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Chairperson Thompson opened the meeting of the Aspen Historic Preservation Commission at 4:30pm.
Commissioners in attendance: Jeffrey Halferty, Jodi Surfas, Kara Thompson, Peter Fornell and Roger
Staff present:
Amy Simon, Planning Director
Natalie Feinberg Lopez, Historic Preservation Officer
Sarah Yoon, Historic Preservation Planner
Kate Johnson, Assistant City Attorney
Mike Sear, Deputy City Clerk
MINUTES: Mr. Moyer motioned to approve the minutes from January 26th, 2022; Mr. Halferty seconded.
Roll call vote: Mr. Fornell, yes; Mr. Moyer, yes; Ms. Surfas, yes; Mr. Halferty, yes; Ms. Thompson, yes. All
in favor; motion passed.
COMMISSION MEMBER COMMENTS: Mr. Moyer said he was thinking about the employee housing
issue and thought that they had made some mistakes over the past few years. He referenced the vacant
building next to White House Tavern and said that it previously had two employee units in it that
currently are empty and not being used. He thought that if employee housing is such an issue that they
should be keeping that in mind when making decisions. He also referenced a building near his house at
the corner of Park and Park Circle which for 30 years used to house about 20 units and is now owned by
Mark Hunt and is sitting empty. He asked if HPC had any recourse to do anything. Then mentioning the
Chase Bank building, he asked why it is only one story. Why aren’t there two more stories for employee
housing. He didn’t know if HPC could make those demands but thought the City should consider these.
Ms. Simon said that there were two deed restricted units at 304 E Hopkins (next to White House Tavern)
that were replaced with housing credits.
Mr. Halferty mentioned the Chase building as well and pointed out the large neon sing in the back of the
interior. He thought it may pass code because it was more than 10 feet from the windows but said it was
very bright back there and asked if it actually passed code.
Ms. Simon said that depending on how far back into the interior it changes the degree of regulations.
Ms. Feinberg Lopez responded to Mr. Moyer’s comments on employee housing saying that the
moratorium is designed to address some issues around affordable housing and that there are also some
lighting code changes coming up as well. She mentioned that some of these could be topics of
discussion for HPC’s upcoming work session.
Mr. Fornell stated that when a Historic property comes to HPC for review they are the final authority in
that review. He thought they should be keeping an eye on not just the roof lines and shapes of windows
but on the applicant’s applicability to the code when it comes to affordable housing mitigation. He used
the 925 King St. project as an example.
Ms. Simon commented that the 925 King St. property, after staff had gone back and reviewed things
again, did not qualify as multi- family housing and a specific determination of that was made in 2015 if
not earlier.
Ms. Thompson noted that from a land use code perspective, all affordable housing issues falls to
PROJECT MONITORING: Ms. Yoon mentioned that she would be reaching out to Ms. Thompson and Mr.
Halferty about some project monitoring questions.
CERTIFICATE OF NO NEGATIVE EFFECT: Ms. Feinberg Lopez said one at 627 E. Hopkins for fixing some
drainage issues and another at 400 W. Main for some window replacements.
SUBMIT PUBLIC NOTICE FOR AGENDA ITEMS: Ms. Johnson said that she reviewed public notice and that
notice was provided per the code for both agenda items.
233 W. Bleeker- Conceptual Major Development, Relocation, Setback Variations, and Floor Area
Applicant Presentation: Sara Adams – Bendon Adams
Ms. Adams mentioned that the owners and Brandon Architects are on the call. This project was
discussed in January and was continued until tonight. She went over their requests as stated in the
January meeting and covered the HPC feedback from that meeting. The feedback was to lower the
height of the addition to match the height of the historic gable facing Bleeker St. She stated that she
would be focusing on the feedback from HPC. She then showed a comparison of the proposal from
January and the revised proposal presented now. She stated that previously the height of the gable on
the addition was about 2’ 9” taller than the gable on the historic asset. The location of the addition and
connector has not changed, and the addition is set back about 15’ 6” from the historic façade. She then
compared the square footage changes of the historic asset and addition from January to February noting
that the height of the addition has been reduced by 2’ 9” and the square footage is down slightly. She
then went over the changes to the second-floor layout of the addition and also the gables on the
addition. She then went over the changes to the side porch and carriage house from January to
February. She talked about a few Historic Preservation guidelines and said she thought the historic
resource is the focus of the property, especially now that the height of the addition is lower. She showed
a few historic photos referencing the restoration work to be done and went over the FAR bonus criteria.
They are in agreement with of all staff recommendations in the memo.
Mr. Halferty asked to see the historic photo of the carriage house again and asked about what appeared
to be a garage door.
Mr. Fornell thanked Ms. Adams for the work and thought it was an improvement over what they saw
before. He asked if Ms. Adams had been engaged by the owners prior to the close. Ms. Adams didn’t
think that was relevant to the HPC review.
Staff Presentation: Sarah Yoon – Historic Preservation Planner
Ms. Yoon summarized the prior meeting on this property and highlighted HPC’s direction on what
changes they wanted to see related to the compatibility of the height between the historic resource and
the new addition. She then went over the requests for approval and description of the lot. She pointed
out the larger changes that Ms. Adams went over related to the height of the proposed addition and the
subsequent change to the massing of the addition seen from the South elevation. She said that staff
believes that the changes are in line with HPC’s direction given in January. She said it is clear that the
amount of restoration work deserves to be evaluated for the full FAR bonus, however the care for the
restoration needs to be as accurate of we can get. Staff is very excited to see both historic structures
come back to the historic conditions they were in. She then went over the benefits request of the west
side yard setback variation and 500SF Floor Area Bonus. Next, she went over the staff recommendations
outlined in the staff memo found in the packet.
Ms. Surfas asked about the Zoning department’s comments related to a variance needed for the stairs
at the screen porch. Ms. Yoon mentioned that it was determined that the amount of changes in the
revised application did not need another round of reviews by city departments and that the stairs have
been removed as part of the revised application. Ms. Surfas also asked about comments related to a
parking easement needed for a transformer. Ms. Yoon said that there was a response submitted as part
of the revised application addressing this.
Mr. Fornell pointed out a couple of incidences in the packet where the requested west side yard setback
variance is referred to as an “east” side yard setback. Ms. Yoon said that correction would be made.
Mr. Halferty asked if staff had looked at the landscaping related to the driveway leading to the carriage
house. Ms. Yoon said that staff advised against a proposed driveway leading to the garage door and that
it has been removed.
Ms. Thompson summarized the general consensus from the last meeting was that HPC wanted to see
the height reduction on the addition and that they hesitated on the FAR bonus approval until they saw
that massing reduction would look like. She thought the applicant did an excellent job with the revised
design and that she would be willing to approve the Floor Area Bonus.
Mr. Moyer agreed with staff and Ms. Thompson.
Mr. Halferty also agreed with staff and the other commissioners as far as the FAR bonus.
Ms. Surfas said she thought it was a great improvement and is in favor.
Mr. Fornell said he thought they were complying with the requirements and guidelines and agreed with
everyone here. He said he thought we were in an environment with our community where we are at
odds with size and scale and that HPC was handing out Floor Area Bonuses and set back variances like
chicklets. He said this project is more deserving than some. He felt that he was not one to hand these
things out lightly.
Ms. Thompson said she thought they were not either and that they have strict criteria for allocating
those bonuses which have become stricter over time. She mentioned that the applicant is preserving an
outbuilding and doing a lot of restoration to a building significantly impacted over the years to get it
back to what it was. She thought that the historic structure is the key element, they are being pretty
strict, and that the applicant has met the guidelines and accommodated the mass and scale comments
made by HPC.
Mr. Halferty said that in caretaking the property and in knowing the family he knew that they beat up
the property. They preserved it but added and changed things, so to see a true restoration is
complimentary. This is why they give FAR bonuses and variances when needed, when it is a fantastic and
exemplary project.
Ms. Thompson asked commissioners if they had any input of landscaping around the carriage house.
Mr. Halferty said to do more research on the western façade of the carriage house and that having a
door that looks like a garage door and having grass in front of it is a little confusing.
Ms. Thompson agreed.
MOTION: Ms. Thompson moved to approve Resolution #3 with the revision to condition #5 and the
addition of condition #8. Mr. Halferty seconded. Roll call vote: Mr. Fornell, yes; Mr. Moyer, yes; Ms.
Surfas, yes; Mr. Halferty, yes; Ms. Thompson, yes. All in favor, motion passes.
135 W. Francis Street - Final Major Development, PUBLIC HEARING
Applicant Presentation: Kim Raymond – Kim Raymond Architects
Ms. Raymond thanked HPC for their approval of the form and massing and mentioned that they are
here tonight to talk about materials, a few staff concerns and fenestration. She showed pictures of the
existing conditions and reviewed the project including the existing and proposed site plans. She
highlighted the straightening of the building on the lot and keeping it in the historic location with
relation to the front setback. She then showed pictures from the 1960s and described the restoration
plans for some of the historic elements. The south and west elevations were then shown, and Ms.
Raymond talked about the fenestration on the new addition and how it was attempting to mimic the
look of historic resource. She then showed a rendering of the front of the building and noted the similar
roof lines between the historic resource and new addition. She pointed out that the garage doors on the
alley side would be frosted glass. The landscape plan was then described and also the proposed
materials for the restoration and new addition. Renderings and elevations were shown highlighting the
placement of different materials on the historic asset and new addition including siding, roofing, and
glass. Ms. Raymond then went over a few staff comments including the storm water management and
preservation plans that they are addressing.
Ms. Thompson asked if the lightwells would have grates and Ms. Raymond said yes. Ms. Thompson
referenced the landscape plan and asked about a few pavers that seemed to be going from the property
line to the fence. Ms. Raymond said they lead to the small patio area between the historic resource and
the new addition.
Staff Presentation: Sarah Yoon – Historic Preservation Planner
Ms. Yoon noted that the applicant has received conceptual approval for major development, relocation,
setback variations and a 60 square foot floor area bonus and are back tonight for final review including
materials, landscaping and lighting plans. She said that staff finds the landscape plan to be respectful of
the design guidelines. She mentioned that the exploratory demolition will be important on this project
especially on the porch and its framing. She then went over staff comments about approval conditions
related to fence details, light fixtures, garage door materials and FDC hook up. Going over the staff
recommendations she noted that because of the additional information provided by the applicant,
conditions #4 and #5 have been stricken. She said staff is recommending approval of the application for
final review with conditions #1, #2, #3, and #6.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Ms. Thompson noted that Ms. Yoon forwarded a public comment to commissioners
and asked if commissioners had received and read that. All commissioners said yes. She asked if there
would be any response to it. Ms. Yoon said it will be part of the public record and was sent to the
applicant. Staff and HPC members discussed some of the comments made and Ms. Raymond said they
would be willing to reach out to the neighbor about her concerns.
BOARD DISCUSSION: Ms. Thompson went over the criteria for review, including fenestration, materials,
and landscaping. She agreed with Ms. Yoon’s removal of conditions #4 and #5 that had been addressed
and did not have any additional comments.
Mr. Moyer thought it was a good project. He thought it might be helpful to tag along to a Historical
Society tour and try to think of what a tourist may think of when looking at a project such as this. He
wondered if tourists would be able to differentiate between the historic and new addition.
MOTION: Ms. Thompson moved to approve Resolution #4 with conditions # 8 and #9 removed. Mr.
Moyer seconded. Roll call vote: Mr. Fornell, yes; Mr. Moyer, yes; Ms. Surfas, yes; Mr. Halferty, yes; Ms.
Thompson, yes. All in favor, motion passes.
Mr. Fornell was assigned to be the project monitor on this.
The commissioners and staff discussed the scheduling of the upcoming HPC work session.
ADJOURN: Ms. Thompson motioned to adjourn. Mr. Halferty seconded. All in favor; motion passed.
Mike Sear, Deputy City Clerk