuJ —..�r� HE wmnwm NFICHEINTO W ..— oOPM O -- --==—_ _—_—_—�—�5-1--� en o GRADING PIAN VIEW ----- Ur PC -- W U z Z OR 0 Z WOR m Q N SITE BENCHMARK ^IT- SPOT ELEVATON LEGEND _. ® o w __ aaaa RiexwRwr roNu FEE U ON. BE PROBBECIF SEEM C BENCHMARK OEI OF HEAR � FEEOP ON THE SET HE' BOOM CAP IN - RNEFa.Lme, RLaaa:ABBNowN 13 RACE REP. RACE THEME Eix. w.. m TELP-111- ANEMOMETER ..P.K PA. FEE TNE-RIM THE,—UBBcrcOOPER mrmmxrnETE ADARAMP-ISOMETRIC VIEW c T >w — _ BE .below emmwaaonminaT �Dd��ENaey0ud8 aar°ET'ATMxwumm 1i ^ix F.E.eIN. ErtOnmm'.memw.v IRA - GE, g n - -- `�RAI I K a j O i i O O U U GRAPHIC ACALE(11 7 Z Z 1 U K 6 G No — K m 9� O U U i O 0AAAM 1-1 N DE n ARAR � x NIOW. Callxmr. yooap. FEIT AAAA- s.m xso wo xm xss sign w R H O MEP SIRE EF SIDI PROFILE y'" A. U' sn p E .. .. .. .. .. 8 Z �sy AA OU m IF saonw�w,x rxb�ooex .. ..... ........ ....... 's nm e wse GIIiiER FLOWLINE�LOOPERTO HUNTER PROFILE m wm em S f GE, g W ih K j O i i O O U U p 7 Z Z 1 U K 6 G No — K m 9� O U U i O 0AAAM 1-1 N DE n ARAR � x NIOW. Callxmr. yooap. AAAA- 11 wse GIIiiER FLOWLINE�LOOPERTO HUNTER PROFILE m wm em S f CURGRE TABLE - GUTTER FUEWUNE -COOPER HUNTER GE, g W O K j O i i O O U U p 7 Z Z 1 U K 6 G No — K m 9� O U U i O 0AAAM 1-1 N DE n ARAR � x NIOW. Callxmr. yooap. AAAA- 11 CURGRE TABLE - GUTTER FUEWUNE -COOPER HUNTER GE, g W O K j O i i O O U U p 7 Z Z 1 U K 6 G No — K m 9� O U U i O 0AAAM 1-1 N DE n O � x NIOW. Callxmr. yooap. AAAA- 11 n!Gmrery GE, g W O GE, g W O K j O i i O O U U p 7 Z Z 1 U K 6 G No — K m 9� O U U i O me.... p 0 ILL] N DE n O � x NIOW. Callxmr. yooap. SECTION FT M01 SECTION aT OHO ® ® iE1111�11111 limt mm ■_®1111■ ®® ll wmmm� `11�1111�11111® . 1111111® ��� :sem SECTION aT OHO SE[NON RTW O SECTION aI'1w0 SECNONMI1 O P rm� �a w� .•.. .,.. nu nu rzrz Al SEUION AT SECTION M 1' 0 O k\ 6 15 x.o..-.below. Call e.mr. yooap. ® ® iE1111�11111 limt mm ■_®1111■ ®® ll wmmm� ��� :sem lid 11m �111111i1111�®®ice iii® 11®®®® SE[NON RTW O SECTION aI'1w0 SECNONMI1 O P rm� �a w� .•.. .,.. nu nu rzrz Al SEUION AT SECTION M 1' 0 O k\ 6 15 x.o..-.below. Call e.mr. yooap. SECTION M 1' 0 O k\ 6 15 x.o..-.below. Call e.mr. yooap. GMPHILSME ^m rtnl EXISTING DEVELOPMENT DRAINAGE BASIN PEAK RUNOFF SUMMARY ` �� r1� �' i'` m i mi "' f R ensl�Gl'^�-►. � � rt POST DEVELOPMENT DRAINAGE BASIN PEAR RUNOFF SUMMARY ♦— - 1/� / WATER QUALITY TREATMENT SUMMARY 7ij e� 0 1 '.y. • EXISTING DRAINAGE LEGEND 7ij e� 0 1 LM.' mwm nw.m �tl� unwmee `a(r"rirmrzuu W i. smncamrrt "_ -- 4 1 rw.LL F neuron a v, .lx... Yry c.��e m,mc+^ m�ami� �rSwn�m®rrninu�xo ¢? Fx `oma uewle �sexweewsIXnm. "ui�tn urw+m U 7 amxrwummao murv,rA.X nccsmrom mwewawry Z d gss.>e .1 .1. T-.nwrrom o �# SILVA CELL SYSTEM O$ W 0 menrmne,wmlmm. 0U 0 U U y �'"aYn'nnwm me W �c Xbelow. ��Czllrxmr. youap. _�.� .n..xx x xnx..m / GlVkPHICSCAI emnrvm [nvxrr nnvv�n '1neM1 wvxmaerm rwerrax I� � wmurerws �j """r.rcercurrnmrnexay.naow�J nnunerowrwrsrurs E'J F. IX SILVA CELL DETAIL ��1 �TYPICAL SCALESCAL N\/ T.S. SITE IMPROVEMENTS LEGEND LM.' mwm SECTION AA nw.m �tl� unwmee `a(r"rirmrzuu W i. smncamrrt "_ -- 4 1 rw.LL F neuron a v, .lx... Yry c.��e m,mc+^ m�ami� �rSwn�m®rrninu�xo ¢? Fx `oma uewle �sexweewsIXnm. "ui�tn urw+m U 7 amxrwummao murv,rA.X nccsmrom mwewawry Z d gwvusrm m"'cin®ronrnexmweo .1 .1. T-.nwrrom o Q N SILVA CELL SYSTEM SECTION AA SILVA CELL SYSTEM SECTION B -B nw.m �tl� unwmee `a(r"rirmrzuu W i. mor�"rsi�" 1 rw.LL neuron a v, .lx... Yry cep K d � e ¢? Fx `oma uewle �sexweewsIXnm. U 7 amxrwummao murv,rA.X nccsmrom mwewawry SILVA CELL SYSTEM SECTION B -B SILVA CELL SYSTEM SECTION CL x�ex�.�o�v rom nw.m �tl� unwmee `a(r"rirmrzuu W m N y a m cep K d � $ ¢? Fx `oma uewle U 7 amxrwummao murv,rA.X Z d gwvusrm m"'cin®ronrnexmweo .1 .1. T-.nwrrom o Q N w O$ W 0 menrmne,wmlmm. 0U 0 U U y �'"aYn'nnwm SILVA CELL SYSTEM SECTION CL x�ex�.�o�v rom SILVA CELL SYSTEM SECTION 6D nw.m �tl� W � Q N a cep K d � zarururvm:wrt¢mscmx ¢? Fx `oma uewle U 7 TYPICAL INSPECTION RISER DETAIL Z d gwvusrm m"'cin®ronrnexmweo — o Q N w O$ W 0 U 0U 0 U U y me W SILVA CELL SYSTEM SECTION 6D nw.m �tl� W � Q N a cep K d � rugssvamrrnr nssnox U 7 TYPICAL INSPECTION RISER DETAIL SILVA CELL SYSTEM SECTION 6D z W � Q N a K d � O U 7 F Z d N — o Q N � m W 0 U 0 U U y me W Xbelow. ��Czllrxmr. youap. T�4 T -T VIT ...rv.w.mrvnxunn" I 5NAE. COOPER -- COOPER AVENUE 4 uunoxuvA.Al muns,wen RR G J GENERAL UnLITY NOTESIRA: d -- AARDIARPARFUexre RTI Pir a r cxmwn wi„essmors,re —'" a s,aIDAAA mw.wmr ncmxmixrn onxrnx ewaes ��nm,rv..�„,awe, J msrvm.smv ,a,no rvm,roo.r,rv�,n.mm,.n.�.r��xm a a ,.xa,.w„ n,�,g smncs gb Rw _� wmrmmw,cxvus V-8 NNEI me u,unux monrocommucmx [x�arurEwauueaxvvi m.mrwwmn.uarum�e. OF— {� eamxcrircxwxw, g z W r..vw `� W m U <04 NAERu K i rn cmwrvvur.c..c.mi�c�ma—. ¢ O PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS NOTE. t; � ua,.,e:."w. wsc 2 r D=I exrswmexwuw.mes.mecmx ¢ g minwcmxuN, < G6_p..r�nwnu�., ,n.nxavrc.w,..xw oa i .waw .�m��srveounmwwreromunexaxwror_---Ax z N zg� a .&es U U LLl u 9 rvmnms s" oU en SHALLOW UTILITY NOTES . UnLNY PUN LEGEND d -- AARDIARPARFUexre RTI a r cxmwn wi„essmors,re —'" a s,aIDAAA mw.wmr ncmxmixrn onxrnx ewaes S J msrvm.smv ITrws a ,.xa,.w„ n,�,g smncs gb Rw _� wmrmmw,cxvus -•�—III — FI RE WDRANU PROFILE W--EOWIE,mrvxVE d -- a r a ITrws a ,.xa,.w„ n,�,g smncs gb Rw W--EOWIE,mrvxVE d -- a r a ,.xa,.w„ me 0� {� eamxcrircxwxw, z W p en `� W m U <04 a K i O ¢ O � ua,.,e:."w. wsc F ,n.nxavrc.w,..xw oa ¢ ¢ .waw 0 mALRI U U u 9 rvmnms n� .__Ere WARR„ERVICE PROFILE x 6 om xa irvwrcwxu,mw ; e ,xo :rom,a�,x,r.am�w..wa.s.,rcry:x.Axnrva..� Ca11FRUN ouap GRANITE CURB DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. TUVVIEW TYPICAL CONCRETE WITH SNOW MELT SGLE: N.T.S. xls'Vnx-Gl WK IDH 6 .,snMwrs inxox.merrx iTy CONCRETE MOUNTABLE EDGE BIKE PAD DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. mmad'xu xervm. mixrc n¢weewinenexi Ws[ W � nj OU In m x m wwmx K;; nei xr.wwm�u u'rnxuunxvrwe[ s FRONTVIEW SIU[VIEW rxxiverwxrwnvv. �� DRYWELL DETAIL IT DIAMETER) snnzu .LE: Ye°' L TYPICAL CONCRETE WITH SNOW MELT SGLE: N.T.S. xls'Vnx-Gl WK IDH 6 .,snMwrs inxox.merrx iTy CONCRETE MOUNTABLE EDGE BIKE PAD DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. mmad'xu xervm. mixrc n¢weewinenexi Ws[ W � nj OU In m x m wwmx K;; nei xr.wwm�u u'rnxuunxvrwe[ s 74 DEAD END WYE m SECTION GATE VALVE tee, TEE I CONCRETE THRUST RESTRAINT DETAILS D mnmesi'.2cm xvmws ron mpa xu.weca[,anis V tue+.w .won>.www[av WATER MAIN TRENCH CROSS SE07I0N s`ffie� �®sr.[r�roe.mo T1P. WATER SERI/7CE DETAIL _ TYPICAL GATE VALVE CITY OF ASPEN WATER DEPARTMENT D � » � wuwrrm FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY INSTALLA77ON DETAIL VERTICAL THRUST BLOCK DETAIL ALL WATER LINE EXTENSIONS PLAN ELEVATION �. COMB/NAT/ON AIR VALVE MANHOLE DETAIL Pa AO✓ACENT WATER L/NES /N 7HE SAME TRENCH ELEVATION w WATERUNEICUL ✓AERT/ CROSSING INSU��ON�SEC770,V O mm .uv ® 01 u ®wlsi�a�w �i�.wemvi F o WATER / SEWER CROSS/NG STANDARD DETAILS Laughlin Wafer o more. x1.e E,pineas.LM OEUw, W FOR WATER LINES ,M� �;R": m° D-1 wasmum ws�oo�®�00� oovmv©mo,mvv oovmov©m,mvm omr,m©vootmvv ©v©mm0mo.mvv ®mml9OO©O.9CTi0 OE3123=7' ©OOan 000mmoo©mrso CONCRETE THRUST RESTRAINT DETAILS D mnmesi'.2cm xvmws ron mpa xu.weca[,anis V tue+.w .won>.www[av WATER MAIN TRENCH CROSS SE07I0N s`ffie� �®sr.[r�roe.mo T1P. WATER SERI/7CE DETAIL _ TYPICAL GATE VALVE CITY OF ASPEN WATER DEPARTMENT D � » � wuwrrm FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY INSTALLA77ON DETAIL VERTICAL THRUST BLOCK DETAIL ALL WATER LINE EXTENSIONS PLAN ELEVATION �. COMB/NAT/ON AIR VALVE MANHOLE DETAIL Pa AO✓ACENT WATER L/NES /N 7HE SAME TRENCH ELEVATION w WATERUNEICUL ✓AERT/ CROSSING INSU��ON�SEC770,V O mm .uv ® 01 u ®wlsi�a�w �i�.wemvi F o WATER / SEWER CROSS/NG STANDARD DETAILS Laughlin Wafer o more. x1.e E,pineas.LM OEUw, W FOR WATER LINES ,M� �;R": m° D-1 534 E. Cooper Avenue Major Design Drainage Study SE Project #16022 S OPRIS E NGINEERING • LLC APPENDIX A Urban Drainage Runoff Spreadsheets 10- and 100-yr Existing Conditions Project Title: Catchment ID: I.Catchment Hydrologic Data Catchment ID =1 Area =0.131 Acres Percent Imperviousness =100.00 % NRCS Soil Type =B A, B, C, or D II.Rainfall Information I (inch/hr) = C1 * P1 /(C2 + Td)^C3 Design Storm Return Period, Tr =10 years (input return period for design storm) C1 =35.60 (input the value of C1) C2=6.60 (input the value of C2) C3=0.852 (input the value of C3) P1=0.47 inches (input one-hr precipitation--see Sheet "Design Info") III.Analysis of Flow Time (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment Runoff Coefficient, C =0.92 Overide Runoff Coefficient, C =(enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C-5 =0.90 Overide 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C =(enter an overide C-5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C-5.) Illustration NRCS Land Heavy Tillage/Short Nearly Grassed Type Meadow Field Pasture/Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways Conveyance 2.5 5 7 10 15 Calculations:Reach Slope Length 5-yr NRCS Flow Flow ID S L Runoff Convey-Velocity Time Coeff ance V Tf ft/ft ft C-5 fps minutes input input output input output output Overland 0.90 N/A 0.00 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 0 Computed Tc =0.00 Regional Tc =10.00 User-Entered Tc =5.00 IV.Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I =inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =cfs Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc, I =inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =cfs Rainfall Intensity at User-Defined Tc, I =2.07 inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =0.25 cfs (Sheet Flow) 20 Shallow Paved Swales Sum CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD 534 E. COOPER AVE BASIN1 Paved Areas & BASIN1-EX-10yr.xls, Tc and PeakQ 10/10/2016, 3:06 PM Project Title: Catchment ID: I.Catchment Hydrologic Data Catchment ID =1 Area =0.118 Acres Percent Imperviousness =100.00 % NRCS Soil Type =B A, B, C, or D II.Rainfall Information I (inch/hr) = C1 * P1 /(C2 + Td)^C3 Design Storm Return Period, Tr =100 years (input return period for design storm) C1 =35.60 (input the value of C1) C2=6.60 (input the value of C2) C3=0.852 (input the value of C3) P1=0.47 inches (input one-hr precipitation--see Sheet "Design Info") III.Analysis of Flow Time (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment Runoff Coefficient, C =0.96 Overide Runoff Coefficient, C =(enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C-5 =0.90 Overide 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C =(enter an overide C-5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C-5.) Illustration NRCS Land Heavy Tillage/Short Nearly Grassed Type Meadow Field Pasture/Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways Conveyance 2.5 5 7 10 15 Calculations:Reach Slope Length 5-yr NRCS Flow Flow ID S L Runoff Convey-Velocity Time Coeff ance V Tf ft/ft ft C-5 fps minutes input input output input output output Overland 0.90 N/A 0.00 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 0 Computed Tc =0.00 Regional Tc =10.00 User-Entered Tc =5.00 IV.Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I =inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =cfs Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc, I =inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =cfs Rainfall Intensity at User-Defined Tc, I =2.07 inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =0.23 cfs (Sheet Flow) 20 Shallow Paved Swales Sum CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD 534 E. COOPER AVE BASIN 1 Paved Areas & BASIN1-EX-100yr.xls, Tc and PeakQ 10/10/2016, 3:06 PM 534 E. Cooper Avenue Major Design Drainage Study SE Project #16022 S OPRIS E NGINEERING • LLC APPENDIX B Urban Drainage Runoff Spreadsheets 10- and 100-yr Developed Conditions Project Title: Catchment ID: I.Catchment Hydrologic Data Catchment ID =1 Area =0.142 Acres Percent Imperviousness =100.00 % NRCS Soil Type =B A, B, C, or D II.Rainfall Information I (inch/hr) = C1 * P1 /(C2 + Td)^C3 Design Storm Return Period, Tr =10 years (input return period for design storm) C1 =35.60 (input the value of C1) C2=6.60 (input the value of C2) C3=0.852 (input the value of C3) P1=0.47 inches (input one-hr precipitation--see Sheet "Design Info") III.Analysis of Flow Time (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment Runoff Coefficient, C =0.92 Overide Runoff Coefficient, C =(enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C-5 =0.90 Overide 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C =(enter an overide C-5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C-5.) Illustration NRCS Land Heavy Tillage/Short Nearly Grassed Type Meadow Field Pasture/Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways Conveyance 2.5 5 7 10 15 Calculations:Reach Slope Length 5-yr NRCS Flow Flow ID S L Runoff Convey-Velocity Time Coeff ance V Tf ft/ft ft C-5 fps minutes input input output input output output Overland 0.90 N/A 0.00 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 0 Computed Tc =0.00 Regional Tc =10.00 User-Entered Tc =5.00 IV.Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I =inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =cfs Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc, I =inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =cfs Rainfall Intensity at User-Defined Tc, I =2.07 inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =0.27 cfs (Sheet Flow) 20 Shallow Paved Swales Sum CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD 534 E. COOPER AVE BASIN1 Paved Areas & BASIN1-DEV-10yr.xls, Tc and PeakQ 10/10/2016, 3:02 PM Project Title: Catchment ID: I.Catchment Hydrologic Data Catchment ID =1 Area =0.142 Acres Percent Imperviousness =100.00 % NRCS Soil Type =B A, B, C, or D II.Rainfall Information I (inch/hr) = C1 * P1 /(C2 + Td)^C3 Design Storm Return Period, Tr =100 years (input return period for design storm) C1 =100.10 (input the value of C1) C2=10.70 (input the value of C2) C3=1.080 (input the value of C3) P1=1.23 inches (input one-hr precipitation--see Sheet "Design Info") III.Analysis of Flow Time (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment Runoff Coefficient, C =0.96 Overide Runoff Coefficient, C =(enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C-5 =0.90 Overide 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C =(enter an overide C-5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C-5.) Illustration NRCS Land Heavy Tillage/Short Nearly Grassed Type Meadow Field Pasture/Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways Conveyance 2.5 5 7 10 15 Calculations:Reach Slope Length 5-yr NRCS Flow Flow ID S L Runoff Convey-Velocity Time Coeff ance V Tf ft/ft ft C-5 fps minutes input input output input output output Overland 0.90 N/A 0.00 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 0 Computed Tc =0.00 Regional Tc =10.00 User-Entered Tc =5.00 IV.Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I =inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =cfs Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc, I =inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =cfs Rainfall Intensity at User-Defined Tc, I =6.29 inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =0.85 cfs (Sheet Flow) 20 Shallow Paved Swales Sum CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD 534 E. COOPER AVE BASIN 1 Paved Areas & BASIN1-DEV-100yr.xls, Tc and PeakQ 10/10/2016, 3:02 PM Project Title: Catchment ID: I.Catchment Hydrologic Data Catchment ID =2 Area =0.016 Acres Percent Imperviousness =87.90 % NRCS Soil Type =B A, B, C, or D II.Rainfall Information I (inch/hr) = C1 * P1 /(C2 + Td)^C3 Design Storm Return Period, Tr =10 years (input return period for design storm) C1 =35.60 (input the value of C1) C2=6.60 (input the value of C2) C3=0.852 (input the value of C3) P1=0.47 inches (input one-hr precipitation--see Sheet "Design Info") III.Analysis of Flow Time (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment Runoff Coefficient, C =0.72 Overide Runoff Coefficient, C =(enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C-5 =0.70 Overide 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C =(enter an overide C-5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C-5.) Illustration NRCS Land Heavy Tillage/Short Nearly Grassed Type Meadow Field Pasture/Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways Conveyance 2.5 5 7 10 15 Calculations:Reach Slope Length 5-yr NRCS Flow Flow ID S L Runoff Convey-Velocity Time Coeff ance V Tf ft/ft ft C-5 fps minutes input input output input output output Overland 0.70 N/A 0.00 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 0 Computed Tc =0.00 Regional Tc =10.00 User-Entered Tc =5.00 IV.Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I =inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =cfs Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc, I =inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =cfs Rainfall Intensity at User-Defined Tc, I =2.07 inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =0.02 cfs (Sheet Flow) 20 Shallow Paved Swales Sum CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD 534 E. COOPER AVE BASIN2 Paved Areas & BASIN2-DEV-10yr.xls, Tc and PeakQ 7/6/2017, 8:24 AM Project Title: Catchment ID: I.Catchment Hydrologic Data Catchment ID =2 Area =0.016 Acres Percent Imperviousness =87.90 % NRCS Soil Type =B A, B, C, or D II.Rainfall Information I (inch/hr) = C1 * P1 /(C2 + Td)^C3 Design Storm Return Period, Tr =100 years (input return period for design storm) C1 =100.10 (input the value of C1) C2=10.70 (input the value of C2) C3=1.080 (input the value of C3) P1=1.23 inches (input one-hr precipitation--see Sheet "Design Info") III.Analysis of Flow Time (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment Runoff Coefficient, C =0.78 Overide Runoff Coefficient, C =(enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C-5 =0.70 Overide 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C =(enter an overide C-5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C-5.) Illustration NRCS Land Heavy Tillage/Short Nearly Grassed Type Meadow Field Pasture/Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways Conveyance 2.5 5 7 10 15 Calculations:Reach Slope Length 5-yr NRCS Flow Flow ID S L Runoff Convey-Velocity Time Coeff ance V Tf ft/ft ft C-5 fps minutes input input output input output output Overland 0.70 N/A 0.00 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 0 Computed Tc =0.00 Regional Tc =10.00 User-Entered Tc =5.00 IV.Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I =inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =cfs Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc, I =inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =cfs Rainfall Intensity at User-Defined Tc, I =6.29 inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =0.08 cfs (Sheet Flow) 20 Shallow Paved Swales Sum CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD 534 E. COOPER AVE BASIN 2 Paved Areas & BASIN2-DEV-100yr.xls, Tc and PeakQ 7/6/2017, 8:24 AM Project Title: Catchment ID: I.Catchment Hydrologic Data Catchment ID =3 Area =0.005 Acres Percent Imperviousness =39.30 % NRCS Soil Type =B A, B, C, or D II.Rainfall Information I (inch/hr) = C1 * P1 /(C2 + Td)^C3 Design Storm Return Period, Tr =10 years (input return period for design storm) C1 =35.60 (input the value of C1) C2=6.60 (input the value of C2) C3=0.852 (input the value of C3) P1=0.47 inches (input one-hr precipitation--see Sheet "Design Info") III.Analysis of Flow Time (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment Runoff Coefficient, C =0.36 Overide Runoff Coefficient, C =(enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C-5 =0.29 Overide 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C =(enter an overide C-5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C-5.) Illustration NRCS Land Heavy Tillage/Short Nearly Grassed Type Meadow Field Pasture/Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways Conveyance 2.5 5 7 10 15 Calculations:Reach Slope Length 5-yr NRCS Flow Flow ID S L Runoff Convey-Velocity Time Coeff ance V Tf ft/ft ft C-5 fps minutes input input output input output output Overland 0.29 N/A 0.00 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 0 Computed Tc =0.00 Regional Tc =10.00 User-Entered Tc =5.00 IV.Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I =inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =cfs Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc, I =inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =cfs Rainfall Intensity at User-Defined Tc, I =2.07 inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =0.00 cfs (Sheet Flow) 20 Shallow Paved Swales Sum CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD 534 E. COOPER AVE BASIN3 Paved Areas & BASIN3-DEV-10yr.xls, Tc and PeakQ 7/6/2017, 8:25 AM Project Title: Catchment ID: I.Catchment Hydrologic Data Catchment ID =3 Area =0.005 Acres Percent Imperviousness =39.30 % NRCS Soil Type =B A, B, C, or D II.Rainfall Information I (inch/hr) = C1 * P1 /(C2 + Td)^C3 Design Storm Return Period, Tr =100 years (input return period for design storm) C1 =100.10 (input the value of C1) C2=10.70 (input the value of C2) C3=1.080 (input the value of C3) P1=1.23 inches (input one-hr precipitation--see Sheet "Design Info") III.Analysis of Flow Time (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment Runoff Coefficient, C =0.49 Overide Runoff Coefficient, C =(enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C-5 =0.29 Overide 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C =(enter an overide C-5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C-5.) Illustration NRCS Land Heavy Tillage/Short Nearly Grassed Type Meadow Field Pasture/Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways Conveyance 2.5 5 7 10 15 Calculations:Reach Slope Length 5-yr NRCS Flow Flow ID S L Runoff Convey-Velocity Time Coeff ance V Tf ft/ft ft C-5 fps minutes input input output input output output Overland 0.29 N/A 0.00 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 0 Computed Tc =0.00 Regional Tc =10.00 User-Entered Tc =5.00 IV.Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I =inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =cfs Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc, I =inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =cfs Rainfall Intensity at User-Defined Tc, I =6.29 inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =0.01 cfs (Sheet Flow) 20 Shallow Paved Swales Sum CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD 534 E. COOPER AVE BASIN 3 Paved Areas & BASIN3-DEV-100yr.xls, Tc and PeakQ 7/6/2017, 8:25 AM Project Title: Catchment ID: I.Catchment Hydrologic Data Catchment ID =OS1 Area =0.397 Acres Percent Imperviousness =100.00 % NRCS Soil Type =B A, B, C, or D II.Rainfall Information I (inch/hr) = C1 * P1 /(C2 + Td)^C3 Design Storm Return Period, Tr =10 years (input return period for design storm) C1 =35.60 (input the value of C1) C2=6.60 (input the value of C2) C3=0.852 (input the value of C3) P1=0.47 inches (input one-hr precipitation--see Sheet "Design Info") III.Analysis of Flow Time (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment Runoff Coefficient, C =0.92 Overide Runoff Coefficient, C =(enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C-5 =0.90 Overide 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C =(enter an overide C-5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C-5.) Illustration NRCS Land Heavy Tillage/Short Nearly Grassed Type Meadow Field Pasture/Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways Conveyance 2.5 5 7 10 15 Calculations:Reach Slope Length 5-yr NRCS Flow Flow ID S L Runoff Convey-Velocity Time Coeff ance V Tf ft/ft ft C-5 fps minutes input input output input output output Overland 0.90 N/A 0.00 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 0 Computed Tc =0.00 Regional Tc =10.00 User-Entered Tc =5.00 IV.Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I =inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =cfs Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc, I =inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =cfs Rainfall Intensity at User-Defined Tc, I =2.07 inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =0.75 cfs (Sheet Flow) 20 Shallow Paved Swales Sum CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD 534 E. COOPER AVE BASIN OS1 Paved Areas & BASIN OS1-DEV-10yr.xls, Tc and PeakQ 10/10/2016, 3:03 PM Project Title: Catchment ID: I.Catchment Hydrologic Data Catchment ID =OS1 Area =0.397 Acres Percent Imperviousness =100.00 % NRCS Soil Type =B A, B, C, or D II.Rainfall Information I (inch/hr) = C1 * P1 /(C2 + Td)^C3 Design Storm Return Period, Tr =100 years (input return period for design storm) C1 =100.10 (input the value of C1) C2=10.70 (input the value of C2) C3=1.080 (input the value of C3) P1=1.23 inches (input one-hr precipitation--see Sheet "Design Info") III.Analysis of Flow Time (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment Runoff Coefficient, C =0.96 Overide Runoff Coefficient, C =(enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C-5 =0.90 Overide 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C =(enter an overide C-5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C-5.) Illustration NRCS Land Heavy Tillage/Short Nearly Grassed Type Meadow Field Pasture/Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways Conveyance 2.5 5 7 10 15 Calculations:Reach Slope Length 5-yr NRCS Flow Flow ID S L Runoff Convey-Velocity Time Coeff ance V Tf ft/ft ft C-5 fps minutes input input output input output output Overland 0.90 N/A 0.00 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 0 Computed Tc =0.00 Regional Tc =10.00 User-Entered Tc =5.00 IV.Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I =inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =cfs Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc, I =inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =cfs Rainfall Intensity at User-Defined Tc, I =6.29 inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =2.39 cfs (Sheet Flow) 20 Shallow Paved Swales Sum CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD 534 E. COOPER AVE BASIN OS1 Paved Areas & BASIN OS1-DEV-100yr.xls, Tc and PeakQ 10/10/2016, 3:03 PM Project Title: Catchment ID: I.Catchment Hydrologic Data Catchment ID =OS2 Area =0.070 Acres Percent Imperviousness =100.00 % NRCS Soil Type =B A, B, C, or D II.Rainfall Information I (inch/hr) = C1 * P1 /(C2 + Td)^C3 Design Storm Return Period, Tr =10 years (input return period for design storm) C1 =35.60 (input the value of C1) C2=6.60 (input the value of C2) C3=0.852 (input the value of C3) P1=0.47 inches (input one-hr precipitation--see Sheet "Design Info") III.Analysis of Flow Time (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment Runoff Coefficient, C =0.92 Overide Runoff Coefficient, C =(enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C-5 =0.90 Overide 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C =(enter an overide C-5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C-5.) Illustration NRCS Land Heavy Tillage/Short Nearly Grassed Type Meadow Field Pasture/Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways Conveyance 2.5 5 7 10 15 Calculations:Reach Slope Length 5-yr NRCS Flow Flow ID S L Runoff Convey-Velocity Time Coeff ance V Tf ft/ft ft C-5 fps minutes input input output input output output Overland 0.90 N/A 0.00 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 0 Computed Tc =0.00 Regional Tc =10.00 User-Entered Tc =5.00 IV.Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I =inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =cfs Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc, I =inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =cfs Rainfall Intensity at User-Defined Tc, I =2.07 inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =0.13 cfs (Sheet Flow) 20 Shallow Paved Swales Sum CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD 534 E. COOPER AVE BASIN OS2 Paved Areas & BASIN OS2-DEV-10yr.xls, Tc and PeakQ 10/10/2016, 3:03 PM Project Title: Catchment ID: I.Catchment Hydrologic Data Catchment ID =OS2 Area =0.070 Acres Percent Imperviousness =100.00 % NRCS Soil Type =B A, B, C, or D II.Rainfall Information I (inch/hr) = C1 * P1 /(C2 + Td)^C3 Design Storm Return Period, Tr =100 years (input return period for design storm) C1 =100.10 (input the value of C1) C2=10.70 (input the value of C2) C3=1.080 (input the value of C3) P1=1.23 inches (input one-hr precipitation--see Sheet "Design Info") III.Analysis of Flow Time (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment Runoff Coefficient, C =0.96 Overide Runoff Coefficient, C =(enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C-5 =0.90 Overide 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C =(enter an overide C-5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C-5.) Illustration NRCS Land Heavy Tillage/Short Nearly Grassed Type Meadow Field Pasture/Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways Conveyance 2.5 5 7 10 15 Calculations:Reach Slope Length 5-yr NRCS Flow Flow ID S L Runoff Convey-Velocity Time Coeff ance V Tf ft/ft ft C-5 fps minutes input input output input output output Overland 0.90 N/A 0.00 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 0 Computed Tc =0.00 Regional Tc =10.00 User-Entered Tc =5.00 IV.Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I =inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =cfs Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc, I =inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =cfs Rainfall Intensity at User-Defined Tc, I =6.29 inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =0.42 cfs (Sheet Flow) 20 Shallow Paved Swales Sum CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD 534 E. COOPER AVE BASIN OS2 Paved Areas & BASIN OS2-DEV-100yr.xls, Tc and PeakQ 10/10/2016, 3:03 PM Project Title: Catchment ID: I.Catchment Hydrologic Data Catchment ID =OS3 Area =0.120 Acres Percent Imperviousness =91.40 % NRCS Soil Type =B A, B, C, or D II.Rainfall Information I (inch/hr) = C1 * P1 /(C2 + Td)^C3 Design Storm Return Period, Tr =10 years (input return period for design storm) C1 =35.60 (input the value of C1) C2=6.60 (input the value of C2) C3=0.852 (input the value of C3) P1=0.47 inches (input one-hr precipitation--see Sheet "Design Info") III.Analysis of Flow Time (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment Runoff Coefficient, C =0.77 Overide Runoff Coefficient, C =(enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C-5 =0.75 Overide 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C =(enter an overide C-5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C-5.) Illustration NRCS Land Heavy Tillage/Short Nearly Grassed Type Meadow Field Pasture/Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways Conveyance 2.5 5 7 10 15 Calculations:Reach Slope Length 5-yr NRCS Flow Flow ID S L Runoff Convey-Velocity Time Coeff ance V Tf ft/ft ft C-5 fps minutes input input output input output output Overland 0.75 N/A 0.00 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 0 Computed Tc =0.00 Regional Tc =10.00 User-Entered Tc =5.00 IV.Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I =inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =cfs Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc, I =inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =cfs Rainfall Intensity at User-Defined Tc, I =2.07 inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =0.19 cfs (Sheet Flow) 20 Shallow Paved Swales Sum CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD 534 E. COOPER AVE BASIN OS3 Paved Areas & BASIN OS3-DEV-10yr.xls, Tc and PeakQ 10/10/2016, 3:03 PM Project Title: Catchment ID: I.Catchment Hydrologic Data Catchment ID =OS3 Area =0.120 Acres Percent Imperviousness =91.40 % NRCS Soil Type =B A, B, C, or D II.Rainfall Information I (inch/hr) = C1 * P1 /(C2 + Td)^C3 Design Storm Return Period, Tr =100 years (input return period for design storm) C1 =100.10 (input the value of C1) C2=10.70 (input the value of C2) C3=1.080 (input the value of C3) P1=1.23 inches (input one-hr precipitation--see Sheet "Design Info") III.Analysis of Flow Time (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment Runoff Coefficient, C =0.83 Overide Runoff Coefficient, C =(enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C-5 =0.75 Overide 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C =(enter an overide C-5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C-5.) Illustration NRCS Land Heavy Tillage/Short Nearly Grassed Type Meadow Field Pasture/Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways Conveyance 2.5 5 7 10 15 Calculations:Reach Slope Length 5-yr NRCS Flow Flow ID S L Runoff Convey-Velocity Time Coeff ance V Tf ft/ft ft C-5 fps minutes input input output input output output Overland 0.75 N/A 0.00 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 0 Computed Tc =0.00 Regional Tc =10.00 User-Entered Tc =5.00 IV.Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I =inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =cfs Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc, I =inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =cfs Rainfall Intensity at User-Defined Tc, I =6.29 inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp =0.63 cfs (Sheet Flow) 20 Shallow Paved Swales Sum CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD 534 E. COOPER AVE BASIN OS3 Paved Areas & BASIN OS3-DEV-100yr.xls, Tc and PeakQ 10/10/2016, 3:04 PM Project Title: Catchment ID: I.Catchment Hydrologic Data Catchment ID = OS4 Area = 0.015 Acres Percent Imperviousness = 100.00 % NRCS Soil Type = B A, B, C, or D II.Rainfall Information I (inch/hr) = C1 * P1 /(C2 + Td)^C3 Design Storm Return Period, Tr = 10 years (input return period for design storm) C1 = 35.60 (input the value of C1) C2= 6.60 (input the value of C2) C3= 0.852 (input the value of C3) P1= 0.47 inches (input one-hr precipitation--see Sheet "Design Info") III.Analysis of Flow Time (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment Runoff Coefficient, C = 0.92 Overide Runoff Coefficient, C = (enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C-5 = 0.90 Overide 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C = (enter an overide C-5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C-5.) Illustration NRCS Land Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Type Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways Conveyance 2.5 5 7 10 15 Calculations:Reach Slope Length 5-yr NRCS Flow Flow ID S L Runoff Convey- Velocity Time Coeff ance V Tf ft/ft ft C-5 fps minutes input input output input output output Overland 0.90 N/A 0.00 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 0 Computed Tc =0.00 Regional Tc = 10.00 User-Entered Tc = 5.00 IV.Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I =inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp = cfs Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc, I =inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp = cfs Rainfall Intensity at User-Defined Tc, I =2.07 inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp = 0.03 cfs (Sheet Flow) 20 Shallow Paved Swales Sum CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD 534 E. COOPER AVE BASIN OS4 Paved Areas & BASIN OS4-DEV-10yr.xls, Tc and PeakQ 7/5/2017, 1:11 PM Project Title: Catchment ID: I.Catchment Hydrologic Data Catchment ID = OS4 Area = 0.015 Acres Percent Imperviousness = 100.00 % NRCS Soil Type = B A, B, C, or D II.Rainfall Information I (inch/hr) = C1 * P1 /(C2 + Td)^C3 Design Storm Return Period, Tr = 100 years (input return period for design storm) C1 = 100.10 (input the value of C1) C2= 10.70 (input the value of C2) C3= 1.080 (input the value of C3) P1= 1.23 inches (input one-hr precipitation--see Sheet "Design Info") III.Analysis of Flow Time (Time of Concentration) for a Catchment Runoff Coefficient, C = 0.96 Overide Runoff Coefficient, C = (enter an overide C value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C.) 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C-5 = 0.90 Overide 5-yr. Runoff Coefficient, C = (enter an overide C-5 value if desired, or leave blank to accept calculated C-5.) Illustration NRCS Land Heavy Tillage/ Short Nearly Grassed Type Meadow Field Pasture/ Bare Swales/ Lawns Ground Waterways Conveyance 2.5 5 7 10 15 Calculations:Reach Slope Length 5-yr NRCS Flow Flow ID S L Runoff Convey- Velocity Time Coeff ance V Tf ft/ft ft C-5 fps minutes input input output input output output Overland 0.90 N/A 0.00 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 0 Computed Tc =0.00 Regional Tc = 10.00 User-Entered Tc = 5.00 IV.Peak Runoff Prediction Rainfall Intensity at Computed Tc, I =inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp = cfs Rainfall Intensity at Regional Tc, I =inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp = cfs Rainfall Intensity at User-Defined Tc, I =6.29 inch/hr Peak Flowrate, Qp = 0.09 cfs (Sheet Flow) 20 Shallow Paved Swales Sum CALCULATION OF A PEAK RUNOFF USING RATIONAL METHOD 534 E. COOPER AVE BASIN OS4 Paved Areas & BASIN OS4-DEV-100yr.xls, Tc and PeakQ 7/5/2017, 1:08 PM 534 E. Cooper Avenue Major Design Drainage Study SE Project #16022 S OPRIS E NGINEERING • LLC APPENDIX C Hydraulic Conveyance Calculations Inlet Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc.Monday, Oct 10 2016 S. Hunter Inlet -10yr Grate Inlet Location = On grade Curb Length (ft) = -0- Throat Height (in) = -0- Grate Area (sqft) = -0- Grate Width (ft) = 1.13 Grate Length (ft) = 2.46 Gutter Slope, Sw (ft/ft) = 0.158 Slope, Sx (ft/ft) = 0.075 Local Depr (in) = -0- Gutter Width (ft) = 2.00 Gutter Slope (%) = 2.20 Gutter n-value = 0.016 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Q (cfs) = 1.36 Highlighted Q Total (cfs) = 1.36 Q Capt (cfs) = 1.18 Q Bypass (cfs) = 0.18 Depth at Inlet (in) = 3.65 Efficiency (%) = 87 Gutter Spread (ft) = 1.92 Gutter Vel (ft/s) = 4.65 Bypass Spread (ft) = 0.95 Bypass Depth (in) = 1.80 Inlet Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc.Monday, Oct 10 2016 S. Hunter Inlet -100yr Grate Inlet Location = On grade Curb Length (ft) = -0- Throat Height (in) = -0- Grate Area (sqft) = -0- Grate Width (ft) = 1.13 Grate Length (ft) = 2.46 Gutter Slope, Sw (ft/ft) = 0.158 Slope, Sx (ft/ft) = 0.075 Local Depr (in) = -0- Gutter Width (ft) = 2.00 Gutter Slope (%) = 2.20 Gutter n-value = 0.016 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Q (cfs) = 2.41 Highlighted Q Total (cfs) = 2.41 Q Capt (cfs) = 1.88 Q Bypass (cfs) = 0.53 Depth at Inlet (in) = 4.50 Efficiency (%) = 78 Gutter Spread (ft) = 2.79 Gutter Vel (ft/s) = 5.27 Bypass Spread (ft) = 1.39 Bypass Depth (in) = 2.64 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc.Thursday, Jul 6 2017 S Hunter1 -10yr User-defined Invert Elev (ft) = 7925.63 Slope (%) = 2.00 N-Value = 0.016 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 0.38 (Sta, El, n)-(Sta, El, n)... ( 0.00, 7926.13)-(0.10, 7925.63, 0.016)-(17.70, 7926.71, 0.016) Highlighted Depth (ft) = 0.15 Q (cfs) = 0.380 Area (sqft) = 0.19 Velocity (ft/s) = 2.05 Wetted Perim (ft) = 2.60 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.17 Top Width (ft) = 2.47 EGL (ft) = 0.22 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Elev (ft)Depth (ft)Section 7925.00 -0.63 7925.50 -0.13 7926.00 0.37 7926.50 0.87 7927.00 1.37 Sta (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc.Wednesday, Jul 5 2017 S Hunter1 -100yr User-defined Invert Elev (ft) = 7925.63 Slope (%) = 2.00 N-Value = 0.016 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 0.69 (Sta, El, n)-(Sta, El, n)... ( 0.00, 7926.13)-(0.10, 7925.63, 0.016)-(17.70, 7926.71, 0.016) Highlighted Depth (ft) = 0.19 Q (cfs) = 0.690 Area (sqft) = 0.30 Velocity (ft/s) = 2.32 Wetted Perim (ft) = 3.29 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.22 Top Width (ft) = 3.13 EGL (ft) = 0.27 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Elev (ft)Depth (ft)Section 7925.00 -0.63 7925.50 -0.13 7926.00 0.37 7926.50 0.87 7927.00 1.37 Sta (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc.Thursday, Jul 6 2017 Cooper Ave-2 10-yr User-defined Invert Elev (ft) = 7926.68 Slope (%) = 2.00 N-Value = 0.016 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 0.24 (Sta, El, n)-(Sta, El, n)... ( 0.00, 7927.60)-(26.87, 7926.68, 0.016)-(26.88, 7927.18, 0.016) Highlighted Depth (ft) = 0.10 Q (cfs) = 0.240 Area (sqft) = 0.15 Velocity (ft/s) = 1.64 Wetted Perim (ft) = 3.03 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.12 Top Width (ft) = 2.93 EGL (ft) = 0.14 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Elev (ft)Depth (ft)Section 7926.00 -0.68 7926.50 -0.18 7927.00 0.32 7927.50 0.82 7928.00 1.32 Sta (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc.Wednesday, Jul 5 2017 Cooper Ave-2 100-yr User-defined Invert Elev (ft) = 7926.68 Slope (%) = 2.00 N-Value = 0.016 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 0.42 (Sta, El, n)-(Sta, El, n)... ( 0.00, 7927.60)-(26.87, 7926.68, 0.016)-(26.88, 7927.18, 0.016) Highlighted Depth (ft) = 0.13 Q (cfs) = 0.420 Area (sqft) = 0.25 Velocity (ft/s) = 1.70 Wetted Perim (ft) = 3.93 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.14 Top Width (ft) = 3.80 EGL (ft) = 0.18 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Elev (ft)Depth (ft)Section 7926.00 -0.68 7926.50 -0.18 7927.00 0.32 7927.50 0.82 7928.00 1.32 Sta (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc.Monday, Oct 10 2016 Cooper Ave-1 (10yr) User-defined Invert Elev (ft) = 7928.00 Slope (%) = 2.20 N-Value = 0.016 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 0.18 (Sta, El, n)-(Sta, El, n)... ( 2.40, 7928.50)-(2.50, 7928.00, 0.013)-(10.50, 7928.22, 0.016)-(15.00, 7928.50, 0.016) Highlighted Depth (ft) = 0.08 Q (cfs) = 0.180 Area (sqft) = 0.12 Velocity (ft/s) = 1.54 Wetted Perim (ft) = 2.99 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.10 Top Width (ft) = 2.93 EGL (ft) = 0.12 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Elev (ft)Depth (ft)Section 7927.75 -0.25 7928.00 0.00 7928.25 0.25 7928.50 0.50 7928.75 0.75 7929.00 1.00 Sta (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc.Monday, Oct 10 2016 Cooper Ave-1 (100yr) User-defined Invert Elev (ft) = 7928.00 Slope (%) = 2.20 N-Value = 0.016 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 0.69 (Sta, El, n)-(Sta, El, n)... ( 2.40, 7928.50)-(2.50, 7928.00, 0.013)-(10.50, 7928.22, 0.016)-(15.00, 7928.50, 0.016) Highlighted Depth (ft) = 0.14 Q (cfs) = 0.690 Area (sqft) = 0.36 Velocity (ft/s) = 1.92 Wetted Perim (ft) = 5.24 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.16 Top Width (ft) = 5.12 EGL (ft) = 0.20 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Elev (ft)Depth (ft)Section 7927.75 -0.25 7928.00 0.00 7928.25 0.25 7928.50 0.50 7928.75 0.75 7929.00 1.00 Sta (ft) 534 E. Cooper Avenue Major Design Drainage Study SE Project #16022 S OPRIS E NGINEERING • LLC APPENDIX D Water Quality Calculations 534 E Cooper Avenue Major Design Drainage Study SE Pro ect No. 16022 DRYWELL VOLUME: Diameter: 6' (ft) 1%.3 cF Depth: 10 (ft) URMP SECTION Water Quality I.D. -,-)Vv Contributing Basins TOTALAREA= (O, %IMPERVMDCIALEVEL EFFECT.%IMPERV (VO WQCV (wshd-in) 2 Safety Factor 1 . 5 2 WQCV REQUIRED (CF) (�'7 Volume (cf): 146.3 BACKFILL GRAVEL VOLUME: Area: ZZ (sf) Depth: () (ft) Void Ratio: 36 K Volume (cf): 39• (i 12tt Qlnn Rate: (in/hr) 2•_�s -4 TOTAL VOLUME (cf) Detention Time: IL. (hr) II I1 Hydrallulli/ic Conductivity (K): SOX l0 (ft/sec) Safety Factor: K — 6el")(_ /k2W)((,e SEr) � I� 11 231 xt0'4 Tx 14f= I &.,J2. sF Z Percolation Area Required: = 16 •Ac2 Percolation Area Provided = 9 �. 257 t/ 235.01 $GPRIS ENGINEERING • LLC civil consultants 502 Main Street Suite A3 Carbondale Colorado 81623 (970)704-0311 Fax:(970)704-0313 534 E. Cooper Avenue Major Design Drainage Study SE Project #16022 S OPRIS E NGINEERING • LLC APPENDIX E Pump Information munro Products > Pumps > Submersible > FS Series > Munro FS Series 1/3 hp - 30 hp Munro FS Series 1/3 hp - 30 hp These extremely durable, long lasting pumps are perfect for countless applications. With our wide array of horsepower ranges, the FS series pumps are durable enough to take on mining and construction dewatering, and are also excellent for irrigation, industrial, marine and even residential applications. Abrasion -resistant mechanical shaft seal — protects the motor for longer life Premium impeller construction — high chrome steel impeller is extremely hard and wear resistant in our 2 hp and above, while a ductile Iron impeller easily handles 1/3 hp to 1 '/1 hp flow conditions Stainless steel case, shaft and strainer—durable and low maintenance COMMON APPLICATIONS Recommended for: dewatering, water transfer Other uses: water features ADVANTAGES Continuous duty design — These pumps are made to run! Our double casing design takes the flow path across the motor housing to whisk away the heat generated by the motor. A cool motor means a longer life. Wear resistant materials — We use stainless steel in our housing, shaft and strainer, providing wear resistance and a long life in all conditions. Great performance at a great value — With our heavy duty construction, high head or high gpm capacity, and versatile design, you'll be pleasantly surprised when you compare this pump to its competition! SEALED CABLE ENTRY -Allo. . fall sulsmenron LIFTING RING AND CABLE - For sale cud eery lifing with ford ih. STAINLESS STEEL SHAFT - IT healed .rd highly wear resist PREMIUM CONSTRUCTION IMPELLERS 2 hp and lo,ger — on —imu ely Ju ruble and obrodor rodsont high shrnme seal „upolle.,whdo the 1/3 to 1 1/2 hp pumps ora dymmicelly 6olarced with a smoalh mrrinq dudlle iron Fmpeller. Specifications - Pump `THREADED NPT DISCHARGE - Ea:y hook -'Pt rEase. Pipe or groaned Wing, STAINLESSSTEEL GOU8LE CASING - Wow haws post iha n+oror ro nd,.0 hem. BLE MECHANICAL SHAFT SEAL - residont, prasid'mg superior rnnfonce or,d mirimol knarwe. The upper seal N yr/owemie end the law¢r sepl4 STRAINER- For added HP Solids Handling in Inches Discharge Size in Inches Weight In LBS. Model Number 1/3 .24 1.5 32 FS250S11 1/3 .24 1.5 32 FS25OS22 1/2 .24 2 33 FS40OS11 1/2 .24 2 33 FS40OS22 1 .32 2 40 FS75OS11 1 .32 2 37 FS75OS22 1 .32 2 35 FS75OT22 1 .32 2 35 FS750T44 2 .36 2 83 FS215S11 2 .36 2 81 FS215S22 2 .36 2 70 FS215T22 2 .36 2 60 FS215T44 2 .36 3 83 FS315S11 2 .36 3 81 FS315S22 2 .36 3 59 FS315T22 2 .36 3 78 FS315T44 3 .36 2 88 FS222T22 3 .36 2 1 68 1 FS222T44 3 .36 3 68 FS322T22 3 .36 3 69 FS322T44 5 .4 2 142 FS237T22 5 .4 2 122 FS237T44 5 .4 3 143 FS337T22 5 .4 3 135 FS337T44 5 .4 4 145 FS437T22 5 .4 4 144 FS437T44 7.5 .4 3 158 FS355T22 7.5 .4 3 148 FS355T44 7.5 .4 4 133 FS455T22 7.5 .4 4 148 FS455T44 10 .6 4 300 FS475T22 10 .6 4 300 FS475T44 10 .6 6 300 FS675T22 10 .6 6 300 FS675T44 15 .6 4 305 FS411T22 15 .6 4 307 FS411T44 15 .6 6 310 FS611T22 15 .6 6 311 FS611T44 20 .6 6 313 FS615OT22 20 .6 6 313 FS615OT44 30 .8 6 570 FS6220T22 30 .8 6 570 FS6220T44 30 .8 8 581 FS8220T22 30 .8 8 581 FS8220T44 Specifications - Motor HP Voltage Phase Amps Corld Length in Feet Model Number 1/3 110 1 4 18 F8250S11 1/3 220 1 2.5 18 FS250S22 1/2 110 1 5.3 18 FS40OS11 1/2 220 1 3 18 FS40OS22 1 110 1 10 18 FS750S11 1 220 1 5 18 FS750S22 1 220 3 4 18 FS750T22 1 440 3 2 18 F8750T44 2 110 1 20 33 FS215S11 2 220 1 10 33 FS215S22 2 220 3 6 33 FS215T22 2 440 3 333 FS215T44 2 110 1 20 33 F8315S11 220 1 1 1 10 1 33 1 FS315S22 2 220 3 6 33 FS315T22 2 440 3 3 33 FS315T44 3 220 3 8 33 FS222T22 3 440 3 4.5 33 FS222T44 3 220 3 9 33 FS322T22 3 440 3 4.5 33 FS322T44 5 1 220 3 15 33 FS237T22 5 440 3 7.5 33 FS237T44 5 220 3 15 33 FS337T22 5 440 3 7.5 33 FS337T44 5 220 3 15 33 FS437T22 5 440 3 7.5 33 FS437T44 7.5 220 3 25 33 FS355T22 7.5 440 3 11.3 33 FS355T44 7.5 220 3 22.5 33 FS455T22 7.5 440 3 11.3 33 FS455T44 10 220 3 30 33 F8475T22 10 440 3 15 33 FS475T44 10 220 3 30 33 FS675T22 10 440 3 15 33 FS675T44 15 220 3 45 33 FS411T22 15 440 3 22.5 33 FS411T44 15 220 3 45 33 FS611T22 15 440 3 22.5 33 FS611T44 20 220 3 60 33 FS615OT22 20 440 3 30 33 FS615OT44 30 220 3 90 33 FS6220T22 30 440 3 45 33 FS6220T44 30 220 3 90 33 FS8220T22 30 440 3 45 33 FS8220T44 MmMW14001750 Moms E56150 Dimensions MOO MM/315/222/M/237/ 937/49/955/455 A40D SfSa75/675/4ii/6n MWE� a 6220/e220 A B C D Model Number 13.375" 10" 3" 7.125" FS -250/400 14.625" 11.25" 3" 7.125" FS -750 22" 16" 2.875" 8.5" FS -215/315 22" 16" 2.875" 8.5" FS -222/322 25.25" 19.625" 4.75" 11.25" FS -237/337/437 26.375" 20.625" 4.75" 11.25" FS -355/455 33.25" 27.375" 7" 13.875" FS -475/675 33.25" 27.375" 7" 13.875" FS -411/611 36" 30" 5.75" 13.75" FS6150 41" 37" 8" 16.5" FS622018220 990RSF KA" RANGE 3/3- 3 J9 SHVWT ZANG , 2 .s V m w 40 -I\< ` I,-,- S7.24 o so Too 1sn zm • r• ■■■■ELM com C t .�\\,■ 10D 4310 60 25-16 3440 40 1724 1724 ■■■■ w,' gV1e 9191fY DETEMION VOLUME BY THE MODIFIED FAA METHOD onto to: ENTIRE PROPERTY MH MINIMAL ALLOWABLE DISCHMGE RATE (Fp assortments len than IN crew ool , For hapx nlcMlenb, use Kltlmpreph muting aNKOEI (NOTE, or cacbrenla Wpc than BO acm, CUHV ti)dregnpA and routing ve rconFmnded, MhmllnaRm of MOR [Shoulder Volum Using ModIRtlFPA MCMod MhmllnaRm of III OetnRC Volum Using ModI11tlFPA MCMod e m�pmNe P,,. onplinums OFFamuo la4•PMGnid-C,onpn 4- lunanmea G,- ma le eJ O, S. 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