HomeMy WebLinkAboutcoa.lu.rz.searssubdivision.1979 1""\, f""'\ , ;1 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: RE: DATE: Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission Richard Grice, Planning Office Conditional Uses for the S/C/] Zone November 2, 1979 At your last meeting the subject and question was raised of which conditional uses might be acceptable in the S/C/] zone. After considerable thought we have come to the conclusion that a general policy statement is more appropriate and conclusive than any attempt at a "list" would be. \~e think the Commission will agree that conditional uses would be appropriate which do not fall under the permitted use list provided those conditional uses were accessory to permitted uses. For example, a contractor's office may be appropriate if only 10% of the space would be dedicated to office use and the balance would be used as a shop. Once again we are getting into a highly subjective area and into an area which may require a great deal of administration and enforcement. At this point in time, we recommend the Commission consider adding the following statement to the conditi ona 1 use 1 i st, "Uses other than permitted uses may be allowed provi ded they are accessory to permitted uses and provided adequate safeguards are offered to guarantee the accessory status." . ~ t"', ~, ~ ~1EMORANDUM TO: FROM: RE: DATE: / Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission Richard Grice, Planning Office Sears Building Rezoning October 25, 1979 The attached letter of app"iication from Jim Martin requests rezoning of Lot 1, Lynch-Gignoux Subdivision, which is the site of the "Sears Building', from S/C/I to C-l. The primary reason for the request is that the owners of the building have never succeeded in renting the second floor of the Sears Building. The Gignoux-Lynch Subdivision was created in the summer of 1977 specifically for the purpose of creating a site for the construction of a new Sears building. The catelog store had previously been located in the Vilcor building which is also in the S/C/I zone. Anticipating the expiration of their lease, the owners of the catelog store began processing their request for subdivision approval. As this site was also zoned SIC/I, conditional use approval was granted for the relocation. The Planning Office recommended approval of the subdivision and conditional use as it was felt that the approvals would result in a substantial improvement in the area. Prior to the construction of the Sears Building on this site, the site was improved with a single family residence which was used for employee housing. Brian Goodheim, the Housing Director at that time, recommended that a portion of the building be dedicated to employee housing. That recommendation was not followed by the City Council. The Planning Office comments are as follows: 1. The zoning of the property at the time of subdivision approval and construction was SIC/I, the owner of the property knew the zoning was S/C/I and permission was given for construction of a building "to house the Sears catelog store". It appears that the applicant constructed more space than the Sears catelog store needed and that was a personal investment decision. f 2. The Growth Management Plan requires that, "there shall be constructed within the City of Aspen in each year no more than the following: (c) Within the CC and C-l zone districts, 24,000 square feet of commerci a 1 and offi ce space." While the proposal in this case is not "to construct" new space in the C-l zone, the Planning Office reminds the Commission that the intention was to control the availability of new space in the C-l zone district. That word constructed should be amended to include conversions. 3. The proposal would relocate zone district boundaries to follow property line instead of streets and alleys. This is an example of bad planning techni que and en\j:\e 5 the 1 ogi c of zone di stri cts. 4. Considering the fact that the Housing Director recommended in 1977 that a portion of the building be used for employee housing and considering that accessory housing is a conditional use in the SIC/! zone district, and considering the fact that the Sears building does -" .... ..!._,.~ I"'. , n !SPEI PBOPEBTIES ,July 10, 1979 Mr. Richard Grice ?lanning Office Ci ty of ;,Bren Aspen, Colorado elFll Dear Richard: I a~ the owner of Lot 1,Lynch-Gigroux Subdivision which is the site of the "Sears Buildin[" in ASgen. This lot is currently zored "SCI", and I a~ requesting that it be rezoned to "C_l" Co~~ercial. This re~uest is based on the rollowln~ fncts: 1. There is B distinct lack of dema~d for space withir: tl:e :'CI ZO,.E. The tor floor ('f th~ Sears fuildinG, which ccntitutes one-h21f the rentable space of that building, has been vacant for over one yenr. It hAS been actively mer~cted t;: the for::1cr owr:er 2ncl LJY f.lascn &. r,~6rse~e?1 Estate without success. They were unable to find a tenant which could comply with an SeI permitted use, even though the rent was set at the low fi~ure of $7.00 per square foot per year. This is remarkably low for a new build- inv in Aspen, and 2de~uately de~o~strates that the der:1and for .srI sl'Rce sirwl:.' doe" r.ot exist.- Sirdlar space in the ~ill .street Venture Suildir.C h~s also been vacant for apc,roXimately the SRr.W periOd G.f tir:1e. 2. The C-l is ~ore appropriate to the building and its current uses than is SCI. a.) The current tenant is the Sears Catalog Store, a commercial establishment which is primarily oriented to the non-tourist population. This is the intentio~ of the C-l zone as stated in the ~uniclpal Code of the City of Asper.. b.) Sears is 2 quasi-retail store. Items available fer i~~ediate purchases are apoliancest (303)925-8310 . 215 S. MOllarcl1 . P.O. Box 10502 . Aspen, Colorado 81611 \:... , ~ . ~ /'""'\ iJ auto supplies,and tools. A ~uch broader selection of hardware, furniture, ~aint, clothing, etc. may be ordered throush the catalog. Several of the tYre~ of ~erchnndise sold by Sears are listed as permitted uses within the C-l zone. 3. This land is contiguous to other C-l zoning, and it has direct access throurh the C-l zone. Therefore, this request does not create a zoning "island",but rather, it is an adjustment to other, more similar uses in the i~mediate area. Approval of this recuest will alleviate an economic hardShip which has been created by virtue of the building's inclusion within the SCI zone. I believe that a year is long enough to demonstrate the markei does not need additional SCI space, even at rent levels which are amoung the lcwest in Aspen. Secondarily, the approval of this request will permit us to provide a longtelw location to KSPN, a local radio station which performs ~any valuable com~unity services. Broadcasting stations are permitted use under the C-l zone. KSFN would be an ideal tenant for this space since they penorate very little traffic and create a minimal impact to the area. For their benefit, I urce you to consider this application as quickly as possible, since their present location is evidently very difficult. The wirin~ and power is totally inadequate, and fre- quent plumbing leaks onto their equip~ent have caused real problems. In su~mary, this application requests that the zoning be amended to a classification which is more logical to this buildinf and its best uses. Both the present tenant and the proposed tenant are orcanizationc which are primarily oriented toward the ncn-tourist population. The lot could be made part of an existing C-l zone, and the present uses tend to conform to C-Ipermitted uses. /'S'incerely, ~'<;.l...,,-'. \lV\" JAm Vertin ~, )-,' . , JiVI,u !ii{,'J:W",.~,:.:~: .... - -~~----- -~--~-'----"'"-'---'-'~" . ... ...... ..-'_......_,........,..,....... . ._.-_.'-_.~--,--..-.._.,"_._----'_._--'--._..._...._--~...,-- -.... ,'. e a..o;t/ U-ip_LfI- 0 cC'.{~_t, (")';1 CL.L.-- tJ (~-L~HL'JJ~J::.L -b loc.L -:It /1 ........- 1'3 ,q v-- 2....0 .....- .01 ........-- 1_4- ~2..., 10- ;;..;;" /.-q ,,/ ~ Md .d6-U)f'-0~.Q ~_p-Ul...) Oloc...tu q J. --- q3 --- q 3 ..--- ..,__~____.___.__u__..._.__._ ... m ~ 01- ~~1 z.O -= ,< )"f':> lo-/g ,I "-' .::~. j.~ A cC-l)f.. r \ I~ ,^,r"~ ,.- JI '.7' I' D "'1'~ '" ,;. /(.- ..b) ~ R.b.W,e. . E. /1of!!..n()ddt fl(~naiH I""'; - ..- _...._.......u.._--,-.. - u..___ ("'\ *' ~ LU...LO o-e>-Q)'-.fYl.Ct.....OJU l30JL /30 Cwp.o..n I C.IJ (gT. 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