HomeMy WebLinkAboutFile Documents.625 S West End St.0046.2017.ARBU0046-2017-ARBK_BuildingComments_1 Page: 6 File Name: Permit Set.625 SWest End Unit 1.2017.03.pdf Subject: PlanCheck Author: nickt Color: Your scope will disturb the dwelling separation wall. Provide a listed 1 hour fire and STC 50 rated assembly. Paste the listed installation instructions on the plans and call out where it is to be used. Permit Set.625 SWest End Unit 1.2017.03.pdf (11) Page: 6 File Name: Permit Set.625 SWest End Unit 1.2017.03.pdf Subject: PlanCheck Author: nickt Color: Show the location of the electric panel. FP Response - Electrical panel is provided in Closet 102 off the entry. Page: 6 File Name: Permit Set.625 SWest End Unit 1.2017.03.pdf Subject: PlanCheck Author: nickt Color: Page: 6 File Name: Permit Set.625 SWest End Unit 1.2017.03.pdf Subject: PlanCheck Author: nickt Color: If a door is added at the washer/dryer closet, a 100 square inch opening will be required for makeup air (2009 IMC 504.5). FP Response - The intent of this space is to be an open laundry area. A 100 square inch opening will be provided if a door is added at the washer/dryer closet. Page: 6 File Name: Permit Set.625 SWest End Unit 1.2017.03.pdf Subject: PlanCheck Author: nickt Color: Provide a stamped framing plan for the new window headers. FP Response - A stamped framing plan has been provided for the new window headers. Reference A-501 for these detail drawings. DRAWING SETS: STRUCTURAL CONSULTANTSSURVEYOR MECHANICAL COPYRIGHT CONTRACTOR CIVIL 3/22/17 DATE OF PUBLICATION 625 S WEST END ST 01 HOA REVIEW 12/22/1602HOA CLARIFICATIONS 1/10/17 PROJECT NO:DRAWN BY:FORUM PHI LLC Aspen CO 81611 715 West Main Street, Suite 204Aspen, Colorado 81611P: 970.279.4157 F: 866.770.5585 DATE OF PUBLICATION A-101 PROPOSED PLANS 3/22/17 RL/JM1621 PARCEL ID # 273-718-230-010LEGAL DESCRIPTION: CLARENDON SUBDIVISION ZONE DISTRICT R-6 STEVE SMITH - RENOVATE ASPEN406 ASPEN BUSINESS CENTERASPEN, CO 81611970-925-1288 103A103A 101A 103A A 1021011 1 2 2 A A C C B B DW 106A1A-401 55/8"4'-31/2"43/4"12'-4"51/2" 17'-113/8"63'-41/2"64'-31/2"40'-21/4" 8'-8" 15'-51/4"51/2"39'-83/4"43/4"7'-101/2"43/4"14'-113/4"51/2" 14'-11 3/4" 23'-1 3/4" 12'-6 3/4" 4'-01/4" 17'-113/8" 4'-43/4"35/8"2'-71/4"51/2"9'-33/4" 39'-7 7/8"31/2"2'-71/4" 31/2" 8'-4" 51/2" 5'-71/4"51/2"2'-73/8" 4'-43/4"31/2"2'-73/8"51/2"3'-111/2"43/4"4'-111/2" 4'-91/8"13'-21/4" T.O. PLY103'-0"T.O. F.F.103'-2" T.O. PLY100'-0"T.O. F.F.100'-2" T.O. PLY103'-0"T.O. F.F.103'-2" AA-301 AA-301 BA-301BA-301 CA-301 CA-301 1A-201 2A-201 3A-201 ORTAL GAS FIREPLACE:SPACE CREATOR 2005/8" DIRECT VENT TV ABOVE FIREPLACE SHELVES ABOVEWASHER/DRYER EXISTING FIREPLACE CHASE TO BEUTILIZED FOR PROPOSED FIREPLACEVENTING. STRUCTURAL MEMBERS, IFANY, TO REMAIN. SAFETYGLAZING UPDN DN OPEN DWWINE SD CO SD CO GRID TO INTERIORFACE OF EXISTING GYP. GRID TO INTERIORFACE OF EXISTING GYP. GRID TO INTERIORFACE OF EXISTING GYP.GRID TO INTERIORFACE OF EXISTING GYP.GRID TO INTERIORFACE OF EXISTING GYP.W/D KITCHEN107 BEDROOM103ENTRY101 CLO104 CLO102 DINING108 LIVING109 BATH105 PANTRY106 RG31/2"3'-61/2"2"1'-63/4"1'-63/4"31/2"4'-11/4"51/2"11'-87/8"3'-71/4"11/2"2'-75/8"31/2"5'-13/8"31/2"5'-01/8" FDF 203A 202A 201A 204A 207A 206A 205A 1 1 2 2 A A C C B B 1A-401 AA-301 AA-301 BA-301BA-301 CA-301 CA-301 1A-201 2A-201 3A-201 1'-6"1'-6" 6'-21/4" 51/2" 7'-51/8" 31/2"101/4" 31/2" 11'-81/2"31/2"8'-63/4" 3'-9"31/2"3'-05/8"2"4'-51/2"2"5'-21/4" 31/2" 8'-27/8" 51/2" 4'-3" 3'-9"31/2"8'-11/8"41/2"4'-63/4" 11'-85/8"51/2"4'-103/4"14'-11/2"31/2"6'-45/8"2"4'-9"1'-6"1'-6"58'-91/8"32'-05/8"8'-8"15'-51/4"2'-71/4"17'-6"55/8"5'-53/8"55/8"25'-8"43/4"7'-101/2"43/4"14'-113/4"51/2"2'-13/4"51/2"7'-101/2" 12'-65/8"5'-43/4"58'-31/2"55'-23/4"3'-03/4" 21'-11/4"2'-45/8"10'-1"5'-41/4" 31/2"2'-11/8"6"9'-11/2"51/2"4'-103/4"51/2" 17'-113/8" T.O. PLY111'-10"T.O. F.F.112'-0" T.O. PLY111'-10"T.O. F.F.112'-0" T.O. PLY111'-10" T.O. F.F.112'-0" MAKEUPCOUNTER LINENSTORAGE SAFETYGLAZING SAFETYGLAZING OPEN TO BELOW DN SD CO SD CO OPEN TO BELOW GRID TO INTERIORFACE OF EXISTING GYP.GRID T O I N T E R I O R FACE O F E X I S T I N G G Y P . GRID TO INTERIORFACE OF EXISTING GYP. GRID TO INTERIORFACE OF EXISTING GYP. GRID TO INTERIORFACE OF EXISTING GYP. MASTER BEDROOM201 MASTER BATH206 CLO205 CLO207 CLO203 BATH204BEDROOM202 GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL DIMENSIONS TO EXISTINGWALLS TO BE VERIFIED IN FIELD.TYPICAL2. ALL EXTERIOR MATERIALS TOREMAIN. TYPICAL WALL LEGEND TO BE DEMOLISHED EXISTING TO REMAIN NEW WALL N02'4'8'SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"PROPOSED MAIN LEVEL02'4'8'SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"PROPOSED UPPER LEVEL City of Aspen Received 03/24/17Building Department Your scope will disturbthe dwelling separationwall. Provide a listed 1hour fire and STC 50rated assembly. Pastethe listed installationinstructions on theplans and call outwhere it is to be used. A- Show the location of the electric panel. 103A103A 101A 103A A 1011 C DW 106A 1A-401 55/8"4'-31/2"43/4"12'-4"51/2" 17'-113/8"64'-31/2"8'-8"15'-51/4"43/4"7'-101/2"43/4"14'-113/4"51/2"14'-113/4"12'-63/4"4'-01/4"4'-43/4"35/8"2'-71/4"51/2"9'-33/4"31/2"2'-71/4"31/2"8'-4"51/2"5'-71/4"51/2"2'-73/8"4'-43/4"31/2"2'-73/8"51/2"3'-111/2"43/4"4'-111/2" 4'-91/8"13'-21/4" T.O. PLY103'-0"T.O. F.F.103'-2" T.O. PLY103'-0" T.O. F.F.103'-2" A-301 BA-301 A-201 2A-201 SHELVES ABOVEWASHER/DRYER UP DN DN OPEN DWWINE SD COGRID TO INTERIORFACE OF EXISTING GYP.W/D KITCHEN107 BEDROOM103ENTRY101 CLO104 CLO102 BATH105 PANTRY106 RG31/2"3'-61/2"2"1'-63/4"1'-63/4"31/2"4'-11/4"51/2"11'-87/8"3'-71/4"11/2"2'-75/8"31/2"5'-13/8"31/2"5'-01/8" FDF 203A 202A 201A 204A 207A 206A 205A 1 2 C 1A-401 A-301 BA-301 A-201 1'-6"1'-6"101/4"31/2"11'-81/2"31/2"8'-63/4"3'-9"31/2"3'-05/8"2"4'-51/2"2"5'-21/4"31/2"8'-27/8"51/2"4'-3"11'-85/8"51/2"4'-103/4"31/2"6'-45/8"2"4'-9"1'-6"1'-6"17'-6"58'-31/2"55'-23/4"3'-03/4"21'-11/4" 2'-45/8"10'-1"5'-41/4" 31/2"2'-11/8"6"9'-11/2"51/2"4'-103/4"51/2" T.O. PLY111'-10" T.O. F.F.112'-0" T.O. PLY111'-10" T.O. F.F.112'-0" MAKEUPCOUNTER LINENSTORAGE SAFETYGLAZING SAFETYGLAZING OPEN TO BELOW DN SD CO SD CO GRID TO INTERIORFACE OF EXISTING GYP.GRID TO INTERIORFACE OF EXISTING GYP.GRID TO INTERIORFACE OF EXISTING GYP. MASTER BATH206 CLO205 CLO203 BATH204BEDROOM202 1. ALL DIMENSIONS TO EXISTINGWALLS TO BE VERIFIED IN FIELD.TYPICAL2. ALL EXTERIOR MATERIALS TOREMAIN. TYPICAL TO BE DEMOLISHED EXISTING TO REMAIN NEW WALL Every bedroom needsa smoke alarm. Provide one inbedrooms 103 and202. 103A 101DW 106A 1A-401 64'-31/2"8'-8"43/4"7'-101/2"43/4"12'-63/4"4'-01/4"31/2"2'-71/4"31/2"8'-4"51/2"4'-43/4"31/2"2'-73/8"51/2"3'-111/2" T.O. PLY103'-0" T.O. F.F.103'-2" T.O.103' BA-301 2 SHELVES ABOVEWASHER/DRYER UP DN DN OPEN DWWINE SD CO W/D KITCHEN107 PANTRY106 3'-71/4"11/2"2'-75/8"31/2"5'-13/8" F BA-301 58'-31/2"55'-2If a door is added at the washer/dryer closet, a 100 square inch opening will be required for makeup air (2009 IMC 504.5).1021011A-401 64'-31/2""3/4"412'-63/4"4'-01/4"/8"T.O. PL100'-0" T.O. F.100'-2" 2A-201 3'-71/4"11/2"58'-31/2"Provide a stamped framing plan for the new window headers. Every bedroom needs a smoke alarm. Provide one in bedrooms 103 and 202. FP Response - Smoke alarms have been provided in bedrooms 103 and 202. Reference A-102 FP Response - A listed 1 hour fire and STC 50 rated assembly is detailed on A-501. This assembly will be utilized at disturbed areas of the dwelling separation wall. Also see the QuietRock Specification sheet. City of Aspen Received 06/19/17 Building Department Page: 6 File Name: Permit Set.625 SWest End Unit 1.2017.03.pdf Subject: PlanCheck Author: nickt Color: HOA docs show that you are altering hvac equipment. Document on the plans what your scope is in that regard. FP Response - All existing mechanical equipment to remain unless it becomes necessary to replace during the remodel. Page: 8 File Name: Permit Set.625 SWest End Unit 1.2017.03.pdf Subject: PlanCheck Author: nickt Color: This building is Type VA construction. Any ceilings that are altered must be 1 hour fire rated (2009 IBC 601). Provide listed 1 hour fire rated assemblies as necessary and call out their location. Detail as necessary. Any ceilings dropped beneath the rated assembly must be built with non-combustible or fire-retardant treated framing. Page: 9 File Name: Permit Set.625 SWest End Unit 1.2017.03.pdf Subject: PlanCheck Author: nickt Color: Handrail extensions must return. FP Response - Handrail extension return is now shown in the stair section and will be provided. Reference A-401 Page: 9 File Name: Permit Set.625 SWest End Unit 1.2017.03.pdf Subject: PlanCheck Author: nickt Color: What provides the structure to the railing? Drawings make it look like there is a post and rail frame, with the glass acting as infill panels. If the glass supports the top rail however, the rail must be supported by at least 3 pieces of glass. 2009 IBC 2407 Page: 10 File Name: Permit Set.625 SWest End Unit 1.2017.03.pdf Subject: PlanCheck Author: nickt Color: Provide the U-factor of the new windows (0.35 max) FP Response - All proposed windows will have a U -Value of 0.35 or better. Reference A-601 HOA docs show that you are altering hvac equipment. Document on the plans what your scope is in that regard. KITCHEN107 MASTER SUITE201 ENTRY101 LIVING109 BEDROOM202 DINING108 STAIR200 C B A 3'-0"9'-0"17'-5"11'-3"9"9'-23/32"9"8'-3"9"16'-233/64" EXISTING SPLIT LEVEL ENTRYT.O. FF 103'-0" EXISTING UPPER LEVELT.O. FF 112'-0" EXISTING MAIN LEVELT.O. PLY 100'-0" T.O. EXISTING RIDGE129'-5"16'-21/2"9'-21/8"CLO205 BATH105 STAIR200 3'-0"9'-0"2'-3"9"8'-3"9"13'-85/32 EXISTING SPLIT LEVEL ENTRYT.O. FF 103'-0" EXISTING UPPER LEVELT.O. FF 112'-0" EXISTING MAIN LEVELT.O. PLY 100'-0"13'-81/8"KITCHEN107 3'-0"9'-0"12'-51/2" EXISTING SPLIT LEVEL ENTRYT.O. FF 103'-0" EXISTING UPPER LEVELT.O. FF 112'-0" EXISTING MAIN LEVELT.O. PLY 100'-0" 0 2'4'8'SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"A SECTION 0 2'4'8'SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"B SECTION02'4'8'SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"C SECTION This building is TypeVA construction. Anyceilings that arealtered must be 1 hourfire rated (2009 IBC601). Provide listed 1hour fire ratedassemblies asnecessary and call outtheir location. Detail asnecessary. Anyceilings droppedbeneath the ratedassembly must be builtwith non-combustibleor fire-retardant treatedframing. STAIR9"8'-3"9"METAL STRINGER Handrail extensions must return. A A 13'-81/8"GLASS GUARD SAFETYGLAZED PER R308.4 &SUPPORT POINT LOAD OF200 PLF PER 391.5 4' What provides the structure to the railing? Drawings make it look like there is a post and rail frame, with the glass acting as infill panels. If the glass supports the top rail however, the rail must be supported by at least 3 pieces of glass. 2009 IBC 2407 DRAWING SETS: STRUCTURAL CONSULTANTS SURVEYOR MECHANICAL COPYRIGHT CONTRACTOR CIVIL 3/22/17 D 01 HOA REVIEW 02 HOA CLARIFICAT PROJECT NO: DRAWN BY: FO DATE OF PUBLICATION 3/2 RL 16 PARCEL ID # 273-7 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: CLAR ZONE DISTRICT R-6 STEVE SMITH - RENOVA406 ASPEN BUSINESS CASPEN, CO 81611970-925-1288 202 203 204 204 205 206 206 A A A A A A A BEDROOM CLO BATH BATH CLO MASTER BATH MASTER BATH MASTER BEDROOM 3'-0"x8'-0"3'-0"x8'-0"2'-4"x8'-0"3'-0"x8'-0"2'-6"x8'-0"2'-4"x8'-0"3'-0"x8'-0" ID 101 102 TYPE ------ TO ROOM W x H SIZE 3'-0"x6'-0"3'-0"x6'-0" HEAD HEIGHT 10'-1"10'-1" NOTES PLAN 3'-01/2"3'-01/2" ELEVATION 3'-01/2"6'-01/4"3'-01/2"6'-01/4"WINDOW SCHEDULE 1' = 1'-0" Provide the U-factor of the new windows (0.35 max) FP Response - The stair railing is supported by a post . Reference A-401 for this note FP Response - Two layers of Type X Gyp will replace any ceilings affected during the remodel. Reference A-501 for the IBC Table 721.2.1.4(2) City of Aspen Received 06/19/17 Building Department Page: 10 File Name: Permit Set.625 SWest End Unit 1.2017.03.pdf Subject: PlanCheck Author: nickt Color: Window 101 must be safety glazed due to its proximity to the bottom of the stairs. 2009 IBC 2406.4 FP Response - Window 101 will be safety glazed per the 2009 IBC 2406.4 DRAWING SETS: STRUCTURAL CONSULTANTS SURVEYOR MECHANICAL COPYRIGHT CONTRACTOR CIVIL 3/22/17 DATE OF PUBLICATION 01 HOA REVIEW 12/22/16 02 HOA CLARIFICATIONS 1/10/17 PROJECT NO: DRAWN BY: FORUM PHI LLC DATE OF PUBLICATION 3/22/17 RL/JM 1621 PARCEL ID # 273-718-230-010 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: CLARENDON SUBDIVISION ZONE DISTRICT R-6 STEVE SMITH - RENOVATE ASPEN406 ASPEN BUSINESS CENTERASPEN, CO 81611970-925-1288 203 204 204 205 206 206 A A A A A A ID 101 102 TYPE ------ TO ROOM W x H SIZE 3'-0"x6'-0"3'-0"x6'-0" HEAD HEIGHT 10'-1"10'-1" NOTES PLAN 3'-01/2"3'-01/2" ELEVATION 3'-01/2"6'-01/4"3'-01/2"6'-01/4"WINDOW SCHEDULE 1' = 1'-0" Window 101 must besafety glazed due to its proximity to the bottomof the stairs. 2009 IBC2406.4 City of Aspen Received 06/19/17 Building Department