HomeMy WebLinkAboutFile Documents.905 Chatfield Rd.0111.2018 (62).ARBKSTORMWATER BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES
City of Aspen, Colorado
THISAGREEMENT meQQe and maxeiintotgems , 2q1, by and between(Insert
Full NarmofOwner WA 0 a hereinathu.idledthe
"Landowner",and the City of Aspen, Colo. o, hereinafter called the "City".
WHEREAS, the landowner is the owner ofcermin real property describedas (Pithln County tax MapTarcel
Identification Number) located at
and as more fully sit follows, to wit:
alsolmowv as, —1�S �i�:^f�-'rl "l.6erei Rer called the "Property";and
WHEREAS, the Candowneris proceeding to build on and develop the property; and
WHEREAS, the stonnwater managerm ntBMP Operations and Maintenance Plan for the property identified herein
has beenapproved by the City, herein aftercalled the'Tlan", which is attached hereto as Appendix A and madepart
hereof, is approved by the City, provides formanagament of stormweterwithin the confines of the Property through
the use ofsmrmwatwmanagement or Best ManagementPmefices (BMPs) facilities; and
WHEREAS, die City and the Landowner, its successors and assign, agree that the health, safety, and welfareof
the residents of City of Aspen, Colorado and the maintenance ofwaterquality require that on -site stoneweter
managemenUBMP facilities be constructed and maintained on the Property; and
WHEREAS, the City requires, through implementation of the Plan from the Landowners dated
and attached hereto, that en -site stmmwatermanagementIEWshis shown on the Plus be
adequately constructed, operated, and maintained by the Landowner, Its successors and assigns.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises, the mutual covenants contained herein,
and the following terms and conditions, the parties hereto agree as follows:
1. Construction ofBMP facility by Landowner. The on -site smmnvatercomagement/BMP facilities shall be
constructed by.the Landowner, its successors and assigns, in accordance with the plans and sgecifications
approved by the City and identified in the Plan.
2. Duty of Operation and Maintenance of Facility. The Landowner, its successors and assigns, including any
homeowners association, shall adequately operate, inspect, and maintain the stormwater managemenUBMP
facilities as acceptable to the City and in accordance with the specific operation, inspection, and maintenance
requirementsnotedinthePlan. Adequate opeiationand maintenance is herein definitive good worldrsgcondition
so that these facilities are performing their design functions.
3. Duty of Documentation. The Landowner,itssuccessorsmdassigm.shalidmumentinspmtions,maintenance,
and tannin performed and provide said documentation to the City in its representatives upon request.
4. Righted Entry on Property. The Landowner, its successors and assigns, hereby grant permission to the City,
its authorized agents and employees, to enter upon the Property at reasonable (Imes and upon presentation of
proper identification, and to inspect the stomwnder manageream/BMP facilities whenever the City deems
necessary. The purpose ofiespection is to fellow -up on suspected or reported deficiencies, to respond to citizen
complaints, and/or to assure safe and proper functioning of the facilities. The City shall provide the Landowner,
IN successors and assigns, copies ofthe inspection findings and a directivewith timeline to ommencewith the
.pairs ifnecessary.
5.1iaitureto Maintain In the event the Landowner, its successors and assigns, fails to construct, opemteand
maintain the stormwater management/BMP facilities in good working condition accepmble to the City, the
City, its authorized agents and employees, mayote upon The Property and take whateveraction(s) deemed
necessary to correct deficiencies identified in the inspection report and to charge the costs ofsuch construction
or repairs to the Landowner. It is expressly understood and agreed that he City is under no obligation to install,
construct, or routinely maintain or repair aid storm eater manngementBMP facilities, and in no event shall this
Agreement be construed to impose any such obligation on the City.
or expends any funds in perfminamesofsaid work for labor, use afequipment, supplies, materials, and the like,
the Landowner, its successors or assigns, shall reimburse the City upon demand, within thirty (30) days of
receipt thereoffor all actual costs incurred by the Cityhereuoder.
7. Duty to Inspect by City. The City, its employees or representatives, shall inspect the stormwater
maaagementBMP facilities at a minimum ofonce every three years to ensure their continued and adequate
g.Releeseofuty. The Underwriter, its executors, administrators,assigns, and other successors in interests, shall
release the City, Its employees and designaledrepresentativesfmm all damages, accidents, casualties,
cocurtences, or claims which night mice or be asserted against said City, employees, and representatives from
the construction, presence, existence, opmxtive or maintenance of the stormwatermanagememBMPfacilities
by the Landowneror City. In the event theta claim is essential against the City, its elected officials, City
Officersaremployees, the City shallpromptlynotifytheLandownerandthe Landownersha idefend,at its own
expense, any suit based on the claim. ffanyjudgmentorchims agaimuthe City's employes ordesignated
representatives shall be allowed, the Landownersball pay all mats and expenses regarding saidjudgment or
9.1tmording of Agreement running with the Property. This Agmementshall be receded in the real property
records oflikkin County, Colomdo,and shall constionea overrun running with the Property oriand, itshall
bebini ingon the Landowner, its administrators, umutors, assigns, heirs and any other successors in interests,
in perpetuity.
IN WffNESS WHEREOF the undersigned have hereunto affixed their signatures as ofthe date first above written.
By; Print Name:
State ofColomdo):ss
County of Pitkln ) j-1}1�
The foregoing Agreement was ackknnowm ledgedbafome this�_dayuf �' w 204
by IA I IJ 11 14 It
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NOTARY ID 20054014478
State of Colorado ) :as
The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before methis_dayaf 20^
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