HomeMy WebLinkAboutFile Documents.401 Castle Creek Rd.0071.2018 (41).ACBKWELS Markup#1.2 RM SummaryPage:3Author:rickmaDate:7/31/2018 7:48:43 AMFile Name: 2018-07-25 AADF HHS Parking Lot_Parks_WELS Review (002).pdfPlease paste this page into the landscape/hydrozone plan set3 (4)Page:3Author:rickmaDate:7/30/2018 10:49:04 AMFile Name: 2018-07-25 AADF_Parks_WELS Review (002).pdfPlease paste this page into the landscape/hydrozone plan setPage:3Author:rickmaDate:7/31/2018 9:59:09 AMFile Name: 2018-07-25 AADF HHS Parking Lot_Parks_WELS Review (002).pdfRevise the Plant Water Use Types and Plant Factors to reflect the plants as specified on the submitted landscape/plantings plans(for example: narrow leaf cottonwood and aspen are medium water use plants) Refer to Appendix E of the WELS for plant water usetypes. Plant factors are listed in the chart abovePage:3Author:rickmaDate:7/30/2018 10:49:13 AMFile Name: 2018-07-25 AADF_Parks_WELS Review (002).pdfRevise the Plant Water Use Types and Plant Factors to reflect the plants as specified on the submitted landscape/planting plans (forexample: aspen and dogwood are medium-use plants) Refer to Appendix E of the WELS for plant water use types and the PlantFactors listed in the chart above.985 28361195 3441922 26553102 89332.90.900.900.90f1Please paste this page into thelandscape/hydrozone plan setEF G H IJ K L MLandscapingOrdinanceCityofAspenParksandRecreationDept.etenessReview585CemeteryLaneAspen,CO81611DSCAPEWORKSHEETͲͲWATERBUDGETANALYSIS970Ͳ920Ͳ5582ContactInfo:ANTCATEGORYANDIRRIGATIONTYPEedesignshouldbedeterminedusingthefollowingformulaandfactors:ͲSept.)27 4inches/yearFillinthesebluesectionsbelow.Somecolumnshavedropdownmenustoassistyouinfillingout.TheformulaswillcalculatethesiteaverageannualwaterldhFactor)ͲRe]xIrrigatedArea+IrrigationEfficiencyx0.623DirectionsforUsebetween401/405CastleCreekRd,AspenCethisworksheetasitisarequiredelementoftheLandscape&IrrigationDocumentationPackage.JaneLanter,LiftStudio:970.404.5205ReferenceEvapotranspirationPlease paste this page into the landscape/hydrozoneplan set0H5M0 L IrrigationMethodDefaultEfficiency5VL Overhead75%Drip90%CALCULATIONchhydrozone.Useasmanyrowsasnecessarytoprovidethesquarefootageoflandscapeareperhydrozone.HydrozoneAreaPlantWaterNeed(Sq.Ft.) (gal/season)Drip 985 2836Drip 1195 3441Drip 922 26553102 89332.90Sq.Ft.0Sq.Ft.IrrigationMethod IrrigationEfficiency0.90Lway:ximumAppliedWaterBudgetof7.5gallons/sq.ft./season.DͲALLZONES*ͲIngallons/sq.ft./season0.90L0.400.40L 0.40 0.90IrrigationEfficiencyaterUseType(s)PlantFactorPage1of1Revise the Plant Water Use Types and Plant Factors toreflect the plants as specified on the submittedlandscape/plantings plans (for example: narrow leafcottonwood and aspen are medium water use plants) Referto Appendix E of the WELS for plant water use types. Plantfactors are listed in the chart above11121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950Where:ETo=ReferenceEvapotranspirationininches/season(MayͲSept.)Re=EffectivePrecipitationininches/season(MayͲSept.)27.4inches/yearIrrigatedArea=HydrozoneAreainSquareFeet17.1gallons/squarefootWaterUseCategory PlantFactor Code6.8inches/yearCoolSeasonTurf 0.90 VH4.2gallons/squarefootHigh 0.80 HMedium 0.65 MLow 0.40 L IrrigationMethodDefaultEfficiencyVeryLow 0.25 VL Overhead 75%Drip90%HYDROZONEWATERBUDGETCALCULATIONCompletethehydrozonetableforeachhydrozone.Useasmanyrowsasnecessarytoprovidethesquarefootageoflandscapeareperhydrozone.HydrozoneAreaPlantWaterNeed(Sq.Ft.) (gal/season)A1 Drip 686 1975A2 Drip 200 576A3 Drip 100 288A4 Overhead 300 1037A5 Overhead 713 2464A6 Overhead 1370 4734A7 Drip 205 590A8 Drip 1500 4319A9 Overhead 1670 5771A10 Overhead 1150 3974A11 Overhead 421 1455TOTAL8315 271833.3398Sq.Ft.0Sq.Ft.0.40L 0.40 0.90columnshavedropdownmenustoassistyouinfillingout.Theformulaswillcalculatethesiteaverageannualwateruse.Oncecompletedyoumayeitherattachthisdocumenttothesubmitalpacketorinsertitintothedesignset.IrrigationEfficiencyEffectivePrecipitationgg[()]ggyPlantWaterUseType(s)PlantFactor0.90LL0.40*TheaveragemustbelessthantheMaximumAppliedWaterBudgetof7.5gallons/sq.ft./season.AVERAGEIRRIGATIONWATERNEEDͲALLZONES*ͲIngallons/sq.ft./season0.90L0.400.90TotalareaofnonͲirrigatedlandscape:0.400.400.400.40IrrigationMethodLTotalareaofirrigatedpublicrightͲofͲway:Hydrozone(byvalve;reIRͲseriesdwgs)LL 0.40 0.75ReferenceEvapotranspirationHydrozonesEfficiencyIrrigationEfficiency0.900.75LLL0.75L 0.40 0.750.750.750.40Page1of1Revise the Plant Water Use Types and Plant Factors to reflect the plants as specified on the submittedlandscape/planting plans (for example: aspen and dogwood are medium-use plants) Refer to Appendix E ofthe WELS for plant water use types and the Plant Factors listed in the chart above.THIS HAS BEEN UPDATED ACCORDINGLY.THIS HAS BEEN UPDATED ACCORDINGLY.THIS HAS BEEN UPDATED ACCORDINGLY.THIS HAS BEEN UPDATED ACCORDINGLY.
Page:6Author:rickmaDate:7/31/2018 10:17:31 AMFile Name: WELS 2018-07-25 AADF HHS Parking Lot_Parks_ Plan Set.pdfThe water budget analysis worksheet submitted with this project indicates 8,315 sq.ft. of hydrozone area. Please clearly indicate onthe plans which areas are included in this number.6 (2)Page:6Author:rickmaDate:7/30/2018 9:03:36 AMFile Name: WELS 2018-07-25 AADF HHS Parking Lot_Parks_ Plan Set.pdfInclude hydrozone information on the landscape design plan as per WELS Sections 5.5.1, 5.5.2, and 6.2.8. Color-rendering of thehydrozones is recommended for clarity.Page:8Author:rickmaDate:7/30/2018 7:55:57 AMFile Name: WELS 2018-07-25 AADF HHS Parking Lot_Parks_ Plan Set.pdfWELS Section 6.3.1 (f) requires flow rate, application rate, and design operating pressure for each valve.8 (4)Page:8Author:rickmaDate:7/30/2018 10:23:29 AMFile Name: WELS 2018-07-25 AADF HHS Parking Lot_Parks_ Plan Set.pdfWELS Section 6.2.4 requires that slopes greater than 25% not be served by sprinklers with an application rate of 0.75 inches perhour. Please verify the application rates of proposed heads relative to existing and/or proposed gradeThe water budget analysis worksheetsubmitted with this project indicates8,315 sq.ft. of hydrozone area. Pleaseclearly indicate on the plans which areasare included in this number.Include hydrozone information on thelandscape design plan as per WELSSections 5.5.1, 5.5.2, and 6.2.8. Color-rendering of the hydrozones isrecommended for clarity.ASSOCIATED CONTROLLER. CONNECT WIRES TO THE APPROPRIATESENSOR INPUT PORTS. FEES AND PERMITS ASSOCIATED WITH WORKARE TO BE OBTAINED AND PAID BY CONTRACTOR. FINALCONTROLLER LOCATION SHALL BE APPROVED BY OWNER PRIOR TOINSTALLATION. MOUNT ONE WEATHER SENSOR ON BUILDING WHERETHERE IS 20 FT. OF CLEARANCE FROM ANY OVERHANG OROBSTRUCTING FEATURE. FINAL WEATHER SENSOR LOCATION SHALL BEAPPROVED BY OWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION.WELS Section 6.3.1 (f) requires flow rate, application rate,and design operating pressure for each valve.#1.5#1.5WELS Section 6.2.4 requires that slopesgreater than 25% not be served bysprinklers with an application rate of 0.75inches per hour. Please verify theapplication rates of proposed heads relativeto existing and/or proposed gradeRE L4.01 AND L4.11RE L4.01 AND L4.11RE IR3.1 AND IR4.0THE APPLICATION RATE HAS BEEN ADJUSTED WHERE APPLICABLE; RATES ARE DESCRIBED IN THE TABLES ON IR3.1 AND IR4.0.
Page:8Author:rickmaDate:7/31/2018 10:27:02 AMFile Name: WELS 2018-07-25 AADF HHS Parking Lot_Parks_ Plan Set.pdfThe irrigation design plan should include hydrozone information as per WELS Section 6.2.8Page:8Author:rickmaDate:7/31/2018 10:36:34 AMFile Name: WELS 2018-07-25 AADF HHS Parking Lot_Parks_ Plan Set.pdfThis doesn't appear to be the exact location of the POC. Will this be the same POC as the HHS parking lot irrigation system? If so,please indicate as much on the plans.Page:10Author:rickmaDate:7/31/2018 9:51:11 AMFile Name: WELS 2018-07-25 AADF HHS Parking Lot_Parks_ Plan Set.pdfPlease clarify how this number relates to the water budget analysis calculations submitted with this application10 (1)Page:13Author:rickmaDate:7/31/2018 10:03:39 AMFile Name: WELS 2018-07-25 AADF HHS Parking Lot_Parks_ Plan Set.pdfInclude hydrozone information on the landscape design plan as per WELS Sections 5.5.1, 5.5.2, and 6.2.8. Color rendering of thehydrozones is recommended for clarity.13 (2)APPROVED BY OWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION.The irrigation design plan should include hydrozoneinformation as per WELS Section 6.2.8ueue8014(1)4''(1)2''dr 1"A1112''FSCHA437GraT 9725RapT 6wwwE N H A1POINT OF CONNECTION #1 - 3/4"PEAK FLOW REQUIREMENT: 6 GPM. REQUIRED STATIC PRESSURE: 67 PSITIE ONTO 3/4'' COPPER STUB-OUT DOWNSTREAM OF WATER METERFROM BUILDING AT 54'' DEPTH IN THIS APPROXIMATE LOCATION, BYOTHERS RE-PLUMBING PLAN. INSTALL ONE 3/4'' METER PER ASPEN CITYOR COUNTY SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS. EXTEND 3/4'' TYPE KSOFT COPPER AT 54'' MINIMUM DEPTH TO BACKFLOW PREVENTERLOCATION. INSTALL ONE 3/4'' STOP AND WASTE VALVE, ONE 3/4''REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTER WITH PRESSURE REDUCINGVALVE AND PROTECTIVE ENCLOSURE, ONE MANUAL DRAIN VALVE, ONEFLOW SENSOR, ONE MASTER VALVE, ONE QUICK COUPLING VALVE, ONEGATE VALVE AND EXTEND PVC MAINLINE AS SHOWN. EXTEND ONE PE89SHIELDED CABLE FROM FLOW SENSOR TO DATA RETRIEVAL UNITLOCATED IN ASSOCIATED CONTROLLER. EXTEND 4 UFUL14# WIRE (TWOORANGE AND TWO BLUE) AND CONNECT 2 OF THE WIRES FROM THEMASTER VALVE TO THE DATA RETRIEVAL BOARD IN ASSOCIATEDCONTROLLER. WORK SHALL CONFORM TO LOCAL CODE. FEES ANDPERMITS ASSOCIATED WITH WORK ARE TO BE OBTAINED AND PAID FORBY CONTRACTOR. FINAL BACKFLOW PREVENTER LOCATION SHALL BEAPPROVED BY OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION.IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO BE METERED INDEPENDENTLY(PER COA REQUIREMENTS)This doesn't appear to be the exactlocation of the POC. Will this be thesame POC as the HHS parking lotirrigation system? If so, pleaseindicate as much on the plans.Please clarify how this number relatesto the water budget analysiscalculations submitted with thisapplicationInclude hydrozone information on thelandscape design plan as per WELS Sections5.5.1, 5.5.2, and 6.2.8. Color rendering of thehydrozones is recommended for clarity.THE POC FOR BOTH AADF AND HHS LOT IS IN THE SAME LOCATION BUT WILL BE METERED SEPARATELY. THE EXISTING WATERLINECONNECTION THAT SERVICES THE HHS BUILDING DOES NOT CURRENTLY HAVE ENOUGH PRESSURE TO SUPPLY THE HHS LOTPLANTING.THIS TABLE PROVIDED BY THE IRRIGATION TEAM HAS BEEN UPDATED TO REFLECT PROPOSED CONDITIONS AND NO LONGERINCLUDES THIS NUMBER IN THIS LOCATION. A SIMILAR 'GAL/SF' NUMBER ON THE NEW TABLE REFLECTS PEAK WEEKLY USE, WHILETHE COA SPREADSHEET CALCULATES AVERAGE WEEKLY USE.RE L4.01 AND L4.11RE L4.01 AND L4.11
Page:13Author:rickmaDate:7/31/2018 10:16:53 AMFile Name: WELS 2018-07-25 AADF HHS Parking Lot_Parks_ Plan Set.pdfThe water budget calculation worksheet submitted with this project indicates 3,102 sq.ft of hydrozone area. Please clearly indicateon the plans which areas are included in this number.Page:15Author:rickmaDate:7/31/2018 10:27:00 AMFile Name: WELS 2018-07-25 AADF HHS Parking Lot_Parks_ Plan Set.pdfWELS Section 6.3.1 (f) requires flow rate, application rate, and design operating pressure for each valve.15 (2)Page:15Author:rickmaDate:7/31/2018 10:26:19 AMFile Name: WELS 2018-07-25 AADF HHS Parking Lot_Parks_ Plan Set.pdfThe irrigation design plan should include hydrozone information as per WELS Section 6.2.8.Page:17Author:rickmaDate:7/31/2018 10:32:49 AMFile Name: WELS 2018-07-25 AADF HHS Parking Lot_Parks_ Plan Set.pdfPlease clarify how this number relates to the water budget analysis calculations submitted with this application17 (1)CHAMBERLIN A437 Main St.Grand Junction,T 970.242.6804725 Saint JosepRapid City, SoutT 605.355.6804www.chamberlinThe water budget calculation worksheet submittedwith this project indicates 3,102 sq.ft of hydrozone area. Please clearly indicate on the plans whichareas are included in this number.CONTROLLER LOCATION FROM BUILDING POWER. STEP-DOWN TRANSFORMER (IFREQUIRED) AND POWER CONNECTION TO CONTROLLER IS BY CONTRACTOR WITHWORK CONFORMING TO LOCAL CODES. EXTEND PE89 SHIELDED CABLE FROM THEFLOW SENSOR AND 4 #14 UFUL WIRES (TWO BLUE AND TWO ORANGE) FROM MASTERVALVE TO ASSOCIATED CONTROLLER. CONNECT WIRES TO THE APPROPRIATESENSOR INPUT PORTS. FEES AND PERMITS ASSOCIATED WITH WORK ARE TO BEOBTAINED AND PAID BY CONTRACTOR. FINAL CONTROLLER LOCATION SHALL BEAPPROVED BY OWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. MOUNT ONE WEATHER SENSOR ONCONTROLLER ENCLOSURE WHERE THERE IS 20 FT. OF CLEARANCE FROM ANYOVERHANG OR OBSTRUCTING FEATURE. FINAL CONTROLLER AND WEATHER SENSORLOCATION SHALL BE APPROVED BY OWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION.WELS Section 6.3.1 (f) requires flow rate, application rate, and design operatingpressure for each valve.CONTROLLER ENCLOSURE WHERE THERE IS 20 FT. OF CLEARANCE FROM ANYOVERHANG OR OBSTRUCTING FEATURE. FINAL CONTROLLER AND WEATHER SENSORLOCATION SHALL BE APPROVED BY OWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION.The irrigation design plan should include hydrozone information as per WELS Section6.2.8.Please clarify how this numberrelates to the water budget analysiscalculations submitted with thisapplicationRE L4.01 AND L4.11THE APPLICATION RATE HAS BEEN ADJUSTED WHERE APPLICABLE; RATES ARE DESCRIBED IN THE TABLES ON IR3.1 AND IR4.0.RE L4.01 AND L4.11; HYDROZONES LABELED IN LANDSCAPE PLANS CORRESPOND TO VALVE NUMBERS INDICATED ON IRRIGATIONPLANTHIS TABLE PROVIDED BY THE IRRIGATION TEAM HAS BEEN UPDATED TO REFLECT PROPOSED CONDITIONS AND NO LONGERINCLUDES THIS NUMBER IN THIS LOCATION. A SIMILAR 'GAL/SF' NUMBER ON THE NEW TABLE REFLECTS PEAK WEEKLY USE, WHILETHE COA SPREADSHEET CALCULATES AVERAGE WEEKLY USE.