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This form is required for projects needing special inspection and/or testing per Chapter 17 of the International
Building Code (IBC).
Project Address: __________________________________ Permit Number: ______________________
BEFORE A PERMIT CAN BE ISSUED: The owner, or the design professional in responsible charge, acting as
the owner’s agent, shall complete two copies of this agreement and the attached Special-inspection and Testing
Schedule, including the required acknowledgments. A pre-construction conference with the parties involved may be
required to review the special-inspection requirements and procedures.
APPROVAL OF SPECIAL INSPECTORS: Special inspectors may have no financial interest in the projects for
which they provide special inspections. Special inspectors shall be approved by the building department prior to
performing any duties. Special inspectors shall submit their qualifications and are subject to personal interviews for
pre-qualification. Special inspectors shall display approved identification, as stipulated by the building official,
when performing the function of special inspector.
Special inspection and testing shall meet the minimum requirements of the International Building Code Section
1704. The following conditions are also applicable:
A. Special Inspector Responsibilities:
1. Signify presence at job site. Special inspectors should notify contractor personnel of their
presence and responsibilities at the job site. If required by the building official, they shall sign in
on the appropriate form posted with the building permit.
2. Observe assigned work. The special inspector shall observe assigned work for conformance with
the building department approved (stamped) design drawings, specifications, and applicable
workmanship provisions of the International Building Code. Architect\engineer-reviewed shop
drawings may be used only as an aid to inspection.
For continuous special-inspection, the special inspector shall be on site at all times observing the
work requiring special inspection. Periodic inspections, if any, must have prior approval based on
a separate written plan reviewed and approved by the building department and the engineer or
architect of record.
3. Report nonconforming items. The special inspector shall bring nonconforming items to the
immediate attention of the contractor and note all such items in the daily report. If any item is not
resolved in a timely manner or is about to be incorporated in the work, the special inspector shall
immediately notify the building department by telephone or in person, notify the engineer or
architect, and post a discrepancy notice.
4. Provide timely reports. The special inspector shall complete written inspection reports for each
inspection visit and provide the reports on a timely basis determined by the building official. The
special inspector or inspection agency shall furnish these reports directly to the building official,
engineer or architect of record, and others as designated. [IBC Sec. 1704.1.2] These reports should
be organized on a daily format and may be submitted weekly at the option of the building official.
These reports should include:
a. Description of daily inspections and tests made with applicable locations,
b. Listing of nonconforming items,
c. Report on how nonconforming items were resolved or unresolved as applicable,
d. Itemized changes authorized by the architect, engineer, and building official if
not included in nonconforming items
5. Provide Final Inspection Report. The special inspector shall submit a written final report
documenting required special inspections and correction of any discrepancies noted in the
inspections prior to the final building inspection.
232 E Main St, Aspen, CO 0005-2021-BCOM
B. Owner Responsibilities:
1. The project owner, the design professional in responsible charge, or an agent of the owner is
responsible for employing special-inspection services. The special inspector/agency shall not be in
the employ of the contractor, subcontractor or material supplier. [IBC Sec 1704.1] In case of an
owner/contractor, the special inspector\agency shall be employed as specified by the building
C. Design Professional in Responsible Charge Responsibilities:
Design Professional in Responsible Charge definition: An individual who is registered or licensed to practice their
respective design profession as defined by the statutory requirements of the professional registration laws of the state or
jurisdiction in which the project is to be constructed; who is engaged by the owner to review and coordinate certain
aspects of the project, as determined by the building official, for compatibility with the design of the building or
1. Prepare statement of special inspections. The registered design professional in responsible
charge shall prepare a statement of special inspections in accordance with IBC Section 1705 for
submittal by the applicant. The statement of special inspections shall identify the following:
a. The materials, systems, components and work required to have special inspection or
testing by the building official or by the registered design professional responsible for
each portion of the work.
b. The type and extent of each special inspection.
c. The type and extent of each test.
d. For each type of special inspection, identification as to whether it will be continuous
special inspection or periodic special inspection.
D. Contractor Responsibilities:
1. Notify the special inspector. The contractor is responsible for notifying the special inspector or
agency regarding individual inspections for items listed on the attached schedule and as noted on
the building department approved plans. Adequate notice shall be provided so the special inspector
has time to become familiar with the project.
2. Provide access to approved plans. The contractor is responsible for providing the special
inspector access to approved plans.
3. Retain special inspection records. Upon request, the contractor is also responsible for retaining,
at the job site, all special inspection records completed by the special inspector.
E. Inspection of Fabricators:
1. Fabrication of structural assemblies and members. Where fabrication of structural load-bearing
members and assemblies is being performed on the premises of a fabricator’s shop, IBC Section
1704.2 shall require special inspection of the fabricated items.
2. Fabrication and implementation procedures. The special inspector shall verify that the
fabricator maintains detailed fabrication and quality control procedures that provide a basis for
inspection control of the workmanship and the fabricator’s ability to conform to approved
construction documents and reference standards. The special inspector shall review the procedures
for completeness and adequacy relative to code requirements for fabricator’s scope of work.
F. Approved Fabricator Responsibilities:
1. Fabrication exempt inspections. Special inspections are not required where work is done on the
premise of a fabricator registered and approved to perform such work without special inspection.
If work is done on site that requires special inspection, special inspection will be required.
2. Approval of fabricator. Approval shall be based upon review of the fabricator’s written
procedural and quality control manuals and periodic auditing of fabrication practices by an
approved special inspection agency.
3. Completion of fabrication. Upon completion of fabrication, the approved fabricator shall submit
certificate of compliance to the building official stating that the work was performed in accordance
with the approved construction documents.
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Denis Murray 8/19/21 Denis.Murray@cityofaspen.com
The International Building Code (IBC) has set forth a number of stipulations in which the employment of special
inspectors is mandatory. In the first edition of the IBC, the owner or the registered design professional in responsible
charge acting as the owner’s agent is required to provide specially qualified inspectors for continuous or periodic
inspections during construction (IBC Sec. 1705.1). These inspections are in addition to the inspections specified in
IBC section 109. Exceptions to special inspection are noted also.
A special inspector is a person who has been approved by the building official to perform certain types of inspection
as detailed in IBC section 1704. These generally include:
A. Inspection of fabricators: Where fabrication of structural load-bearing members and assemblies are being
performed on the premises of the fabricator. Note exception for approved fabricators. See Section 1704.2.
B. Steel construction: See Table 1705.2 for detailed information regarding inspections. Major areas under
steel construction are:
1. material verification of high-strength bolts, nuts, and washers;
2. inspection of high-strength bolting,
3. material verification of structural steel,
4. material verification of weld filter materials,
5. inspection of welding for both structural steel and reinforcing steel, and,
6. inspection of steel frame joint details for compliance with approved construction documents.
C. Concrete construction: See Table 1705.3 for detailed information regarding inspection. Major areas under
steel construction are:
1. inspection of reinforcing steel, including prestressing tendons, and placement,
2. inspection of bolts to be installed in concrete prior to and during placement of concrete,
3. verification of use required design mix,
4. sampling of fresh concrete and performing slump, air content and fresh concrete temperature at
time of making specimens for strength tests,
5. inspection of concrete and shotcrete placement for proper application techniques,
6. inspection for maintenance of specified curing temperature and techniques,
7. inspection of prestressed concrete including application of prestressing forces and grouting of
bonded prestressing tendons,
8. erection of precast concrete members,
9. verification of in-situ concrete strength prior to stressing of tendons in post-tensioned
concrete and prior to removal of shores and forms from beams and structural slabs.
D. Masonry construction: See IBC Tables 1604.5 and 1617.6 for classification of building or structure
requiring special inspection. Tables 1705.4 show detailed information regarding level 1 and level 2 special
inspections for masonry construction. Major areas under masonry construction are:
1. verification of site-prepared mortar, construction of mortar joints, and locations of
reinforcement and connectors,
2. verification of size and location of structural elements; type, size, and location of anchors;
including details of anchorage of masonry to structural members, frames, or other construction,
3. verification of specified size, grade, and type of reinforcement,
4. verification of welding of reinforcing bars,
5. verification of protection of masonry during hot and cold weather,
6. verification prior to grouting that the grout space is clean and correct proportions of site-prepared
grout are present,
7. preparation of any grout specimens, mortar specimens, and\or prisms,
8. verification of compliance with required inspection provisions of the construction documents and
the approved submittals.
E. Wood construction: Inspection of the fabrication of wood structural elements and assemblies. See Section
F. Soils: Inspection of site preparation prior to placement of prepared fill, verification of fill materials and
maximum lift thickness, and verification that in-place densities meet soils report. See Section 1705.6.
G. Pile foundations: Inspection of installation and testing of pile foundations, and recording of installation,
load test, and cutoff and tip elevation of each pile. See Section 1705.9.
H. Pier foundations: Inspection of pier foundations in accordance with Section 1616.3 for buildings located
Vestibule Storefront
steel frame.
in Seismic Design Categories C, D, E, or F. See Section 1705.8.
I. Wall panels and veneers: Inspection of exterior and interior architectural wall panels and the anchoring of
veneers for building assigned to Seismic Design Categories E and F. Inspections of veneers shall meet
requirements of Section 1704.5. See Section 1704.10
J. Sprayed fire-resistant materials: Inspection of fire-resistant material applied to structural elements and
decks in accordance with Section 1705.14.
K. Exterior insulation and finish systems (EIFS): See Section 1705.16 for exceptions to required
L. Special cases: Inspections that, in the opinion of the building official, are needed because of the use of
alternate materials, unusual design, or use of materials not having building code approval that are necessary
to meet special manufacturer requirements. See Section 1705.1.1
M. Smoke control: See Section 1705.18.
A. Purpose of Special Inspection: Special Inspection is the monitoring of the materials and workmanship
that are critical to the integrity of the building structure. It is a review of the work that the contractors and
their employees to assure that the approved plans and specifications are being followed and that relevant
codes and ordinances are being observed. The special inspection process is in addition to those inspections
conducted by the municipal building inspector and by the engineer or architect of record as part of periodic
structural observation. The special inspectors furnish continuous or periodic inspection as prescribed in
IBC 1704 for that construction which requires their presence. Good communication between the special
inspector and the designers, contractor, and building department is essential to project quality assurance.
B. Duties and Responsibilities of the Special Inspector: Though not required by code, special inspectors
and/or inspection agencies can document acceptance of their responsibilities and scope of work for a
project by signing an agreement that includes a detailed schedule of services, commonly known as the
Special-Inspection and Testing Agreement and the Special-Inspection and Testing Schedule. Duties of
special inspectors and\or inspection agencies include the following:
1. Signify presence at job site. Special inspectors should notify contractor personnel of their
presence and responsibilities at the job site. If required by the building official, they shall sign in
on the appropriate form posted with the building permit.
2. Observe assigned work. [IBC Section 1704] Special inspectors shall inspect all work for which
they are responsible for conformance with the building department approved (stamped) plans and
specifications and applicable provisions of the IBC.
3. Signify presence at job site. Special inspectors should notify contractor personnel of their
presence and responsibilities at the job site. If required by the building official, they shall sign in
on the appropriate form posted with the building permit.
4. Provide timely reports. The special inspector should complete written inspection reports for each
inspection visit and provide the reports on a timely basis determined by the building official. The
special inspector or inspection agency shall furnish these reports directly to the building official,
engineer, or architect of record, and others as designated. [IBC Section 1704.1.2] These reports
should be organized on a daily and weekly format and may be submitted weekly at the option of
the building official. In these reports, special inspectors should include:
a. Describe inspections and tests made, with applicable locations b. Indicate how nonconforming items were resolved
c. List unresolved items, parties notified, time and method of notification
d. Itemize changes authorized by the engineer or architect of record if not included in the
nonconforming items.
5. Submit final report. Special inspectors or inspection agencies shall submit a final signed report to
the building department stating that all items requiring special inspection and testing were fulfilled
and reported, and to the best of their knowledge, in conformance with the approved plans,
specifications, and the applicable provisions of the IBC. [IBC Section 1704.1.2] Items not in
conformance, unresolved items, or any discrepancies in inspection coverage (i.e. missed
inspections, periodic inspection when continuous inspection was required, etc) should be
specifically itemized in this report.
C. Duties and Responsibilities of the Project Owner: The project owner, the engineer, architect of record,
or an agent of the owner is responsible for funding special inspections services. The special
inspector\agency shall not be in the employ of the contractor, subcontractor, or material supplier. [IBC
Section 106.3.5] In the case of an owner\contractor, the special inspector\agency shall be employed as
specified by the building official.
D. Duties and Responsibilities of the Design Professional in Responsible Charge: The design professional
in responsible charge should be a consenting party by written acknowledgement of special inspection and
testing agreements. The design professional in responsible charge has many duties and responsibilities
related to special inspection, including the following:
1. Prepare special inspection program. The design professional in responsible charge shall list the
items for which special inspection is required; and shall indicate any items for which the IBC or
the building official approves periodic inspection and the frequency of such inspection. The design
professional in responsible charge should coordinate with the project owner in the selection of
special inspectors [IBC Section 1704.1] and is required to list special inspectors and their duties
on the special inspection program. The standard of the industry for employing a qualified
inspection agency is its compliance with the requirements of ASTM E-329. The choice of special
inspector should include the following considerations:
a. Project size and complexity: experience with similar projects
b. Inspection staffing: sufficient qualified inspectors
c. Site location: proximity of inspection and testing facilities
d. Off-site inspection: capabilities for inspecting at remote locations
E. Duties and Responsibilities of the Contractor: The contractor’s duties include the following:
1. Notify the special inspector. The holder of the building permit or their duly authorized agent is
responsible for notifying the special inspector or agency regarding individual inspections as
required by the building department. [IBC Section 109.5] Adequate notice shall be provided so
that the special inspector has time to become familiar with the project.
2. Provide access to approved plans. The contractor is responsible for providing the special
inspector access to approved plans. [IBC Section 106.3.1]
3. Retain special inspection records. When required by the building official, the contractor is
responsible for retaining, at the job site, all special inspection records submitted by the special
inspector, and providing them for review to the building department’s inspector upon request.
F. Duties and responsibilities of the Building Official: Of all the team members involved in the construction
process, the building official is the only one with the legal authority to enforce the special inspection
provisions of the code. [IBC Section 104.4] The employment of a special inspector or agency shall not
relieve the building department of responsibility for progress or called inspections as required by the code.
Building department inspections of items also requiring special inspection should not be signed off without
the concurrence of the special inspector.
The specific duties and responsibilities of the building official relating to he special inspection include the
1. Review submittal documents for compliance with special inspection requirements. The
building official is charged with the legal authority to review the plans, specifications, special
inspection program, and other submittal documents for the compliance with code requirements.
[IBC Section 104.2, 106.3, 106.5]
2. Approve special inspection program. The building official is responsible for approving the
special inspection program submitted by the design professional in responsible charge [IBC
Section 1704.1] and may require a preconstruction conference to review the program with all
appropriate members of the construction team.
3. Approve special inspectors/inspection agencies. The building official is responsible for
determining the competence of special inspectors for the types of work they will be inspecting.
[IBC Section 1704]
4. Monitor special inspection activities. The building official should monitor the special inspection
activities at the job site to assure that qualified special inspectors are performing their duties when
work requiring special inspection is in progress.
5. Review inspection reports. The building official receives and reviews special inspection progress
reports and final reports for conformance with the approved plans, specifications, and
workmanship provisions of the code. [IBC Section 1704.1.2]
6. Perform special inspection. The building official should not perform the final inspection and
approval of a project [IBC Section 109.3.10] until the final special inspection report has been
reviewed and approved.
The use of special inspectors is not discretionary. IBC Section 1704 clearly states the conditions under
which they must be utilized, but there is a provision for the building official to waive the special inspection
for work of a minor nature.
It is the responsibility of the building official to determine the competency of special inspectors. The IBC
does not make specific requirements for the determination of an inspector’s qualifications, but that in no
way lessens the importance of being selective in this crucial process.
A qualified special inspector usually has skills that are significantly more specialized than those of regular
municipal inspectors. A municipal inspector is required to have a general knowledge of a great number of
code requirements, whereas special inspectors focus on limited areas of structural inspection and materials
G. Duties and Responsibilities of the approved fabricator Special inspections required by this code are not
required where work is done on the premises of a fabricator registered and approved to perform such work
without special inspection. Approved shall be based upon review of the fabricator’s written procedural and
quality control manuals and periodic auditing of fabrication practices by an approved special inspection
agency. At completion of fabrication, the approved fabricator shall submit a certificate of compliance to the
building official stating that the work was performed in accordance with the approved construction
Name: Category: Phone:
Rebecca Gremillion
Carbondale, CO 81623
Reinforced Concrete
Structural Steel\Welding
High-Strength Bolting
Stuart M. Hackett
Thorton, CO
Reinforced Concrete
Structural Steel\Welding
High-Strength Bolting
Sprayed-applied Fireproofing
Scott L. Maxwell
Grand Junction, CO 81505
Structural Steel\Welding
High-Strength Bolting
David L. Sturgeon
Conifer, CO
Structural Steel\Welding
High-Strength Bolting
Bernie Whitman
Rifle, CO
Structural Steel\Welding 970/370-8644
CTL Thompson
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601
Various 970/945-2809
Hepworth Pawlak
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601
Various 970/945-8454
West Slope Testing and Inspection
Grand Junction, CO 81505
Structural Steel\Welding
High-Strength Bolting
Thunder Mountain Testing
2973 F. Road
Grand Junction, CO 81504
Various 970/256-9965
Ground Engineering
41 Inverness Drive East
Englewood, CO 80112
Various 303/289-1989
Name: Phone:
Myers and Company Architectural
555 Basalt Ave.
Basalt CO 81621
Western Slope Iron & Supply Inc
670 23 Rd.
Grand Junction CO 81505
Zimkor LLC
PO Box 1006
7011 Titan Rd.
Littleton CO 80160