HomeMy WebLinkAboutFile Documents.625 S West End St.0046.2017 (2).ARBU0046-2017-ARBU_BuildingComments_2 Page: 6 File Name: 2017-24-05_PERMIT RESUBMITTAL.pdf Subject: PlanCheck Author: nickt Color: Electric panel may not be located in a clothes closet. 2017 NEC 110.26 & 210.24. 2017-24-05_PERMIT RESUBMITTAL.pdf (4) Page: 10 File Name: 2017-24-05_PERMIT RESUBMITTAL.pdf Subject: PlanCheck Author: nickt Color: Your office has been misapplying 2009 IBC table 721.2.1.4(2) on several projects. This table is only for use where finish materials are applied to a CONCRETE wall. Read the full code section and you will understand. Provide a listed 1 hour rated floor/ceiling assembly and roof/ceiling assembly for the type VA construction and reference it from your plans or details. Page: 10 File Name: 2017-24-05_PERMIT RESUBMITTAL.pdf Subject: PlanCheck Author: nickt Color: This is an IBC building, not IRC. However, neither the IBC nor IRC prescriptive sizing tables can be used as snow load in the City of Aspen (75psf) exceeds the table maximum (70psf). We will accept a design stamped by an architect or engineer but not based on these tables. Page: 10 File Name: 2017-24-05_PERMIT RESUBMITTAL.pdf Subject: PlanCheck Author: nickt Color: Print out the full UL U386 and/or UL W317 listings on the plans. Print the Quietrock spec sheet on the plans as well. 103A 101A 103B 8'-8"15'-51/4"7'-101/2"43/4"14'-113/4"14'-113/4"2'-71/4"31/2"8'-4"51/2"5'-71/4"51/2"2'-73/8"4'-43/4"31/2"2'-73/8"51/2"3'-111/2" T.O. PLY103'-0" T.O. F.F.103'-2" BA-301 SHELVES ABOVEWASHER/DRYER ELECTRICALPANEL LOCATEDIN CLOSET UP DN DN OPEN SD CO W/D ENTRY101 CLO104 CLO102 PANTRY106 BA-301 Electric panel may not be located in a clothes closet. 2017 NEC 110.26 & 210.24. WATERPROOF MEMBRANE BACKER ROD AND SEALANT NON-EXPANDING SPRAY FOAMINSULATION AT SHIM SPACE HORIZONTAL WOOD SIDINGTO MATCH EXISTING METAL FLASHINGWITH DRIP EDGE PLYWOOD SHEATHING FLOORS TABLER502.5(1)GIRDERSPANSaANDHEADERSPANSaFOREXTERIORBEARINGWALLS(MaximumspansforDouglasfir-larch,hem-fir,southernpineandspruce-pine-firbandrequirednumberofjackstuds) GROUNDSNOWLOAD(psf)e3050 70 BuildingwidthC(feet)GIRDERSAND 20 28 36 20 28 36 20 28 36 FIREANDSMOKEPROTECTIONFEATURES TABLE721.2.1.4(1)MULTIPLYINGFACTORFORFINISHESONNONFIRE-EXPOSEDSIDEOFWALL For51:1inch=25.4mm.Ia.Forportlandcement-sandplaster5/8inchorlessinthicknessandapplieddirectlytotheconcreteorconcretemasonryonthenonfire-exposedsideofthewall,themultiplyingfactorshallbe1.00. TYPEOFAGGREGATEUSEDINCONCRETEORCONCRETEMASONRY Concrete:lightweightConcreteMasonry:Concrete:siliceous Concrete:sand-lightweight concretemasonryunitsorcarbonateConcreteMasonry:claytile;ofexpandedshale,ConcreteMasonry:ConcreteMasonry:hollowclaybrick;concrete expandedclay,concretemasonryunitsTYPEOFFINISHAPPLIEDTOCONCRETEORsiliceousorcarbonate;masonryunitsofexpanded expandedslag,or ofexpandedslag,CONCRETEMASONRYWALL solidclaybrick shaleand<20%sand pumice<20%sand expandedclay,orpumice Portlandcement-sandplaster 1.00 0.753 0.753 0.503 Gypsum-sandplaster 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.00 Gypsum-vermiculiteorperliteplaster 1.75 1.50 1.25 1.25 Gypsumwallboard 3.00 2.25 2.25 2.25 TABLE721.2.1.4(2)TIMEASSIGNEDTOFINISHMATERIALSONFIRE-EXPOSEDSIDEOFWALL FINISHDESCRIPTION TIME(minute) Gypsumwallboard3/8inch 10 1/2inch 15 5/8inch 202layersof3/8inch 251layer3/8inch,1layer1/2inch 352layers1/2inch 40 TypeXgypsumwallboard1/2inch 255/8inch 40 Portlandcement-sandplasterapplieddirectlytoconcretemasonry SeeNotea Portlandcement-sandplasteronmetallath3/4inch 207/8inch 251inch30 Gypsumsandplasteron3/8-inchgypsumlath1/2inch 355/8inch 403/4inch 50 Gypsumsandplasteronmetallath3/4inch 507/8inch 601inch80 For51:1inch=25.4mm.a.Theactualthicknessofportlandcement-sandplaster,provideditis5/8inchorlessinthickness,shallbepermittedtobeincludedindeterminingtheequivalentthicknessofthemasonryforuseinTable721.3.2. I 721.,thecalculationpro-ceduresofSections721.,assumingeithersideofthewalltobethefire-exposedside.Thefire-resistanceratingofthewallshallnotexceedthelowerofthetwoval-ues. Exception:Foranexteriorwallwithafiresepara-tiondistancegreaterthan5feet(1524mm)thefireshallbeassumedtooccurontheinteriorsideonly. 721.,theconcretealoneshallprovidenotlessthanone-halfofthetotalrequiredfire-resistancerating.Addition-ally,thecontributiontothefireresistanceofthefinishonthenonfire-exposedsideofaload-bearingwallshallnotexceedone-halfthecontributionofthecon-cretealone. 721. 2009INTERNATIONALBUILDINGCODE®149 Your office has been misapplying 2009 IBC table 721.2.1.4(2) on several projects. This table is only for use wherefinish materials are applied to aCONCRETE wall. Read the full codesection and you will understand. Provide a listed 1 hour ratedfloor/ceiling assembly and roof/ceilingassembly for the type VA constructionand reference it from your plans ordetails. 3A-501 WATERPROOF MEMBRANE HEADERS PER 2009 IRCTABLE R502.5(1) MAX SPANOF 4'-0" CLEAR BACKER ROD AND SEALANT NON-EXPANDING SPRAY FOAMINSULATION AT SHIM SPACE HORIZONTAL WOOD SIDINGTO MATCH EXISTING METAL FLASHINGWITH DRIP EDGE INTERIOR FINISH WINDOW PER WINDOWSCHEDULE BLOCKING AS REQUIRED PLYWOOD SHEATHING R502.5(1)NSaFOREXTERIORBEARINGWALLSineandspruce-pine-firbandrequirednumberofjackstuds) GROUNDSNOWLOAD(psf)e 50 70 BuildingwidthC(feet) 20 28 36 20 28 36 n NJd Span NJd Span NJd Span NJd Span NJdSpanNJd 2 1 2-9 1 2-6 1 2-10 1 2-6 1 2-3 1 Iddirectlytotheconcreteorconcretemasonryonthenonfire-exposedsideofthewall,the hollowclaybrick;concrete expandedclay,concretemasonryunitse;masonryunitsofexpanded expandedslag,or ofexpandedslag,shaleand<20%sand pumice<20%sand expandedclay,orpumice 0.753 0.753 0.503 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.25 1.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 BLE721.2.1.4(2)TERIALSONFIRE-EXPOSEDSIDEOFWALL TIME(minute) 1015 20253540 2540 ry SeeNotea 202530 354050 506080 inchorlessinthickness,shallbepermittedtobeincludedindeterminingtheequivalent wallorpro-hallwalltingval- ara-firely. 721., theconcretealoneshallprovidenotlessthanone-halfofthetotalrequiredfire-resistancerating.Addition-ally,thecontributiontothefireresistanceofthefinishonthenonfire-exposedsideofaload-bearingwallshallnotexceedone-halfthecontributionofthecon-cretealone. 721. 149 SCW-1 1 This is an IBC building, not IRC. However,neither the IBC norIRC prescriptive sizing tables can be used assnow load in the Cityof Aspen (75psf) exceeds the tablemaximum (70psf). Wewill accept a design stamped by anarchitect or engineerbut not based on these tables. HEADERS PER 2009 IRCTABLE R502.5(1) MAX SPANOF 4'-0" CLEAR BLOCKING AS REQUIRED SOUND BATT INSULATION TOBE REPLACED WHEREREQUIRED 2 X STUD TO REMAIN EXISTING GYP TO BEREPLACED WITH 5/8" QUIETROCK REF: QUIET ROCK 525SPECIFICATION SHEETPROVIDED ASSEMBLY: STC - 57; 1 HOUR FIRERATED PER UL DESIGN # U386, W317 SCALE: 3" = 1'-0"W-1 1 HOUR FIRE RATED ASSEMBLY Print out the full UL U386 and/or UL W317 listings on the plans. Print the Quietrock spec sheet on the plans as well.