HomeMy WebLinkAboutFile Documents.232 E Main St.0005-2021-BCOM (8)ADDRESS: 232 E Main St, Aspen CO PERMIT NUMBER: 21-0083
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I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances
governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate
or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating Construction or the performance of construction. It is my responsibility to review the
approved plans and any comments that are contained thereon and see that the structure and/or project is built in compliance with all applicable codes.
Additionally. I understand that I am responsible for ensuring that all sub -permits associated with my project are submitted to the City In compliance
with the approved Master plan set. I stand [ha[ he City does not review sub -permits for compliance with the master plan set
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❑ Checklfyou are atested owner builder (single-family homes only). YOU musttAiii testand complete the owner/building affidavit.
(CITY USE ONLY) Owner builder approved by: Date: Affidavit on file
CO 81611
ADDRESS: 232 E Mein St, Aspen CO PERMIT NUMBER: 21-0083
All applications for a building permit within the City of Aspen are required to include a certification of cc
with applicable covenants and homeowner association policies. The certification must be signed by the
owner or attorney representing the property owner. The following certification shall accompany the ap
for a permit.
ADDRESS 232E Main St, Aspen CO rvnx raacerwa 100 273707320008
I, the property owner, certify as follows: (pick one)
0 This property is not subject to a homeowners association or other form of private covenant.
❑ This property is subject to a homeowners association or private covenant and the improvements
proposed in this building permit do not require approval by the homeowners association or covenant
❑ This property is subject to a homeowners association or private covenant and the improvements
proposed in this building permit have been approved by the homeowners association or covenant beneficiary.
I understand the City of Aspen does not interpret, enforce, or manage the applicability, meaning, or effect
of private covenants or homeowne c tion rules or bylaws. I understand that this document is a public
Owner Signature Date 01-19-2021
Owner Printed Name
Owner's Attorney Signature
Owner's Attorney Printed Name
Date 1-15-2021
ADDRESS: 232 E Main St, Aspen CO PERMIT NUMBER: 21-0083
All applications for a building permit within the City of Aspen are required to include a certification of
compliance with building permit valuation requirements. The certification must be signed by the property
owner or authorized representative. The following certification shall accompany the application for a permit.
I, the property owner or authorized agent, understand and certify as follows:
City of Aspen Ordinance No. 40, Series of 2016 adopts the 2015 International Residential Code (IRC) and
International Building Code (IBC) with certain amendments. These codes define building valuation as follows:
R108.3 Building permit valuations. Building permit valuation shall include total value of the work for which a
permit is being issued, such as electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing equipment, and other permanent systems,
including materials and labor.
109.3 Building permit valuations. The applicant for a permit shall provide an estimated permit value at time
of application. Permit valuations shall include total value of work, including materials and labor, for which the
permit is being issued, such as electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing equipment and permanent systems. If, in
the opinion of the building official, the valuation is underestimated on the application, the permit shall be
denied, unless the applicant can show detailed estimates to meet the approval of the building official. Final
building permit valuation shall be set by the building official.
City policy indicates that permit valuation includes materials and labor for the structure and mechanical,
electrical, plumbing and gas, fire sprinkler and elevator systems and equipment. Permanent systems such as
audio visual, lighting and HVAC controls are included in the total as are expenses directly related to construction
such as equipment rental and contractor fees. Finish materials such as paint, Floor coverings, tile, cabinets and
counter tops are included in the permit valuation total.
Costs such as architectural and engineering design fees, landscaping and planting, tap fees, development
mitigation fees, trash removal, and cleaning are not included.
I certify that the permit valuation entered on the permit application for this property complies with the above
valuation requirements. I understard t#,%, ,;lyWgcument is a public document.
Soo Dub,
Dzte. zozi.m.ia 01-25-2021
Owner Signature: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,„ Date:
Owner Printed Name: Sunll Dubey
Authorized Agent Signature:
Authorized Agent Printed Name:
Asbestos is a known human carcinogen and is an airborne hazard. Once airborne, asbestos fibers can stay suspended in the air for days,
weeks, or even months before settling out of the air. The fibers can easily become airborne again from a minor disturbance like turning
on an air conditioner. Uncontrolled asbestos abatement projects or renovation projects that disturb asbestos may cause latent asbestos
hazards that could expose people to asbestos in the future, long after the renovation activity occurred. The airborne asbestos fiber
concentrations resulting from disturbances may result in a significant exposure to the current and future occupants of the home.
The 1989 "ban" on asbestos -containing materials is commonly misunderstood. In fact, in 1991 the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of appeals
vacated much of the so-called "Asbestos Ban and Phaseout Rule" and remanded it to the EPA. Thus, much of the original 1989 EPA ban
on the U.S. manufacturing, importation, processing, or distribution in commerce of many asbestos -containing product categories was
set aside and DID NOT TAKE EFFECT. Therefore, ALL demolition, remodel or renovation projects must determine if disturbed material
above the trigger levels contains asbestos.
[JYes O No
Residential: Will you be removing more than 32 sq ft, 50 linear feet (e.g., pipe insulation), or the volume
equivalent of a 55-gallon drum of any material besides concrete, wood, bricks, or steel — examples are drywall,
linoleum, ceiling tiles, roofing materials, etc.?
❑ Yes (] NO
Commercial: Will you be removing more than 160 sq ft, 260 linear feet (e.g., pipe insulation), or the volume
equivalent of a 55-gallon drum of any material besides concrete, wood, bricks, or steel —examples are drywall,
linoleum, carpet, carpet adhesives, ceiling tiles, roofing materials, etc.?
If the answer is YES to any of the above, you will need an asbestos test before you can receive a building and/
or demolition permit. You will also need to provide plans indicating areas to be demolished and determine if a
CO state demolition license is required. A state certified asbestos inspector must do this test and the test report
must be submitted with the building permit application. If the building has asbestos, a state certified asbestos
abatement firm must remove it. After removal, the abatement firm must provide a letter to the Building
Department stating that all the asbestos has been removed and that the air is clean. This letter must be received
BEFORE a permit will be issued. (See the local or statewide Yellow Pages, DexOnLine, or http://www.cdphe.state.
co.us/ap/asbestos/index.html for certified asbestos inspectors and abatement companies. ALWAYS ask for proof
of current state certification.)
If you are demolishing the building, you must submit a demolition permit app with the CDPHE in addition to the
Aspen permit app. This form may be found at https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/cdphe/asbestos-forms NOTE:
A copy of this demolition permit app must be submitted with the initial building permit application. When the
CDPHE approves the app, their issued permit must be given to the Aspen Building Dept before we issue our
I hereby certify that the above information is true and complete.
Owner Sunil Dubey Phone#(312) 213-6120
Applicant (print name) Andrew Kukhar Phone If (720) 275-0480
ApplicantSignature 'D`Ddr2W KUkh81-"=:""-
"" Date 01-25-2021
Please call the City of Aspen Environmental Health Department at 920-5039 at any time if you have questions
about asbestos, interpreting your test results, or other matters.
Applicability: All development projects must comply with the City's zoning regulations, including height and
location, and are subject to periodic inspection during construction and a final inspection prior to project
completion. When required by the City's Zoning Officer, certain development projects within the City of Aspen
shall verify height and/or location compliance through submission of a survey report.
Unless otherwise exempted, all commercial, multi -family, lodging, and mixed -use projects proposed within one
foot of the maximum permissible height or within one foot of allowable setbacks shall verify zoning compliance
through this method.
In addition, the Zoning Officer may require this method be used to verify zoning compliance for single-family/
duplex development or other projects where compliance may be in question. Independent of this policy, all
projects must comply with all applicable zoning limitations.
The Zoning Officer will inform the applicant during building permit review if verification will be required.
However, circumstances may require zoning compliance verification of a project which is already underway.
Timing: Height verification should be accomplished at a point of construction when enough roof structure is in
place to accurately measure the structure yet early enough in the process to still make changes if the structure
is too tall. Location verification should be accomplished at a point of construction when the final exterior of the
structure can be accurately measured in relation to setback requirements. Applicants are encouraged to confer
with the Zoning Officer regarding the timing of zoning compliance verification. Applicants are encouraged to
perform their own verification during construction to ensure the building is progressing to plan, including the
height and location of foundation forms prior to concrete pours.
Survey Report: A Colorado Professional Land Surveyor shall describe and depict the height and location of a
structure compared to the dimensions shown on the zoning sheets of the approved building permit plan set. The
City's Zoning Officer can assist in determining which elements of the structure should be measured and if natural
or finished grade should be used.
The report shall include the following information:
1-A brief cover letter with the building permit number, name of the project, name of the owner and general
contractor, with a written description of the measurement methods including dates) of measurement.
2-For location verification: A plan drawing showing property boundaries, permitted setbacks, building envelope
(if applicable), location of foundation walls, location of the outermost exterior of each structure (inclusive of all
exterior veneer or other exterior treatments), and the location and dimension of each observed measurement.
3-For height verification: Elevation drawing(s) showing the natural or finished grade of the property, maximum
permitted height, building elevations including the nominal roof form (inclusive of the first layer of exterior
sheathing or weatherproofing membrane but excluding all exterior surface treatments such as shakes, shingles,
or other veneer treatments orornamentation), and the location and dimension of each observed measurement.
Additional roof plans showing location of measurements may be necessary.
Erik Ressel
Erik Ressel