HomeMy WebLinkAboutARC.min.050614 F APAARECREATION ASPEN RECREA TION CENTER ARC ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes May 6,2014 2:30-4:30 PM In Attendance: Board Members: Scott Writer, Brooks Bryant, Karen Dillon, Patrick Keelty, and Sue Smedstad. Staff Member(s): Tim Anderson, Jeff Alden, and JoJo Smith Public: No public 1. Call to Order— Scott Writer called the meeting to order. Committee member comments and announcements: Scott Writer asked what the status was of having a bubble covering on of the fields out here at the Aspen Recreation Center(ARC). Tim stated the mayor is waiting for the overall master plan to be completed before starting anymore proposals or projects. Public Comments: No comments. Staff Comments: No comments. Approval of Past Minutes: Meeting minutes were approved. II. Discussion Items: T Use of locker room; hockey fitness, shooting gallery: Shaun Hathaway from Aspen Junior Hockey(AJH) would like to take over the locker space located directly below the AJH office space. He will submit drawings to this committee as well as city council when it is time to do so. Other AJH members will be looking at the possibility of a shooting gallery. Tim stated he needed to get with all of the user groups and firm up their needs for storage space foe their day-to-day operations. He should hopefully have that for the next meeting. III. Updates and Progress Reports: 1. Business Plan Update (PROS will be hereto meet with AQ. There will not be a meeting with city council on May 19th. Tim is doing a draft of expectations. It may take until July to have a good draft. 2. Financial Report: Pass sales for April were just about even, down $157 or-0.65%. Most passes were up but 3 less 6 month passes accounted for a $1,377 decline. Daily admissions for April were up $1,801 or 11%. Year to date that puts pass sales up $11,141 or 8%. Daily admissions are up 6.75% or $8,225 year to date. For April revenue was $18,405 down or-12.83%; when Ice is taken out revenue was down $2,744 or-3.33%. Daily admissions and pool had strong months but the Red Brick was down $7,778 or 22%. Most of this can be traced to youth basketball, softball, and Program Fees. The decline in youth basketball was known and softball will recoup all revenue and then some,just a timing issue. The RB—Program Fees have been down all year, some of that was due to miss coding in the past, but I do not think that explains all of it. Year to date, revenue is up $87,035 or 13%; when ice is taken out revenue is up $25,517 or 6%. All areas other than the Red Brick are up YTD. When looking at percent of budget, last year we had received 34.26% of our revenue target and this year we are at 37.96% of the revenue target. This is a nice jump and setting us up well going into the summer. In March expenses were down by $17,189 compared to 2013; however expense were up $10,772 compared to March plan. The plan is based on historic averages, so going over in on month and under in others is expected. On the revenue side in March, we were up $32,997 compared to 2013 and up 92,415 compared to plan. A lot of this increase was seen in higher Ice bookings. Year to date expenses are $22,949 down compared to 2013 and $51,407 down compared to plan. On the revenue side, Eden is showing an increase of$67,976 YTD compared to 2013 and $96,054 compared to plan. That puts the subsidy $147,462 lower than the year to date plan. 3. AIG 50`h Anniversary: Tim stated the date is September 13th. Jon is working on having different activities and displays around. More details to come. IV. Action Items: 1. V. Other Business: Meeting Adjourned at 3:40 PM Next regular meeting date and time: June 3, 2014 at 2:30 PM