Vice-chair, Willis Pember, called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Commissioners in attendance were Sallie Golden, John Whipple, Patrick
Sagal and Jim DeFrancia. Absent were Nora Berko and Jay Maytin.
Staff present:
Debbie Quinn, Assistant City Attorney
Amy Simon, Historic Preservation Officer
Kathy Strickland, Chief Deputy Clerk
Jonathan Hayden, Intern
Chris Bendon, Community Development Director
MOTION: John made the motion to approve the minutes of May 28" and
June 11,2014; second by Willis. All in favor, motion carried.
John said he will not vote on 400 E. Hyman because he was public noticed
His office is located within 300 feet.
Project Monitoring - 623 E. Hopkins — brick selection
Michael Noda, architect
Paul Schultz, Shaw construction
Michael said he brought a sample of the non-tumbled brick. The proposal is
a grain finish with sharp edges by Shefield Brick Company for the infill
building. The important thing about the color is the oxidization of the brick.
With the right joints and smooth edges it will give us exactly what we all
Patrick said he was the project monitor and felt the brick was identical to the
Berg building and he recommended a shade lighter brick. If the brick is
identical or darker it will overwhelm the historic resource.
Michael said the issue is that we wanted the structures to contract each other
and we wanted the back building darker as a backdrop for the Susie's cabin
which doesn't have brick on it.
Patrick asked about the window trim and will it be aluminum.
Michael said the window trim will match well with the brick in a lighter
gray color and it would be a painted finish. The Berg bldg. has a tumbled
finish and is a little lighter and a browner brick.
John said he likes the brick choice and the brick joints should remain the
Sallie and Jim agreed with John's comments.
HPC input on upcoming Community Development Department work
Chris Bendon, Community Development Department Head
Chris asked HPC what they would like the department to work on for the
next year.
Willis said the permit process would be a good thing to focus on— 3-D
renderings, streetscape elevation etc.
Amy suggested HPC's design guidelines
Improve the AspenModern negotiations
John said he feels the terminology of the different guidelines should be
addressed rather than having them sound one and the same. I am also in
favor of the lift one renovation. We need the quaint ADU's.
135 E. Cooper— Minor Development
MOTION: Jim moved to continue 135 E . Cooper to August 27th, 2014
second by John. All in favor, motion carried.
400 E. Hyman Ave. — Minor HPC review and Commercial Design
review, Public Hearing
Jonathan said the building houses a high end jewelry store. The proposal is
composed of six elements: changes to the fagade windows, removal of the
decorative column, outdoor lighting, signage alternations and the addition of
five condenser units to the roof top north east corner and the construction of
a railing to the roof top access and building edge.
Windows: The applicant is proposing to replace the upper and lower level
windows with larger store front style windows. This will bring it into
conformance with the adjacent corner building and provide more cohesion
on the pedestrian mall. The size and number of the proposed windows
meets the intent of the design guidelines.
Removal of the decorative column: The column is currently in front and is
visually obstructing the view. Without the column it would create a more
transparent retail level. The columns also clash with the architecture.
Outdoor lighting additions: The applicant is proposing 8 LED exterior down
lights flush with the entryway. The lights are low intensity and are directed
toward the storefront entry way and they are consistent with the land use
code. They will also help with safety and reduce glare.
Signage alterations: The sign would be brushed stainless steel with LED
backlighting and small in scale and simple construction. Only one lit sign is
Condenser units: The condensers will be in the north east corner and will be
away from the Hyman mall and Mill Street and set back 19 feet from the
Hyman mall which exceeds the 15 foot setback requirement of the code.
They are 4'5" in height and under the city's six foot height restriction.
Railing: The railing will be in the far north west corner of the building and
run east to west to gain roof top access. It is 3'6" in height and constructed
of steel rails.
Public notice: Exhibit I
Louis Loria, architect
Louis said the design is almost identical in style to the corner building that I
also did. We are going to restore whatever is removed which will be the
same color and match the existing. All the equipment will be hidden. The
column will be removed as it doesn't work well in scale and the way it
appears from the street. It will be much cleaner without the column. The
column didn't add character and it also blocks the entryway. There will also
be awnings as indicated in the elevations.
Patrick said he doesn't feel the windows comply with guideline 6.0 which
indicates the windows should have a vertical emphasis.
Louis said they are identical to the building on the corner which was
Willis opened the public hearing. There were no public comments. The
public hearing was closed.
Jim said the column doesn't fit the design of the building and it is
appropriate to have it removed.
Willis identified the issues:
Window changes
Column removed
Outdoor lighting
Mechanical equipment
Roof top railing
Sallie said the architect did a good job on the first building and it is
appropriate to have a complimentary building. I also am pleased that the
column is disappearing. The downtown vitality is picking up and this adds
one more sparkle to the mix and the design is inviting.
Jim said he is delighted to see the column go away.
Patrick said we are losing the historical character by not having the upper
windows having a vertical emphasis. We should look more for the
guidelines for guidance rather than variances from the guidelines.
Sallie pointed out that the windows are in scale with the building.
Enforcing a guideline that would sacrifice good architecture would be a
Jim also agreed that the windows are proportioned.
Willis said the windows create vitality and ads diversity on the street.
MOTION: Willis moved to approve resolution #17 with the conditions as
recommended; second by Jim. Motion carried 3-1.
Roll call vote: Patrick, no; Willis, yes; Sallie, yes; Jim, yes.
407 E. Hyman Ave. — Minor HPC Review, Commercial Design Review,
Public Amenity Review, Public Hearing
Affidavit of public notice - Exhibit I
Amy said this is a remodel that contains as much of the existing structure as
possible. They are trying to update the building in an affordable manner.
There are already height relationships established and floor to silling heights
established. On the upper floor windows the applicant has done a good job
of trying to create the tallest windows that they can. On the ground floor is
glass with a spandrel beam to give the perception that the building is as tall
as possible. This building currently has two separate tenants and the owner
wants to make sure they have exposure from the street. They are proposing
recessed entries even though they are losing precious square footage. It is
important that the board fully understands what the materials are going to be.
We should also see some kind of mockup in the field as to how this fits in
with the block. The City has a requirement that all development provide a
public amenity. The public amenity allows for people to contribute money
toward beautification around the building, cash-in-lieu payment or 10 % of
the property be left open to the sky. HPC needs to determine which form of
mitigation is appropriate here. Staff is not recommending the physical space
on the site because this is a small lot and it seems unnecessary on the
pedestrian mall to add additional outdoor area. The rough calculation for the
cash-in-lieu would be around $20,000. It is not something that HPC can
actually reduce. It will be addressed at the Building Department stage. Staff
has_some concerns about the materials.- This proposal is a significant- - - - -
approval to the relationship to the street over the existing building.
Patrick ask in the interest of entrepreneurship would a 10 x 20 square foot
parcel of a public amenity to be used as a commercial space be beneficial of
the Hyman area mall.
Amy said there is no opportunity on the site for that type of cart and this
building is only 1.5 feet from the property line. Staff would not recommend
pushing back the building. The applicant would probably be opposed to the
loss of net leasable space. There is an enormous amount of space provided
on the pedestrian mall.
Willis said the front fagade would move forward to the streetscape. There
will be recessed airlocks.
Frank Woods said the ownership is a partnership with his family. There is a
10 year lease on the ground floor. We feel these improvements would be a
significant upgrade to the fagade. We intend to give the second floor more
natural light. We aren't gaining any square footage. All that we are doing is
taking down the existing fagade and putting up a new fagade and we
question why it is coming under a redevelopment subject to the public
amenity. - - - - - - - - - - -
Amy said the Planning Office interprets the public amenity and the applicant
can have a discussion with the Department Head. In the future if you paid
now you probably would get some kind of credit on the next redevelopment.
Judd Clarence, contractor: This is a small building and we are dealing with
low heights and we are only dealing with the fagade. The material fabric
would be Colorado bluff stone with spandrel glass lentils. We also have a
parapet addition of 2x8 in case the building changes in the future and we
might need to put mechanical equipment up on the roof. The door will have
an air curtain and we don't intend to have awnings. The second floor comes
out over the ground floor. We could have clear glass behind the spandrel.
John suggested breaking the windows up with stone may add verticality to
the building.
Patrick also agreed the windows on the second floor should be separated up
with stone.
Judd said they can widen the steel mullions but the stone is difficult to work
Jim suggested widening the steel mullions.
Willis suggested the sill be steel on the ground level.
John said the sill should not stand out.
Judd agreed with Willis and they can do metal the whole way down for the
sill. There will be two lights on either side of the entry and one on the
second floor.
Willis said he is fine with the submittal. The cash-in-lieu is fair the way it is
Colored elevation—Exhibit II
Willis opened the public hearing. There were no public comments. The
public hearing was closed.
Sallie said staff and monitor can review the color of the stone and mullions
between the windows.
Jim said staff and monitor can pick the palate color.
MOTION: Jim moved to approve resolution #18 granting minor
development for the property at 407 E. Hyman with the conditions
recommended by staff. Staff and monitor to deal with the detail on the
window mullions and detail at the base. There are two different textures of
the stone being proposed. Motion second by John. All in favor, motion
carried 5-0.
Willis and Jim are the monitors.
MOTION: Jim moved to adjourn; second by John. All in favor, motion
Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
y �7 t-- L
Kathleen J. Strickland, Chief Deputy Clerk