HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.boa.20220106 REGULAR MEETING ASPEN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT JANUARY 6, 2022 Chairperson Sandler opened the meeting of the Aspen Board of Adjustment at 4:30 p.m. Commissioners in attendance: Jim Farrey, Collin Frank, Ashley Feddersen, Tim Sack, Andrew Sandler Commissioners not in attendance: none Staff present: Jeffrey Barnhill, Planner I Amy Simon, Planning Director Bob Narracci, Zoning Administrator Jim True, City Attorney Kate Johnson, Assistant City Attorney Mike Sear, Deputy City Clerk Staff Comments: none Commissioner comments: none Declaration of Conflicts of Interest: none PUBLIC HEARINGS: 333 Park Ave. – Dimensional Variance Ms. Simon referenced an email that commissioners received today, stating that for the item of business tonight, staff inadvertently uploaded a previous version of the application. This was a variance that was reviewed in 2019, since expired and has come back before the BOA and staff gave the wrong version of the application. She said that staff spoke to the attorney’s office and the applicant and we cannot proceed when commissioners do not have the current information in front of them. She said that they need to ask for a continuance and their recommendation is that it is continued to February 3rd, which is the next BOA meeting. Mr. True requested that if the applicant has any requests regarding the time of the continuance, that they be heard. He reminded that it will ultimately be up to the Board. Sarah Adams from Bendon Adams representing the applicant who is the owner of the property. She said that considering that everyone including the applicant and City staff were ready to go today that they are requesting that the meeting be sometime sooner than February 3rd. She said that a month delay is pretty significant. Brian Hendry, the applicant, said it would be greatly appreciated if they could bring this before BOA before the February meeting. They have done a lot of work on their end and would like to show that to the Board. He said that there are virtually no changes to what was presented and approved before. Ms. Simon mentioned that they had been looking into other possible dates for the meeting and that there are two upcoming Thursdays that could potentially work for staff. January 20th and 27th were identified. Ms. Simon restated that their request would be February 3rd, but also said that staff will work with either date that the Board finds best. REGULAR MEETING ASPEN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT JANUARY 6, 2022 Ms. Adams said that they will make either date work. All commissioners said that January 20th would work for them. Mr. True said that there should be a motion to continue to that date certain and that it would be a special meeting. Chairperson Sandler motioned to continue to January 20th at 4:30 PM. Mr. Farrey seconded. Roll call: Mr. Farrey, yes; Mr. Frank, yes; Ms. Feddersen, yes; Mr. Sack, yes; Mr. Sandler, yes. All in favor, motion passes. Ms. Adams thanked the Board for pushing this up. OTHER BUSINESS: Board Elections Mr. True referenced the procedures in the bylaws of the Board of Adjustment, stating that there is an election for Chair and Vice-Chair at the first meeting of the year. He said that how it is handled is up to the Board. Mr. Sandler asked the Board if they wanted to keep everything the same. All commissioners agreed. Mr. Farrey motioned to appoint Ms. Feddersen as Vice-Chair and Mr. Sandler as Chair. Mr. Sandler seconded. Roll call vote: Mr. Farrey, yes; Mr. Frank, yes; Ms. Feddersen, yes; Mr. Sack, yes; Mr. Sandler, yes. All in favor, motion passes. ADJOURN: Ms. Feddersen motioned to adjourn. Mr. Sandler seconded. Roll call vote: Mr. Farrey, yes; Mr. Frank, yes; Ms. Feddersen, yes; Mr. Sack, yes; Mr. Sandler, yes. All in favor, motion passes. _____________________ Mike Sear, Deputy Clerk