HomeMy WebLinkAboutARC.min.010714 PARRS & RECREATION ASPEN RECREA TION CENTER ARC ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes January 7,2014 2:30-4:30 PM In Attendance: Board Members: Brooks Bryant, Steven Buettow and Sue Smedstad. Staff Member(s): Tim Anderson, Jeff Alden, Jon Larson and JoJo Smith Public: No public I. Call to Order—Sue Smedstad called the meeting to order. Committee member comments and announcements: No comments. Public Comments: No public. Staff Comments: Add marketing component for updates. Approval of Past Minutes: There was no quorum. The approval of the December 3, 2013 was tabled till the February 4, 2014 meeting. II. Discussion Items: 1. Hot Tub Purchase and Operation: Tim stated there have been issues with having young children in the hot tub. The temperature is 104 degrees in the current indoor hot tub. The city has authorized $20K for the purchase of an outdoor hot tub. This would not be the grottos that were originally planned as part of the outdoor pool. This would be a commercial spa. The access, slab, power and infrastructure have been located. The operation of it is also being looked at. This would be finalized by the fall shutdown. The indoor hot tub would them become the family hot tub and the temperature would be lowered to accepted standards. The outdoor hot tub would be for adults only and enhance the experience of the aquatics area. Steven Buettow asked about the possibility of installing a lap swim option hot tub rather than just hot tub. Tim stated he will have more information for the next meeting. III. Updates and Progress Reports: 1. Financial Report: Year to date revenues are up 17% overall. Ice is up as well. Expenses are going to be close. Final numbers won't be in till the end of February. 2. 2013 Business Plan Update: Karen Harrington was a tremendous help with putting the survey together. The final draft was approved. It will be sent out shortly before the Pitkin County survey. 3. Winter Wonderland: There was a New Year's Eve and New Year's Day sledding party held on the hill. Some of the participants wanted to skate on the ponds as well. The entire area was lit up and fun was had by all. We hope to do another one party before the ponds are gone. They have been a big hit this year. 4. SPARC Improvements to LIA: Need information from Scott Writer 5. 2014 Capital Projects: • AIG improvements (50`h Anniversary): Improvements to locker 43 will be done. There will be an anniversary party planned and a grand re-opening to show off the improvements from 2013 and 2014. Scott has contacts to invite all of the original owners and their families for the party. • ARC water slide replacement: Tim has looked at different options for this project. It will stay in the same location. Different colors can be used as well as enclosing sections to give the ride a different feel. There will be a vote on which one would be the best choice by patrons. • LED lighting: The LED lights do well in cold environments. The ice arenas are being looked at for energy savings and brightness. The LED lighting does not do as well in a heated area such as the pool. The consultant is looking at our space and lighting needs throughout the common space as well as offices. Sue asked if the Aspen Youth Center would be included. 6. Marketing Update: Tim is working with staff to run monthly promotions. January's special is keeping the 2013 prices in tack for the month. A marketing team is working on getting more information out to the lodges and rental properties. Tim is working with ACRA to give them added value when they purchase a pass rather than discounting the pass price any further. IV. Action Items: 1. V. Other Business: Meeting Adjourned at 3:45 PM Next regular meeting date and time: February 4, 2014 at 2:30 PM