HomeMy WebLinkAboutFile Documents.743 Cemetery Ln.0011.2018 (2).ARBK 0011 &0012.2018.ARBK_BuildingCommentsl
15. Line Grade Verification Form.743-745Cemetery.2018.01.pdf(2)
�uw,�•.,... ,�a.�w �_a.., �.ti I Subject: PlanCheck ✓
Page Label: 1 Landscape plans and civil plans
ti. Author:justinh show 100'0"=7884'0", revise
. °°`°" File Name: 15. Line Grade Verification this or identify where the 7883'9"
Form.743-745Cemetery.2018.01.pdf is called out and revise all other
plans for consistency.
.t.s :g°,••"`"''M=°"°"`t •,7 . PoResponse:The Line Grade Verification has been changed to reflect the Correct ARCH.100'-0"=SITE
Resubmitted Documents: 15.Line Grade Verification Form
Subject: PlanCheck ✓
Page Label: 1 On what sheet is this shown, I
,•. a° ..,..,._ ., Author:justinh am not able to find this
File Name: 15. Line Grade Verification information.
„•,,,_ ,,,� Response:The building is tied to the property lines on a new sheet A-100.
Resubmitted Sheets:A-100 Foundation Layout to Property Lines
19. Special Inspection and Testing Agreement.743-745Cemetery.2018.01.pdf(1)
•� .m Subject: PlanCheck
Page Label: 3 You are missing several
Author:justinh signatures on the special
• "~` File Name: 19. Special Inspection and Testing inspection agreement for the
_iv_ : , structural welding and high
strength bolting shown in the
Response:the Signatire pages have been resubmitted structural plan set. These are
w r Resubmitted Sheets: Documents required prior to permit issuance,
Still missing contractor signature
on the special inspection
A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf(38) agreement, please resubmit that
F Subject: PlanCheck ✓
ro: 42:2; Page Label:A-003 GROSS AREA Identify the scale you are using
191650, Author:justinh on all your plan sheets,this
PLAN GROSS AREA CALCULATIONS File Name: A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf information is missing on the
area sheets and floor plans.
Response:The scale has been added to all plan sheets.
Resubmitted Sheets:
A-101 Lower Floor Plan:A-102 Main Level Floor Plan;A-103 Upper Level Floor Plan;A-104 Roof Plan
A-003 Gross Area;A-004 Fire Area;A-005 Smoke&CM Plan
'.EA CALCULATIONS 743-145 Subject: PlanCheck ✓ This deck should be included in
Page Label: A-003 GROSS AREA
Author:justinh the gross area measurements as
• —yy File Name: A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf it is under the projection of the
roof above.
m, • Response:The deck is included in the gross area measurementsResubmitted Sheet:A-003 Gross Area
Subject: PlanCheck ✓ You need to include the usable
need to Include the usable areas Page Label:A-004 FIRE AREA
omaaamma baiitling matareatla areas outside of the building that
°,�,a�p^�arealo fi°°rab° Author:justinh
v°ayre::m«area aaa ere area
rea^raa"°°'tlba"aaarea File Name:A-Architectu .743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf are under the projection ofa roof
f°BNs'builtling.H ais Me
re or floor above. Your gross floor
ntl bountletl by'wal'Is of x�ulltling.
tlatl Response:The usable area under the projection of the roof has area and fire area
ern ,r � wans snen be
i^iytlaai^inaereareatlaa°n a,aaa been added. The gross area and the fire area are the same. measurements should be the
Za°oo°°r m•.°or°r noon aboae
745 FIRE ARE UNiT NORTH Resubmitted Sheet:A-004 Fire Area same for this building. Here is
the definition of fire area from
n TOTAL AREA 974950FT P F the IBC: "The aggregate floor
area enclosed and bounded by
walls of a building. Areas of the
building not provided with
surrounding walls shall be
included in the fire area if such
areas are included within the
horizontal projection of the roof
or floor above."
Subject: PlanCheck ✓
CPage Label:A-005 CM PLAN Both units do require fire
Author:justinh sprinklers. Ordinance 6-1 of
amends• � 6 °y" p"� °" of
File Name:A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf the6 Firen Code asse tiolow093'Any
sam=e..— e" Response:The sprinkler note has been added,noting that structures 5,000 square feet or
sprinklers are required. greater as defined by fire area,
Resubmitted Sheet:A-005 Cm and Smoke Plan or R occupancy structures with
four or more dwelling units and
two or more stories in height, or
in a location that is difficult to
access, as defined by the fire
code official, shall be equipped
with an approved automatic
sprinkler system including the
installation of a fire department
connection. A minimum of a
three sprinkler head hydraulic
calculation shall be submitted for
approval by the fire code official,
and the official may require a
larger of sprinkler heads,
depending upon the structural
design submitted. Fire
separations shall not constitute
separate buildings for this
purpose, including all R-3
Because the fire separation wall
between the two units does
make this considered as two
buildings for this requirement
use the combined fire area for
both units when determining
whether sprinklers are required.
Revise these notes to state that
sprinklers are required.
gI o 4 9, -„„ - Subject: PlanCheck ✓
,q°Y g' _ Page Label:A-101 Lower Plan Provide details and sections of
' o' to NI Author:justinh the elevator shaft enclosure to
- ;° show it shall comply with the
)1 1, kh File Name:A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf requirements of IBC 713 for a 1
� t 1� f _ '� Response: Sheet A-403 has been added to show sections hour rated shaft enclosure(the
" and details of the shaft enclosure complying with IBC713 exemption for residential
Id� ..a° :..°°. for a 1 hour rated shaft enclosure and showing theelevaors from this requirement
1 wq�"6 ' continuity of the shaft enclosure per IBC 713.5 has been removed from the
Agym tlnN sI Resubmitted Sheet:A-403 Elevator Plan-Sections- Details 2015 codes). Be sure that the
"" &Specs. section show continuity of the
shaft enclosure per IBC 713.5.
m d Subject: PlanCheck ✓ This door does not have a label
145-101 Page Label:A-102 Main Plan
Th15 doof doB5 not to reference it on the schedule.
have 8'ece"O Author:justinh
reference it on the
"e° File Name: A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf
Response: This door is part of the Window Package and can be viewed for reference on the A-604
7,.74. ii 745 Window Schedule.Window'H'
i: 14!
Subject: PlanCheck ✓
Page Label:A-102 Main Plan Provide spot elevations on both
Author:justinh sides of all exterior doors
j° ° File Name: A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf demonstrating that landing
4 e" •, ,a. Response:Spot Elevations have been added on both sides of all elevations comply with IRC
1- J_ - - - exterior doors,complying with IRC 311.3.1 311.3.1 (maximum difference in
{ W., Resubmitted Sheets:A-102 Main Flor Plan;A-103 Upper Floor landing elevation is 1.5").
b I_ Plan
® 4, �� }
—I --ij $ Subject: PlanCheck ✓
® 4,,;r, Identify this gas appliance by
Page Label:A-102 Main Plan
"""""""®"""""""""®"""""" "®"EMI 1 __ type on your floor plan, currently
-51a Author:justinh
OfPK U g$:iF it is not clear what you are
identify this gas File Name: A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf ro osin in this location.
A--- r ®I Response A Note has been added calling out for a Gas appliance. proposing
p g
it Is not clear
1 �j Resubmitted Sheet:A-103 Main Floor Plan and Specifications on the DaVinici Gas
ere i I
ncap°singnnn in this
� Fireplace Spec and Install manual.
143-� MINI i
__ NII f'-}
____ -_ -_-OE
bdECOR4Tlvf:TRUSSES L4dOVE 1 1 Li 14t.el:
Subject: PlanCheck ✓
Page Label: A-102 Main Plan Provide cutsheets and
Author:justinh installation manuals for gas log
File Name: A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf and DV gas applicance.
Provide cutsheets and installation Response:Specifications and Installation Manuals for 743 Gas Appliance and 745 Isokern with Gas
s manuals for gas log and DV gas +-
- applicance. Logs are attached.
I I Subject: PlanCheck ✓
1 Page Label:A-104 Roof Plan Snow guards req'd in this
Author:justinh location
1 MN File Name:A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf
1 L _
9/12 1 Response:Snow Guards have been added to this location.
Resubmitted Sheet:A-104 Roof Plan
9/121 1
Snow guards req'd in
1 this location
r Subject: PlanCheck ✓
Page Label:A-104 Roof Plan Show and identify all roof
Author:justinh penetrations on your roof plan.
19/12 0 File Name: A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf
Response:Additional Roof Penetrations and their identifications have been added to the Roof Plan
Resubmitted Sheet:A-104 Roof Plan
1 ----/
Subject: PlanCheck ✓
Page Label:A-104 Roof Plan Show various roofing materials
19/12 0 Author:justinh on the roof plan so that it is clear
File Name: A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf what portions of roof are shingle
vs metal crickets.
Shmv various roofing materials on Me root plan w Nat it Is
r dear�,at potllona at root ar<ahingle vs metal alckets. Response: The roofing materials have been indetified on the Roof Plan.
/ Resubmitted Sheet:A-104 Roof Plan
i I•1 Subject: PlanCheck ✓
1 Snow guards req'd in this
ii AM1 1 Page Label:A-104 Roof Plan location
VIP I Author:justinh
--- File Name: A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf
GUTTIRSJ4 Response:Snow Guards have been added to this location.
1 Resubmitted Sheets:A-104 Roof Plan
Snow guards req'd in
this location
Subject: PlanCheck✓
Page Label: A-301 SEC.A-A Provide a detail for the
: r Author:justinh garage/dwelling separation wall
File Name: A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf that complies with IRC 302.6.
o®,�e Response:A note has been added to A-301 743 Building Section A-A.
' t_Loniuoori co a<`°P'�""" Resubmitted Sheet:A-301 743 Building Section A-A
• Subject: PlanCheck,
Page Label:A-301 SEC.A-A This is not the correct detail
Author:justinh reference for this location,
This is not the correct File Name:A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf please revise.
detail reference for ?U'g ARD6
this location,please
revise.• _ • _ �' Response:A corrected reference was added.This detail is 16/A-501 and has been has been
• • corrected to A-301 743 Building Section A-A.
1 \\ Resubmitted Sheet:A-301 743 Building Section A-A
LT EL 55_m„ Subject: PlanCheck ✓
it R10 continuous insulation does
T�O FIN.GGNG SLAB EL.: 8.-9° J Page Label:A-301 SEC.A-A not meet prescriptive
RgoPon°n°°°= •9 Author:justinh requirements for a basement
File Name: A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf
m°°t P xn
the201 IECC.
wall under the 2015 IECC.
the sots`Ecc. '°CO�E°�"{
rea°ne°Rs °a a a a 1 a a Response:The dnote has been changed for R-15 Continuous.Basement walls are required to
8'I-9'e g g have R15 continuous insulation
°Ra^ary, Resubmitted Sheets:A 301 Bldg. Sec.A A;A 302 Bldg. Sec.
mp�y °NG.EL.:81-6
`_"°"� ,4r„,,«Ρo�, B-B:A-303 Bldg. Sec. C-C:A-304;A-304 Bldg. Sec. D-D; or R19 cavity insulation to
° A-305 Bldg. E-E;A-306 Bldg. Sec. F-F comply prescriptively, please
revise this note on all sections.
Subject: PlanCheck ????
Page Label:A-301 SEC.A-A
It appears that you are
1 Author:justinh proposing to use the ZIP panels
File Name: A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf to accomplish your required
continuous air barrier. I've
prya, a: Response:The details call out for R-27: R-6 for Zip Panels attached our sample air sealingdetail sheet. Please add more
L - — — and R-21 for Cavity insulation.
Submitted Sheets:A-501 information to your details 1 and
16 on sheet A-501 showing how
this air barrier will be sealed to
the roof spray foam and
foundation to create a
continuous barrier(see the typ.
details on the exterior sheathing
sheet of the air sealing details, I
just need to see a little more
detail regarding how you
propose to seal it to the sill
plate/foundation and how it is
sealed to the framing/spray foam
at the roof).
Subject: PlanCheck ✓ Your detail reference is in the
= ii
Page Label: A303 SEC. CC
= I
File Name: A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf
incorrect location.
—i. .. Response:A corrected reference was added.This detail is 2/A-501 and has been has been corrected
to A-303 743 Building Section C-C.
, ° Resubmitted Sheet:A-303 743 Building Section A-A
THRU 143
;43'lmm Subject: PlanCheck /
Fire rated assembly for the
Page Label:A-305 SEC. E-E
Author:justinh demising wall must be
_- File Name:A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf continuous from foundation to
Fire rated assembly the underside of the roof
for the demising wall
must be continuous sheathing per IRC 302.3, revise
e from foundation to the
underside oft he roof this section to show co I��''��]]rr�� P,
sheathing per IRC
y �r ���
302.3,revise this •R) V
complian show Response:The demising section wall is corrected
corrected. Resubmitted Sheet:A-301 743-745 Building
Section E-E 0 9/21/2 018
nsPLAC FAB Subject: PlanCheck •••
�F�P`°`� Hearth extension is called out as
_rcOcecaLE"' Author:justinh
being 12"tall on other details,
/WatCNE TILE Hearth ledout as bong 1 please revise for consistency as
/`„ callonouerdet details, File Name:A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf
I`AKE2iI PREFAB Pease revise it is shown flush in this section.
/H�BOx consistency as it is
� � shownflush inthis Response: The hearth extension for 745 is flush to finished floor. The details have been modified.
/Me RLATE section.
r T T Submitted Sheet:A-402 743-745 Fireplace Plan &Details
Subject: PlanCheck ✓
Page Label:A-402 FIREPLACE Hearth extension must extend
Author:justinh 20"from front of the fireplace
File Name: A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf opening per IRC 1001.10, revise
Headh extension must_ ilT¢9TII� to comply.
extend 20'from front 32
the fireplace
opening0110 periricseto Response: The fireplace hearth has been extended 24"form the face of the Isokern Box.
100 ply.revise to
Submitted Sheet:A-402 743-745 Fireplace Plan& Details
LII Subject: PlanCheck el
Page Label:A-501 FLOOR-WALL&ROOF ASSEMBLIES This opening must be less than
Author:justinh 4". IRC 312.1.3 requires the
File Name: A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf opening to restrict the passage
clA DETAIL 9/12 pro4 �.����.p of a 4"sphere.
Response: the opening has been changed to 3-1/2"
This opening must be Re-Submitted Sheet:A-501
less than 4".IRC
3 requires the 1T l43_[jLASS gA�INC
opening to restrict the """"6
passage of a 4"
Subject: PlanCheck /
Page Label:A-501 FLOOR-WALL&ROOF ASSEMBLIES Specify R value of continuous
Specify Rvalue of continuous rigid insulation to show
rigid insulation to show Author:justinh
Please veri with IECC fy that you are File Name: A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf compliance with IECC R402.1.2.
proposing to attach the 2x Please verify that you are
furring to the face of the
insulation rather than in Response:the Zip panels are attached to the Face of stud. proposing to attach the 2x furring
between pieces of insulation
which would make it not The r-Value is 6 with R-19 in the cavity of the walls, to the face of the insulation
�.7P•12.... - —__ the total R-value of the wall is R-27. rather than in between pieces of
—N _ �- -7.- Rsubmitted Sheet:A-501 insulation which would make it
°° \ not continuous.
Subject: PlanCheck ✓
"" """ Page Label: A-501 FLOOR-WALL&ROOF ASSEMBLIES Provide the interior elevations
�°._. -- you are referencing. If railing
r\RAO AH FL.. ORADI,ANT 6, Author:justinh
M File Name: A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf heights vary on the interior
guards clearly show compliant
Response: The note was incorrect and minimum height per IRC
Y _ N° °° eliminated. 312.1.2.
r Re-submitted Sheet:A-501
Subject: PlanCheck ✓
�'` �na�w Please revise this note to say
LAB FLOOR (� RaAQIANT WOOD FLOC Page Label:A-501 FLOOR-WALL&ROOF ASSEMBLIES R-49 spray foam insulation,
Please revise this note to say Author:justinh
Please revise
Insulation, currently it is confusing as to
currently spray
it is confusing as to File Name:A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf
t�� what you are actually what you are actually proposing
/ proposing(batt vs spray foam).
Response:The note has been revise to specify (batt vs spray foam).
�'� Spray Foam.
Re-Submitted Sheet:A-501
Subject: PlanCheck X
Page Label:A-501 FLOOR-WALL&ROOF ASSEMBLIES When I check TOW elevations
Author:justinh on the structural plan against the
File Name: A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf civil grading plan I'm finding
multiple locations that do not
_ N��eSC-y :— — Response:A note has been included on the A-501 requiring rovide 6"of foundation wall
�m°e _ ..a,•= all framing below grade to be pressure treated wood. extending above finished grade.
Re-submitted Sheet:A-501 Foundation walls are required to
'I �� N "°" extend a minimum of 6"above
•�m The Civil and Structural Engineer does not add Architectural grade per IRC 404.1.6. IRC
requires wood wall
building details and specs to the Civil engineering plans. 317.1 also re q
framing to be 6"above grade
unless it is treated to be
protected against decay. Revise
this detail to show compliance
with these code sections and
have the structural/civil plans
revised as needed so that this
requirement is addressed in all
plan sets.
=011ND4TION®STONE TERRACE Subject: PlanCheck X
° ° Page Label:A-501 FLOOR-WALL&ROOF ASSEMBLIES Revise handrail detail to comply
Revise handrail detail as either a type I or type II
to comply as either a Author:justinh
type ralpe type II
File Name: A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf handrail per IRC 311.7.8.3(this
311.7.8.3(this handrail exceeds the max
handrail exceeds the
_=9 fora typelandrail).d Response: The hand rail detail has been revised to be perimeter allowed for a type I
1-1/2" handrail).
■ square.
`0tang$ Resubmitted Sheet:A-501
.L._ P: m Subject: PlanCheck I
is Page Label:A-501 FLOOR-WALL&ROOF ASSEMBLIES Remove all references to the
ors"'""r"°r°" Author:justinh 2012 IBC from your plans. If you
Po""'°°'" ='a � ' File Name: A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf are proposing type VA
:72 construction (not required)be
7 r._ Response:All references to the 2012 IBC are eliminated. sure that all applicable
Resubmitted Sheet:A-501 assemblies are listed/tested
=/ == assemblies or use references to
o 11. --- the current code for prescriptive
fire ratings.
015 Subject: PlanCheck,/ Note maximum U value of all
143 1 Page Label: A-601 DOOR SCHEDULE
0 exterior doors showing
104 Author:justinh compliance with IECC R402.1.2
File Name: A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf
105 on the schedules for both units.
Note maximum u value of an exterior doors showing + 1m5
compliance with IECC R402.1.2 on the schedules for.
:bothunde. 06 Response: A note calling out for the maximum value for window and door fenestrations for windows and doors
101 to be installed is added to Sheets:
10 Re-submitted Sheets;
l�0 A-601 an A-602 Door Schedule RECEIVED
A-603 and A-604 Window Schedule;
Subject: PlanCheck ✓
"""°PD`"`°""°"'R°°16'° "RE"VALUE
"" Page Label:A-601 DOOR SCHEDULE This shows a range of R values
Author:justinh rather than a specific R value for
-` File Name:A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf the door. Provide a cutsheet on
the door that shows a compliant
.,�.,._..�..... "1 insulation value.
nM °°°`°° Response: A note calling out for the maximum value for window and door fenestrations for windows and doors to
--- u be installed is added to Sheets:
Re-submitted Sheets;
A-601 and A-602 Door Schedule
A-603 and A-604 Window Schedule;
"E=`_ _ -.. Ai_'_ _-_--i__ Subject: PlanCheck ✓
= "
K ° --- Page Label:A-601 DOOR SCHEDULE This door is required to be solid
== _ a4 Author:justinh wood or steel, or a 20 minute
== " f" __ File Name: A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf door per 302.5.1, identify it as
such on the schedule.
----=lam- Response:A 20. minute door requirement was added to the Door
I= = -=__ schedule
_-.®--_-_.-- Re-submitted Sheet:A-601 745 Door Schedule
- _ sail; Subject: PlanCheck ✓
Page Label:A-602 DOOR SCHEDULE This door is required to be solid
Author:justinh wood or steel, or a 20 minute
File Name: A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf door per 302.5.1, identify it as
such on the schedule.
E7 -SE,
-Y- _ Response:A 20 minute door requirement was added to the Door schedule
- _-_ _ Re-submitted Sheet:A-602 745 Door Schedule
Subject: PlanCheck ✓
Page Label:A-603 WINDOW SCHEDULE Note maximum U value(.28)on
= Author:justinh both window schedules.
l f J = r File Name: A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf
Response: A note calling out for the maximum value for window and door fenestrations for windows and doors
to be installed is added to Sheets:
Re-submitted Sheets;
A-601 an A-602 Door Schedule
A-603 and A-604 Window Schedule;
II / IN Ilnll1'
I_.II i LJj,ILJjy'u_' ' '",` Subject: PlanCheck ✓
Page Label: A-604 WINDOW SCHEDULE The cutsheets provided on the
a-"W:` ® LL m6�- ° Author:justinh Marvin windows list a wide range
-m WIND _ w._OW SPECIFICATIONS:'"° of available products with a
NIEDOE ERGYDDAOTOANOOCUMENTF�IE File Name: A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf range of U values. Highlight or
..� mark the specific selection on
- .:m L Response:: A note calling out for the maximum value for the Marvin data sheet similar to
window and door fenestrations for windows and doors to be what you had done on the Nana
installed is added to Sheets: window data sheet.
Re-submitted Sheets;
A-601 and A-602 Door Schedule
A-603 and A-604 Window Schedule;
LED NON LED Subject: PlanCheck ✓
mUTER LEVEL Page Label:A-701 LOWER LIGHTING DESING PLAN Note these requirements on the
AL`LEVE`. ,La Author:justinh lighting plans: o
File Name:A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf Minimum of 75/o of lamps in
permanently installed luminairs
Response: the requested notes have been added to the shall be high efficacy
Lighting Plans. -All recessed fixtures installed
Resubmitted Sheet:A-701 Lower;A-702 Main;A-703 Upperwithin the building thermal
envelope shall be IC rated and
air sealed
Subject: PlanCheck ✓
Page Label: COVER SHEET Please remove the building
Author:justinh description forms from your
File Name: A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf coversheet. We will place these
on the COA provided coversheet
Response: the Building Description Forms have been once they have been reviewed.
removed form the Cove4r sheet. Submit a building description
alt''" Resubmitted Sheet: CVR 743-745 Cover form for 745 Cemetery Lane as
well, both of these sheets are for
Subject: PlanCheck X
Page Label: COVER SHEET A state license to demolish the
Author:justinh existing structure is required
File Name: A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf before the building department
A state license to demolish the existing structure is can issue this permit. You may
s required before the building department can Issue this Response: A state license to demolish will be submitted resubmit responses without it but
r-permit You may resubmit responses without it but this'
will be required before issuance at at later date. this will be required before
Subject: PlanCheck V The size/height of this building
Page Label: COVER SHEET does not require type VA
File Name: A-Architecture.743-745 Cemetery.2018.01.pdf construction,this should be
-- _-- changed to VB. You do not
Response:the Building Description was changed to VB. need to have fire rated
Resubmitted Sheets: 743 Building Description Form; construction anywhere except
'°° °' ' 745 Building Description Form the demising wall and the
-.„,=_ - elevator shaft. Please revise
:= your building description form
" _`=_ and revise applicable
wall/floor/ceiling details as
needed (you may leave rated
assemblies in your plans but
they are not required, if they are
left in the plan then they will be
required to be built per what
you've detailed regardless of if it
is required).
M-Mechanical Plan Set.743-743Cemetery.2018.01.pdf(5)
Subject: PlanCheck ✓
;1 Provide a cutsheet on the
900,�0®0 I Il PLAN proposed dryer booster fan and
14.`Z I_ I °••° Author:justinh include it on your equipment
r. File Name: M-Mechanical Plan schedules.
=Ea= L See Mechanical Responses attached RECEIVED
This comment has not Subject: PlanCheck
been adequately r---,--. Page Label: M1-2 MECHANICAL MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN Show all O.A. intake and venting
addressed, there are Author:justinh on your elevations and sections,
File Name: M-Mechanical Plan many items are not currently
multiple intake and :sr..'~ Set.743-743Cemetery.2018.01.pdf shown on the architectural set.
exhaust louvers not being -_"
shown on the elevations Architect Response: Intake aned Exhaust Vents are on the
and sections (some would Resubmitted Sheets:A-201 East Elev.;A-202 South Elev.;
A-203 West Elev.;A-204 North Elev.
only be shown on the
sections as they face _ -
towards the adjacent unit Subject: PlanCheck •/ Layout of NC units does not
on the garage wall). Page Label: M1-2 MECHANICAL MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN match what is shown on the
Comment still stands, File Name: M-Mechanical Plan architectural plans for either unit.
please revise. Set.743-743Cemetery.2018.01.pdf Revise one or the other for
u _T •Al I_ consistency.
` �`�� `:� . Architect Responses: Layout of AC Units has been coordinated with the Architects Drawings
J I _` _ 41 � Submitted Sheet: M1-2
LE o SI it
mws, — See Mechanical Engineer Responses attached
Subject: PlanCheck ✓
— Page Label: M1-3 MECHANICAL-UPPER LEVEL FLOOR Show dryer exhaust or provide
, . . PLAN a spec on a vent-less dryer.
limo Author:justinh
M .m�,e
- File Name: M-Mechanical Plan
0 Aw^M Set.743-743Cemetery.2018.01.pdf
" �r�I rill"I hi See Mechanical Responses attached
1-121 ,„
0 r .Ilia
Subject: Plan he^h V
. Page Label: The cutsheets provided with the responses do not match 1
— , — Author:justin what is called out on your plans (plans call out two different t
File Name: M- Hot Springs brand spa models, you provided specs on y
... ... Set.743-743C
Sundance spas). The cutsheet provided on the cover does
reee�GRILLE•REGISTER-DIFFUSER SCHEDI See Mec not state that this it is listed to ASTM F-1346 (the safety t
cover standard required for all pool and spa covers). This
m,. �,E �� comment still stands, provide documentation for the spas
Call and chat... that show CEC certification and documentation on the
743 has 5 bedrooms not 4... safety covers that shows ASTM F-1346.
tor each unit and clearly show
how you are providing the
required amount of balanced
ventilation to each unit.
Z- . ' -. ' . . . : : :" z.
-- Subject: PlanCheck Provide cutsheets the spas that
Page Label: Z-006 Setbacks&Allowed Pro•ections
Author:justinh demonstrate they are exempt
File Name: Z-Zoning Plan Set.210 1st.2018.01.pdf from REMP(CEC certified and
64 SF or less of surface area)a
well a cutsheet on the spa safety
-- Responses: The spa and cover cut sheets covers that shows compliance
are attached. with ASTM F-1346.
�_ Resubmitted: Spa and Cover specifications
_.._ Y
rimm ri 1 - c ,vrvvt csrcHL)t Subject: PlanCheck ✓
Page Label: Z-006 Setbacks&Allowed Projections Provide cutsheets and
Author:justinh installation manual for the
File Name: Z Zonin Plan Set.210 1st.2018.01. df outdoor fire pit demonstrating it
NN Provide cutsheets and g p is listed for outdoor use.
installation manual for
the outdoor fire pit Response:The firepit has been eliminated.
demonstrating is
outdoor for use. esuSheets: Layout L-1 La out Plan
36" HIGH
Subject: PlanCheck ✓ Landscape plan shows a rock
Page Label: Z-006 Setbacks&Allowed Projections
Author:justinh wall in this location. Coordinate
Landscape plan shows a rock wall in File Name: Z-Zoning Plan Set.210 1 st.2018.01.pdf plans for consistency and
this location. Coordinate plans for provide a detail for this wall. IF
consistency and provide a detail for
this wall. lF the wall is taller than 4' Response: The wall has been eliminated. the wall is taller than 4'from
from(measured from top of wall to bottom of footing)a structural plan is Resubmitted Sheets: L-1 Layout Plan (measured from top of wall to
required. bottom of footing)a structural
plan is required.
•je : = a -
I Page Label: Z-006 Setbacks&Allowed Projections Detail this wall. If it is taller than
PARKING FOR Tu01GAR5 4"(measured from top of wall to
Author:justinh bottom of footing)then a
File Name: Z-Zoning Plan Set.210 1st.2018.01.pdf
J E wRExn structural plan is required for it.
_ Response:The wall has been eliminated.
Resubmitted Sheets: L-1 Layout Plan:Z-006 Setbacks&Allowed Projections
;Lnc"D'""`This stone wall was
not removed from the
landscape plan,
previous comment still
stands - coordinate all
plan sets to show it
either as proposed or
removed consistently,
and if it is to remain
detail it in either the
landscape set or
architectural set.
M-Mechanical Plan Set.743-743Cemetery.2018.01.pdf(5)
—_i ! Subject: PlanCheck ✓
i Provide a cutsheet on the
.. ���,�. f Page Label: M1-1 MECHANICAL LOWER LEVEL FLOOR
,� „��� C i_. __ proposed dryer booster fan and
L_ ► oo..r4 ; If r--— PLAN
� f� -- Author:justinh include it on your equipment
File Name: M-Mechanical Plan schedules.
--_ . fi r-� ! Set.743-743Cemetery2018.01.pdf
g ia:ta�13�eeTeez—!----
i See provided cutsheet for Fantech DBF4XLT-705
dryer exhaust duct power ventilator.
- -og- Subject: PlanCheck ✓_ Show all O.A. intake and venting
, - Author:justinh on your elevations and sections,
--- File Name: M-Mechanical Plan many items are not currently
Set.743-743Cemetery.2018.01.pdf shown on the architectural set.
'' , There are 6 O.A. Louvers required. LV-1 & 7 are located adjacent to the garage door
of -1F - on G.L. 4. LV-2 & 7 are located adjacent to the garage door on G.L. 9. LV-3 is on the
,i � west wall of master closet 745-203. LV-4 is locaed on the south wall of master closet
743-204. contractor to coordinate final location with architect.
Subject: PlanCheck,
Page Label: M1-2 MECHANICAL MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN Layout of NC units does not
Author justinh match what is shown on the
File Name: M-Mechanical Plan architectural plans for either unit.
l rig Set.743-743Cemetery.2018.01.pdf Revise one or the other for
�N m.. _ consistency.
11 L"�-W, ;I Architect to approve final location of condensing units. Units must be located per
manufacturer requirements. maintain required unit maintenance/service clearances
:ice =0 and do not exceed maximum refrigerant pipe length.
Are you saying that 2 bath fans and a clothes dryer needs to be
on for this ventilation to be balanced? If so, we will not accept
�� dryer exhaust or provide
,ei that unless they were interlocked to automatically turn on when ;on a vent-less dryer.
�'-the supply ventilation turns on for 1 hour every 4 (I do not believe
.& that is actually what is being proposed). Please clarify or
0/41,76m proposea balanced ventilation system that balances the homes
14m -me,µaI Y
a,■IF 1 -supply and exhaust automatically. We do not take into account iitect to coordinate final
1' ' I air infiltration, the system needs to mechanically balance supply
Im-and exhaust to within 20% of each other by itself. It may be
helpful to have your mechanical engineer call me directly prior to
resubmitting to be sure that we are all on the same page. a provide more information
regarding how you are providing
Author justinh
de 'a e. e a ca ' _ a balanced whole house
_ ' entilation system as required by
a ' Fan Coils will provide the ventilation air by pulling in O.A.through OA amendment to IMC
louvers.60 cfm of outside air would satisfy the required ventilation . (COA municipal code
"Jp 1� " ""015 airflow calculated using the excel file provided by the city of Aspen p
(see attached excel files).The current mechanical design shows ;.44.020(m)). Demonstrate that
GRILLE•REGISTERYDIFFUSEERSCR > about 10%outside air provided to the fan coil units(with the
exception of the two fan coils serving the kitchen.These units will ou are providing the required
operate and provide make up air when the kitchen exhaust hood is ,mount of ventilation flow rate
running in order to maintain building pressures.When the kitchen
"'" `"°""° - - " hood is not running,these two units shall reduce to a 10%outside .nd that it is balanced. Please
airflow.contractor to verify exhaust hood requirement and adjust
outside airflow set points accordingly).The outside airflows listed on ,II out a 2015 Residential
the plans not only meet, but exceed the required ventilation airflow. -ntilation calculator attached
Through the units controls,the fan coils shall be set to operate 1. (attached)
hour in every 4 hours and will slightly exceed the 230 cfm ventilation for each unit and clearly show
minimum.Based on a infiltration rate of 0.3 air changers per hour providing the
(typical for tight construction buildings) with 2 bathroom exhaust you are p 9
fans operating,and one clothes dryer the �yy residences will -quired amount of balanced
approximately be approx.8.4%positive(see attached example
calculation). v-ntilation to each unit.
-- Subject: PlanCheck Provide cutsheets the spas that
Page Label: Z-006 Setbacks&Allowed Pro•ections
Author justinh demonstrate they are exempt
File Name: Z-Zoning Plan Set.210 1st.2018.01.pdf from REMP(CEC certified and
j 64 SF or less of surface area)as
well a cutsheet on the spa safety
covers that shows compliance
with ASTM F-1346.
"--- — ,,,