HomeMy WebLinkAboutFile Documents.860 Cemetery Ln.0050-2020-BRES (4)City of Aspen
COVED-19 Site Safety Plan
Project Address: R'GG PgAm2�rS'� �'1
Project Description: lmc,,r %Ze JoXeA/ LA 4E
Permit Number:
[Name of Safety Officer] [Phone Number] [Email]
203 611 Qt l{ ; �besn04F�eS\es.c9M
Note: If the construction re -opening goes poorly, it will delay the re -opening of future tiers of
business and may actually move regulations back to where they were before. Compliance with
this plan is crucial, and infractions are punishable by law enforcement.
Renewal By Andersen
[Name 0 Company] (hereinafter "Company") takes the health and
safety of our employees very seriously. In order to be safe and maintain operations, we have
developed this COVID-19 Site Safety Plan to comply with the current Pitkin County Health
This Plan identifies construction tasks that affect the critical path, and prioritizes these tasks.
The Plan addresses the following:
o Focuses on activities that are truly critical: Not all construction activities are of equal
urgency, those activities that are most critical to job progression will be prioritized, to
allow for better separation of the workforce. When considering whether a project is
critical, the following factors were considered:
o Whether the project is under construction already and thus requires active
traffic management (in the case of a transportation project) or other work zone
safety measures that benefit from ongoing activity;
o Whether deferral of a start date on a project would undermine public safety or
continuity of operations for critical infrastructure;
o Whether the project can feasibly be done with social distancing measures as
detailed above.
o Encourages deferral of non -essential work
1. Responsibilities of Managers and Supervisors
All managers and supervisors must be familiar with this Plan and be ready to answer
questions from employees. Managers and supervisors must set a good example by following
this Plan at all times. This involves practicing good personal hygiene and jobsite safety
practices to prevent the spread of the virus. Managers and supervisors must encourage this
same behavior from all employees.
II. Responsibilities of Employees
The Company is asking every one of our employees to help with our prevention efforts while
at work. In order to minimize the spread of COVID-19 at our jobsites, everyone must play
their parr. As set forth below, the Company has instituted various housekeeping, social
distancing, and other best practices at our jobsites. All employees must follow these. In
addition, employees are expected to report to their managers or supervisors if they are
experiencing signs or symptoms of COVID-19, as described below. If you have a specific
question about this Plan or COVID-19, please ask your manager or supervisor. If they
cannot answer the question, please contact
Matthew Seiler 303-945-1519
OSHA and the CDC have provided the following control and preventative guidance for all
workers, regardless of exposure risk:
❑ Frequently wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. When
soap and running water are unavailable, use an alcohol -based hand rub with at
least 60% alcohol.
❑ Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
❑ Follow appropriate respiratory etiquette, which includes covering for coughs and
❑ Avoid close contact with people who are sick
In addition, employees must familiarize themselves with the symptoms of COVID-19, which
include the following:
n Coughing;
Fever (a temperature of 100.41F or more);
Shortness of breath, difficulty breathing; and
❑ Early symptoms such as chills, body aches, sore throat, headache,
diarrhea, nausea/vomiting, and runny nose.
If you develop a fever or symptoms of respiratory illness, such as cough or shortness of
breath, DO NOT GO TO WORK and call your supervisor and healthcare provider right
away. Likewise, if you come into close contact with someone showing these symptoms,
call your supervisor and healthcare provider right away.
III. Job Site Protective Measures
Summary of work plan is as follows:
The number of people in each work crew will be reduced to the minimum number of people
possible to perform the task safely, even if the reduction of crew size means the job takes
longer. Below is a description of each phase of construction and the number of workers that
will be permitted.
Phase of Construction
Number of Workers
I Repacing 3 windows
• A Daily Site Log will be maintained. The template is attached as Appendix A
• The following daily report will be made to Pitkin County Public Health to better
understand the effect construction is having on our community - Daily Report
• A Cleaning Log will be maintained. It identifies when each area of the job site (port -a -
johns, door handles, machinery cabs, job trailers, etc.) have been cleaned. The template
is attached as Appendix B.
• The workforce will be educated regarding seriousness of the current health situation
and how to prevent spread of viruses through the following methods:
• The workforce on site will be educated regarding social and hygiene practices through
the following methods:
The Company has instituted the following protective measures:
• General Safety Policies and Rules
• Any employee/contractor/visitor showing symptoms of COVID-19 will be
asked to leave the jobsite and return home.
• Safety meetings will be by telephone, if possible. If safety meetings are
conducted in -person, attendance will be collected verbally and the
foreman/superintendent will sign -in each attendee. Attendance will not be
tracked through passed -around sign -in sheets or mobile devices. During any m-
person safety meetings, avoid gathering in groups of more than 5 people and
participants must remain at least six (6) feet apart.
• Where work trailers are used, only necessary employees should enter the trailers
and all employees will maintain social distancing while inside the trailers.
• Access to enclosed spaces will be restricted to essential personnel only.
Enclosed spaces (e.g., toilets, break areas) are viewed as potential transmission
areas and treated accordingly. Time spent in these areas should be reduced as
much as possible.
• Employees must avoid physical contact with others and shall direct others (co-
workers/contractors/visitors) to increase personal space to at least six (6) feet,
where possible. Construction teams should make every effort to limit activities
that cannot be performed within 6 feet of distance between workers. However,
some core construction activities may require some proximity to complete (e.g.,
concrete pours, utility potholing, work in cranes, drainage pipe construction,
among others). In these cases, construction crews must employ other aggressive
measures to limit contact. Examples include the use of supplemental Personal
Protection Equipment (PPE) like face shields or respirators, minimizing the
number of people on a team, and retaining consistency within work teams to
limit contact with parties external to that team.
• In -person meetings should be avoided. Office meetings and consultations should
take place virtually, with participants working from home or their work truck,
whenever possible. If an in -person meeting is absolutely necessary, that must be
limited to fewer than five people, and participants must maintain 6 foot distance
at all times during the meetings. All surfaces should be wiped down before and
after the meeting, and hand washing should also occur before and after the
• Employees will be encouraged to stagger breaks and lunches, if practicable, to
reduce the size of any group at any one time to less than five (5) people.
Community provided food and lunch areas and community coffee pots, water
dispensers, microwaves WILL BE ELIMINATED from break and other
common areas.
• Hand washing stations will be made readily available to make it easy for
employees to wash their hands multiple times a day. Hand sanitizer with at least
60% alcohol will also be provided for employees to use if soap and water are
not available and hands are not visibly dirty. However, if hands are visibly dirty,
always wash hands with soap and water. The Company will ensure that stations
stay stocked at all times and provide additional hand sanitizer when needed
• Employees should limit the use of co-workers' tools and equipment. To the
extent tools must be shared, the Company will provide alcohol -based wipes to
clean tools before and after use. When cleaning tools and equipment, consult
manufacturing recommendations for proper cleaning techniques and restrictions.
• Employees are encouraged to limit the need for N95 respirator use, by using
engineering and work practice controls to minimize dust. Such controls include
the use of water delivery and dust collection systems, as well as limiting
exposure time.
• The Company will divide crews/staff into two (2) groups where possible so that
projects can continue working effectively in the event that one of the divided
teams is required to quarantine.
• As part of the division of crews/staff, the Company will divide employees into
dedicated shifts, at which point employees will remain with their dedicated
shifts for the reminder of the project. If there is a legitimate reason for an
employee to change shifts, the Company will have sole discretion in making that
• Employees are discouraged from ride -sharing and car pooling unless employees
using car pool are from the same household. If car pooling is utilized, it will
meet the below requirements:
o Hand sanitizer is used by each passenger when entering the vehicle.
o The number of passengers has been reduced by 50% of the vehicle's occupancy,
and passengers sit in locations to maximize the distance between one another.
o passengers will wear a non -medical, cloth face -covering when in a vehicle
containing more than 1 person.
o All high -contact surfaces of the vehicle, such as steering wheel, seatbelts, door
handles, and console, shall be properly disinfected in between uses by different
employees and at the and of each day.
• Each employee should use/drive the same truck or piece of equipment every
• In lieu of using a common source of drinking water, such as a cooler, employees
will use individual water bottles.
• Workers entering Occupied Building and Homes
• Construction and maintenance activities within occupied homes, office buildings,
and other establishments, present unique hazards with regards to COVID-19
exposures. Everyone working within such establishments should evaluate the
specific hazards when determining best practices related to COVID-19.
• During this work, employees must sanitize the work areas upon arrival,
throughout the workday, and immediately before departure. The Company will
provide alcohol -based wipes for this purpose.
• Employees should ask other occupants to keep a personal distance of six (6) feet
at a minimum. Workers should wash or sanitize hands immediately before
starting and after completing the work.
• Job Site Visitors
• The number of visitors to the job site, including the trailer or office, will be
limited to only those necessary for the work.
• Visitors outside the typical work crew should avoid interaction with the team
wherever possible. For example, if an inspector or materials delivery needs to
enter the site, they should alert the work team (e.g. by honking the horn of their
vehicle twice or through another established communication means) so that the
work team can vacate the site while the external parties are present.
• Site deliveries will be permitted but should be properly coordinated in line with
the employer's minimal contact and cleaning protocols. Delivery personnel
should remain in their vehicles if at all possible.
• All visitors will be screened in advance of arriving on the job site. If the visitor
answers "yes" to any of the following questions, he/she should not be permitted to
access the jobsite:
o Have you been confirmed positive for COVID-19?
o Are you currently experiencing, or recently experienced, any acute respiratory
illness symptoms such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath?
o Have you been in close contact with any persons who has been confirmed
positive for COVID-19?
o Have you been in close contact with any persons who have traveled and are
also exhibiting acute respiratory illness symptoms?
• Personal Protective Equipment and Work Practice Controls
• In addition to regular PPE for workers engaged in various tasks (fall protection,
hard hats, hearing protection), the Company will also provide:
o Gloves: Gloves should be worn at all times while on -site. The type of glove
wom should be appropriate to the task. If gloves are not typically required for
the task, then any type of glove is acceptable, including latex gloves.
Employees will not share gloves.
o Eye protection: Eye protection should be wom at all times while on -site.
o Face masks: All site workers, visitors, etc. must always have a cloth face mask
in their possession. Cloth face masks must be only wom while within b feet of
another person. Cloth masks will follow CDC guidelines.
o NOTE: The CDC is currently not recommending that healthy people wear
N95 respirators to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Nevertheless, employees
must wear N95 respirators if required by the work and if available.
o Due to the current shortage of N95 respirators, the following Work
Practice Controls should be followed:
o Keep dust down by using engineering and work practice controls,
specifically through the use of water delivery and dust collection systems.
o Limit exposure time to the extent practicable.
o Isolate workers in dusty operations by using a containment structure or
distance to limit dust exposure to those employees who are conducting
the tasks, thereby protecting nonessential workers and bystanders.
d�orlac 1\
City of Aspen
COVID-19 Site Safety Plan
Project Address: RGG 1 Lrl
Project Description: tuft rA Ao,% oraJ"Qe_nIQCEn"��-�
Permit Number:
[Name of Safety Officer] [Phone Number] [Email]
JoS11�c �esno:� 203 611 CL-MF ,beznr0FQ9S\es.CQM
Note: If the construction re -opening goes poorly, it will delay the re -opening of future tiers of
business and may actually move regulations back to where they were before. Compliance with
this plan is crucial, and infractions are punishable by law enforcement.
Renewal By Andersen
[Name of Company] (hereinafter "Company') takes the health and
safety of our employees very seriously. In order to be safe and maintain operations, we have
developed this COVID-19 Site Safety Plan to comply with the current Pitkin County Health
This Plan identifies construction tasks that affect the critical path, and prioritizes these tasks.
The Plan addresses the following:
o Focuses on activities that are truly critical: Not all construction activities are of equal
urgency, those activities that are most critical to job progression will be prioritized, to
allow for better separation of the workforce. When considering whether a project is
critical, the following factors were considered:
o Whether the project is under construction already and thus requires active
traffic management (in the case of a transportation project) or other work zone
safety measures that benefit from ongoing activity;
o Whether deferral of a start date on a project would undermine public safety or
continuity of operations for critical infrastructure;
o Whether the project can feasibly be done with social distancing measures as
detailed above.
o Encourages deferral of non -essential work
1. Responsibilities of Managers and Supervisors
All managers and supervisors must be familiar with this Plan and be ready to answer
questions from employees. Managers and supervisors must set a good example by following
this Plan at all times. This involves practicing good personal hygiene and jobsite safety
practices to prevent the spread of the virus. Managers and supervisors must encourage this
same behavior from all employees.
H. Responsibilities of Employees
The Company is asking every one of our employees to help with our prevention efforts while
at work. In order to minimize the spread of COVID-19 at our jobsites, everyone must play
their part. As set forth below, the Company has instituted various housekeeping, social
distancing, and other best practices at our jobsites. All employees must follow these. In
addition, employees are expected to report to their managers or supervisors if they we
experiencing signs or symptoms of COVID-19, as described below. If you have a specific
question about this Plan or COVID-19, please ask your manager or supervisor. If they
cannot answer the question, please contact rr a ofManaperor Sussman
Matthew Seller303-945-1519
OSHA and the CDC have provided the following control and preventative guidance for all
workers, regardless of exposure risk:
❑ Frequently wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. When
soap and running water are unavailable, use an alcohol -based hand tub with at
least 60% alcohol.
❑ Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
❑ Follow appropriate respiratory etiquette, which includes covering for coughs and
❑ Avoid close contact with people who are sick
In addition, employees must familiarize themselves with the symptoms of COVID-19, which
include the following:
Fever (a temperature of 100AT or more);
Shortness of breath, difficulty breathing; and
❑ Early symptoms such as chills, body aches, sore throat, headache,
diarrhea, nausea/vomiting, and runny nose.
If you develop a fever or symptoms of respiratory illness, such as cough or shortness of
breath, DO NOT GO TO WORK and call your supervisor and healthcare provider right
away. Likewise, if you come into close contact with someone showing these symptoms,
call your supervisor and healthcare provider right away.
III. Job Site Protective Measures
Summary of work plan is as follows:
The number of people in each work crew will be reduced to the minimum number of people
possible to perform the task safely, even if the reduction of crew size means the job takes
longer. Below is a description of each phase of construction and the number of workers that
will be permitted.
Phase of Construction
Number of Workers
1 Repacing 3 windows
• A Daily Site Log will be maintained. The template is attached as Appendix A
• The following daily report will be made to Pitkin County Public Health to better
understand the effect construction is having on our community - Daily Report
• A Cleaning Log will be maintained. It identifies when each area of the job site (port -a -
johns, door handles, machinery cabs, job trailers, etc.) have been cleaned. The template
is attached as Appendix B.
• The workforce will be educated regarding seriousness of the current health situation
and how to prevent spread of viruses through the following methods:
• The workforce on site will be educated regarding social and hygiene practices through
the following methods:
The Company has instituted the following protective measures:
• General Safety Policies and Rules
• Any employee/contractor/visitor showing symptoms of COVID-19 will be
asked to leave the jobsite and return home.
• Safety meetings will be by telephone, if possible. If safety meetings are
conducted in -person, attendance will be collected verbally and the
foreman/superintendent will sign -in each attendee. Attendance will not be
tracked through passed -around sign -in sheets or mobile devices. During any in -
person safety meetings, avoid gathering in groups of more than 5 people and
participants must remain at least six (6) feet apart.
• Where work trailers are used, only necessary employees should enter the trailers
and all employees will maintain social distancing while inside the trailers.
• Access to enclosed spaces will be restricted to essential personnel only.
Enclosed spaces (e.g., toilets, break areas) are viewed as potential transmission
areas and treated accordingly. Time spent in these areas should be reduced as
much as possible.
• Employees must avoid physical contact with others and shall direct others (co-
workers/contractora/visitors) to increase personal space to at least six (6) feet,
where possible. Construction teams should make every effort to limit activities
that cannot be performed within 6 feet of distance between workers. However,
some core construction activities may require some proximity to complete (e.g.,
concrete pours, utility potholing, work in cranes, drainage pipe construction,
among others). In these cases, construction crews must employ other aggressive
measures to limit contact. Examples include the use of supplemental Personal
Protection Equipment (PPE) like face shields or respirators, minimizing the
number of people on a team, and retaining consistency within work teams to
limit contact with parties external to that team.
• ln-person meetings should be avoided. Office meetings and consultations should
take place virtually, with participants working from home or their work tmck,
whenever possible. If an in -person meeting is absolutely necessary, that must be
limited to fewer than five people, and participants must maintain 6 foot distance
at all times during the meetings. All surfaces should be wiped down before and
after the meeting, and hand washing should also occur before and after the
• Employees will be encouraged to stagger breaks and lunches, if practicable, to
reduce the size of any group at any one time to less than five (5) people.
Community provided food and lunch areas and community coffee pots, water
dispensers, microwaves WILL BE ELIMINATED from break and other
common areas.
• Hand washing stations will be made readily available to make it easy for
employees to wash their hands multiple times a day. Hand sanitizer with at least
60% alcohol will also be provided for employees to use if soap and water are
not available and hands are not visibly dirty. However, if hands are visibly dirty,
always wash hands with soap and water. The Company will ensure that stations
stay stocked at all times and provide additional hand sanitizer when needed
• Employees should limit the use of co-workers' tools and equipment. To the
extent tools must be shared, the Company will provide alcohol -based wipes to
clean tools before and after use. When cleaning tools and equipment, consult
manufacturing recommendations for proper cleaning techniques and restrictions.
• Employees are encouraged to limit the need for N95 respirator use, by using
engineering and work practice controls to minimize dust. Such controls include
the use of water delivery and dust collection systems, as well as limiting
exposure time.
• The Company will divide crews/staff into two (2) groups where possible so that
projects can continue working effectively in the event that one of the divided
teams is required to quarantine.
• As part of the division of crews/staff, the Company will divide employees into
dedicated shifts, at which point employees will remain with their dedicated
shifts for the reminder of the project. If there is a legitimate reason for an
employee to change shifts, the Company will have sole discretion in making that
• Employees are discouraged from ride -sharing and car pooling unless employees
using car pool are from the same household. If car pooling is utilized, it will
meet the below requirements:
o Hand sanitizer is used by each passenger when entering the vehicle.
o The number of passengers has been reduced by 50% of the vehicle's occupancy,
and passengers sit in locations to maximize the distance between one another.
o Passengers will wear a non -medical, cloth face -covering when in a vehicle
containing more than 1 person.
o All high -contact surfaces of the vehicle, such as steering wheel, seatbelts, door
handles, and console, shall be properly disinfected in between uses by different
employees and at the end of each day.
• Each employee should use/drive the same truck or piece of equipment every
• In lieu of using a common source of drinking water, such as a cooler, employees
will use individual water bottles.
• Workers entering Occupied Building and Homes
• Construction and maintenance activities within occupied homes, office buildings,
and other establishments, present unique hazards with regards to COVID-19
exposures. Everyone working within such establishments should evaluate the
specific hazards when determining best practices related to COVID-19.
• During this work, employees must sanitize the work areas upon arrival,
throughout the workday, and immediately before departure. The Company will
provide alcohol -based wipes for this purpose.
• Employees should ask other occupants to keep a personal distance of six (6) feet
at a minimum. Workers should wash or sanitize hands immediately before
starting and after completing the work.
• Job Site Vuitors
• The number of visitors to the job site, including the trailer or office, will be
limited to only those necessary for the work.
• Visitors outside the typical work crew should avoid interaction with the team
wherever possible. For example, if an inspector or materials delivery needs to
enter the site, they should alert the work team (e.g. by honking the horn of their
vehicle twice or through another established communication means) so that the
work team can vacate the site while the external parties are present.
• Site deliveries will be permitted but should be properly coordinated in line with
the employer's minimal contact and cleaning protocols. Delivery personnel
should remain in their vehicles if at all possible.
• All visitors will be screened in advance of arriving on the job site. If the visitor
answers "yes" to any of the following questions, he/she should not be permitted to
access the jobsite:
o Have you been confirmed positive for COVID-19?
o Are you currently experiencing, or recently experienced, any acute respiratory
illness symptoms such as fever, cough, or shortness ofbreath?
o Have you been in close contact with any persons who has been confirmed
positive for COVID-19?
o Have you been in close contact with any persons who have traveled and are
also exhibiting acute respiratory illness symptoms?
• Personal Protective Equipment and Work Practice Controls
• In addition to regular PPE for workers engaged in various tasks (fall protection,
hard hats, hearing protection), the Company will also provide:
o Gloves: Gloves should be worn at all times while on -site. The type of glove
wom should be appropriate to the task. If gloves are not typically required for
the task, then any type of glove is acceptable, including latex gloves.
Employees will not share gloves.
o Eye protection: Eye protection should be wom at all times while on -site.
o Face masks: All site workers, visitors, etc. must always have a cloth face mask
in their possession. Cloth face masks must be only worn while within 6 feet of
another person. Cloth masks will follow CDC guidelines.
o NOTE: The CDC is currently not recommending that healthy people wear
N95 respirators to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Nevertheless, employees
most wear N95 respirators if required by the work and ifavailable.
o Due to the current shortage of N95 respirators, the following Work
Practice Controls should be followed:
o Keep dust down by using engineering and work practice controls,
specifically through the use of water delivery and dust collection systems.
o Limit exposure time to the extent practicable.
o Isolate workers in dusty operations by using a containment structure or
distance to limit dust exposure to those employees who are conducting
the tasks, thereby protecting nonessential workers and bystanders.
o Institute a rigorous housekeeping program to reduce dust levels on the jobsite.
Additional Jobsire Protective Measures Include:
IV. Job Site Cleaning and Disinfecting
The Company has instituted regular housekeeping practices, which include cleaning and
disinfecting frequently used tools and equipment, and other elements of the work
environment, where possible. Employees should regularly do the same in their assigned
work areas.
Cleaning: refers to the removal of germs, dirt, and impurities from surfaces. Cleaning does
not kill germs, but by removing them, it lowers their numbers and the risk of spreading
infection. Cleaning is performed using soap, detergents, cleansers and clean water before
using a disinfecting method.
Follow cleaning activities with an approved disinfectant. Disinfection refers to using
chemicals to kill germs on surfaces. This process does not necessarily clean dirty surfaces
or remove germs, but by killing germs on a surface after cleaning, it can further lower the
risk of spreading infection. Disinfecting is performed using approved commercial or
household disinfecting solutions.
o Jobsite trailers and break/lunchroom areas will be cleaned multiple times per
day. Employees performing cleaning will be issued proper personal protective
equipment ("PPE"), such as nitrile, latex, or vinyl gloves and gowns, as
recommended by the CDC.
o Any trash collected from the jobsite must be changed frequently by
someone wearing nitrile, latex, or vinyl gloves.
o Any portable jobsite toilets should be cleaned by the leasing
company at least twice per week and disinfected on the inside. The
company will provide alcohol wipes in the job site toilets so that
employees can disinfect after each use.
o The Company will ensure that hand sanitizer dispensers are always
o Frequently touched items (i.e. door pulls, toilet seats, instrument
panels, steering wheels, devices such as cell phones) will be
disinfected frequently throughout the day.
o Vehicles and equipment/tools will be cleaned at multiple times per
day and before change in operator or rider.
o The Company will clean those areas of the jobsite that a confirmed -
positive individual may have contacted and it will do so before
employees can access that work space again.
o The Company will ensure that any disinfection shall be
conducted using one of the following:
o Common EPA -registered household disinfectant;
o Alcohol solution with at least 60% alcohol; or
o Diluted household bleach solutions (if appropriate for the surface).
o The Company will maintain Safety Data Sheets of all disinfectants used on site.
Additional Ckaning and Disinfection Guidelines Include:
V. Jobsite Exposure Situations
o Employee Exhibits COVED-19 Symptoms or has been Diagnosed Positive for
• the employee must remain at home until he or she is symptom free for 72
hours (3 full days) without the use of fever -reducing or other symptom -
altering medicines (e.g., cough suppressants).
• other symptoms have improved (for example, when cough or shortness of
breath have improved)
• At least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared
To the extent practical, employees are required to obtain a doctor's note clearing
them to return to work.
Employee should report their symptoms via the COVID-19 Symptom Tracker
• COVID-19 Symptoms Tracker-http://shorturi.at/acmz6
• lnformedeSintomasCOVID-19-httii:Hshorturi.at/ENPTY
o Employee Has Close Contact with an Individual Who Has Tested Positive
for COVID-19
Employees who have come into close contact with an individual who has tested positive
for COVID-19 (co-worker or otherwise) will be directed to self -quarantine for 14 days
from the last date of close contact with that individual. Close contact is defined as six (6)
feet for a prolonged period of time.
If the Company learns that an employee has tested positive, the Company will conduct an
investigation to determine co-workers who may have had close contact with the
confirmed- positive employee in the prior 14 days. The Company will direct those
individuals who have had close contact with the confirmed -positive employee to self -
quarantine for 14 days from the last date of close contact with that employee. If
applicable, the Company will also notify any sub -contractors, vendors/suppliers or
visitors who may have had close contact with the confirmed -positive employee. If an
employee learns that he or she has come into close contact with a confirmed -positive
individual outside of the workplace, he/she must alert a manager or supervisor of the
close contact and self -quarantine for 14 days from the last date of close contact with that
VI. Protocol for Jobsite Monitoring and Exposure to COVID-19
Employees will monitor their health at the beginning of each work day and will check
their temperature at the job site at the start of the work day (although some COVID-19
cases do not experience a fever)
If a single jobsite person becomes ill or is suspected to have COVID-19 appropriate
protocols shall be followed as outlined below:
• Notify Public Health officials and appropriate building department.
• All personnel on the jobsite to be notified of contact either direct or incidental with
affected person.
• All personnel affected to be quarantined for 14 days and report symptoms through
their supervisors to jobsite personnel.
• The Company will clean those areas of the jobsite that a confirmed -positive
individual may have come into contact with before employees can access that
work space again.
Work can resume when cleared by Pitkin County Health and the Local Chief Building
Addidonal Job Site Protocols Include:
Attachment A
Daily Log
Visitors and Employee Loe
All of the individuals we serve are at serious health risk associated with the Coronavirus COVID-19.
In order to protect these individuals, anyone entering this site must acknowledge whether or not they
have any of the symptoms associated with this virus. If you have any of these symptoms you will not
be permitted to enter the site and will need to reach out to your Supervisor for guidance.
**These symptoms include: Fever Cough, Sore throat Respiratory illness or Di icultr breathing**
print Name
Are you
experiencing any
of these
Fever, Cough, Sore
Respiratory illness
or Difficulty
0 YES ❑ NO
0 YES ❑ NO
Attachment B
Cleaning Log
Each site will need to complete a cleaning log specific for their site. Below is an example
1 Tools
Job Trailer
Door Pulls
Instrument Panels
Job Trailer
Door Pulls
Instrument Panels
Job Trailer
Door Pulls
Instrument Panels