HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes.WHLR.20200909.RegularVirtual Wheeler Board Meeting Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday September 9, 2020 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie In Attendance: Wheeler Opera House Board Members: Chip Fuller, Chairperson Christine Benedetti, Vice Chair Nina Gabianelli, Secretary Ziska Childs Dr. Tom Kurt Amy Mountjoy Richard Stettner Justin Brown Peter Grenney (alternate) In Attendance: Wheeler Opera House / COA Staff: Scott Miller, Interim Assistant City Manager Diane Foster, Assistant City Manager Nancy Lesley, Interim Wheeler Director Jim True, City of Aspen Attorney City Council Liaison Mayor Torre Ward Hauenstein (alternate) Meeting Recorder: Julie Gillespie DISCUSSION ACTIONS RESPONSES o Meeting called to order at 3:03 PM o Approval of August 5, 2020 meeting minutes. Approved No public comment for Virtual Wheeler Board Meeting Any comments can be sent to Chip Fuller via email accessible on Wheeler Opera House website. Theatre Projects Report Presentation & Discussion (Daniel Ordower & Alex Keen) o Project Overview – Theatre Projects was contracted in May 2019 to complete a feasibility study of Wheeler Opera House and its potential expansion to the parcel next door. • Process: held public meetings, had various discussions with council, Wheeler staff/board and determined after completion of feasibility study Theatre Projects would recommend for Wheeler to not expand to next door parcel. Once the recommendation was provided to previous Executive Director and Wheeler board, collectively decided to change the project scope and looked at questions from City Staff and City Council. Addendum was submitted to City Management in fall of 2019 to review a plan for the existing WRETT money and a departmental review, contract was signed in January 2020. • Scope of new study review would be analysis of subsidy model (rental and produced events, lease spaces), comparative ticket analysis, year over year growth, utilization of analysis to determine usage of days at the Virtual Wheeler Board Meeting Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday September 9, 2020 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie Wheeler, show settlements for revenue, etc. Also asked to provide information on staffing model and provide recommendation based on organizational structure of other similar sized venues. • Review of strategic goals, January City Council session, public forum, etc. ultimately determined Wheeler is a top performing arts organization for the region and country. Revenues continued to go up over past 5 years and increased ticket sales. Wheeler is currently working at the appropriate level it should. • Initial draft of report provided in April 2020 and goal was to be wrapped by July 1. COVID delayed the final presentation. • KEEN: study provided a snapshot in time on the Aspen community and national level. There will be a recovery for arts and entertainment sector that will take time, currently no answers for this. The Wheeler will be well positioned to be successful in the future whenever COVID is in the rearview mirror. Now is the time to do those organizational changes while we have time. • FULLER: Part of the scope was a comparative salary analysis and your conclusion was that Wheeler staff was underpaid. Do you have more data comparing salaries with other venues? • ORDOWER: We conducted a comparative salary analysis but it was removed from the scope before our final report was submitted. • FULLER: Regarding the current Executive Director search - any comments on what we should be looking for as the environment changes and in terms of salaries? Is this a time to be paying higher or lower salaries? • ORDOWER: The salary analysis showed pre-COVID there was room for raises across the board including for the Executive Director. With many organizations shut down and people looking for work, you might be able to find a top notch director for less than what you would have paid pre-COVID. Vitally important for Wheeler board and the City to keep in mind when hiring this new position – provide the Executive Director an idea of what success looks like for the Wheeler, for the organization and the city. • FULLER: We are at a point where the decision needs to be made if we want the Wheeler to continue along the path it was going or change the direction? • ORDOWER: We feel presenting organizations should be operating at their full capacity, that is their job in a community. The venue should be activated as much of the year as possible and that’s what the Wheeler was doing. A major draw for Aspen is to have this world class center for people to access. That is how we determined what success looks like. • STETTNER: Looking back 9 years ago under different leadership, suggestion was to have more events and lower ticket prices. Bringing in Gena Buhler was to increase all of that and we want to continue being successful instead of letting the venue sit dark for too long. • GABIANELLI: The direction we were headed seems to be successful way to go, need to discuss strategic goals for the Wheeler. • ORDOWER: That can easily be done in parallel with the Executive Director search. Candidates will ask what Virtual Wheeler Board Meeting Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday September 9, 2020 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie success will look like for them in the job. • STETTNER: Regarding the current staff structure – current challenges with the management structure seem to have flaws especially with increase in events and the staffing model should be modified. Disappointed that the salary information was taken out of the report. If we want the right people, we want to be paying people correctly. • CHILDS: We had discussed a needs assessment of the community being completed, facility inventory – has this been completed? • ORDOWER: The initial report, the facility expansion report delivered last year, does have a demographic analysis of the Roaring Fork Valley and its venues, including seating and proximity to the Wheeler. It is limited in scope, but it is in that report. • CHILDS: Strategic success of the Wheeler is not clearly defined, and neither is the mission of the Wheeler. We are looking for someone with an artistic vision that matches the City itself. One thing missing from the report is a discussion about capital assets. I am not seeing anything upstage of the proscenium, but the management and salary topics have been discussed in the past. If we want to serve the community, suggest more virtual and remote performances. • KEEN: Agree with the livestream and virtual statement, critical for engagement but we hope that is a short term and not a long term fix. One challenge of currently not having an Executive Director is not having a thought leader in Aspen, disadvantage right now. • CHILDS: HBO and Showtime driving things forward, past relationship with HBO at the Wheeler and we could capitalize on this. Potential there is an Executive Director wants to move forward. • KURT: Focus on livestreaming and virtual capabilities. As a theatre, the Wheeler can adapt to that. • MOUNTJOY: Regarding the organizational structure portion – were the job descriptions appropriate for the tasks or do they need to be rewritten to cut down on overtime that was accruing or needing mor people? • ORDOWER: Suggest restructuring of the entire department. Executive Director has too much direct managerial oversight, suggest breaking the position into two different roles while still having an artistic level director – Director of Events and Director of Operations. Maneuver positions within that, addition of new roles, realignment of current positions and propose new job responsibilities. More overtime worked in 2019 – result of increased expectations, quality of work and managerial changes. • KEEN: Current structure perceived as a version of silos – Wheeler Presents vs. Community Events and not focused on the organization as a whole. Future Executive Director will be more successful if there are key captains to hand off responsibilities to and focus their connection to the City while providing vision. Goal would be to spread out the work more effectively. No organizational charts are perfect, but for this wanted to reflect how the City and the Wheeler work collaboratively together. • BROWN: Regarding the staffing proposal – is the new structure proposed in the context of Gena Buhler still being Virtual Wheeler Board Meeting Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday September 9, 2020 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie present or without? Salary research – what’s the bottom line you would estimate for the staff salaries? Is there a way to keep staffing expenses in line with prior years? • ORDOWER: This structure was created regardless of Gena Buhler. Goal was to try and remove some of the silos and we think it is the right structure for the Wheeler. With full implementation of the new positions suggested, the financial increase would be a few $100,000 but this could be offset with implementing this overtime as programming grows. • BROWN: From the implementation standpoint, consideration of promoting internal candidates to these positions, top down instead of bottom up. • CHILDS: We do not have a deep pool of qualified people. • KEEN: In the past, seemed to have major issues finding a qualified audio engineer. We don’t know if qualified staff will be available moving forward. Making sure technical positions are filled will protect quality moving forward. Having the top and critical people will be most important, key risk for developing a reopening plan. • MOUNTJOY: In response to keeping technical staff, this has always been a challenge. Part time people lost to opportunities for year round work. • ORDOWER: This can be offset by hiring strong supervisors that are skilled at running crews. • GRENNEY: Regarding Aspen Show Tix – should this continue to be a subsidiary? • ORDOWER: Subsidiary because it is an asset to the community and the Wheeler, provides central area for community to buy tickets. Cheaper and more flexible ticketing systems can continue to drive the cost down and revenues will continue increasing. We recommended a historic preservation ticket fee to draw more funding. Also, discussion of touchless ticketing something for the Executive Director to look into. • TORRE: Would be helpful to see other examples of organizational charts, interested to review other options to compare to previous Wheeler organizational chart. What are your thoughts on the marketing and booking being outsourced? • ORDOWER: Booking rightfully needed to be outsourced. For new director of programming and events, potential for them to do this if they have experience. More bang for your buck if you outsource this, felt this was the best use of outsourced labor. • KEEN: There is efficiency in outsourcing and with the future the Wheeler could do their own programming but don’t make it the entire job because it can become all encompassing. • FULLER: Duncan Webb released a memo about this report, do you have any comment? • ORDOWER: A few things he mentioned we agree and disagree with. Duncan Webb was not provided our scope of work or with any prior work to review with this report, not provided any data, so take with a grain of salt. COVID was not a part of our scope and it was not asked to be a part of the scope. Virtual Wheeler Board Meeting Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday September 9, 2020 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie Board Discussion (Chip Fuller) o Arts Grants • FULLER: Currently in the interview process for organizations requesting funding. Funding amount available for arts is $170,000 and hopefully will increase. Will continue to provide updates. Mayor Introduction & Thoughts (Mayor Torre) o TORRE: Thank you to the Wheeler board for putting your time and effort you are putting into the community and the Wheeler. • Without an Executive Director, wanted to be hear what the board is involved with and want to make sure you are being as effective as possible. Will be listening in on all meetings moving forward. Interim Director’s Update (Nancy Lesley) o Construction Update • Mobilizing the stone expert and the masonry group is moving forward with the project. • Working with marketing team to put communication on website regarding the construction, outside signage describing project is against the sign code. o Exterior Lighting Update • Hotel Jerome lighting – if they tried to receive approval for current light set up, it would not have been approved by Community Development. • We can discuss a lighting fixture design to be time period appropriate along with allowed illumination levels and attachment of fixtures to do the least damage. Discussing with electrical company. o Matt Beilis Streaming Event • First streaming concert was a success and also a learning curve. • Recording equipment Matt has wasn’t working with Facebook, so had to pivot to a different platform last minute. o Other Projects & Updates • Aspen Public House – currently undergoing kitchen maintenance and some renovation • New Projector for the theater – currently working on getting a quote and timeline for this project. Goal is complete as much as possible during the closure. • Participated in Red Alert event – venues around the nation all lit their buildings red to promote awareness of struggling performing arts community effected by COVID. • Suzanne Vega – upcoming online concert Wheeler is promoting and something staff wants to participate in. Purchasing tickets to provide to current Wheeler Wins members. • Arts Thrive Update – Nicole Levesque interviewed local organization Aspen Historical Society to discuss effects of COVID and updates on the organizations plans. Goal is do an interview once a week. Virtual Wheeler Board Meeting Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday September 9, 2020 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie • GABIANELLI: Mike Monroney and I dressed up, discussed the past 6 months and nice to review where we are now. Mike Monroney retiring next month. • Staff working with the band Shel – trying to bring them back and tentatively working on outreach with schools, most likely moving on this in November. • Aspen Show Tix – selling tickets for upcoming Fringe Festival event, September 25 and 26. • Events still contracted and set for December shows. o Financial Update (Pete Strecker) *see attached document* • Major focus with the Wheeler closure will be the capital projects. • FULLER: Considering we are doing more capital projects this year, do you see the number lowering for next year? • STRECKER: Will depend on what the future looks like, trying to take advantage of the down time and move forward with these projects. • GRENNEY: Regarding the lighting – if this were approved to move forward, would that need to be approved in the 2022 budget or are their funds available for 2021? • LESLEY: Supplemental requests are an option if not approved in the budget. o FULLER: Any update on the ticketing system? o LESLEY: Currently still working with Audience View. o FULLER: Will using Eventbrite as a vendor still be an option? o LESLEY: Want to wait until COVID is wrapped before moving forward. o FULLER: Any updates on staffing? Is the staff back in the building and how often? o FOSTER: One resignation. o LESLEY: 50% of staff in building due to COVID regulations, 2 staff in at a time rotating daily. o FOSTER: Nancy currently focused on how the staff is feeling about working as a team, better to have jobs and health insurance. Team is participating in training and team building with an outside facilitator. City Manager’s Office Update (Diane Foster) o Executive Director Search Update • Interviewing consultants on Friday, timeline update for hiring – two weeks behind on schedule but still want to hire by end of November. • Consulting firms we are trying to work with are specific to performing arts. • Would love to have a discussion with the board about strategic goals, discuss with City Council. o CHILDS: Any update on Vector Works project? o LESLEY: Staff working on this, but the program is an architectural tool. Staff member taking online classes to learn the program, trying to review who can take it from beginning to end and who deals with this program more frequently. o GRENNEY: Regarding strategic goals – will these be discussed prior to interviewing candidates and will there be City Virtual Wheeler Board Meeting Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday September 9, 2020 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie Council or board input/involvement with these? o FOSTER: Currently do not have a strategy yet, but there is interest in having City Council weigh in on this. We won’t be able to put together a strategic plan in a few months. o STETTNER: Theatre Projects report could provide key items we could utilize. Any high level bullet points that would help us with a strategic plan? o CHILDS: Are we trying to find someone with a personal vision or who can follow orders? o FOSTER: Goal would be to get someone with a vision who can collaborate with the board, partners and the city, not mutually exclusive. o FULLER: Reminder for City Staff – the board is available to be a part of this process. We seek representation on the job search committee and the board can provide input. o BROWN: Question for Torre – what are your thoughts on this process, any recommendations for the board? Any input on the strategy or steps for this issue? o TORRE: Greatest issue is there is a lack of clarity around the mission and goals that this board feels needs to be discussed and rewritten. Trying to figure out what the board is intending and what your capabilities are for all of the discussed items. o FULLER: We have spent a lot of time discussing the mission statement and goals and board is on the same page. Overall, we feel the past strategic direction of the Wheeler has been a success but we need some clarity as to what City Council wants – would you like to see it grow or shrink to something smaller? o TORRE: We all have a shared vision of what we would like but it needs to be more specific. For City Council, it is not about total volume but more programming and community needs that could be addressed. Discussion of acceptable subsidy levels, how much community programming, show type, success of what the Wheeler does, community involvement, etc. o FULLER: Agree there has been some strategic direction and encourage that to continue. Need metrics – should budget stay the same, are ticket sales appropriate, is the mix of programming appropriate, etc. o TORRE: That is what the board should be talking about and City Council would love to hear from you, we want to hear a board unified statement. Future Meeting Schedule Review (Chip Fuller) o October 14 | TBD Regular Meeting, Agenda TBD o November 11 | Regular Meeting, Agenda TBD o December 9 | Regular Meeting, Agenda TBD o Moving forward, Wheeler Board meetings to occur second Wednesday of every month o Meeting Adjourned at 5:03PM by Chip Fuller Motioned by: Chip Fuller Virtual Wheeler Board Meeting Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday September 9, 2020 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie