HomeMy WebLinkAboutARC.min.040114 ' F ASPEN RECREA TION CENTER ARC ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes April 1,2014 2:30-4:30 PM In Attendance: Board Members: Brooks Bryant, Gordon Gerson, Karen Dillon, Patrick Keelty, Steven Buettow and Sue Smedstad. Staff Member(s): Tim Anderson, Jeff Alden, Jon Larson and JoJo Smith Public: Michael Svetz I. Call to Order— Sue Smedstad called the meeting to order. Committee member comments and announcements: No comments. Public Comments: No comments. Staff Comments: Kudos to hockey for a phenomenal year as well as the figure skating clubs and their shows. Approval of Past Minutes: Meeting minutes were approved. II. Discussion Items: I. Storage Space: Tim and Scott Writer will get together with the user groups and do a walk through to determine best use of existing space. 2. Use of locker room; hockey fitness, shooting gallery: The city will continue to work with the ice user groups to help identify their needs and possible use of available space. The topic of a concession stand at Aspen Ice Garden (AIG) came up. Tim and Jon will look into it. III. Updates and Progress Reports: 1. Business Plan Update (PROS will be hereto meet with AC): Michael Svetz from PROS came to share some of the preliminary information from the surveys as well as the progress of the business plan. There were 302 statistically valid surveys returned. The top three indoor facility enhancements were weight training space and equipment, aerobics space and equipment and the running track. The top outdoor enhancement was a pool. The survey stated people like the newspaper for receiving information. According to the results, the fee structure was just right with the locals paying less than the guests coming for a vacation. The fitness center already has preliminary drawings. There is a completed design of the outdoor pool. Michael stated the outdoor pool experience has changed a little bit. They have shallow water areas with fountains and splash areas. There will be more detailed information coming in the draft document. Tim will be getting a draft copy of the plan by April 28 th 2. Financial Report: Pass Sales: Pass sales were down in March by $3,871 or 10% but daily admissions were up $4,491 or 9%. Punch passes and Annual passes are what brought the number down. Punch passes were down 18 or$2,003 and annual passes were down just 2 for$2,630 (this does not show the movement from a family annual pass say a youth pass). Year to date pass sales are up $11,298 or 10% and daily admissions are up $6,424 or 6%. All pass categories except One Month Passes are up YTD. Online sales for March were at 82% or 21%up over March 2013. Year to date that puts online sales at 78% or up 5% over 2013. Revenue: Overall revenue for March was up $36,504 or 16%. All of this increase can be attributed to Ice payments; when ice is taken out, revenue is down $3,361 or 2%. Declines in RB and pass sales are what hurt March revenues. In the red brick, the contributions line item was down $8,066 but is up $934 YTD (this is for things like scholarship donations). Other red brick program fees were also down $3,786 in March and down $7,055 YTD. Year to date revenue is also up substantially, up $105,439 or 20%. When Ice is taken out revenue is up $28,261 or 8%. Though there is a lot of volatility in ice because of the timing of large payments, it does look like ice revenue is doing well. Expenses (February): F uary expenses were up $2,146 over 2013 February expenses. This is a good ber considering increased labor costs. With only two months of data there is lot we can tell from the trends, but for now things are looking OK. e AC liked getting their financial information via email rather than the paper version. They also liked getting it before the meeting. Tim and staff have been working with getting ACRA members an added benefit for purchasing a pass. Free daily admission, discount on party room rental as well as park rental, and discount on merchandise are some of the added benefits. IV. Action Items: 1. V. Other Business: Meeting Adjourned at 4:10 PM Next regular meeting date and time: May 6, 2014 at 2:30 PM