HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.arc.20191001 ASPEN RECREATION CENTER ARC Advisory Committee Meeting st October 1, 2019 2:30pm to 4:30pm I. Call to order a. Board Members: Kelly Boggs, Steve Buettow, Sam Louras, Scott Writer, Karen Dillon, Bob Bowden b. Staff: Cory Vander Veen, Desiree Whitehead, Susan Arenella and Erin Hutchings c. Committee member comments: SPARC is moving forward with SFA consultants to do a community study on recommended facilities for the town. This study should be a collaborative effort including the school district needs as well. Discussion with Martha regarding increased usership and participation of the Aspen Recreation center through Physical Education programs. Additionally, discussed the need for more high level performance spaces for advanced and elite athletes. Thanks to Susan Arenella for a wonderful event the Founders breakfast and Sweet 16 was a big success!! d. Public Comments: Welcome Martha Richards Athletic Director for the Aspen High School! e. Staff Comments: II. Approval of Past Minutes: Karen Moved to approve with amending the spelling of Louras. nd Steve 2 All were in favor III. Discussion Items: a. Open positions update- Cory Vander Veen thanked the committee for participation in the meet and greet of the candidates. The position is on hold and will re-launch in a couple of weeks. Update: This position will be posted at the end of the winter season. The consensus was we are looking for the right combination of ice rink management experience. The rink continues to operate with a temporary structure. b. ARC Projects for 2019- The locker rooms upstairs are nearly complete still waiting for lockers and final touches in the men’s room. Fitness equipment is in and waiting for final installation of TRX station. The hockey room has been on hold due to other pressing projects. c. Recap of cleaning week Cleaning week went well. d. Present insights of 2018- Cory Vander Veen displayed the power point that will go in front of council for this year’s budget presentation. This is a new process for budget this year. IV. Updates and Progress Reports: a. Financial report on revenues and expenses- We are in week 39 for reference. We have collected 72% of budgeted revenue compared to 74% last year. Spending is down and as long as staff continues with caution, we are on track to make budget. V. Action Items: a. Martha Richards should be added to the monthly invitation of these meetings. VI. Next Regular meeting date and time th a. November 5 2:30pm to 4:30pm at ARC