HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes.WHLR.20200805.RegularVirtual Wheeler Board Meeting Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday August 5, 2020 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie In Attendance: Wheeler Opera House Board Members: Chip Fuller, Chairperson Christine Benedetti, Vice Chair Nina Gabianelli, Secretary Ziska Childs Dr. Tom Kurt Amy Mountjoy Richard Stettner Justin Brown Peter Grenney (alternative) In Attendance: Wheeler Opera House / COA Staff: Scott Miller, Interim Assistant City Manager Diane Foster, Assistant City Manager Nancy Lesley, Interim Wheeler Director Jim True, City of Aspen Attorney Meeting Recorder: Julie Gillespie DISCUSSION ACTIONS RESPONSES o Meeting called to order at 3:04 PM o Approval of June 17, 2020 meeting minutes. Approved No public comment for Virtual Wheeler Board Meeting Any comments can be sent to Chip Fuller via email accessible on Wheeler Opera House website. Board Discussion (Chip Fuller) o Arts & Cultural Arts Grant Recovery Program • Recovery grant process wrapping up; current funding to date provided to organizations - $220,000. • Recipients have been variety of community arts organizations with plans for exciting community activation events and has been a successful project with positive impact on arts groups. • Concern for 2021 – providing adequate funding for 2021 arts grant program since that money was provided for the recovery funding. Rent abatement for Wheeler tenants will affect the 2021 availability of grant funds. City Attorney Discussion (Jim True) o Ordinance 50 discussion • Suggestion to bring to City Council a new ordinance that would coordinate board request for an update to the board “Roles and Duties” statement. • CHILDS: question regarding the board makeup – any feeling of keeping the board majority 4 people recommended by an arts council and 3 people with financial, marketing or Virtual Wheeler Board Meeting Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday August 5, 2020 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie management background? • TRUE: this would be a question for City Council to discuss. • Board vote: motion to update the board ordinance, full board agreement, Richard Stettner seconded. • TRUE: this will be added to the City Council meeting agenda. • MOUNTJOY: previous meeting we discussed adding the mission statement into the duties along with including our dedication to recycling and energy efficiency into our duties, mission and goals. • TRUE: I do not recall what the goals were, currently just trying to get guidance into the ordinance update. • FULLER: Amy, I will follow up and make sure this is completed. Interim Director Update (Nancy Lesley) o Upcoming fall projects and discussions • Red Brick partnership with Matt Beilis streaming events: August 12 sing along at Red Brick Kid’s Camp, songwriting workshop via Google Meet and closing out August 13 with a livestream concert on Facebook. • Shel (musical group): confirmed to perform virtually and participate in outreach. • Arts Thrive: goal to highlight arts and cultural organizations who are currently working to redefine their mission. Idea to have digital platform to interview and discuss how COVID has changed their mission, organization, business, etc. • Historical project: digging into the archives to highlight past artists and guests that have performed at the Wheeler. Intention to post videos, dates of performances, photos, etc. • Halloween project: interview past and present Wheeler staff/volunteers regarding the Wheeler “ghost” and their experiences. • Streaming from the Wheeler stage: currently discussing how to stream content from the Wheeler stage, including cleaning protocols, ticket sales, guests/staff in the theatre, etc. • Meetings with PFM: putting together artists/shows for 2021 calendar. Variety of acts interested in booking later for 2021. Discussions occurring regarding Laugh Festival and Belly Up collaboration. o Rent abatement for Wheeler tenants • City Council approved rent abatement for Aspen Public House and Valley Fine Art through December. • Lack of rent collection will affect 2021 grant funding availability for Wheeler Arts grants. o WRETT total currently on track compared to 2019; around $4 million total brought in during 2019. o Construction Update • Final walk through with current construction project, proceeding with phase II of the project to focus on Wheeler building masonry work. Virtual Wheeler Board Meeting Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday August 5, 2020 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie • FULLER: great to hear about the creative ideas and trying to keep the Wheeler name in the public eye, suggestion to continue thinking outside the box to stay in the hearts and minds of the community. • FOSTER: currently cannot have more than 50% of the staff in the building at one time. Nancy has come up with a collection of projects and currently working with an organizational development specialist that focuses on the staff. • FULLER: revisiting the lighting plan for exterior of the building – during the masonry work project, could be a great time to discuss the lighting for the exterior. Reference the Hotel Jerome project that was implemented. Wheeler lighting was going to be looked into within the next year or two. • FOSTER: Nancy and I have discussed this, still learning about the City capital projects – what the schedule is and what has been approved. • CHILDS: add exterior projection mapping to the lighting discussion. Any update on the discussion of window replacement? • STETTNER: can you provide any updates on Wheeler staff resignation? • LESLEY: one member resigned in the last several weeks and the staff is currently dealing with everything differently. The Wheeler staff is working with a team building individual to focus on staff traits. • FULLER: please keep us updated on any staff changes, any updates are appreciated. • BROWN: this is an opportunity to create and develop new staff, the departure of existing staff could be transformative and in his experience so far has been positive with the staff changes. City Manager’s Office Update (Diane Foster) o Current Wheeler lease tenants • Full rent abatement from July – December for both Aspen Public House and Valley Fine Art, approved by City Council. • Valley Fine Art – requested a lease extension but no current provision in contract for an extension. City Council allowed for a 2 year lease extension, wanted to allow the tenant to have a flexible exit option. o Wheeler Executive Director Search | Update • End of July – issued an RFP for a recruiter. RFP was sent to 10 recruiters and feedback from the Wheeler board was helpful. • FULLER: can we receive a copy of the RFP? • FOSTER: we will get the RFP to the board in 2 weeks. We are currently ahead on the recruiting process. • *See attached - board and staff Wheeler Executive Director survey results* • FULLER: what is the status of updating the job description and position profile? Virtual Wheeler Board Meeting Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday August 5, 2020 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie • FOSTER: that will be a result after this completed survey portion. Many comments from the board stating we do not need to change much. One focus area for this position is providing clarity on direction for this position. Goal is to utilize a recruiter to run this hiring process from beginning to end. • FULLER: will the recruiter be responsible for the final job description? The Wheeler board requests to stay in the loop. • FOSTER: we will work with the recruiter on this and we will keep the board involved. Currently discussing salary and housing is reserved for this role. • FULLER: please reference the spring City Council meeting – City Council agreed with the board to keep the current level of activity going at the Wheeler, this should be included in the job description. • FOSTER: our goal is to make sure people understand the expectations. • KURT: Theatre Projects study suggested splitting the position into two separate roles. • FOSTER: we have discussed reorganization internally, but right now will not be making that change to the recruitment process. We would like to have the new director come in and discuss their vision. • MOUNTJOY: will anyone from the board be on the RFP committee? • FOSTER: we have not finalized that yet; Jessica Roberts in HR will be running the recruitment. o Theatre Projects Study • FOSTER: there is the option to have Theatre Projects present this final report to the board and provide the opportunity for the board to ask questions. • City staff struggled with some of the report considering it was only one recommendation but requested additional information from Theatre Projects about why they are making certain recommendations. Sought out additional consultant, Duncan Webb, to ask his opinion. • FULLER: board would like to have Theatre Projects team discuss the report and provide the opportunity to ask questions and make comments. • STETTNER: our understanding was a presentation by Theatre Projects was included in the pricing, we should take advantage of this option. Was the analysis of staff salaries and payment removed from the presentation or was it not completed? • FOSTER: The City, at the time of this study, was also looking at a compensation report and at this time we do not want a full analysis done. • FULLER: was the City hiring a consultant to do a city wide compensation study? • FOSTER: yes, but this has been put on hold. • STETTNER: Wheeler Opera House is an anomaly but part of the city. Whoever has been hired to review the compensation and salaries should review the Wheeler and provide an evaluation. • CHILDS: suggest you refer to a consultant who works in the theatre industry, focus on Virtual Wheeler Board Meeting Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday August 5, 2020 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie someone who specializes in this type of venue. We should be looking for an Executive Director now. • FOSTER: goal is to move fast on hiring, evaluate the salary and look for someone with a depth of experience. • CHILDS: the Theatre Projects final report seems like a completely different scope of work, was hoping to be provided some technical review of the space – discussion of new fly system, work on orchestra pit, fire curtain, technical aspects to be reviewed, etc. • STETTNER: can we request the first report from Theatre Projects? • FULLER: board would like more time to read and review the report and we would like to have Theatre Projects present at the next board meeting. First impression – good information provided, a lot of conclusions without supporting data that make it hard to give recommendations. We thought a major part of the report was to discuss staff compensation and changes in staffing, but hard to have that discussion without any comparisons to the rest of the industry. • GABIANELLI: what are we doing for December and January? Any updates on Eventbrite? • LESLEY: potentially cancelling the contract. We have a new rep with Audience View and are currently working on moving towards a touchless payment system. • GABIANELLI: we put a lot of research into the Eventbrite RFP. Is Audience View still meeting our needs? Aspen Show Tix is a huge revenue generator for the Wheeler, so a ticketing system is an important piece. • LESLEY: we cannot keep dragging out the Eventbrite contract and we will continue with same Audience View service. • BENEDETTI: question regarding the Theatre Projects report – what is our eventual goal with this report? To advise City Council, new Executive Director? What do we hope to do with it? • FOSTER: this is good information for the new Executive Director and provides helpful information about what a successful Wheeler Opera House looks like. • CHILDS: we should look towards the leaders in the industry and research ways people are moving forward. If the Wheeler could be the option for us to get content out there or for the public to utilize, that would be ideal. This is the time to integrate the film and live performance community. o Construction Update Request • GABIANELLI: request to view the work done on the building this summer? • FULLER: it would be useful for the board to review the finished Wheeler construction projects. • LESLEY: we will try to get the board a tour of the Wheeler construction updates. Virtual Wheeler Board Meeting Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday August 5, 2020 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie o Future Meeting Schedule Review (Chip Fuller) • September 9 | TBD Regular Meeting, Agenda TBD • Moving forward, Wheeler Board meetings to occur second Wednesday of every month o Meeting Adjourned at 4 :54PM by C hip Fuller Motioned by: Chip Fuller Wheeler Advisory Board meeting August 5, 2020 AGENDA Call to Order (Chip Fuller) Approval of Meeting Minutes June 2020 (Chip Fuller) Board Discussion (Chip Fuller) Other Topics TBD (Members to email requests to Chip Fuller by August 4th at noon) City Attorney Discussion (Jim True) Ordinance 50 Interim Director’s Report (Nancy Lesley) Operations and Programming update City Manager’s Office Update (Diane Foster) Wheeler Tenant Update Executive Director Search update Theatre Projects Report Future Meeting Schedule Review (Chip Fuller) September 2 | Regular Meeting October 7 | Regular Meeting Adjournment (Chip Fuller) Board Discussion City Attorney Discussion: Ordinance 50 Interim Director’s Report City Manager’s Office Update Wheeler Tenant Update Executive Director Search update Theatre Projects Report Wheeler Tenant Update •Rent abatement for July –December 2020 for Aspen Public House Valley Fine Art •Valley Fine Art Lease Grant lease extension for 2 years; lease concludes on November 30, 2023 Tenant was granted more flexible termination clause Wheeler Executive Director Search Update Survey Results Q2. What are the three most important professional attributes for the Wheeler Director to possess? Q3. Which of the following values are most important for the Wheeler Director to embody? Q4. What experience is most important for the new Wheeler Director to have? Q6. Of the leadership competencies below, which are the three most important for the Executive Director? 0 0 1 5 6 8 11 11 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Great listening skills Passion for public service Customer orientation Ability to easily build relationships with others High integrity Drive for high-quality results Passion for the arts Commitment to outstanding management Figure 2. Weighted Total Points for Professional Attributes (Board) 0 0 0 2 4 11 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Great listening skills Customer orientation Passion for public service Ability to easily build relationships with others Drive for high-quality results Passion for the arts High integrity Commitment to outstanding management Figure 2. Weighted Total Points for Top Professional Attributes (Staff) 0 3 6 6 6 7 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Commitment to equity and inclusion Focus on building trust Support of innovation Commitment to the Aspen Idea (mind, body, spirit) Commitment to collaboration Commitment to team building Commitment to excellent service Figure 4. Weighted Total Points for Values (Board) 1 5 7 8 8 9 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Commitment to the Aspen Idea (mind, body, spirit) Focus on building trust Commitment to collaboration Commitment to excellent service Support of innovation Commitment to equity and inclusion Commitment to team building Figure 4. Weighted Total Points for Top Values (Staff) 0 0 0 2 6 8 9 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Experience collaborating with non-profits Experience with an advisory board Public sector experience Experience budgeting Experience managing a high-performing team Experience producing and/or booking events Experience working with elected officials Experience running a complex organization or department Figure 6. Weighted Total Points for Experience Areas (Board) 1 1 2 3 3 8 15 15 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Experience with an advisory board Experience budgeting Public sector experience Experience collaborating with non-profits Experience working with elected officials Experience running a complex organization or… Experience producing and/or booking events Experience managing a high-performing team Figure 6. Weighted Total Points for Top Experience Areas (Staff) 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 9 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Ensures Accountability Collaboration Demonstrates Self-Awareness Balances Stakeholders Business Insight Instills Trust Builds Networks Strategic Mindset Builds Effective Teams Drives Vision and Purpose Figure 8. Weighted Total Points for Leadership Competencies (Board) 0 0 1 2 3 4 8 9 9 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Business Insight Builds Networks Balances Stakeholders Collaboration Ensures Accountability Strategic Mindset Demonstrates Self-Awareness Instills Trust Builds Effective Teams Drives Vision and Purpose Figure 8. Weighted Total Points for Top Leadership Competencies (Staff) Theatre Projects Report •Cover Memo •Theatre Projects Report •Webb Management Services Review Future Meeting Schedule Review