HomeMy WebLinkAboutFile Documents.232 E Main St.0005-2021-BCOM (19)ASPEN WATER DEPARTMENT 130 SOUTH GALENA STREET ASPEN. CO 81611 Utility Connection Final Permit MCNNumber: C-22-025 Building Pemiil Number, if applicable: O005-2021-BCOM New ECU total: 2.0 UTILITY CONNECTION PERMIT AND WATER SERVICE AGREEMENT (form 20170617) THIS PERMIT EXPIRES ONE YEAR FRONT DATE. OF ISSUE IF UTILITY CONNECTION HAS NOT BEEN MADE PROJECT OR BUILDING I C'P PERMIT ISSI'AN('E DATE TAP DATE Commercial Tenant Finish Final2 -_' 2022 NA OWNER OF SUBJECT PROPERTY NI.ULING ADDRESS ("Propene Owner') 625 E MAIN ST UNIT 102B #401 232 EAST MAIN STREET LLC ASPEN, CO 81611 PROPERTY ADDRESS LOT BLOCK SUBDIVISION 232EMAINST 101 R&S ]t I CITY AND TOWNSITE OF ASPEN.CO81611 ASPEN ACCOUNTNUMBER PARCEL ID NUMBER #OF METERS SERVICE AREA O1-20 0185 40-02 2737 073 20 00ri 1 I Subject property located in City Boundaries", YES Irrigated Area Sq Ft: 1,395 NeuTap? YES Class of Service: COMMERCIAL Size of fire line tap: 4.0" Abandon Existing Tap? YES Size of domestic line: 1.0" Abandon Existing Well? NA COMPUTATION OF CHARGE Detail Total UTILITY INVESTMENT CHARGE Charge per F.('I'm Service Area 1 (2021) S9.334.0x 0= SO PAYMENT IN LIEU OF WATER RIGHTS PER ECU NA WELL DEVELOPMENT CHARGES PER ECU NA PREVIOUS UTILITI' INVESTMENT CHARGES PAID NA PREVIOUS UTILITY INVESTMENT CHARGES PAID NA PREVIOUS UTILITY INVESTME3'1' CHARGES PAID UCP #C-19-149: IIF30i2019 $11 590.00 Total connection charge due: s0 UTILITT CU,N,YL'('TIOA' PER.IIIT lfl.5T BESIG_VED/PAID If'ITD:1 SEP.4Rd TE CDE('R IV TIIE. hNOCVT I\DI('.ITI.'D. This final utility connection permit rellects no additional monies due for this tenant finish of I is ('hose Bank retail aVncc Iocand at 232 E. Mein Street, unit 9101. Initial tap fees were paid with the core and shell permit # 0132.201RACRN fur this building at time of initial permitting. There is one commercial water account providing water to the building visa 1.0" domestic crater service.'I'lie minimum M it's foe a 1.0" meter is 2A this account will remain at 2.0 ECT"s until further development exceeds this. Please reach out with questions. Thank you. No more than I service Boots) is (are) allowed under this Permit. Each must be controlled separately as its own curb valve. Application must he made to the W'nter Department for additional service lines. \\N'aatter Rights Conveyed to the City: Ar' pe 1 LO mun.nM+g�,H MS,r•wn,o� Steve Wilson a;. lclslll "I'll el. Signature of Owner of Subject Property Date City of Aspen Date s Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1 day ukkffl�, 20IJ4 by' i�� to —(Owner) T�(g LY 1'-- IA DURAN M., C.Jrt'/ commission espires: NOTAM PUBLICBLIC -STATE OF COLORA00 Natary Public NOTARY ID 20054005686 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAR 10, 2025 ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ARE IN THK Al"1A('HMENI' 1'O'i'HIS U HI.fTY CONNEC'TIOS AGREENIEN I. PHIS UTILITY CONNECTION AGREEMESI' HAS IAIPOR'I ANI LEGALCONSEQUENCES AND PROPER'rl' OIYNER IS AD%'ISED TO CONSUTA LEGAL COUNSEL BEFORE SIGN IN(:. ATTACHMENT TO UTILITY CONNECTION'AGREAIF.VT: ADD rR)NA L TERMS AND CONDITION'S OF C11'I OF ASPEN\\'ATERSERN ICE I. C'nnncrian to Ci y W'a r Svc m. ('it, mate,,vrvicv will be connected to the Subject Property in acconlame with all ,gnircmenm and provaloms of the Aspen Municipal Code and Asa•. W'atcr Department, including but not It max! to all applicable wandmh and spuifications for materials and meters. and all nynired Water Ocpanman inspections. _. Payment fur Will, Service Water use charges will he billed an.a monthly basis front Jane often inlet it. Pmpeny Owner has recited the Water Dcimnmenfs wriucn peon ern to have the curb valve closed. Should the verb wI,e M- f ild open with., Water Depanmmt permission, water charges will be hilly l back to the date of rep. Inhe Subject PoTcrty is not occupied oad communion is being undvrmkcm on the Subject Pmpcnv. the account tun the Subject Pmpeny will he billed at a construction rate for nine months from the Jars the lapis nude. At the end of wuh aawc loath period. the higher flat rate mill he nssessed until a water mearhas been installed and pusses inspection and the Certificate of0ecupmwy is iswcd, t'ponissuanocnfthe('enifieaw•of Occupancy, the account will then be billed at the City", trace service rate., applivablc• it, dos Subject Property, as winch mtes may Is, changed from time to time. 3. Utility Investment Charge: Lthat, luwegrocal'hamv(Tap liC0lumvd on w,er tiring fixtures will he calculated initially hmcs an the attached workshem and arc subjutto revision upon survey ofthe fixture., in the annnpleteJ structure. Within Ft days of final survey. Pmperp' Owncc shall pay any increase• in Utility lumewmern Ras remared by the survey, or the City shall refund any m'erpaynam made prim to the final survey. ADDI'PONAL WA "I FR-0SING FACILITIES INSTA LLPD FOLLOWING l'HF. FINAL SURVEY SHALL RE. REPORTED '1'O'1'HE- . WA'I LR DEPAR'FMI;N1AND AID SCH111Cr'10 ADD]'[ IONAL L'11.I l Y IN VESTM I r CHARGES AS DE1 FRMINED D\' "rHli W'Al'I:R DLPAR'I MIiN'I', q. Landsca g. If the fixtures authorize) for this permit include one or mom hose hills. up in 3.111"lam feet of irrigated lawns and gmNens are pcnnjheJ. Additional irrigoti.n will be allowedmdyifatkhtional L['( s me mlaalvd in the attached xnrlohm,I. the Subject Pmpeny fur irnuo wan. 'I'hv mtal amonnwf irtiumcJ lamnx and gardens au@orirod by Ibis Uility ('onneetion Evora will be Jnemrined by the final l:('U s iney. Irrigation in csevss of the amo,n allowed by this Uilit, ('moselion Permit will require Water Departmenl approve], amendment of this permit and additional connection charges, no,door initiation is punniOM by this Utility Connection Permit. and if the Subject Property is subject to the ('try of Aspen Water I flieie t Landscaping Standards to, the pilm Projm for such smadads) ["Aspen Landscaping StanJurds'I"al I land,vm nu will be Jaignol. inma led land maintained in accordance with, and subject m the uequiremrns of the Aspen Landscaping Standards. 5. No Iak.endent WaterSymtema. Aspen shall be due ode pmyider of all treated and animated water wn'ica• to the Subjcet Ihrymrty, for all puTosys. including initiation. V, about Aspeni s prior written perunision, there shall be no use on the subject I•mpeny of. or treated water from wells. ditches err othr source. 'Ihe owner of the Subject Property will not Jevultm. mill", or utilim ern independent treated or untreated water system, or any wells within or m rsing the Subjut Property. h, Abandonmetn.f Lxistine Wclbwd Uuof Wells Primmiutunee nfa l'cnificnm ol(kaulmnry'.Ihv 1'ropvny (liner shall have all wet6located on the Subject Pma:rty properly fit otigcs. scaled and abandoned as r,a," by the of and reg lkohns (including any amendments or revisions thereof, of the ('olomdo State Engineer foraboadontncm of wells. II'am, well sanes the Suhjeel Property but is not owned by Property Owner, or is not located ern the Sttbj et Propcny. or sencs puupedce in addition to the Subject Prcjee. Property lhener shall pemmnendy disconnect well sell. to the Suhjed Property (roan such well..\ eeni licme of well shundonment or ecidmem of permmwnt doessanetion. as the case may be. shall be pmcid,d bt Aspen prinno imnmlee of the ('enifkate of Occupancy. Property Owner will record the(irtificale of Abandonment and provide.a copy of the revolved C'ertifcate to Aspen within an Jays ofabandonment. ]. W'cli Perm s and W'a cr R'uh s A,,n a cJ wth W efts. xk ell lwaral-old xny decrees lit exempt wv16 associated with any wells located on the Subject Prelnnv shall be ca uxlIcd, Water nglns dvcrad m wells on err serving the Suhicet Propeny. other than decrees for exempt wells IrmeJ on the Snhjrl Propeny, shall be a hi,wd ar conveyed to Aspen, oc relinquished by the Pmperty (hmcr, al Aspefs discretion. The Propeny Owner shall relinquish tiny water rights to wells shared with other,. which enc the Subjca Pmpeny. Suchtmnsfen.ormlinquishmenlsshallMcompletediwdisrea('enificamof(kaupancyisissued. u. Water R'eM1s or Payment 1. em ofWi m R ,his. A it conneehm as ]critics in&In I2_5.1i0?0(b)aflhe Aspen Municipal (ids, or row amandolunt or revision thereof. the Pmpeny Owner meal. oa condition of receiving Aspen mamnenice (at either convey waver nglms aceelnable Inc Aspen or snake a pnvmem in lieu thereof as proeidcs in the A,i at Municipal Code. and (b) ago to annex the Suhjed Emptily to the ('ity of Axiwn when requested by Aspen m do so. Property Owner axknowledur and atirus that he Subject 1'mrynty will he annexed to the C'iry of AsNa at such lime as Aspen requests annexation and PTmwny Owner will pay all crow associated with such annexation. 9. Well System Oc%cioniment Fee. Awall system development 6vmill bc:uxssed ifamiicuble and moil be Enid vain issuance ofthis Utility C ameeion Is mul. 10. AbanJomm+v of Ex'v' g'fa a L' e a W Me cis. All existing Aspen water brim to dos Sauce Pmpeny ial are tube muldond taus( he physically screed fnnn the ('iry xatcr.,ysneun, and xll mitt lines and .warn to M abanJnneJ nnust he AioonneneJ in KcoMmlcL with W'atcr Department proeedums. Pmpeny(Nacrshall contact he Aspen Water Depanmgnao schedule Water Department inspection ,I all laps, ser,ive lines, told meter installations. as well as all alundonrl wells on the Subject Properly, prior to receiving ('by water smiles under this Uti]ity, ('omnection Permit. 11, Subirt m t at , 0 v ('honer and (bde. the xmer sonic: provided pursuant o this I fifity, ('nnnectiou Penult is sabjecn in. and the Property Owner. Subjut Pmpiam. and all acanpnms thereof, are bound hy. all applicable state and fbderal laws. and all applicable provisions of the ('haver ofthe ('ity of Aspen. the Aspen Municipal ('ode. and all applicable mks. regulations. Policies and ordinances of the ('hy of Aspen now, in affect or as may hereafter be auloplvd. 12. Recording. Aspen rill record this Utility Connection l4uit and it will be a coscumnt mining with the Subject Puupeny.enforceable against Pmpeny Owner nnA.wbsryuem oxncr, of the Subjcet Pntarty. IJ. Auffiorimion. Dvsigningthis Agreenwm. Praarty Ownrnpnxmt la AspvnhvAn, it istheownerofilm Subject Pmpsrtyand that ail Procedera nuessay to validly contnet and vxrme this Itilirv('onneetion Pemnit have been pertivmeJ,anal that he p ax i signing for Property Owner is duly aathareved to do so.