HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.boa.19840308 CITY SPEN
130: reet
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MARCH 8, 1984
4 : 00 P.M.
I. Minutes
II. Case #84-3/Anderson-Head, continued
III . Adjourn
Chairman Remo Lavugninn culled the meeting to order at 4: 1C
p.m. with members Charles Paterson, Josepoine Munn, cruncis
Whitaker, john Herz, Pick 4eud, and Anne Austin, alternate,
present .
Luvugnzno questioned the minutes of November 3, 1983. In the
first paragraph, Gideon Kaufman was unable to provide an uffiduvi|,
of the posted sign, did he ever So that. The Board did not remember .
Luvugnino directed the secretary to checv that out. On page
two, fourth paragraph, the lust sentence does not make sense:
"commercial space was not considered when the FAR crdinunce
was adopted and Ms. Davis said it seems logical thul tAe requzrement
which shoulo ap.,ly to commercial but the requirement in place
before. " Drueding suggested changing the "but" to " is. " Austin
suggested also adding "that was in the place before. " Luvugnino
directed the secreturg to udJust the sentence uccor6ing!6 .
On page four, u motion was mace , u roll call vote was taken,
and the motion was not curried. Then discussion followed
"Ms. Mann said she would vould like . . . to Pawing . " There
is no indication why the Board is tabling the case . The motien
does not conveg thoughts for another consideration on tKis mutter.
Whituker noted the motion to nuble for u specific time and
purpose to near arguments for u variance and FAR of 1100 squure
Peet is in the lust purugruph. Munn noted there were two parts
to the case: parking and the FAR. Luvugnioo quoted from the
second paragraph whicn answered his question: " the bui] din§
department feels GMP allocation on me interpretation of toe
defininion of FAR, the upplicunt states that if tie Board finn',
in favor of the building department, the applicant is then reques�ing
Q FAR vuriunce of upproxzmutelg 1100 square feet floor area . '
Josephine Munn moved to approve the minutes of November 3, 1983;
seconded by Francis Whitaker . All in fuvor ; motion curried .
Francis Whitaker moved to approve the minutes of February 9,
1984 ; secondea by Josephine Munn . All in favor ; motion carried .,
Rick Head steppe6 down .
Luvugnino said this case was continued in order to get some
information from the city uttorneg on low to determine criteriu
for grunting variances on un illegal lot .
|`'zul Tuddune, city uttorney, said Heuo und he sp2nt time discussi.'/�
min purticulur jrobleo . Tudsune suggested there might be u
solution to accomplish what send wants to do. The questAon
Luvugnino usn*t over tU pnone was wheiher or not the Mar �
could legitimize e legal lot. That is not the function of tpe
Bourn The Boord' s func�ion is to look at the upplicutior. 1 :
front of the Board, at the result that �s going to obtuined ,
unu at the use of tne criterzu .
Luvugnino interjected thut Head presented two parts of u variance,
one is u variance for the lot in perpetuity . Tudvune reiterute�
that is not the function of the Bourd . The secont part of �he
request is to add u second floor end thut the Bour & cun grumv .
Luvugnino sold the second part of the question is if his ^o�
is an illegal lot unu the applicant wants to expand an the !o� ,
what criteria does the Board use to deny or grunt the upplicun ,
his request for u variance even if he meets ull the sectio''s
of the code . Tuddone said the criteria is in the code . The
code is not specific , each sztuutzon is juctuully differeni. .
He quoted subsection three of Section 2-21 : " Where there ore
practical difficulties or unnecessary hurdships in the way of
curing out the strict letter of the zoning laws, the Board is
empowered to vury or modify the application and regulations
unc provisions relating to the use, construction/ or alteration
of the buildings or structures for the use of land, so thu ', ,
the spirit of tne zoning oraznunce will be observed which is
public safety, welfare securztg, and substantial Justice done . "
Whut does that mean in this particular instance . It meant thuz
the Bourn should look an the result . What is going to be acco�
plished? In this case there is u ouilding that has been existing
since the lute 1800 ' s. It zs u nooco,/formzng buyidiny .
encroaches into the reur yurd setbuck. The applicant asks
for u further encroachment . The end result is not but . Luvugni:o
said the Board can muke u decision about that part of the variance
request. Tuddune is only quoting �he guideline for the Boar ;.,
grunting variances when there is u proven hardship or u practical
difficulty znvolved.
Tucdune said according to ris understanding the oppIzcunt hus
proven that with respect to the first request . The upplicunt
is now asking, regardless of whether or not me cuo prnve u hurdsnip
or u practical wiff zcu lt y ' to wur d hi o som eh z:g z� the ubstr t
That translates into the Board grunting a subdivision exemption:
muAe his lot legal as opposed to illegal . The applicant shoul6
try to legalize the lot by going throuSh City Council , throua�
A subdivision exception or tnrough u su11zv^szon exemptzo `
process . The question unswers itself. It is Murd to come u�
with crzserza fop u fuct situation tmzt is not in front OF voe
Bourd. Luvugnino said what Tuddune is qucting is the criter�o
the Board uses when Iooking at lots which have all the qualities
of u legalized lot but an not meet all sections of the ordinunce .
Than the criteria comes into plug. But this applicant has an
illegal lot to begin with , and it is difficult for the Board
to make u judgement on an illegal lot .
Tuddune said he would be nuppy to reseu'c) tnis issue in depth .
dead and Tuddune were trying to solve u problem, not answer
u legal question in the abstract. The question is, re�urdles��
of whether it is legal or illegal , it �s nonconforming . Thu ,.,
is the kej . What variance new the Board want to give the upplzcuo �.
within the provisions . The Board should not unulgze of whether
the lot is legal or illegal unless the applicant creutec thc
hurdsnip .
Luvugnzno explained if the applicant wants to add eny Rini of
addition within the legal or conforming purumeters of site yurd
setbuc"s, FAR, front yard setbacks, reap yard setbucks , etc . ,
he cannot do it unless he gets u vuriunce . Tudoune said or
Q t4e upplicunt goes to the City Council . Luvugoino suid then
the applicant has u legal lot. But in this situation the applicum.
has an illegal lot. Because cf the illegality of the lot, the
upplicunt has to come before tNe Board for ung addition. Tuddune
agreed . Luvugnino asked if he could use the criteria that he
did not like Heud, for example, not to give the variance . Cun
Luvugnzno do that without the applicant suing him and saying
the decision is urbztrury aru cupriczous . Tuddune said qe',
us long as Luvugnino applies the criteria . Luvugnino uguin
asked what criteria . he suzd Tuddune zs using u subsectz:o
of the code that applies to u legul lot, not to an illegal lot.
Tuddune said Luvugninn almost answered the questioned. If there
is an illegal lot how can the applicant be allowed to do thing':,
that are illegal . That answers _ Uself becouse it is illeg'- -
Luvugnino argued the applicant is already in an illegul situution
just bg adding u second story , but ne kus u double illegal situutzon
because he is infringing upon the rear Ward setbacks . Tuddune
said the Board ' s concern in roar yurd setback, not the illegu,
nature of the lot. For the Board to sag what otWr criteriu
applies to illegal situations reuliy answers the question becuuse
there are nc criteria that upplg to illegal situations. Luvuyrino
usked it there is no recourse. He asked utout the dcctrine
oP equity culled latches,,
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building inspector determined the illegality of the lot . Heud
said he reseurchec this buck when for the purposes of pur� dedicutlon
fees. He discovered that in paging tuxes on property for "x"
amount of years tnut amount of tuxes con be deducted from park
dedication fees . This occurred in 1960. He recalled in 196_
the zoning laws were estublishea . He determined then somethzny
was not right. The lot does not appear in title commitments
or insurance. -here is no way the building inspector or tM'
zoning officer would ever have known that this lot was illegul .
Druediny noted he discs4ered it was u nonconfo, min, lot un�
not u lot-of-record in the minutes in the discussion of previous
variances which Head provided. Dvueding sail the minutes u�
1980 do not reflect this . Drueding brought it up .
Whitaker understood that u year or two ago e building permit
for another type of structure on that property was grunted .
Head said in 1977 he received building permit to do u larger
awelling . Whitaker uskel the citg attorney if the upplicunt
possessed u valid building permit to build on that lot , is thut
considered e "reusonuble alternative . " Tuddune unsweres it
is not u reasonable alternative now because the building yermit
has expired. Whitaker realized taut. But could it have been
u reasonable alternative an one point? Could it be considers;-.%
an unreasonable alternative now if the the Board chose to grunt
u variance for the 1977 set of plans? Tuddune asked if Whztuker
wanted the addition in front rather than in back. Whitaker
said the point is that the Board is being asked to grunt u vurzunco
for the convenience of t|e upplicunt when there are other reasonable
alternatives , Por example , the 1977 pion . Luvuynino sand the
applicant is allowed to use his legal rights that everyone else
has in that sume vicinity, he still nos recourse to using hi'.
property like everyone else, but he decided to get u vuriunce
on u setbuck. Tuddune hesitated to give the upplicunt free
reign to do anything because he is not utilizing that ulternutive
without being able to see wnut the end result is. Luvugnioo
concurred . Luvugnino would favor this variance if the Boor,-.',
had the leverage to letermine What happens to rest of his lot.
He would grunt the variance for tha second storg if he knew
ne could deny expansion into the front open space. Tntdune
said that in what he is saying. Tuddune is not willing to tell
the applicant that the Bourd is grunting u vurzunce to add unythzny
he wants. The Board will grunt it onlg in this zostunce.
Luvugnino wonted to know what criteria or guideline the Boar '�
uses to grunt u variance the second time . Tudduoe agreed it
would be difficult the second time for tne cppn �cunt . Luvugnzno
asked if the Board could use the defense that it does not li�e
the plan. Tuddune said yes unless the applicant tears the builainy
down . The next time, tbe upplicunt should try tn make the � ot
leOul . Then he could do unything he wanted. But if he expends
that encrouchment inta the setnucK , then he Mus to come before
the Board . Luvugnino preferred the applicant to build in front
of his house now. This meets all setbucz requirements . He would
not expand u nonconforming use . This would be u legal situutiun
if the lot were legal . Butr tke upplzcunt because of the lot ' ,
illegal status has to come before the Board to do unything.
Again what is the Board ' s guideline to 6eny or grunt u variance
for the rest of the lot .
Tudduoe said that is u good question. Does the applicant have
to come before the Board in any event? When there is u lot
zllegully subdivided, can the applicant build his house withi:
the requirements . That might not te u question for the Bou.`d
to consider. The applicant has that as u matter of right .
Luvugnzno said it is an illegal lot there0ore why is it u mutter
of right . Tudduoe explained the applicant cannot expand because
the structure is on u nonconforming, lot so he would have the
expenszon problem every time even if he was within the setboc> .
Tuddune said that is an uoulysis he nos not doOe . The foc'/'..
was the addition to the old building. Luvugnino suid the Board
can 6eul with that. It cannot deal with the other because there
e'e no guidelines. That was his initial question, what guzdelines
does the Board use to deny or grunt u variance in that situation ,,
Sunny Vunn,
planning office, said when this was discussed �z|h
Tuddune und Head it vas viewed from u practical point . Wnut
is trying to be accomplished . The illegal subdivision not with.
standing cleurlg occurred prior to the applicant ' s ucquzsition
of the property. The Board can address the variance being requeste�
this afternoon . The planning office has requested informutjoo
in order to address the illegal subdivision under the code .
A decision needs to made if ung subsequent expansions o' chunyes
would be subject to variance before this g'oup or not . It is
quite possible the lot can he brcught into compliance as u le5i-
tzmutely nonconforming In which cuse , uoy expansion
that was consistent with thF underlying area and tulK requvrevects
of the code would be permitted cleurIy Oecuuse the upplicont
would comply with intent of the code und no further vuriucces
would be required . He does not know wnut mechaoisr to use ut
this point to make tnut decision because W coes not have ul �
the facts of the case . Luvugnzno needs tout information to
know how much leverage he nus suusequent to grunting the upplzcu'`t
this variance .
Munn Sax zd if this is an illegal lyt why is thut the Board ' s
concern. Luvugnzno suid it ~ould not ie if the lot was legalism . i'�`
does not want to muxe it the Board' s concern. Now the Bourd
has control over the situation . The Bouru has the leveruge
to determine Now much the applicant con Vuild on Wut lot.
Whituker suin the upplzcunt has reques"ev an extension . |ie
suggested the applicant get Me city to consider �1s 1ut u legul
nonconforming lot , huIf of the battle wouln bp cver . Tnut �,
the first step. Heal requested tabling so he could guther
more background information and bring the ciQ up to speed w10h
zhut; he would have more time to develop further arguments wzth
respect to the variance he needs now. Vann preferren thut upproucn .
Find out the cleanest wag ov making tbe lot u nonconformin�
!ot-of-record .
Tudaune said it is hard to focus Co . There is tne questio'`
of the lot versus the building . When one focuses on the existin.,.,
building, then the unswer is fuirlj easy. when one focusos
on the lot , it becomes more difficult . The reuso: is it is '^
subaivision question, not u zoning question. If it is u subdivisio.''
question it is not properlg uddresspd in front of the Dourd
Xf Adjustment. Luvugnino noted part of the applicant ' s reques�
wus to grunt him u variance in perpetuity to make the lot le§e'.
lot so he wou2d not have to come before the Board. Tuddune
said the problem is the Bourd gets involvec in subdivisjon regu'
lotions rather than zoning regulations . This should be u zoniny
question. The buildirg is there . The zoning is there. Luvugnino
usked why is it 'z zoning question , Tuddune responded that the
city does not want people to build on illegully subdivided lots .
If the applicant was coming in for u building permit on u new
development , it would be illegally subdivide, . The upplicun�.
hus to handle it through City Council , through the plunniny
and zoning commission, and through tie subdivision regulations ..
Once there is g subdivided lot, the building permit will je
grunted. The difficulty is the building ulreudy exists, uoc
it is the setback . One cunnw force the applicant to near the
building down, that is where the concept of latches is Opp. zcuol� .
instead wbut is the applicant going to be ulloweo to do to uoe
it . Look at the end result . Vunn suic the upplicunt is not
Vlowed to remedy this trough the Bour4 of Adjustment . Other
zoning options -ill be explored to bring the lot into compliance
so that the nonconforming sections oP the co6e will be cleur
in the Board 's upplicubilitg to this lot. Tudoune said if thzs
wus u sztuutjon wnere this property was vacant, un& tvere Au:
nothing on it the upplicunt would never have received u buzl �ing
permit . He probably would not nave to the Marc ror e variance
Decuuse it would have been u suboivzsicn queWon.
Luvugnino said We Board is asked not to review the question
of legality oP the Wt . Is it not pre-emptive for he Bour�
to review on applicant' s request to build or develop the whwe
lot? Tuddune Uid not know. Vann said tout reflects the fuct
the structure pre-exists . Luvug:ino said no, he is tulkinj
about expanding into that . The applicant still has to come
before the Board if he wants to develop that lot to its fu` �_
potential and/or FAR, even if he meets all the setback requzre-
ments. Is the Boors no! pre-empting the status which Tuddune
is asking the Board not to look at by allowing him to buzN'
on it. Vann said do not deal with the nonconforming lot status
because the intent is to keep it an illegal lot. The more upprop' iute
wuy of deuling with the illeguIity is through the subdiviszon
regulutzons, not the Board of Adjustment. Luvugnino understoo�
Mat but should that not be done before the Board nukes u decision
on whe�her the applicant expands on thut lot . Vann said prcoubly.
The basic question is the lot. Luvugnino asked if the upplicun�
neveloPs the whole lot what is the difference whether the 7011.
is legal or illegal , the applicant has dore what he wants ..c
do through tbe Bourd of Adjustment. 7uddune suzd conceptuully
there is no lot line, the lot wus not conveyed to the upplicunt ,
it is in common ownership, the big house on the left, and
house. It has always been used as u fumilg-related hcuse .
The question is to what extent cur one increase tiut use un�
would it impose u hardship. Look at the spirit and intent o�
the zoning law" .
Luvugnzno suggested tabling the case to u date certuin untz :�
We applicant could complete his tronsuction with City Coc:ci | .
Vann suid given the Fact there is some time, given the RUN:
Mud has been asked for some additional information, given thp
fuct there is u wuy to clean up the problem , whY not sisply
tackle that problem fzrst ' it is not that difficult or Wm-
consuming of u Procedure. Then come buck to the Bourd .
Paterson said he does not kcov whut the Board is uccomplishing .
Suppose the applicant cannot get the lot legulized . The cose
comes buck here to the Board where it sturtet . Luvugnino suid
Wen the Board �us control , the applicant wculd have to come
to the Boer& 01 the tzme.
RpouIgr_MPPtiOg______ _____MO_8M_l984
Tuddune said, first, the applicant has to come up with morc
information. Second, the problem might be solved in another
way . Third, it would be to the Board' s advantage to continue
the case so not to lose truck of it.
Luvugnino asked the applicant how much time does he meet . Hen6.
said u month.
Puterson wanted to deal with the case now . Luvugnino disugreed,
the applicant probably wouU not receive approval now . Head
said he would prefer his architect to give the presentation.
D.uening suggested grunting the applicant u subdivision exemptioo .
Head asked about the other lot which was subdivided off from
his . Is it effectively illegal? Would both properties be ille§ul?
Drueding answered his is nonconforming, but both lots maybe
illegul . '
Charles Paterson moved to table case 084-3 until March 29,
seconded by Francis Whitaker . All in favor; notion curried .
Luvug:inc asked if there is uny other business. Whitaker noted
there was an objection to calling the . 75 unit u hardship in
the Clarendon case . It is not u hardship but definitely . t
is a practical difficulty . Luvugnino would not use the lunguuge
that 75% Ls u pructicul difficulty . Whitaker said the motion
related to many other things. .75 is u practical difficulLy
in this particular case,,
Francis Whitaker moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:0C p .m. ;
seconded by Josephine Munn . All in fuvur; motion curried.