HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes.WHLR.20200205.RegularLibrary Room, Paepcke Building | Aspen Institute Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday February 5, 2020 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie In Attendance: Wheeler Opera House Board Members: Chip Fuller, Chairperson Christine Benedetti, Vice Chair Nina Gabianelli, Secretary Ziska Childs Dr. Tom Kurt Amy Mountjoy Richard Stettner Justin Brown Peter Grenney (alternative) In Attendance: Wheeler Opera House / COA Staff: Gena Buhler, Executive Director Nicole Levesque, Audience Services Manager Meeting Recorder: Julie Gillespie DISCUSSION ACTIONS RESPONSES o Meeting called to order at 3:08 PM o Approval of December 2019 and January 2020 meeting minutes. Approved o New Ticketing System Presentation & Overview (Nicole Levesque) *see attached presentation* • Discussion and overview of new ticketing system to be implemented in the Wheeler Box Office April 1, 2020. • Moving forward with EventBrite: better ease of use for customers, clients and staff. • Benefits: improved user interface, no account login required, streamlined settlements for events, updated integration tools and transaction-based fees. • RFP review committee comprised of: Nina Gabianelli (Board Secretary), Kathryn DeAmaral (PFM - booking agency), Nicole Levesque (Audience Services Manager), Annie Buettow (City of Aspen Parks & Rec), Jeni Hepler (Ticketing Supervisor), Mackenzie Sexton (Ticket Coordinator). • BUHLER: Fee structure – on average, customers will be paying less than current Aspen Show Tix $5 processing fee. EventBrite can provide a competitive pricing structure and Wheeler is currently implementing the highest-level top tier package. More will be available for customers with this specific package vs if they would go direct to EventBrite as a one-off event. • LEVESQUE: website – EventBrite will be creating a fully customized, fully branded website for Aspen Show Tix. Library Room, Paepcke Building | Aspen Institute Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday February 5, 2020 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie • FULLER: Questions -  Does this create a new customer database, and will the past information be integrated into EventBrite?  Will the Wheeler website be integrated with the updated EventBrite website?  What is the process for uploading final settlement numbers for shows?  What apps are available to help promote events?  How will Wheeler Wins members be affected?  Will this bring in new clients for Aspen Show Tix? • BUHLER/LEVESQUE: Answers –  Past customer data will not be integrated into the new system, but we see this fresh start as a benefit. We currently own the data within Aspen Show Tix which reports can still be pulled from if needed. EventBrite will allow us to have a more streamlined process for queries and we want to have clean data going into it, instead of old data from over 10 years of account creations.  Yes, fully integrated and seamless transfer from Wheeler to EventBrite (as embedded checkout).  Currently a multi-step financial reconciliation process within Audience View that involves downloading the daily ticket sales information, confirming correct totals and budget line numbers, uploading information into Oracle, and reconciling sales numbers for each show individually. All reconciliations for shows must be done manually by Operations Assistant.  Integrated apps within website will include Spotify, Instagram, Facebook, etc.  Membership link will be available and Wheeler Wins membership discounts will be applied.  A huge benefit for existing customers. AST has brought on three new clients within the last month. Ease of use with the system will be a benefit for everyone. Would be great to bring Theatre Aspen and JAS Café on as clients. More tickets that are sold, the more money that is turned over to the grant program. • GRENNEY: Questions –  Will there be an option receive notifications about a shows ticket sales and reminders to purchase?  Can you change ticket price to include the processing fee? • BUHLER/LEVESQUE: Answers –  When purchasing online, website will send reminder when tickets are left in cart and let’s the customer know there is still time to purchase. Travel insurance also available for purchasing tickets.  We’ll also explore more the options within social media sharing, etc. • KURT: At the end of the five-year contract, will we be able to keep sales data for future Library Room, Paepcke Building | Aspen Institute Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday February 5, 2020 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie events and to compare past events? • LEVESQUE: Data analysis reports are very detailed and available. We will have the ten- year data dump from Audience View available as well. • GABIANELLI: What will access to EventBrite look like for rental clients? • LEVESQUE: Options available will include requesting reports and general access to your event. EventBrite will provide an easy to navigate interface, comp requests, etc. • BUHLER: This database should make it easier for clients, potential to help sell more tickets for their events. Helps put tickets more in front of the customer via this database. • CHILDS: Questions –  How many users will you be transferring over?  Is there a price difference purchasing in person vs. online? • BUHLER/LEVESQUE: Answers –  About 30,000 users in the Aspen Show Tix database currently, 15% – 20% redundancy (duplicate accounts, etc.). With EventBrite we will not have to do a customer data transfer. Customers will only need to create account one time, and it’s a global EventBrite account.  Transaction fees are the same across the board – in person vs. online will be the same fees. Sliding scale with EventBrite is much smaller and they wanted to keep those prices competitive. Overall, people will pay the same or less for their fees. • MOUNTJOY: Are we able to review metrics of the current purchasing system? Compare how many new users login per year within Audience View? • LEVESQUE: We do review sales demographics but have not looked at how many new people are in the system. Would be interesting to pull this metric within Audience View (new users per year). o Board Discussion (Chip Fuller) • January 27 Joint Meeting with City Council | Follow Up & Next Steps?  GRENNEY: Positive support from Council and they seem interested in the actions of the Wheeler Board. Any opinion on statement from Mayor Torre regarding pulling back the reigns on Wheeler programming?  BOARD: That was not the message from Torre. Everyone heard that the full Council is in support of the level of programming and community events happening, and Torre said to not do it at the detriment of the staff.  BUHLER: Clarification of statement – Mayor stated “if” you need to pull back to support staff the Council is in support of that. Intention for programming through March 2021 to be locked in within the next few months. Spring supplemental request will be submitted to request three part time staff positions – Box Office, Building and Production. There is no interest in pulling dates away from the community. All staffing is fully funded under the WRETT. Library Room, Paepcke Building | Aspen Institute Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday February 5, 2020 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie  CHILDS: Great feedback about sharing the numerous community events taking place at the Wheeler. Many people did not realize how many community events we are doing.  MOUNTJOY: Multiple council members stated they were impressed with how thorough and complete the presentation was, happy with the outcome.  BUHLER: Does the board feel meeting with City Council once a year is enough? o FULLER: Yes, annual visit with City Council is adequate for the time being. o GRENNEY: What is your opinion on bringing back previous acts to the Wheeler, like Torre said about Lyle Lovett, etc.? Referencing the artists that used to come to Aspen just to come to Aspen. o BUHLER: Music industry has changed – the artists needs to tour to make money and to support album sales, when in the past it was the opposite, they didn’t need to tour so they could be more selective and stay for longer. Belly Up allows for more unique music experiences (4 nights of STS9, 3 nights of Head & the Heart, etc.) while the Wheeler is providing unique comedy experiences (Trevor Noah, etc.). o CHILDS: How do we bring in one or two-person shows not in direct competition with other groups in town? Someone like Isabella Rossellini? o BUHLER: Theatre and classical music in the wintertime is more challenging to sell, summertime is very different and sells better. We have suffered in the past with theatre show o BROWN: This is the same for us, we struggle with shows in Harris Hall in the winter, it’s hard to get the attention and people don’t want to make the choice to spend their winter evenings in the same way that they do the summer. o BENEDETTI: Green initiative – has the conversation come up with the Wheeler investment pool? Are we sure that we aren’t investing in oil and gas funds, etc.? And where did we land with potential carbon offsets? o BUHLER: Interested in the idea of carbon offsets being paid off and currently having internal conversations. Should this be taken out of the WRETT subsidy as operational costs? Is this something the ticket buyer should pay a portion of? We will be back with more on this. o BENEDETTI: Do we have control of what the offsets are going to? o FULLER: Wheeler WRETT money is invested in government debt that are safest and lowest yielding option possible, so I don’t believe that these would be invested in these areas but it’s a good question to ask. • Other Topics for Future Meetings – email requests to Chip Fuller for next board meeting • BUHLER: Request to give us as much planning time as possible for complex topics that require preparation and presentations from staff members Library Room, Paepcke Building | Aspen Institute Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday February 5, 2020 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie Director’s Report (Gena Buhler) o Winter Programming Update • Winterskol weekend: family show slotted for this weekend suffered due to MLK holiday falling on a different day. We are back on track for 2021. • Laugh Festival: 322 tickets left for entire Aspen Laugh Festival. Board requested to share urgency for availability of seating. Wait list will be implemented for sold out shows through the Box Office. Trevor Noah currently has no availability; Norm MacDonald is also sold out. • MOUNTJOY: Wait listing – are you sending out information about this to ticket holders? • LEVESQUE: Yes, this information is included in the performance reminders and listed on all festival passes. o Spring Projects Update • Elevator & Loading Dock Bay: on track for project window April 6 – June 1. Completion of project allows for week and a half window before first summer event in the venue. Potential vulnerability within the project timeline of when the elevator is finished and when the inspection is complete. • STETTNER: Which elevator companies did you speak to? Experience with TK not completing projects on time. • BUHLER: Agree on concerns with TK, we spoke to three companies – TK, Otis and 1 other (BUHLER to follow up on 3rd vendor). • Balcony Carpet & Assisted Listening System: carpet for balcony to be installed from April 6 – April 20 which will be matched to the orchestra level carpeting (final phase of this project carry forward). Hearing assistance will be completed throughout the theatre along the same dates as carpet installation. • Theatre Projects Organizational Study: Phase II contract has been signed and we are moving forward. Currently locking in dates for first site visit. We are working with the City Manager’s Office for flexibility on budget deadlines so that any recommendations can be projected in the 2021 budget cycle. • Website Updates: EventBrite will be working on updating the Aspen Show Tix website and marketing team will be focused on updating the Wheeler website at the same time. Hypothetically will be launching the new website in early August 2020, with the Aspen Show Tix website launching with new ticketing system on May 1, 2020. o Deadly Weapons Ban Operational Requests Update (see memo) • City Manager’s Office has discussed memo with Gena Buhler and Aspen Police Department will be responding. The Wheeler has currently been taken off the ban list – continuing the conversation and waiting for direction. • City Manager’s Office stated policy only can enforced for a ticketed event – confirmation Library Room, Paepcke Building | Aspen Institute Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday February 5, 2020 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie with other venues states otherwise and policy should be enforced no matter what. • BROWN: Agree, we enforce policy for all types of shows and tickets. • If program approved, a supplemental request for security support will be submitted at the end of February for the remaining 6 months of the proposed program (starting June 2020) and budget requests for 2021 cycle will include estimated $75,000 for the full on- going security support. • FULLER: The Wheeler Board fully supports these actions. o Environmental Goal Language Review • Mayor Torre requested that “new” to be added into the new environmental goal language, making the goal read “operate an environmentally responsible and sustainable venue; advocating and educating visiting artists, guests and community partners on programs and new initiatives”. • FULLER: The Wheeler Board agrees with this language. o City of Aspen Organizational Structure Update (see handout) • City of Aspen currently hiring a new Assistant City Manager position. • Report received back from Novak Group study states to keep the cultural arts departments (Wheeler & Red Brick) should be separate from the Parks & Rec departmental grouping • Everything else is status quo – Wheeler direct report is Scott Miller who remains Interim Assistant City Manager until the hire has been made. Scott is supportive of the Wheeler. o Quarterly Financials (see attachment) • Review of final close out for 2019 financials. • Aspen Public House not reported their yearly financials yet but will be receiving a full audit of data to confirm we are receiving accurate information. • FULLER: Please discuss overages on expenditures. • BUHLER: significant overages with full time staff and overtime for more than 40 hours. Significantly consistent YOY on overrun with staff overtime. The final numbers were more than were budgeted for however Wheeler department savings covers this. Because the staff feels overworked and underpaid, more are choosing to take overtime pay vs. earning comp time. o Upcoming HPC Meeting (February 26) (see handouts) • Proposing to add solar panels to the non-historical roof portion. Proposal for solar aligns with new environmental goal and project team believe that some of the request meets historical preservation guidelines. • We are working internally with Community Development office to see if we can be in alignment on the requests before going in front of HPC, but because each department has ultimately different goals and missions, we aren’t sure if this will be possible. Does the Board believe that being in full alignment is necessary? Library Room, Paepcke Building | Aspen Institute Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday February 5, 2020 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie • STETTNER: It seems that it’s a detriment to the Wheeler to have to follow rules that don’t apply to outside entities. If we must follow the rules, then everyone else should as well, so if we aren’t in alignment, differing opinions are okay. • CHILDS: In the past, there has been push back from public about the city not following its own rules. • CHILDS: Expressing concerns on layout of solar, will this be able to collect energy in the winter months and has this been investigated? What is the snow mitigation plan? • BUHLER: I didn’t come prepared to answer those questions today, but I will find out the answers. I know that there is a plan, I just do not have that with me today. • See attached document for technical specifications of all elements (solar and chiller). • Proposed location of chiller is only reasonable option that exists – currently set back from the street and will not be visible from street view, but replacement needs to be approved (from May 2019 emergency replacement). • Solar panels option is not the most optimal set up for implementing solar at the Wheeler however goal is to find a middle ground to move forward. Wheeler respects HPC guidelines and does not want to break rules, so this request is our middle ground. • GABIANELLI: What is their opposition to the chiller? Does HPC not want the variance? • BUHLER: Building code in response to the chiller what that we need the variance, so we are following those steps to attain the variance. If not approved, this request will most likely then go to City Council. o Additional Comments • MOUNTJOY: During X-Games the Hotel Jerome had decal signage applied to windows. How can the Wheeler implement this? • BUHLER: Wheeler uses the same process, City of Aspen Special Event Signage Permit. We have a specific amount of window space we can utilize per code. Aspen Laugh Festival decals will be applied February 10 to the Box Office windows. Next will be Aspen Mountain Film Festival in August. We try not to do these all the time to keep it special and to watch the waste from the vinyl that cannot be recycled. • MOUNTJOY: Can we keep track of the waste that is generated from the window decals? o Future Meeting Schedule Review (Chip Fuller) • February 26 4:30pm | HPC Meeting | Council Chambers • March 4 | 3pm | Regular Meeting, Staffing Structure & Support Ideas, Spring Supplemental Budget Requests, Other Topics TBD • April 8 | Regular Meeting, Quarterly Financial Update • May No Meeting • June TBD Library Room, Paepcke Building | Aspen Institute Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday February 5, 2020 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie *Note all meetings in Winter 2020 to take place at Aspen Institute Library Room unless otherwise listed due to Physics Café schedule at Wheeler Opera House. o Meeting Adjourned at 5:12PM by Chip Fuller Motioned by: Chip Fuller