HomeMy WebLinkAboutFile Documents.900 E Hopkins Ave.0068-2019-BRESDA†uE:12/11/19†@†@MASTER PERMI™ı:†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@PERMI™ıNUMBER:19-2619 COMMUN-Å™ıYDEVELOPMENTDEPAR™ıMENT ›¹/„¾‘ã†E-‡Ö†v BUl‡µDiNGPERMITAPP‡µiCA™ıION†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@.„û,.‡±ASFfiÕN PROPERTY INFORMATION ADDRESS900EHopkins†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@uNiT#3†@†@†@†@†@pARCE‡µID#273718205003 ™ıRAC™ı ‡µOT†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@BLOCK†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@oRSUBDIVISiO owNERNAMETonyMa†uks†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@cfl§303-506-4486†@†@†@™pAl‡µtOnyaSPenO12@gma‘ocom BESTCONTACTTonyMarks†@†@†@†@†@†@†@cfl§303-506-4486†@†@EMAI‡µtOnyaSPenO12@gmaiI†ECOm NAM-e PRO†vECT DEIAl‡µS (READ DficNITIONS BçaOW)Œ±ŠØf”T™N‚±“qETY Łh“®ŁI-|flêHotwaterheaterrelocationtostorageunitinbasement, PRO†vECT†@†@7500†@†@†@†@†@†@UseofBuiIding ClassofWork†@FixtureCounts†@†@†@ImportantReviewTriggers V‹ûUAVION†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†€Comme†uical †€New _†ł†łTb=ets,Bidets MajorEngineeringReview flFŠÕ™Í†@‘¹›°”Ó uNI™ıSQ›~277†@…“ †€Addition ›ñAIteration ŒÚ‹Åi†u Bathtub .ProjectsinvoIvinglessthan50% Lavatory(WashBasin†r hardscapeareaandworkaffecting Shower 75%orgreaterofunitsqft KitchenSink†q‘\DisposaI†r .ProjectsinvoIvinggreaterthan Dishwasher 50%hardscapeareaandwork -í’k58132†@ŒL›’ †€TenantFIniSh †€Demolition LaundryBar,Utilit…ÁSink affecting50%orgreaterofunit Sq‘Y .ProjectsinvoIvingl,000+Sqftof CIothesWasher †€ChangeOrder FIoorSink †€_ mesnuIiandvoidifwo†uk †@FioorDrain †vWaterHeater(PanReq) †@†òGasOutiets soiidisturbancearea NfiéNS†B›~0†@†@†@†@‰l“_ WaterE‚Äcient‡µandscaping WaterTreatment .Projectsthattriggeramajor flÀfiC”ƒT†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@NOTICE:Thisp†B,mitb†BC†B Other engIneerIngreView †EProjectsinvoIvinginterio†u orconstructionauthorized snotcommencedwithin alterationsaffecting5O%ormore Ofexisitinggrosssquarefootage ‚D„QCAp-e†@†@†@†@†@†@›Ã‰Þ‘‚-픓”‘-y-í”ùŒLŁx WO†ukisco mmenced. flVON-e DISTRICT Prqject Vaiuation: Cost of project as defined in VaIuation Affadavit. Sq Ft of Bui-ding Wo†uk Area: lbtal square footage of interior area undergoing change or Unit Sq Ft: Gross square footage†„ nOt FAR†„ Of pe†umitted unit. ‡µOt Size: lt)tal surveved square footage of property. Sq Ft ofSo†a Disturbance: Exterior area ofthe lot where the g†uound is disturbed New Sq Ft: lbta- added square footage for additions to net livable or net leasable space. Bufi·ing Footprint: Grade [oor square footage of the permitted structure. Hardscape Area: Square footage of impervious Iot surface. Zone District: UnderIying zone district of permitted parceI†E suBMiTIA‡µ›€ES ISSUANCE FEES ISSUANCE FEES reco†u›Yguration. Buiiding Review Buiiding PermitFee Parkslmpact EngineerIng Zoning SchooiLands Review Review(Š^0%) Dedication Zoning Review(50%) CMP(Š^0%†r TDMlmpact EnergYCode REMP Pedestrian Review Pavment Amenity CMP(Š^0%) GIS HousingCashinLieu ParksReview CitYUse ™ıax Water”°p Ut“qYReview CountyUse †@™ıax Sanitation -Ä“u’à†@R#‘Ósign.Off†@A†B†B‘fi†Bd PC Zoning HPC Buiiding Fi†ue Engineering CMP Water Stormwater Sanitation Env.HeaIth Parks Landscape EŁ|ciency Approved †ubIssue Issuance CiTY OF ASPEN‹ê†Bnu†B.,2019 130S. GALENASTASPENCO 81611 S‡±†Z†Z‘\‹ê‡Æ-†v”R“⁄ 75.00 3.75 162.50 162.50 48.75 x x x ll 12/11/19 ADDRESS: 900 E Hopkins pERMiTNUMBER: 19-2619 COMMUNI™ıYDEVELOPMENTDEPARTMENT BUl‡µDINGPERMITCONTACTSHEET Name Nathan Moore Name Frank Renyolds fiC“fl900 E Hopkins #3 Œû”ÇtOnyaSPenO1 2@gmail"COm s,a,†BCO z,.81 61 1 Name MHK Architecture & PIaming fl‹-Ä400 E Hyman Ave C-101 fiE”ÇnmOOre@mhkap†ECOm s,†B,†BCO z,,81 61 1 Name Frank Reynolds ‚e‹«PO BOX 3789 Œû”Çfrank@frrconstruction "COm s,†Bt†BCO zI,81 61 2 iNSPECTiONS: The GeneraI Contractor must schedule inspections onIine. PIease visit www.aspenpitkin.com/Departments/Communit…Á-Deveiopment-Forms/ to do so. i herebv ce‰Ðfythat l have read and examinedthis appIicafron and knowthesameto betrue and correct. A= provisions oflaws and ordinances goveming this type of work w’ìbe compIied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authorityto violate or ca=Cel the provisions of any other state or loca=aw reguIating construction or the performance of construction. 1t is my responsibiIityto reviewthe approved plans and any comments that are contained thereon and see thatthe st†uucture and/or project is built in compIiance with aii applicable codes. †€†@Check ifyou are a tested owner buiIder (Single-fam”žhomes only). You must take a test and compIete the owner/bu“ûng a‚Ädavit. (CITY USE ON‡µY) Owner bu=der approved by:Date:†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@A‘îdavit on‹óe CITY OF ASPENAugust2017†@†@†@†@†@130 S. GALENA STASPENCO 81611 ADDRESS: 900 E Hopkins pERMi丁NUMBER: 19-2619 COMMUNi丁YDEVELOPMEN丁DEPARTMENT HOMEOWNERASSOCIA丁iONCOMPLIANCEFORM A= appIications for a buiIding permit within the City ofAspen are required to incIude a cer輔cation of compiiance with appIicabIe covenants and homeowner association poIicies. The ce巾fication must be signed by the property owner or attomey representing the property owner. The fo=owing cert’甫cation sha= accompany the application A。。ResS900 E Hopkins uN,,#3 .AR。別冊27371 8205003 i, the property owner; Cer苗y as fo=ows: (pick one) □  丁his property is not subject to a homeowners association or other form of private covenant. □  This propertv is subject to a homeowners association or private covenant and the improvements PrOPOSed in this bu柑ng permit do not requjre approval by the homeowners association or covenant beneficiary. 口  丁his property is subject to a homeowners association or private covenant and the improvements proposed in this bu冊ng permit have been approved bythe homeowners association or covenant beneficiary. i understand the Citv ofAspen does not interpret, enforce′ Or manage the applicab冊y’meaning′ Or effect of private covenants or homeowner associafron ruies or byIaws. l understand thatthis document is a public document. Owner Signature owner printed Name To Marks OR Owner’s Attornev Signature Owner’s Attomev Printed Name Dat。 12/「 1/19 CITY OF ASPEN」。nu。ry2018 130 S, GALENAST ASPEN CO 81611 ADDRESS: 900 E Hopkins pERMiT NUMBER: 19-2619 COMMUNITYDEVELOPMEN丁DEPAR丁MENT SCOPEOFWORKCHECKしIST しAND USE QUESTIONS Ifvou check any ofthe boxes beIoW piease consuit with the PIanner ofthe Day (piannerofthedav@gmaii・COm) before submitting your Permit application. Does your permit invoIve any ofthe foilowing? □ □ □ □ □ Part of an approved COA Land Use Review Work a什ects net leasabIe, net livable, Or non-unit space Work involves Iot spl聞ng or combining a Wo「k invoIves exterior of structure Changing the number of reside南aI units □ …盤富謂mberor Iocation of □Work invoives Landmark ParceI or Historic District □書聖藍00 ̄yearflcod plain orwithin lOO’of high Ot □ □ □ Work invoives changes in occupancy to structure Changes to eievator or stair co南guration Changes to the use of existing st「ucture or space ADDiTiONAL SCOPE OF WORK QUES丁IONS Does you「 permit invoive any ofthe fo=owing? □ □ Exterior Iig帖ng added or changed Work invoives roof penetrations □搭謹講富eS′ OrChanges □暑器楽謹00 sq ft or more ofso冊hin Work occurs in public right ofway Work affects trees or occurs within the dripiine ofa tree □ □ □ Work involves exterior w訓penetrations Work involves digging or excavation Wo「k invoIves restaurant or food service □ Affects parking spaces/meters′ ioading zones′ Or aIIeys Adding structures or systems over u帥ty Iines Work within City MaII boundaries C!丁Y OF ASPENAugust2017 130S. GALENAS丁 ASPEN CO 81611 ADDRESS: 900 E Hopkins pERMIT NUMBER: 19-2619 COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENTDEPARTMEN丁 ASBESTOSVERiFiCA「iONANDCHECKしIST              一) ASBESTOS INFORMATION Asbestos is a known human carcinogen and is an airbome hazard. Once airbome, aSbestos fibers can stay suspended in the air for days, weeks, Or eVen mOnths before set帥ng out ofthe ai「 The fibers can easily become airbome again from a minor disturbance like tuming on an air conditioner. Uncontro=ed asbestos abatement projects or renovation projects that disturb asbestos maY CauSe latent asbestos hazardsthat could expose peopie to asbestos in the future, Iong after the renovation ac帥ty occurred. The airborne asbestos fiber concentrations resu帖ng from disturbances may result in a signifieant exposure to the current and future occupants ofthe home・ The 1989 ′′ban′′ on asbestos-COntaining materiais is commonly misunderstood・ ln fact, in 1991 the U・S. Fifth Circuit Court of appeals vacated much ofthe so-Ca=ed ′Asbestos Ban and Phaseout Rule’’and remanded it to the EPA. Thus, muCh ofthe originaI 1989 EPA ban on the U.S. manufacturing, importation, PrOCeSSing′ Or distribution in commerce of many asbestos-COntaining product categories was set aside and DiD NOTIAKE EFFECT Therefore, ALL demo旧on, remOdel or renovation projects must determine if disturbed materiaI above the trigger leveis contains asbestos. ASBESTOS CHECKしiST 田Yes□No Reside南al: W川you be removing morethan 32 sqft, 50 1inearfeet (e.g., Pipe insulation), Orthe voIume equivaIent of a 55-gaIlon drum of any materiaI besides concrete′ WOOd′ bricks′ Or Steel - eXamPIes are drywaIi′ Iinoleum, Ce帖ng副es, rOOfing materials, etC.? □Ws□No Commercial: WiiI you be removing morethan 160sq ft, 260 1inea「feet (e.g., Pipe insuIation〉, Orthe voIume equivaIent of a与与一ga=on drum of any material besides concrete′ WOOd′ bricks′ Or Steei - eXamPles are drywaII′ =noieum, CarPet, CarPet adhesives′ Ce冊g副es′ rOOfing materials′ etC.? ifthe answer is YES to anγ Ofthe above, yOu Wi= need an asbestos test before you can receive a buiiding and/ or demo旧on permit・ Ybu wⅢ aiso need to provide pIans indicating areas to be demoIished and determine if a CO state demo旧on license is required. A state certified asbestos inspector must do this test and the test report must be submitted with the buiIding permit appIication. 1fthe bu冊ing has asbestos′ a State Cer師ed asbestos abatement firm must remove it. After removaI, the abatement firm must p「ovide a ietter to the BuiIding Department stathg that a旧he asbestos has been removed and that the air is ciean. This letter must be received BEFORE a permit w川be issued. (See the locaI or statewide Ye=ow Pages, DexOnLine, Or皿p://www.cdphe.state. co.us/ap/asbestos/index.html for cer輔ed asbestos inspectors and abatement companies. ALWAVS ask for proof of current state cert誼cation.〉 IfγOu are demoIishingthe buiIding′ yOu muSt Submit a demo旧on permit app with the CDPHE in ad描on tothe Aspen permit app. This form may be found at皿ps://www.coIorado"gOV/pacific/cdphe/asbestos-forms NO丁E: A copy ofthis demo旧on pe「mit app must be submitted with the i而al buiiding permit appiication. When the CDPHE app「ovesthe app, their issued permit must be given totheAspen Building Dept before we issue our Permit. 一herebγ Certify that the above information is t「ue and compIete. own。.丁ony Marks App=cant (print name) Applicant Signature .h。ne ♯303-506-4486 Nathan Moore ph。n。♯970-710-2810 Date 12/1 1/「9 Piease caIl the City ofAspen Environmental HeaIth Department at 920-5039 at any time ifyou have questions about asbestos, interpreting your test resuIts, Or Other matters. CiTY OF ASPENAugus,2017 130 S。 GALENAST ASPEN CO 81611 PERMI丁NUMBER:19-2619 COMMUNI丁YDEVELOPMENTDEPARTMEN丁 BUlしDINGDESCRIP丁IONFORM○○RC&IBC BUIしDINGCODEiNFORMATION □201与IRC      ロ2015IBC    □201与IEBC □Other〈PieaseExpiain) CodeEdifrons (AsAdoptedandAmended)(AsAdoptedandAmended)(AsAdopted andAmended) Fi「eSprinkierSystemlExisting?日管IRequired?日豊IType □NFPA13□NFPA13R□NFPA13D TypeOfConstruction□VA□VB□lV□用A□旧B□IIA□liB□IA□IBIFireAlarmsInstalied□Yes□No RequiredSpecia=nspections□High-StrengthBo旧ng ロEpoxyAnchors     □St「uctualSteeiWeIding □PermanentMicropiIes□SprayedFire-Resistants □Other □Other EnergyCodeCompIiance 日韓曹謀計ative□。。M。h。。kUAA,,e南ve ExteriorEnergyUse totaiApprovedOn-Site   Snowmelt      Spa_  Pooi (Existing+New) 醒粗p圭□A ̄呂品目巨謙呂‡出目嵩霊□嗣’-y UNITDESCRiPTiONASPROPOSED GrossAreaofBuilding:    GrossAreaofUnit‥       ADUBUIしDINGDESCRiPTION OccupantLoad:                   lsthereanADU?□Yes □No #StoriesAboveGrade       #StoriesBelowGrade        #LivingRooms 篭築きe離籍磐霊S 繚 #Kitchens      #WoodFireplaces         #OtherRooms(List) #GasAppiiances     #GasLogs BUiしDiNGROOMSANDUSESBYLEVEしASPROPOSED(lncludeMechanicai&Storage) Basement MainLevei 2ndFIoor 3rdFioor Add幅Onal ReviewedBy:         Date‥12/11/19 CITYOFASPEN」。nu。ry2。18    130S.GALENAS丁iASPEN,CO81611 ADDRESS: 900 E Hopkins pERMIT NUMBER: 19-2619 COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENTDEPAR丁MEN丁 VAしUA丁IONAFFIDAVl丁                                  音臆.・言 AFFIDAViT POしICY A= appIications for a building permit within the City ofAspen are requi「ed to inciude a cert甫cation of COmPiiance with buiiding permit valuation requirements,丁he cer捕cation must be signed bythe property OWner Or authorized representative. The following cert’甫cation shaIl accompany the application for a permit. I, the property owner or authorized agent, understand and certify as foliows: City ofAspen Ordinance No. 40, Series of 2016 adopts the 201与IntemationaI ResidentiaI Code (IRC) and Intemational BuiIding Code (iBC〉 with certain amendments. These codes define buiiding vaIuation as fo=ows: RlO8.3 BuiIding permit vaiuations. Building permit vaIuation sha旧nciude total vaiue ofthe work for which a Permit is being issued, SuCh as eIectrical, gaS, meChanical, Plumbing equipment, and other pe「manent systems, including materiaIs and labor. 109.3 Buiiding permit valuations, The applicant for a permit sha= provide an estimated permit vaiue at time Of appIication, Permit valuations sha旧ncIude total vaIue ofwork, inciuding materiais and labor for which the Permit is being issued, SuCh as eIectricaI, gaS, meChanicaI, PIumbing equipment and permanent systems. 1f, in the opinion of the building o惰ciaI, the vaIuation is unde「estimated on the application, the permit sh訓be denied, unIess the app=cant can show detaiied estimates to meet the approval ofthe building o惰cia上FinaI bu冊ing permitvaIuation shaII be set bythe buiidingo簡cia上 City poiicγ indicates that permit valuation incIudes materiaIs and Iaborforthe structure and mechanical, eiectrical, Piumbing and gas, fire sp「inkler and eIevator svstems and equipment. Permanent systems such as audio visuaI, Iig帖ng and HVAC cont「ois are included in the total as are expenses directly related to construction such as equipment rentai and contracto「fees. Finish materiaIs such as paint, [oor coverings,副e, Cabinets and COuntertOPS are incIuded in the permit vaiuation totaI. Costs such as architectural and engineering design fees, landscaping and pIanting, taP fees, deveIopment m田gation fees, t「aSh removal, and cieaning are not incIuded. l ce「苗ythat the permit vaIuation VaIuation requirements. Owner Signature: Owner Printed Name: entered on the Permit app=cation forthis property complies with the above this document is a pubiic document. Date:12/1 1/19 Or; Authorized Agent Signature: Authorized Agent Printed Name: CI丁Y OF ASPEN」。nu。r,2。1。    130 S. GALENA S丁 ASPEN CO 81611 ADDRESS: 900 E Hopkins pERMIT NUMBER: 19-2619 COMMUNi™ıYDEVELOPMEN™ıDEPAR™ıMENT ZONINGCOMP‡µIANCEVERiFICA™ıIONPO‡µICY AppIicab”My: AIl deveIopment projects must compIy with the City†fs zoning reguIations, incIuding height and Iocation, and are subject to periodic inspection during construction and a fina=nspection priorto project COmPietion. When required bythe City†fs zoning O‘îcer; Certain deveIopment projects within the City ofAspen Sh„Pverify height and/or location compIiance th†uough submission of a survey report. Unless otherwise exempted, a= commerciaI, mu™-family lodging, and mixed-uSe PrOjects proposed within one foot ofthe maximum permissible height or within one foot of ailowable setbacks shaiI verify zoning compliance through this method. In add™On, the Zoning O„Cer may require this method be used to verify zoning compIiance for single-famiiy/ dupIex deveIopment or other projects where compiiance may be in question. 1ndependent ofthis policy, aII PrOjects must comply with a= applicabIe zoning limitations. ™ıhe Zoning O‘îcer w™nform the appIicant during building permit review ifverification w’ìbe required. However circumstances may require zoning compliance verification of a project which is already underway. Timing: Height ve‚µcation should be accomp=shed at a point of construction when enough roof st†uucture is in pIace to accurateiy measure the structure yet earIv enough in the process to sŒUmake changes ifthe structu†ue is too talI, Location verŁácation should be accomp"shed at a point of construction when the finaI exterior ofthe structure can be accuratelv measured in relation to setback requirements. AppIicants are encouraged to confer with the Zoning Officer regarding the timing of zoning compIiance verifieation. Applicants are encouraged to perform their own verifieation during construction to ensure the buiIding is p†uogressing to pian†„ including the height and iocation offoundation forms priorto concrete pours. Surve…Á Report: A CoIorado Professionai Land Surveyor shalI describe and depict the height and location of a structure compared to the dimensions shown on the zoning sheets ofthe approved building permit pIan set. The City†„s zoning Officer can assist in determining which elements ofthe structure should be measured and if natural Orfinished grade should be used. The report sha‰„nciude the fo=owing information: 1-A briefcover letterwith the buiiding permit number; name Ofthe project, name Ofthe ownerand generaI contractor; With a wr‰üen description ofthe measurement methods incIuding date(s) of measu†uement. 2-For location verification: A plan drawing showing property boundaries†„ PermflŁed setbacks†„ buiiding enveIope (if appIicable), iocation offoundation wa=s, location ofthe outermost exterior of each structure (inciusive of aIl exterior veneer or other exterior treatments), and the location and dimension of each observed measurement. 3-For height verifieation: Elevation drawing(s†r showing the naturaI or”tshed grade ofthe property, maXimum perm”Med height, bu“ûng elevations incIuding the nominaI roofform (incIusive ofthe first layer of exterior sheathing or weatherproofing membrane but excIuding a= exterior surface treatments such as shakes†„ Shingles†„ or other veneertreatments oro†unamentation), and the location and dimension of each observed measurement. Additionai roof pians showing Iocation of measurements may be necessary. CI™ıY OF ASPENA.gus,2†B1,†@†@†@†@130 S. GALENA STASPENCO 81611 pERMiT NUMBER: 19-2619†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@ADDRESS: 900 E Hopkins COMMUNITYDEVELOPMEN™ıDEPAR™ıMEN™ı :†‹†‹ ZONiNGCOMPLIANCEVERIFICATIONPO‡µiCY†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†@†u‡Â 4-Pians and eIevations must include height or setback exemption items unique to the building, SuCh as stair/ eIevator overruns, uŁłity/mechanicai apparatus, hot tubs and spas, and othe†u height or setback exemption items unique to the project. 5-™ıhe report shaI=ncIude a written description or d†uawing notes ofthe benchmarks or controI points used to estabIish property boundaries, Setbacks, buiIding location, bu=ding height,and grades for each measurement. 6-A= drawings must correIate with the bu“ûng locations, elevations, and grading/drainage representations in the approved building permit set. 7-™ıhe report must inciude the signatu†ue, date, and stamp of Coiorado Professionai Land Surveyor who COnducted the fieId measurements cerŁcying that the fieid measurements a†ueaccurately represented. Review and Acceptance of Report: The Zoning OŁ|ce†u sha= review the report(s) and either confirm the project conformstothe dimensions shown on the zoningsheets ofthe approved building permit pIan set and meets the zoning limitations for the property or shali determine which elements ofthe project are not in compiiance" The Zoning O‘îcer may request additiona=nformation to verify zoning compiiance†„ Which may inciude but is not iimited to additionai survey work or a site visit. AIi drawings ofthe survey report must correiate with representations in the approved building permit set for acceptance. Modifications to fieId cond™OnS Or amendments to the bu“ûng permit may be required. A determination of non-COmP=ance sha= result in the issuance of a correction notice and possibIe work stoppage. AppIicants are encouraged to verify zoning compIiance as earIy as reasonabIy practica=n the construction process to minimize disruption to the construction scheduie. Acknowledgment: l (contractor name) Frank Reynoids understand this po=cv. i ag†uee that this project wi= compIv with the zoning =mitations a‘Yecting this parceI and the representations made on the zoning sheets of the approved buiIding permit plans. I understand that a Ce‰Ðficate ofOccupancvwŠpnot be issued until this PrOject compiies with„Pap“£CabIe zoning =mitations. Contractor Signatu†ue: Date: 12/11/19 CITY OF ASPENAug.st2017†@†@†@†@†@130 S. GALENA STASPENCO 81611