HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021.09.08 WAB Minutes1 Wheeler Advisory Board Meeting Minutes September 8, 2021 | 3:00 p.m. Sister City Room | City Hall And Via WebEX In Attendance: Wheeler Opera House Advisory Board Members: Chip Fuller, Chairperson; Christine Bendinelli, Vice Chair; Amy Mountjoy, Secretary; Ziska Childs; Dr. Tom Kurt; Nina Gabianelli; Richard Stettner (via WebEx); Jennifer White (ex-officio); Lauren Forman (alternate) Wheeler Opera House/City of Aspen Staff: Diane Foster, Assistant City Manager; Jim True, City Attorney; Lisa Rigsby Peterson, Executive Director; Maddy Overton, Artist Services City Council Liaison: Mayor Torre; Ward Hauenstein, alternate Meeting Recorder: Maddy Overton Chair Fuller called the meeting to order, seconded by Ms. Childs and approved by the remainder of the board at 3:04 p.m. Mr. Fuller moved for approval of August meeting minutes as amended. The motion passed unanimously. Executive Director Remarks - Lisa Rigsby Peterson, Executive Director Masonry Project Update- Ms. Rigsby Peterson presented a handout update. Progress is slow but steady. Staffing Update- Ms. Rigsby Peterson said she is happy to announce that Alixandra Feeley has been promoted from Front of House Supervisor to the new Business Manager role. Alix was by far the most experienced candidate. We will be posting the Rentals position, the Administrative Assistant, and the Front of House Supervisor position soon. Contractors Update- Ms. Rigsby Peterson continued with an update on our relationship with PFM (Professional Facilities Management). We had been looking to continue with PFM booking the Aspen Laugh Festival for 2022. Unfortunately, we were not able to come to an agreement of terms. The fee requested wasn’t in line with the requested work. We are very grateful for all that they have done for the Wheeler, and they have done a terrific job. We will continue on curating Laugh Festival without PFM. 2 Programming Update Ms. Rigsby Peterson thanked those board members who were able to join us for the Come Together: Wheeler Storytelling event. We are in discussion with John Oates about an acoustic night during Christmas week. She continued that she is filling up those programming days for the holiday season. Ms. Rigsby Peterson asked the board if they want to heavily book those holiday dates or slim down from previous years. Mr. Fuller said he felt like Christmas is very important for programing. The board felt broad family appearances for the last two weeks of December was important. Ms. Foster reminded the Board of the shared goal not to create unrealistic expectations or untenable work schedules for the Wheeler staff. Board Discussion Mr. Fuller started by saying that there are two topics up for board discussion: board interaction regarding the upcoming Wheeler Real Estate Transfer Tax (RETT) November ballot item and Board suggestions for Wheeler COVID-19 protocols. City Attorney Jim True addressed the Board on the RETT statute. He shared that now that the ballot language had been submitted city officials, both City staff members and advisory board members are restricted in what they can say and do in their official capacities. Everyone is free to speak however they prefer as private citizens however they cannot reference their roles as Wheeler Advisory Board members in communications. As such, all personal opinions are to be spoken as a private citizen only. No official opinions can be made as a staff member or Board member. Mr. Fuller expressed disappointment that it wasn’t made clear to the Board that it would not be able to discuss or take formal action on the RETT ballot initiative earlier in the fall. Dr. Kurt asked if the board could express unanimous consent over the issue and Mr. True said they could not take formal action. Mayor Torre reminded the Board that there are many items the City Council looks to the Board for their input and recommendations, and that Council will continue to depend on their wise counsel. COVID Precautions and Protocols Following Ms. Childs request for the City to consider implementing new COVID mitigation measures, Ms. Rigsby Peterson asked the board for their input regarding protocols at the Wheeler. Ms. Foster added that the City Council will want to know what opinions the board has about COVID measures or changes in policy. Once discussed, Ms. Foster noted that the Board chair should then an email directly to the Mayor formally submitting those recommendations from the Wheeler Advisory Board. Ms. Rigsby Peterson said that currently the Wheeler protocol is consistent with the City’s, which is consistent with Pitkin County Health Department orders. She added that venue consistency is the only way for a policy to be successful rather than one policy for one group of attendees and one for another. Discussion ensued about the importance of mitigating the spread of COVID, and the number of different methods to do so, including mask wearing; proof of vaccination requirements; and/or proof of negative PCR COVID tests. Dr. Kurt noted that there would be a Pitkin County Board of Health meeting the following day at which a mask order would likely be discussed. Mr. Fuller made two motions for consideration by Wheeler Board, seconded by Nina Gabianelli. The first was to recommend that all people at the Wheeler have either proof of a COVID vaccination or a negative 72-hour COVID test. The motion passed 3 unanimously. The second was that the Wheeler Advisory Board recommends a mask mandate at the Wheeler. The motion passed, with two abstentions. Chair Fuller noted that if the Board wished to discuss the issue further, he could call a special meeting, and requested that anyone who was interested email him directly. Dr. Kurt moved to adjourn, and the meeting concluded at 4:23 p.m.