HomeMy WebLinkAboutFile Documents.807 McSkimming Rd.0271.2018 (3).ARBKSETTLEMENT AGREEMENT
This Settlement Agreement ("Agreement') is made and entered into by and between RUFUS
oo 007. Plantffs and Defendants are also referred to herein individually as a "Party" and
�¢ collectively as "Parties."
1 Plaintiffs and Defendants are all owners of Lots within Block 3, Aspen Grove Subdivision,
according to the plat thereof recorded m Reception No. 116127, Ditch Book 2A at Page 291 of the
records of Pitkm County, Colorado, as governed by the Aspen Grove Subdivision Home Owners
Association, and subject to the Restrictive Covenants for the Aspen Grove Subdivision recorded at
Reception No. 116601 of the records of PiWn County, Colorado (the "Covenants').
2. Defendants own Lot 14, Block 3, Aspen Grove Subdivision, by deed recorded at Reception
No. 502171 of the records ofPitkin County, Colorado (the "Property'). "Owner"heremaHershallrefer to
theownerofrecordofthe Property and includes the Defendants during dreirownerslnp andanY subsequent
ownerth=after. Defendants havehhedarchitect Stan Mathis who has prepared arehitectsal designplans
and spacdiodions (the "Awbitectural Plans") forthepurpose ofobtainmg a B' 7d++aPemritfmmtheC4ty of
Aspento construct a single family residence on the Property. A true and correct 8.5"xl I" scaled copy of
the Architectural Plans, dated February 19, 2007 and submitted to the City of Aspen Community
Development Department in connection with Building Permit Application No. 00382007 ARBK, are
attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference. The Architectural Plans depict,
among other things, specific height, set back, building envelop, and access features of the proposed
residence on the Property.
3. A dispute has arisen between Plaintiffs and Defendants regarding Defendants' proposed
development of the Property according to the Architectural Plans. Plaintiffs assert that the proposed
development of the Property in accordance with the Architectural Plans violates certain provisions of the
Covenants, and Plaintiffs have sought declaratory relief in their Amended Complaint filed inFitkin Comity
District Court, Case No. 06-CV-60 ; Defendar shave demodPlaintrffs' assertions and claims as setforthin
the Lawsuit, and have asserted a Counterclaim against ore Pbirfifff Rufus Crockett ("Crockett'), for
trespass (the Plaintiffs' AmendedComplaur: and the Defendants' Counterclaim are referred to hereinafter as
the "Lawsuif). The Lawsuit seekstodetermine and resolve the validity and enforceability of certain
restrictions contained in the Covenants of Block 3, Aspen Grove Subdivision including specifically, but not
limited to: () restrictions on the location ofany improvements to the Property relative tothe existing platted
access mad easement as shown on the Plat of Block 3, and Lots 7 & 11 (Amended) Block 2, Aspen Grove
Subdivision, recorded September 3, 1963 in Plat Book 2A, Page 291 reception # 116127 ("SPARE"); (m)b4it
Page 2
restrictions; and (iu)set backrestictions relative to die property hotlines(co➢ectivelyhereinaft referred to
as the "Dispute').
4. In accordance withthe terms, conditions,representations, andsssumices oftlus Agreement, and
in order to fully and fma➢y settle the Lawsuit, die Parties have agreed to a full and final resolution and
settlement of the Dispute and the lawsuit and all related issues regarding the validity and enforceabi➢ty of
the Covenants and the development restrictions applicable to the Properly. In so doing, the parties
understand and agree that the settlement is not to becommued as anadmissionofliability orwrongdomgon
the part of any Parry. The terms and provisions of this Agreement apply only to the Properly and do not
alter or abridge any right or restriction applicable to any other properties. The Parties understand and agree
that they enter into this Agreement to avoid further disagreement, to resolve the Dispute, to settle the
Lawsuit and all related issues, to clarify and record against the Property certain development restnetions,
and to affix certain rights and obligations between the Parties and their successors and assigns as specified
5. Now therefore, h consideration of the mutual promises and obligations set forth in this
Agrcement, and to fully and finally settle this Dispute and the Lawsuit and all related issues, Defendants
agree to the following design and development restrictions for any and all improvements on the Property
a) Building Envelop Site: The Defendants agree that no improvements, buildings, or
snuctures of any nature whatsoever, except for landscaping, grading, and retarru g walls shall be
permitted northerly of the northern edge of EPARE winch the parties hereto deem to be aprivate
access road for the benefit of Lots 14 and 15, Block 3 Aspen Grove Subdivision
b.) Height: The Architectural plans show specific Mean Sea Level Elevation of all roof
elements including at the garage Ridge of8285.9' and at the living roomroofRidges of 8273.1' for
the planned development of one single-family residence and garage Defendants agree to reduce
the overall height of the garage roof area and the living mom roof area, as shown on attached
Eebib@B, by five (5) feet from whatis shownon the Architect" Plans, creating arrnunumMear
Sea Level height of 8280.9' to the top of the Ridge of any Roof Form at the garage mof height
zone and a maximum Mean Sea Level height of 8268.1' to the top of the Ridge myRoofForm at
the livingmomroofheigbt zone and all other roofelenums. The phrase "RoofFon d' isdefinredasa
roof shape that is pitched, flat, shed, curved, or any combination thereof; along with all
appurtenancesandelementstbemto. Thephrase "top ofthe Ridge" is defined as tbehighestfraane
of the roof or element thereof, including but wtlimitedto, aparapet, gravel stop, roofing ventcap
other similar roof features. The phrase "garage roof height zone" is defined as the zone of the
residence consisting ofthie garage and related elements whichmay mcludeamad room,mechanical
room, closets, stairs, elevator, and hallway, but shall not include living areas such as bedrooms,
dining too=, entry ways, great rooms, living moms, media rooms, bathrooms, and the lace, such
elements being located m the `living room height zone." Any and all actual construction of
Page 3
improvements to theproperty wmllnot exceedthese heights except forf replace chimneys including
decorative terminal cap, which together (chimney plus cap) shall not exceed four foot in height
beyond allowable roofheight as defined berem, andmechanical vents orequipment, which shall not
exceed thrce foot in heightbeyond allowable roof height as defined herein. The Parties agree that
any covenants that may have burdened the Property prior to the date of this Agreement shall be
void and no longer apply with respect to any restriction on the slope of the roof for any structure
built onthe Property after the date oftfiis Declaration. Allotherheightrestrictionscontained in any
prior covenants, if any, are hereby waived and shall be void, of no thither effect and shall no longer
apply to the Property.
Gramtors have installed two benchmark poles demarcating the two maximum heights
(8280.9' at the garage roofheightzone and 8268.1' at the living room mofheigbt zone) as defined
iothis Declaration. The top of the benchmark poles represent the height restrictions defined in the
roof height zAnes. They shall serve to assist in verifying compliance with the height restrictions as
set forth in this Declaration, as well as avoid contusion or later dispute regarding the physical height
restrictions as herein agreed to by the Parties. The benchmark poles shall remain in place,
undisturbed and unaltered, until final certificate of occupancy has been issued for any residence.
c.) Set -back The Ambitcwhsal Plans depict the development's set -back relative to the
Property's side (east and west) lot -litre boundaries as well as set -backs relative to the EPARE at
the north-easterly location of the proposed building. Defendamsagreethattheminim mmeastand
west side -yard setbacks for any and all improvementsto be constructed on the Propertyshallbe7-
1/2 feet. In addition, the minimum set -back from the EPARE shall be ten (10') feet from the
southern edge ofentire length of the EPARE [through the property. Defendants agreeto relocate
any portion of the proposed building that would otherwise encroach into this ten foot set -back, Affi
the exception of landscaping, grading, driveway walkway, padong, rethimangwalls, andutilitiesand
that any and all improvements actually constructed on the Property shall conform to this set -back
restriction, except for roof overhangs which may extend 18" into the side yard and SPARE
d.) Landscaping Bander:Defchhdams agree to allow Crockett to place a landscape barrier
("landscape Ban ee) anywhere within that portion of Defendants' Property on Lot 14 located
northerly of the north boundary of the EPARE and within seven and one half feet (7.5') of the
common property linebetween Defendants' Lot 14 and Crockett's Lot 13. In addition, thereshall
be a line within the EPARE the western temmvms of which shall be the point on the common
boundary line between Defendants' Lot 14 and Crockett's Lot 13 that lies two feet (2') south of
the northerly edge of the EPARE and the eastern terminus of which shall be the point on the
common boundary line between Crockett's Lot 13 and Lot 12 that lies six and me half feet (6.5')
south of the northerly edge of the SPARE. The straight line connecting these two points, as
depicted on Exhibit C hereto, shallbe referred to as the "Landscape Boundary". Defendantsand
Page 4
Crockett agree that Crockett shall place a Landscape Barrier within the EPARE north of the
Landscape Boundary and that no portion of said Landscape Barrier sba0 extend south of the
Landscape Boundary. DefendantsageetbatanyhWovementsconstmctedby Defendantswidin
the SPARE shallbe placed south of the Landscape Boundary. The Parties acknowledge andagree
that theintentoftheLandscape Barrieristc pemritCrocketto install an adequate numberandtype
of trees and other natural features sufficient to shield the visual and sound nuisance impacts of the
proposed developmentfrom the Crockettpropertytothema,&m extentpossble. Ownersagme
to giant Crockett an easement for the portion of the Landscape Barrier situated on Lot 14 as
described above, to be recorded intherecords of the Pitkin County Clerk and Recorder's Office,
upon commencement of installation of the Landscape Defendants shall bear no cost or
expense in connection with the installation and maintenance of the Landscape Barrier. The
Landscape Bander shall be permanent, and Crockett shall be responsible for the maintenance and
adequate irrigation of the Landscape Barrier. Owners agree not to interfere with Crockett in
connection with Crockett's location, installation, and maintenance ofthe Landscape Barderdming
both the construction phase of the Property as well as after completion of the Property's
development Theparties further agree thatinorderto accommodate the location andplacement of
thatportion of the Landscape Barrier located alongibe impmvedEPARE adjacentto orwithm the
Crockett property, the new driveway serving the Property shall beconstmcted within ftEPARE
south of the Landscape Boundary. IfrequkedbyDefendants, the Owners ofLot 10 hereby agree
to grant Defendants atemporary licensefm access and constiuctionpurposesoverthatarea on Lot
10 immediately to the muth of the EPARE to facilitate construction of the new driveway and
associated improvements within the EPARE. All permanent improvements shall he within the
EPARE. This temporary license for construction shall be over an area running parallel to the
southem boundaryofthe EPARE andsha➢beofthe widthreasonably necessary to accommodate
Defendants' conshnctionwithin the EPARE. Upon completion ofconshnctionofthedriveway and
associated improvements, Defendants shall return the license area to the condition in which it
existed prior to the commencement of work Owners shall replace any trees either taller than 10
feet or 3 inches in diameter that are removed by them as a result of improvements to the EPARE
with evergreen or smrilar trees of approximately sunilar height placed as rem as possible to the
original trees. Owners agree not to disturb the existing retaining wall on Crockett's property
located along the northerly edge of the EPARE, except that a stone or other natural, architectural
veneer may beplacedon the face oftheretaini ng wall. Owners agree that any improvements to the
EPARE will not interfere with or interrupt utility service to Plaintiffs' properties, except for
temporary relocation of utility services, nor adversely affect any wafer drainage related to such
Properties. Plaintiffs shall not be responsible for any costs associatedwith accessing andre aamg
any utility service to any Aspen Grove Subdivision Lot, including any demolition or restoration of
the improved Access Road Lot 14 driveway.
6. The Parties agree to enter into, execute and be bound by and record in the records of Arkin
County, Colorado, Lot 14 DesignResaicnons andCovenmds, reflecting the design restrictions set forth in
Page 5
Paragraph 5a. through 5d. herein offlus Agreement as well as reflecting the terms ofthis Agreement. Atrue
and correct copy of the Lot 14 Design Restrictions and Covenants to be recorded against the Property is
attached hereto as Exhibit D. The Parties agree to include, in connectionwiththerecording ofthe Lot 14
Design Restrictions and Covenants, sufficient information for into appear in the chain of title. The Parkes
further agree that this Agreement shall not be recorded. Defendants further agree to dismiss their
Counterclaim against Crockett with prejudice. Owners agree to allow Plaintiffs, and any one of them, to
take any such actions, measurements, readings or calculations reasonably necessary in order to ensure
compliance with the Lot 14 Design Restrictions and Covenants applicable to the Property, including but not
limited to permission to enter the Property for such purpose as necessary. Owners further agree to
cooperate with any such compliance verification efforts.
7. In order to insure full transparency ofthe terms of this Agreementandprovide clearnotice to all
future owners in the Aspen Grove Subdivision, the parties hereto agree totally cooperate in 8reameodment
of the Covenants applicable to the Property should any party deem such amendment necessary, including
execution of any and all documents necessaryto=en dthe Covenants, in order to ensure that construction
of the Property in the Aspen Grove Subdivision is carried out in accordance with the terms of this
Agreement. All parties hereto tinnier agree not to block, hinder or otherwise discourage in any way the
passage of any such amendments to the Covenants. The terms and provisions of this Paragraph 7 apply
only to the Property and do not imply any agreement to cooperate in the amendment of arty Covenant
relating to arty other properties.
8. In consideration of the promises, assurances, covenants and conditions set forth in paragraphs 5
and 6 of this Agreement above, and the further mutual promises and obligations otherwise set forth in this
Agreement, and to fully and finally settle this Dispute, the Lawsuit and all related issues, Plaintiffs agree to
dismissal of their Complaint and the Lawsuit against the Defendants with prejudice.
9. The mutual promises, obligations, conditions, and covenants of this Agreement shall be deemed
to survive execution and satisfaction of any one or all of the temps of this Agreement, to ran with the WA
and shall apply to and be binding on each and every Parry for itself and on behalf of its counsel, officers,
principals, employees, agents, representatives, successors, businesses, subsidiaries, transferees, hem and
assignswhatsoever. However, actions ofany ldnd taken to enibmethe terms ofths Agreementmay only
be brought against the lot owner who violates any ofthe temnsherein and not agamsta prior or subsequent
lot owner.
10. Each Party shall bear his own costs and attorneys fees incurred in connection with the Dispute
and the Lawsuit. In the event that any Party initiates any legal action to secure compliance by the other
Party with the terns of this Agreement, the prevailing Party shall be entitled to an award of its reasonable
attomy's fees and litigation costs incurred in connection with securing such compliance. Jurisdiction and
venue for any such proceeding shall be Pitidn County Colorado District Court, and the Agreement shall be
interpreted according to Colorado law.
T17�1 4--•69 �\`1 Ild'I ` 7 a'I `
11. This Agreement shall not be construed more strictly against one Parry than against the
other merely by virtue of the fact that it may have been prepared by one of the Parties.
12. The Parties hereto shall execute any and all further documents and perfomr any and all further
acts reasonably necessary or usefiil in carrying out the provisions of this Agreement.
13. The Parties represent that they have had legal counsel in connection with the review and
approval of this Agreement. The undersigned Parties hereby represent that they have fully and duly
approved the provisions of this Agreement and voluntarily agree to be bound by its terms and obligations.
14. It is intended by the Parties to this Agreement, and each of them, that this Agreement shall be
complete and shall not be subject to any claim or mistake of fact or law by any Party, and that this
Agreement expresses a full, final and complete setdementof the Dispute and the Lawsuit, regardless of the
adequacy or inadequacy ofthe consideration. This Agreementis intended to avoid litigation and to be final
and complete, and itmaynotbe altered, amendedormodified exceptby express written agreement among
the Parties.
15. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts and, as executed shall constitute one
Agreementbinding on all of the Parties hereto nomithstandmg thatall said Parties are not signatories to the
original or same counterpart.
Date: November, 2007
Robin Supplee
Shelley Supplee
Stephen Greenway
Page 6
11. This Agreement shall not be consuuedmore strictly against one Party than againsi the
othermerelyby vatic of the fact float itmay have beenptepared by one ofdte Parties.
12, he Parties bereto shall a Int any and all furtberdocomeuts and perform any and all feather
acts reasonably necessary a useful in carrying our the provisions of this Agecmmt
13. The Parties represent that they have had legal oormsel in connection with the review and
appmvat of Ibis Agreement. The undersigned Parties hmby represent that they bave fully and duly
approved the provisions of this Agreement and voluntarily agteetobeboundbyits terms and obligations.
14. It is intended by the Parties to this Agreement, and each ofdtem, mbar this Agreement shall be
complete and shall not be subject to any claim or mistake of fact or law by any Party, and that tins
Ageemerrtexpressa a fill, final and complete senlememofthe Dispute ard the Lawsuit,regradim ofthe
adequacymmdequacyoftheconsiderab=L ThisAgreementis intended to avoidlitigationaudrobe final
and complete, and itmay nutbeaiter d amendedormodified OwsPtby exlaesswnftuageemem among
the Parties.
15. This Agreement may be executed in mount Twin and, as executed shall constitute one
Age,,,,Abmdmgonall of the Parties hereto notwithstandmgdhat all said Parties arertotsignatories to the
original or same counterpart.
Date; lq3 2007
Pleififi s:
fus 6���
Robin Supplee
Page 6
11. This Agreement shall not be conffi¢ed more shicdy against one Party than against the
other merely by virtue of the fact that it may have beenprepared by one of the Parties.
12. The Parties hereto shall execute any and all fir therdocuments and perform arty and all further
acts reasonably necessary or useful in carrying out the provisions of this Agreement
13. The Parties represent that they have had legal counsel m connection with the review and
approval of this Agreement. The undersigned Parties hereby represent that they have fully and duly
approved the provisions of this Agreement and voluntarily agmetobe bound byits terms and obligations.
14. It is bnteniedby the Parties to this Agreement, and each ofthem, that this Agreemerdshall be
comply and shall not be subject to any claim or ndsWac of fact or law by arty Party, and that this
Agreement expresses a full, final and complete settlement of the DNp rte and theLawauit, regardless of the
adeVacyormadaluacyoftheconsideretioa ThisAgreanentis intended to avoidlitigafim and to be final
andcomplete, and it may notbe altered, amendedormodified except byexpretswritlenagreementamong
the Parties.
15. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts and, as executed sbail constitute one
A@reementbinding on all ofthe Parnes harem notwithstanding that all said Parties arenotsignatories to the
original or same counterpart
/)e"c brf t'I
Date: November=,--2007
�rrfus Crockett
By, , � 5, „ S
Shelley Supplee
SbVhen Greenaway
Pam Tumtek
Jolm McHugh
Riclde Litfle McHugh
Defendants: WARREN FIR LLC, a Colorado limited
Wa=n Coffin, Manager
DAVID FIR, LLC, a. Colorado limited habflity
Warren Cohan, Manage[
Pam Jhnnek
By C 6
Jo McHugh
Riel i, Little McHugh
WARREN FH2, LLC, a Colorado limited
liability company
Warren Cohen, Manager
DAVID FIR, LLC, a Cobrado limited liability
Warren Cohen, Manager
Page 7
Rickie Little McHugh
WARREN IR, C, a Co redo limited
liability p
Davi Gitlitz, Manager
FIlt, LLC, a lorado limited
liabi y
avid Cntlitz, Man er