HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes.WHLR.20200422.RegularVirtual Wheeler Board Meeting Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday April 22, 2020 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie In Attendance: Wheeler Opera House Board Members: Chip Fuller, Chairperson Christine Benedetti, Vice Chair Nina Gabianelli, Secretary Ziska Childs Dr. Tom Kurt Amy Mountjoy Richard Stettner Justin Brown Peter Grenney (alternative) In Attendance: Wheeler Opera House / COA Staff: Scott Miller, Interim Asst. City Manager Gena Buhler, Executive Director Nancy Lesley, Interim Director Nicole Levesque, Audience Services Manager Sarah Sanders, Events Mgr Meeting Recorder: Julie Gillespie DISCUSSION ACTIONS RESPONSES o Meeting called to order at 3:07 PM o Approval Virtual Board Meeting Participation – Gena Buhler outlined the rules of engagement for the virtual board meeting. Purpose of policy is to specify the circumstances and means on how the Wheeler Board shall conduct regular meetings via telephone or video conferencing that allows for communication between board members. Agreement attached to minutes. o Approval of March 4, 2020 meeting minutes. Approved No public comment for Virtual Wheeler Board Meeting • Any comments can be sent to Chip Fuller via email accessible on Wheeler Opera House website. Wheeler Interim Plan – Executive & Artistic Director Transition (Scott Miller, Nancy Lesley) o Introduction Wh eeler I nterim Director • LESLEY: Introduction – City of Aspen employee for 17 years, currently Director of Special Events and Marketing. Looking forward to learning about the Wheeler more in-depth and meeting the board face to face. Focused on listening tour and current situation allows for more time to learn about the Wheeler inner workings. Working on talking with each staff individually over the next few weeks. o Next Steps through May 22 Transition • FULLER: Board is looking forward to having you on the team. Scott Miller is there any update on the transition and the long-term plan for a full time replacement? • MILLER: Plan is to meet with the CMO and HR department to begin discussing more specifics Virtual Wheeler Board Meeting Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday April 22, 2020 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie about the interim plan. Board requested previously a review of the current Executive Director job description, will be circulated to the board. Still waiting on the Theatre Projects report to be received. Timeline is to review Theatre Projects report, review job description with board and then start recruitment process. HR to perform recruitment or hire an outside firm? • FULLER: Was there an outside firm utilized previously to hire Gena Buhler? How long was previous hiring process, 4 – 6 months? • BUHLER: HR, Jessica Roberts and Alissa Farrell led past recruitment process. • STETTNER: Long hiring process and top three finalists were brought to Aspen for final interviews. • MILLER: For specialized job openings, we have had success in hiring a recruitment firm to seek out persons needed for specific roles. Potential to have a broader pool to tap into. • MOUNTJOY: Nancy Lesley are you still the Director of Special Events with the new Interim Director position or solely with the Wheeler? Scott Miller are we not beginning the recruitment process for a new ED for at least 6 – 8 weeks? • LESLEY: Will be retaining both Special Events and Interim Director role simultaneously. Special Events currently not in event mode. • MILLER: 6 – 8 weeks is a good estimate, but we need a final job description before posting the job. At least 1 – 2 board meetings worth of work. • GABIANELLI: Did the city accept Gena Buhler’s offer to continue working on the booking/programming for the Wheeler? • MILLER: Have not confirmed this yet, Nancy Lesley to advise on that in the next few weeks. • FULLER: There is a much work to be done at the Wheeler this summer and support from Gena would be very advantageous. Spring/Summer for 2021 needs to be booked soon, if we lose Gena in this process that would be a problem. • In Favor: Benedetti, Mountjoy, Gabianelli, Fuller, Grenney, Kurt, Childs, Stettner • STETTNER: Would be worthwhile to form a subcommittee of a few board members to review the job description and move forward with the hiring process instead of the entire board. • KURT: Currently on the Pitkin County Board of Health and an emergency meeting will be held Monday April 27 at 3PM. Decisions to be made about upcoming rules for the county. • CHILDS: Agree with board subcommittee suggestion. All performances throughout the industry up in the air, we should wait for finalizing any booking contract until things have settled. • FULLER: Does anyone on the board volunteer to be on the subcommittee for the ED transition? • Subcommittee interest – Benedetti, Brown, Childs, Gabianelli, Kurt, Mountjoy, Stettner Board Discussion (Chip Fuller) o COVID & WRETT Community Support Concept • FULLER: Had a virtual meeting with directors of non-profit arts organizations, loss of revenue and donations for these various groups, they are seeking help during this time. Interested in Virtual Wheeler Board Meeting Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday April 22, 2020 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie utilizing the Wheeler WRETT for support. • WRETT Option #1: vote to repurpose a portion of the WRETT to help non-profit arts groups. Public vote for this would not be able to happen until November. • WRETT Option #2: possibility for a loan from the WRETT to support the non-profit arts groups, similar to the City of Aspen borrowing money for aid programs. This loan would be specific to the non-profit arts organizations. • STETTNER: In support of the loan idea, should explore the possibility of funding a loan. • KURT: In favor of the loan support. • MOUNTJOY: Is there an option to increase the amount of funding for grants? Would this need to go to a vote? • FULLER: Unfortunately increasing the $100,000 grant amount would also have to go to a public vote. • BUHLER: The additional $300,000 for grants comes from Wheeler revenue – ticket commissions, rental spaces, and ticket sales. Worked on a budget projection for Finance for potentially what we could grant for 2021. Goal is to make sure fund is secure for 2021 and barely there currently, there is no additional non-WRETT revenue to pull from. • MOUNTJOY: In favor of going to the vote in November to supplement the short fall for 2020. • CHILDS: In favor of loans to arts organizations however want to recommend waiting for Theatre Projects final report to review their recommendations for the Wheeler. Want to make sure how much we can loan out without endangering the building. • FULLER: IS there potential for Theatre Projects to recommend major renovations for the Wheeler? • BUHLER: Over 20 years there is need of $54 million from the fund for any potential renovations. Plan for the next 5 years are suggestions of $4-$7 million for the rigging system in theatre plus the completion of the lot and the stonework. Outside of operations, Theatre Projects study suggests need of about $10 million over the next 5-7 years. • FULLER: Loan idea of $1-$3 million for arts groups would not impact the WRETT? • BUHLER: Based on short term impacts, yes. • FULLER: $1-$3 million amount was estimated by taking the amount of grants given out to each arts organization and double or quadrupling what has been received in the past. Potential for those amounts to be paid back over a period of 10 years and many different ways to organize the repayments of the loan. If and when gets to City Council, we can continue the conversation. • GABIANELLI: As the city moves forward with the budgeting process, production expenses are currently less due to no shows. Could the production expenses offset the money to help support those organizations? We have to be aware of how we allocate the loans to small and large organizations. • BUHLER: Unfortunately, we have to use non-WRETT revenues for that funding, money spent Virtual Wheeler Board Meeting Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday April 22, 2020 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie for Wheeler programming has to stay separate. Try to take some of the resources we have and reallocate those for the community. • FULLER: Organizations can argue their various impacts throughout the valley, how do we keep this equitable for everyone? • STETTNER: Many news articles say a housing market slowdown which could affect the WRETT for the board to be aware of. • CHILDS: As a suggestion, priority for these potential loans be given to those local organizations with salaried positions. • MOUNTJOY: Suggest sharing daily updates on Facebook or via press releases to let organizations know about these discussions and continue to be transparent. • FULLER: Timeline overview if we agree on this – board could write a letter to be delivered to City Council recommending this idea and could probably go to the press. • GRENNEY: What would the effects of helping the non-profit arts organizations versus the regular arts organizations be if the loan were available to just non-profits? • STETTNER: Board needs to be aware of how many organizations we open this loan option to because City of Aspen will then have to manage those organizations and account for each. Agree to sending a letter to City Council. • BENEDETTI: In support of the loan idea, but some organizations may not make it through so what does that repayment of the loan look like long term? • FULLER: There will be another call with the arts organizations and will discuss with other stakeholders in the community to come to an agreement on this topic. • Does the board recommend to City Council for money to be lent from the WRETT to aid the community arts groups? • In Favor: Benedetti, Childs, Fuller, Gabianelli, Grenney, Kurt, Mountjoy o Other Topics • FULLER: Complaint email received and sent out regarding solar panels. Can the solar panels be placed somewhere else besides directly on the building? • BUHLER: Reviewed with Asset and another option brought up was investing in solar panels outside of the community. If they are placed directly on the building, that is how we will receive the direct impact. If solar was placed elsewhere, a larger conversation would need to occur that is outside of this project. No direction from City Council nor the board regarding investing in downvalley solar. Bendon Adams presentation to City Council highlighted the historic landmarks that currently have solar on their buildings to make a statement. Sustainability is important to the Wheeler and the City. • CHILDS: UbiquitousEnergy.com – idea for windows to be used as solar panels. • KURT: In agreement with Ziska Childs. Suggestion to listening to Jim Markalunas regarding solar panels on the Wheeler (see letter submitted by Jim Markalunas). Wheeler could purchase a portion of solar farm in Woody Creek. Virtual Wheeler Board Meeting Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday April 22, 2020 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie • STETTNER: City Council and HPC have approved the solar panel project, positive statement having solar on the building for people to see. Shows that Wheeler is being responsible versus purchasing something elsewhere. Change is hard for some people, but we have the approval to move forward with this important project. • GRENNEY: Is the goal of implementing solar panels to make a statement as the Wheeler, i.e. virtue signaling? • BUHLER: How can we use the roof real estate to help offset our costs? This idea started with how to offset additional fees when snow melt is implemented. Final question came down to how much solar can be placed on the Wheeler roof and we believe in this project. • MOUNTJOY: We do have the approval from HPC and City Council to move forward with solar panels, but we can still explore other options to further contribute to offsets (window suggestion). • Should the board review the already HPC and City Council approved solar panel project for the Wheeler? • In favor: Childs, Kurt • BUHLER: To confirm, the board has agreed to continue to move forward with the plan to put solar panels on the roof. With only two against, we will continue with the 2021 plan, research and budgeting for that. • Is there support for the Wheeler staff moving forward putting together a study to review the Wheeler sustainability options? • In Favor: Childs, Fuller, Gabianelli, Mountjoy, Stettner • GRENNEY: Do we anticipate any budget cuts for the Wheeler? • MILLER: Being considered, but decision will not be made on that until May. • FULLER: All city budgets being cut, no performances in the short term but Wheeler is in a healthy place. Would like to keep Wheeler staff employed. Director’s Report (Gena Buhler) *See attached presentation for details* o Staffing Updates – COVID Closure Impacts • Most staff working from home, Building Manager onsite every day to manage the Wheeler. • Prep for Assisted Listening and Carpet projects – all balcony seats removed. • Nancy created Strike Team with Wheeler, Special Events and Red Brick. Offering online content for community to view (comedy, magic, music, etc.) o Bu dget Requests – Capital Improvements 2021 in Process • Review of projects in process and in discussion • FULLER: Are there any negatives to pushing the study out longer? 2021 project requests will take place next year? If projects are cute, what are the most important items on this list? • BUHLER: No, taking a 12-18 month pause will not have negative impacts. Yes, these go to City Council in October, request must be submitted sooner than normal. Most important items – Virtual Wheeler Board Meeting Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday April 22, 2020 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie digital cinema updates, genie lift replacement, site project phases 2, 3, 4 (stonework project) • CHILDS: Request to view Vector Works files upon completion. • MOUNTJOY: Exterior architectural lighting – has the Hotel Jerome’s proposal for their external lighting been reviewed? • BUHLER: Philip Supino has all of the proposal information; he is in support of the Wheeler external lighting request. • Theatre Projects Study Phase II overview – May meeting will review more in depth with Theatre Projects team. • FULLER: Based on current idea that the Wheeler is operating with diverse programming, building being utilized to capacity, board acknowledges and supports the amount of activity taking place at the Wheeler, would like this to continue. • 2020 Sales Review – programming highs and lows, COVID impacts, etc. • CHILDS: Virtual Shortsfest numbers? • BUHLER: Aspen Film is producer/presenter of Shortsfest, not our numbers to report publicly, met their sales goals and had support through Aspen Show Tix. • Overview of end of season cancellations • Summer planning overview and discussion – how do we bring people into the venue and allow for COVID/social distancing requirements? • AMFS Program – variety of demands and issues for this to move forward for the summer. Orchestra pit would only allow for 4 people per social distancing rules. One performance max per day. • Streaming options for Sunset Sessions? • Aspen Mountain Film Festival – Adventure Entertainment to be producing and programming the festival. Pivot the 2020 festival to an online experience – what are the options? o Discussion • BROWN: Current AMFS timeline and process for planning in line with other performing arts organizations in Aspen – delay of the start of summer activities. Early May will reevaluate the local scenario, gain input from Board of Health, check in with state and national restrictions, but make a decision by May 15 on a yes or no go reduced festival plan for the summer. Open to working with City Council, Board of Health, CDC guidance for moving forward. Still have faculty and students eager to participate in the program for 6 weeks. Hopeful that we will still try to have programming pending it is safe to do so. Requesting more direction and instruction to come from City Council and Board of Health instead of the Wheeler board in terms of process and planning. • KURT: Currently on the Board of Health, emergency meeting planned for Monday April 28 at 3PM. Any items to be presented, get in touch with Director of Public Health for those to be put onto the agenda. Aspen Mountain Film Festival – how are we obtaining films since SXSW was cancelled and were you able to get comparable quality content similar to last year? Virtual Wheeler Board Meeting Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday April 22, 2020 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie • BUHLER: SXSW allowed us to view all films that were to be presented. Adventure Entertainment confident that they can compile a well rounded selection of films for 2020. Proposal will be submitted to Nancy regarding an online option next week. • CHILDS: South Korea Phantom of the Opera live performance – how will this go? What will be safe moving forward? • FULLER: Two options – as a board member, do not want to be telling AMFS how to manage their summer program. Final decision about the summer programming for AMFS will be made on May 15. Can we pursue the partial option? If summer is cancelled, can we pursue capital projects on this date? • BUHLER: Most likely will happen, request Asset to review those timelines. There will be a certain point where we have to decide to open, reviewing that timing and planning for those decisions. Early May Adventure Entertainment needs to know about shifting to a virtual platform but everything else can take a pause. • KURT: Construction industry example – construction projects were approved to be resumed; however, this means applications to restart projects will be accepted. • BUHLER: HR discussing how to bring people back into offices. Many questions and planning on the venue side to move forward with reopening. • MOUNTJOY: Is there an option to livestream events for AMFS – classes, performances, etc.? • CHILDS: Overview of new COVID cases and the general unknown. Try to remain flexible and as opportunistic as possible. Take advantage of whatever opportunities there might be, along with being safe. • KURT: As a member of the Board of Health, a lot of underreporting of COVID cases. More cases reported in Vail due to increased testing. • BROWN: Considering the streaming options. Live streamed or recorded broadcast content is not staffed at the Wheeler or AMFS. To be able to carry it out correctly, this would take a professional team and additional money in order to be professionally produced. • Does the board agree to look at the partial programming option and wait until May 15 to make a decision about opening and hear more about AMFS plans, start working with Adventure Entertainment and Sunset Sessions contracted artists to make the virtual pivot? • In Favor: Benedetti, Childs, Fuller, Gabianelli, Grenney, Kurt, Mountjoy – Approved • BUHLER: Pause on internal programming discussions, once May 15 decision is made can move forward and start making those changes. o Future Meeting Schedule Review (Chip Fuller) • May 20 | Quarterly Financial Update, Last Meeting with Current Director, TP Study Presentation • June | No Meeting • July 8 | TBD Regular Meeting, Agenda TBD, Budget Update • August 5 | TBD Regular Meeting, Aspen Mountain Film Festival, Quarterly Financial Update Virtual Wheeler Board Meeting Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday April 22, 2020 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie o Meeting Adjourned at 5:04PM by Chip Fuller Motioned by: Chip Fuller