HomeMy WebLinkAboutFile Documents.624 E Cooper Ave.0010-2020-TSTR (2)thePBRworkshop
Amos Underwood
301 W. Hyman #6
Aspen Colorado 81611
December 1, 2020
Justin Hahn
Building - City of Aspen Community Development Department
130 S. Galena Street
Aspen Colorado 81611
RE: Response to building comments 1 - 7 - 624 E. Cooper Ave - Mezzaluna Patio
I am writing you to respond to the building comments regarding 624 E. Cooper Ave -
Mezzaluna Patio
To remediate comment 1, Please see letter (attachment 1) from the business ownership.
To remediate comment 2, I have revised the seating plan to include 5% of the dining
surfaces to be accessible seating. Total added seats is 62 * 5% = 3
Sheet A1.0 - see the (3) locations called out in the seating plan w/table height
called out
To remediate comment 3, NO Heating of this area is proposed at this time. If heat
becomes needed, an application for Temporary Heat will be submitted.
To remediate comment 4, Please see attached detail call out provided by Rutgers
Construction (last page of plan set) and a statement of statisfaction (attachment 3) with
To remediate comment 5, I have added in the two required existing exists for the existing
dining area. In addition, the new shelter dining area has two required exists. Both spaces
are connected together by an access door.
Sheet A1.0 - see the (2) existing required exists for the existing dining room
To remediate comment 6, A 36" wide accessible route through the new dining space is
shown that connects between the exists and access to the existing dining space. It is
understood that what is shown is a maximum seating that can not be achieved with
current Covid-19 spacing
Sheet A1.0 - see 36" wide accessible route between exists
To remediate comment 7, Both exist doors for the shelter sahll have a clear width of
32" min. as well as compliant panic hardware or signage and door hardware that
complies with IBC 1010.1.9.3 exception 2.
Sheet A1.0 - see call outs for (2) proposed exists
Sheet A2.0 - see call out for (2) proposed exists
These plans are attached along with this letter, letter from business ownership regarding
snow on the roof, and letter from building owner regrading attachment to existing steel I
Thank you for your consideration.
Amos Underwood
Attachment 1: Revised Permit Set
Attachment 2: Letter from Business Ownership
Attachment 3: Letter from Building Owner Representitive