HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.boa.20211202 REGULAR MEETING ASPEN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT DECEMBER 2, 2021 Chairperson Sandler opened the meeting of the Aspen Board of Adjustment at 4:30 p.m. Commissioners in attendance: Jim Farrey, Collin Frank, Ashley Feddersen, Andrew Sandler Commissioners not in attendance: Tim Sack Staff present: Garrett Larimer, Senior Planner Kate Johnson, Assistant City Attorney Mike Sear, Deputy City Clerk Staff Comments: none Commissioner comments: none Declaration of Conflicts of Interest: none Public Hearing: 325 Park Ave. – Dimensional Variance and Associated Reviews Staff Presentation: Garrett Larimer – Senior Planner Mr. Larimer started by showing pictures of the existing conditions of the project including that it is a single-family residence on a 2,692 square foot lot in the R-6 zone district. There is an application to remodel and add an addition to the existing structure and it is asking for three land use reviews, including a dimensional variance request, stream margin review and residential design standards. He said the application complies with both the administrative stream margin and design standards review criteria and is eligible for administrative approval on both. For clarity and consistency, he is requesting that all three of the reviews get approved by BOA along with one resolution as part of a combined review. He then showed a site plan for the proposed addition including setback variations that are requested for the roof overhang (5’), structural column (7’) and front entry (7’-7’5”) highlighting the existing front yard setback in red. He went over the three review criteria to qualify for a dimensional variance. Applicant Presentation: Flynn Stewart-Severy – F&M Architects Mr. Stewart-Severy explained that the owner was a long-time resident of Snowmass Village and recently moved to Aspen and purchased 325 Park Ave. He went over the existing conditions to be a two-story two-bedroom single family residence with 8’ ceilings and high-quality interior finishes but highlighted that most of the rooms are fairly undersized. He said the owner has little interest in remodeling the interior and is only looking for the addition in order to give herself a carport. He stated that the existing structure is 1530 square feet of living space. He then showed and went over the front, rear, and side yard setbacks. Showing the existing floor plan, he mentioned that neither of the two entrances comply with current design standards. He then showed the proposed floor plan including the carport and living room addition to include a foyer. There will also be a small vertical tower which will include some exterior storage and a small window seat on the second floor. When showing a before and after photo and rendering, he noted that the 226 square foot carport they are proposing is smaller than the 250 square feet the city allows for garages. He also listed the proposed 138 sq ft living room addition, 188 sq ft foyer/office addition and 25 sq ft storage / 25 sq ft window seat addition. REGULAR MEETING ASPEN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT DECEMBER 2, 2021 Mr. Farrey asked about the distance between the back of her car while it’s parked in the carport and Park Ave. Referencing the site plan Mr. Stewart-Severy showed that from the front of the carport to the street was about 20 feet. Mr. Larimer finished up by going over the three review criteria that are all met. (1) The variance is generally consistent with the code. He stated that staff finds that the proposed design does still achieve a reasonable buffer between the structure and the property line. He also noted that the project was referred to the Parks and Engineering departments and they were supportive of the design and the variance. (2) The variance is the minimum to allow reasonable use of the property. (3) Enforcement of the dimensional requirements in the code would cause the owner “unnecessary hardship as distinguished from mere inconvenience”. He said that staff recommends the BOA approve the requested Land use Reviews, with the conditions. Public Comment: none. Board Discussion: Mr. Farrey summarized the issues for the dimensional variance request and stream margin review. Motion: Mr. Farrey motioned to approve Resolution #2 Series of 2021. Ms. Feddersen seconded. Roll call vote: Mr. Frank, yes; Ms. Feddersen, yes; Mr. Farrey, yes; Mr. Sandler, yes. All in favor, motion passes. OTHER BUSINESS: none ADJOURN: Mr. Sandler motioned to adjourn. Mr. Farrey seconded. Roll call vote: Mr. Frank, yes; Ms. Feddersen, yes; Mr. Farrey, yes; Mr. Sandler, yes. All in favor, motion passes. _____________________ Mike Sear, Deputy Clerk