HomeMy WebLinkAboutFile Documents.928 S Mill St.0028-2021-BRES (7)City of Aspen COVID-19 Site Safety Plan Project Rddress: 928 S. Mill St Project Description; Remove/install hot tub Permit Number: 0028-2021 -BRES lName of Safetv Officer. Phone Number and Emaill 3 'r' z / Sal-ety Otlc-er Sifna Note: I1-the construction re-openinu goes poorly. business and may actr,rally lrlove regr,rlations back this plan is crucial. and infiactions are punishable f)ate it w'ill delay the re-opcning of lirture tiers of to w'hcre tlicy were befbre. Compliance with by lau, enfbrcement. Ajax Pool and Spa lName of Comnanr"l (hcreinafter "Companv") takes the health and saf-eti,of our employees very serionsll,. Irr order to be saf-e and maintain operations. we have developed this COVID-19 Site Sal-et1'Plan to comply u,ith the current Pitkin Ciounty Health Order. l-his Plan identifles construction tasks that allect tlie critical path. and prioritizes these tasks. T'he Plan addresses the lbllowing: o Focuses on activities tliat arc truly'critical: Not all construction activities are of equal urgellcy. those activities that are rnost critical to.job progression will be prioritized. to allow'lbr better separatiorr of'the workfbrce. When considering whether a project is critical. the fbllowing lactors were considered: o Whether the project is undcr construction alreadl' and thus requires active traflic managelneltt (in the case o1-a transportation proiect) or other work zone saf-ety rreasLlres that benefit fiorn ongoing activitl':o Whether dcl-erral of a start date on a project would undermine public saf-ety or continuity ol-operations fbr critical infrastructure: o Whether the project car-r leasibly be done with social distancing measLlres as detailed above. o Errcourages del-erral o1-non-essential u'ork All rnanagers and supervisors must be farniliar with this ['lan and be ready to answer questiot"ts fiom employees. Managers and supervisors must set a good example by fbllowing this Plan at all times. This involves practicing good personal h1'giene and jobsite saf-ety practices to prevent the spread of the virus. Managers and supervisors ntust encourage this same behavior fiorn all ernplol'ees. The C'ornpanf is asking everv one of our cmployees to hclp u,ith our prevention efforts while at r.'v'ork. In order to minimize the spread of COVID-19 at or-rr.jobsites. everyone rnust play thcir part. As set fbrth belou'. the Corrpanv has instituted various housekeeping. social distancing. aud other best practices at our.jobsites. All ernployees must fbllow,these. In addition. etnployees are expected to report to their rlanagers or supervisors if they are experiencirrg signs or sy'mptonts of COVID-19. as described bcloil,. If irou have a specific question about this Plan or COVID-19. plcase ask your manager or supervisor. If they cannot answ'er the question. pleasc contact lTitle of Manager or Sunervisorl Jesse Bartusek OSHA ar-rd the CDC have provided the fbllowing control and preventative guidance fbr all workers. regardless of exposure risk: Frequently' wash vour hands w,ith soap and u,ater for at least 20 seconds. When soap and rul-uting naterare unavailable. use an alcohol-based hand rub with at least 607o alcohol. Avoid touching yollr eyes. nose. or mouth with unw,ashcd hands. Follor.l'appropriate respirator.v etiquette. which includes covering fbr coughs and sneezes. Avoid close contact with people u,ho are sick. In addition. ernployees rnr,rst farniliarize themselves with tlie symptoms of COVID-19. w,hich include the lbllowing: Coughing: Irever (a tempcrature of 100.4"F or rnore); Shortness of breath. difliculty breathing: and Early syrnptoms suclt as chills. body aches. sore throat. headache" diarrhea. nausea/vomitine. and rulr1nv uose . If you develop a f'ever or symptoms of rcspiratory illness. such as cough or shortness of breath. DO NOT GO TO WORK and call your slrpervisor and healthcare provider right awa)'. Likew'ise. if you come into close contact with someone showing these symptoms. call your supervisor and healthcare providcr right away. Sumrnary of work plan is as lbllows: We are removing existing hot tub off of deck and installing new hot tub on deck in the same location l-he number of people in each u''ork crew'will be reduced to the minimum number of people possible to perlbrm the task saf-ely. even if the reduction of crew,size means the job takes longer. Below is a description o1'eacli phase of construction and the number of workers that u,ill be permitted. Phase of Construction Number of Workers Remove/install hot tub J . A Daily Site Log will be rnaintained. 'I'he ternplate is attachecl as Appendix A o -l-he lbllowing daily report will be rnade to Pitkin County Public Health to better understand the ef'fbct construction is having olt ollr community - I)ail), Ileport o A Cleaning Log will be tnaintained. It ider-rtiflcs n'hen each area of the job site (port-a- -iohrts. door handles. machinerl'cabs..job trailers. etc.)have been cleaned.'l'he template is attached as Appendix B. . T'he worklbrce will be e'durcated regardin-e seriousness ol-the current health situation and hou'to prevent spread olviruses through the fbllow,ing rncthods: ln office training and on site coaching The r,r'orkfbrce on sitc w'ill be edr"rcated regarding social and hvgiene practices through the lbllowing rnethods: ln offlce training and on site coaching 'fhc Companl' has institr-rted the tbllowing protectivc measLlres: Gancrul St(ety Polic'ias unel Rula,s Any employee/contractor/visitor shou,ir.rg symptolxs of COVID-19 w,ill be asked to leave the.iobsite and return homc. Sal'ety rneetings will bc by telephone" i1'possible. If saf-ety nreetings are conducted in-person. attendance w,ill be collected verbally and the fbretnan/snperintendent u'ill sign-in each attendee. Attendance will not be tracked throurgh passed-around sign-in sheets or mobile devices. During any in- person saf-ety meetings. avoid gathcring in gror-rps of rnorc than 5 people and participants must remain at least six (6) f-eet apart. Wliere work trailers are used. onlv necessary employccs sliould enterthe trailers and all employees will maintain social distancing wtile inside the trailers. Access to enclosed spaces will be restricted to essential personnel only. Enclosed spaces (e.g.. toilets. break areas) are vieu,ed as potential transmission areas and treated accorclingly. l'irne spent in these areas should be reduced as much as possible. Ernployees must avoid physical contact u'ith others and shall direct others (co- workers/contractors/visitors) to increase personal space to at least six (6) f.eet. where possible. Construction teams shor-rld make every eflort to limit activities that cannot be perfbnned w'itliin 6 feet of distance between u,,orkers. How,ever. some core construction activities ma1 rcquire some proximitv to complete (e.g.. concrete pours. utility potholing. work in crancs. drainage pipe construction. among otl-rers). In these cases. construction crews must employ other aggressive rleasllres to limit contact. Examples include the use of supplemental Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) like f ace shields or respirators. minimizing the number of people on a team" and retaining consistencv within work teams to limit contact with partics external to that tcam. In-person meetings sl-ror-rld be avoided. Otflce rneetings and consultations shoLrld take place virtually. with participants u,orkin-e fiorn home or their work truck. whenever possible. I1-an in-person meetins is absolutelv necessary. that must be limited to f'ell'er than five people. and participants rnust rnaintain 6 fbot distance 4 at all times during the rneetings. All surfaces shor"rld be wiped down befbre and afier the meeting. and hand washing shoLrld also occur bcfbre and aflcr the rneeting o Ernployees u'ill be encouraged to stagger brcaks and lunches" i1'practicable. to reduce the size olan\ group at any,one time to less than five (5) people. Comrnunity provided fbod and lunch areas and comrnnnity colfee pots. w,ater dispensers" rnicrowaves wlLL BE Et-IMINA'I'ED florn break and other colt-IlTton areas. . Hand w'ashing statiot.ts w'ill be rnade readily available to make it easy tbr ernployees to w'ash their hands multiple times a day. Hand sanitizer with at least 607o alcohol u'ill also be provided fbr ernployees to use if soap and water are nol available and l.rands are lrot visibly'dirty. IIou,ever. if hands are visibly dirt1. alwal,s wash hands with sozrp and natcr. The Cornpany w,ill cnsure that stations slay stocked at all tirnes and provide additional hand sanitizer vn'hen needed . Employees should lirnit the use olco-w'orkers' tools and equipmcnt. To the extent tools must be shared. thc Cornpany will provide alcohol-based wipes to clean tools belbre and afier use . Whcr-r cleaning tools and equipment. consult manufacturins recommendations fbr proper cleaning techniques and restrictions. . Err-rployees are encouraged to limit tl,e need for N95 respirator use. by using engineering and w'ork practicc controls to mirrirnize dust. Such controls include thc use of water dclivery and dust collection systems. as well as lirniting exposure time. ' 'l'he Clompany will divide crer.r's/staff into tu,o (2) gror.rps where possible so that projccts can cor-ttit-tt-re u'orking effectively in the event that one of the dividecl teams is required to quarantinc. ' As part of thc division of crews/staff. the Company'will divide employees into dedicated shifis. at which point employees u,ill remain w'ith their dedicated shifls fbr the reminder of the pro.iect. If there is a legitirnate reason fbr an ernployee to change sliifls. tl-re Cornpany will have sole discrction in rnakir-rg that alteration. . Employees are discouraged fiorn ride-sharing and car pooling unless ernployees using car pool are fiom the same household. If car pooling is utilized. it will rneet the below requirements:o Hand sanitizer is used by each passenger u,hen entering the vehicre.o The ntrrnber of passengers has been reduced by 50% ol-the vehicle's occupancy. and passengers sit in locations to rnaximize the distance between one another. o Passengers will wear a non-medical" cloth I'ace-covering when in a vehicle containing more than I person. o All high-contact surf'aces olthe vehicle. such as steering wheel. seatbelts. cloor handles. and console. shall be properly disinfbcted in between uses by different employees and at the end o1'cach day. Eacl-r employee should use/drive the same truck or piece of equipment every sliifi. In lier,r o1-using a colnmon source o1'drinking w'ater. such as a cooler. employees will use individural water bottles. Win'ker.y en|cring ()c'c.uytictl I)uiIding und Hrtrna.s Constructiou and maintenance activities rvithin occr-rpiecl hornes. ofllce buiklings. and other establishrnents. present unique hazards r.r,ith rcgards to COVID-19 cxposures. Everyone working w,ithin sucli cstablishments should evaluate the specific hazards when detennining bcst practices related tocovlD-19. During tl-ris w'ork. ernployees rnust sanitize the w,ork arcas upon arrival. throughout the workday. and immediatcly before departure. The Cornpany will provide alcohol-based wipes lor this pllrpose. Employees shourld ask other occupants to keep a personal distance of six (6) f-eet at a minimum. workers shoLrld w,ash or sanitize hands imnrediatelv belbre startin,q and afier completing thc w,ork. .lob Site L'i.sitor.y 'l'he nurnber of visitors to theiob site. inclr-rding the trailer or ofJlce. will be limited to only those necessary 1br the work. Visitors or,rtside the typical w'ork crevu,shoulcl avoid interaction with the team wherever possible. Ior example. i1- an inspector or materials delivery needs to enter the site. tliey should alert the u,,ork tearn (e.g.by honking the horn of their vehicle twice or through another established communication means) so that the work team can vacate the site w,hile the external parties arc present. Site deliveries will be permitted br-r1 shor-rld be properly coordinated in line with the employer's minimal contact and cleaning protocols. Delivery personnel shoLrld remain in their vehicles if at all possible. All visitors will be screened in advance o1'arrivins on the job site. If the visitor answers "yes" to any of the lbllou'in-rr qr-restions. he/shc should not be pennitted to 6 access thejobsite: Have you been conflrmed positive fbr COVID- I 9? Are you currentll' experiencine" or recently experienced. any acute respiratory illness svmptoms such as f'ever" cough. or shortness of breath? Have you been in close contact with any persons who has beenconfirmed positive fbr COVID-19? Have you been in close contact w'ith any persons w,ho have traveled and are also exhibiting acLrte respiratory illness sy,mptoms? Per,yonul Prolac'lit,a Equipmant und Wot.k Prut'lic,c Control.s ' In addition to regular I']PE lbr workers engagcd in various tasks (tall protection. hard liats. hearinq protection). the C'ompany w,ill also provide: o Gloves: Ciloves should bc w'orn at all times while on-site.'l-lie type of glove worn sllould be appropriate to the task. If -qloves are not typically required lbr tlie task. then any type of glove is acceptable. inclr-rding ratex gloves. Employees will not share gloves. o Eye protection: Eye protection shor-rld be w'orn at all times w.hile on-site. Face masks: All site workers. visitors. ctc. mllst always have a cloth f-ace mask in their possession. Cloth lace masks rnust be only worn w,hile within 6 f-eet of another person. Cloth masks u,ill lbllow CDC guidelines. NorE: The cDC is currently not recommending that healthy peopre wear N95 respirators to prevent the spread of covlD-19. Nevertheless. employees must wear N95 respirators i1-required by the work and ifavailable. Due 1o the current shortage ol-N95 respirators. the fbllow,ing Work Practice Controls should be lbllowed: Keep dust down by using engineering and w,ork practice controls. specifically' throLrgh the use olwater delivery and dr,rst collection systems. Limit exposure time to thc extent practicable. Isolate workers in dustv operations by using a containrnent structure or distance to lin-rit dust exposurc to those employees who are conducting the tasks. thereby protccting nonessential w'orkers and bystanders. o Institute a rigorous hor-rsekeeping program to reduce dust levels on thejobsite. lAdditional Johsite Protective Meusures Include:t. 'l'he Company has institLrted regular hor-rsekceping practices. which inclr-rde clcaning and disinf'ecting fiequently' used tools and eqr-riprncnt. and other elements of'the work environment. where possible. Ernploy,'ees should regularly do the sarne in their assigned work areas. Cleanir-rg: refbrs to tlie removal of germs. dirt. and irnpurities fiorn sr.rrf-aces. Cleaning does not kill germs. but by removirrs them. it low'ers their nurnbers and the risk of spreacling infection. Cleaning is perfbnned using soap" detergents. cleansers and clean water befbre r,rsing a disinl-ecting method. Follow cleaning activities with an approved disinfcctant. Disinf-ection rcf-ers to using chemicals to kill germs ou surfaces. 'fliis process does not necessarily clean dirty surfbces or remove germs. but by killing germs on a surlace afler cleaning. it can firrther lower the risk of spreading infbction. Disinf-ecting is perlbrrned r-rsing approved commercial or household disinl-ectins sol utions. o Jobsite trailers and break/lunchroorn areas u,,ill be cleaned mLrltiple times per day. Employees perlbrming clcaning u'ill bc issued proper personal protective equipment ("PPH"). such as nitrile. latex. or vinvl glovcs and gowns. as recommended by the CDC. o An1'trash collected fiom tl.re.jobsite must be changcd fiequently by sorleone u,earing nitrile. latex. or vinyl gloves. o Any portable jobsite toilets shor"rld be cleaned by the leasing company at least twice per week and disinf-ccted on the inside. The company will provide alcohol wipes in the.iob site toilets so that ernployees can disinf-cct afier each use. o The company will erlsllre that hand sanitizer dispcnsers arc always fllled. o [rrequer-rtl1' toucl-red iterns (i.e. door pr-rlls. toilet seats. instrument panels. steering w,heels. devices such as cell phones) will be disi nf-ected li'eq uent ly throu-rthout the da1,. o vel'ricles and equipn-rent/tools w,ill be cleaned at multiplc times pcr da1, and befbre change in operator or rider. o 'l'he company will clean those areas of the.jobsite that a conflrmed- positivc individr"ral may have contaclecl and it w,ill do so befbre employees can access that work space alain. o The Cornpany w'ill ensure that any, disinlection sliall be conducted using one of the fbllowing: o Common EPA-registered hor-rsehold disinfectantl o Alcohol solution n'ith at least 60% alcohol: or o Diluted household bleach solutions (if appropriate fbr the surf-ace). o Tlie Company will maintain Safety Data Sheets of all disinfectants used onsite. lAdditional Cleaning and DisinJbction Guitlelines Incl ude: 9 Employee Exhibits COVID-19 Symptoms or has been Diagnosed Positive for COVID - 19 the emplol,ee rrust remain at horne until he or she is sy,rnptom fiee lbr 72 hours (3 firll days) withor-rt the use olf-ever-rcducing or other symptom- altering medicines (e.g.. couglt suppressants). ANI-) other sy'rnptorns have irnproved (fbr exarrrple. when cough or shortness of brcatl-r have irnproved) AND. At least 10 days have passcd since svntptoms f-irst appeared -fo the extent practical. emplovees are required to obtain a doctor's note clearing them to returu to w,ork. Ernployee should report their symptoms via the COVID-19 Syrnptom Tracker. CO-VI D-'l I Sypptcyr,]s Trackei- http://shortu rl.atl acmz6. infornre de Srntomas .Jt-)ViL t J- l.tx[r r'i'snonurl atlENp]-y o Employee Has Close Contact with an Individual Who Has Tested Positive for COVID-19 Employees who have come into close contact witli an individual who has tested positive fbr COVID-19 (co-w'orker or otl-rerwise) will be directed to self-quarantine fbr l4 clays from the last date ol'close contact with that individual. Close contact is defrned as six (6) feet fbr a prolonged period o1'time. If the Company learns that an employee has tested positive. the Company w,ill conduct an investigation to determine co-workers w'ho may have had close corrtact with the confirmed- positive employee in the prior 14 days.'l-he Company will direct those individuals who havc had close contact u'ith the conflrmed-positive employee to self-- quarantine fbr l4 days fiont the last date of close conlact w.ith that ernployee. If applicable. the Company will also notily any sub-contractors" vendors/slrppliers or visitors who may l-rave had close contact w,ith the conflrmcd-positive ernploycc. If an etnployee learns that he or she has come into close contact with a confirmed-positive individual outside of tl-re workplace. hc/she must alert a manager or supervisor of the close contact and selfl-quarantinc lbr 14 da-vs frorn the last date of close contact with tliat individLral. 10 Ernployees will rnonitor their liealth at the beginning of each work day and will check their temperature at the job site at the start ol'the work day (although sorr-re COVID- 1 9 cases do not experiencc a f-ever) If a single jobsite person becomcs ill or is suspected to have CIOVID-19 appropriate prolocols shall be tbllowed as outlined belou.: Notify Public Health olllcials and appropriate bLrilding departnrer-rt. All personrlel on thc jobsite to be notificd of contact eitl-rer direct or incidental with affected person. All personr.rel aftected to be quarantined fbr l4 days and report sy,mptoms through their supervisors to -iobsite personnel. 1'he company u,ill clean those areas of tlre.iobsite that a confirmed-positive individual may' have cotne iuto coutact w'ith before ernployces can access that w'ork space again. Work can resume when cleared by Pitkin County Health and the Local Chief Builcling Official lAdditionul Joh Site Protocols Inclutle: a a 11 Attachrnent A Daily Log Visitors and Emnloyee Log Location: 928 S. tviil St All of the individuals we serve are at scrious health risk associated with the Coronavirus COVID-19.In order to protect these individuals, anyone entering this site must acknowledge whether or not theyhave any of the symptoms associated lvith this virus. 'lf you hal'e anl, of these symptoms you will notbe permitted to enter the site and will need to reach out to your Supervisor foi guioance.**These$rmptoms inclu4e: ^Feyer, Corlgr,.S,o ra thrurut, Rispi,il I lt ess or Diflicu lt.t, b re ut h i ng * * Are you experiencing any of these svmptoms? Fever, Cough, Sore throat, Respiratory illness or Difficulty E] YES tr NO E] YES E] NO trYES trNO tr YES EI NO tr YES EI NO E] YES tr NO E] YES E] NO E] YES tr NO E] YES tr NO trYES trNO E] YES tr NO trYES trNo E] YES tr NO E] YES E] NO E] YES E] NO tr YES E] NO E] YES E] NO E] YES E] NO t2 Attachment B Cleaning Log Each site will r-reed to complete a cleaning log specitic fbr their site. Below, is an example log. Areas/ltems To Be Cleaned lnitials Date Time Supplies to be Replenished? AM L Tools 2 Equipment 3 Job Trailer 4 Toilets 5 Door Pulls 6 lnstrument Panels 7 Other 8 9 10 Midday 1 Tools 2 Equipment 3 Job Trailer 4 Toilets 5 Door Pulls 6 lnstrument Panels 7 Other 8 9 10 PM 1 Tools 2 Equipment 3 Job Trailer 4 Toilets 5 Door Pulls 6 lnstrument Panels 7 Other 8 9 10 13