HomeMy WebLinkAboutFile Documents.210 S 1st St.0281.2017 (2).ARBK RESOLUTION OF THE ASPEN HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION (HPC) APPROVING AN APPLICATION FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT(CONCEPTUAL), DEMOLITION,RELOCATION,VARIANCES,AND 330 SQUARE FOOT FAR BONUS FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 135 WEST HOPKINS AVENUE,LOT A AND THE WEST 22 Y2 FEET OF LOT B,BLOCK 60, CITY AND TOWNSITE OF ASPEN,COLORADO RESOLUTION NO.22, SERIES OF 2006 PARCEL ID: 2735-124-41-007. WHEREAS, the applicant, John Key, represented by Gretchen Greenwood of Gretchen Greenwood and Associates, Inc., has requested Major Development (Conceptual), variances, and FAR bonus for the property located at 135 West Hopkins Avenue, Lot A and the west 22Y2 feet of Lot B, Block 60, City and Townsite of Aspen, Colorado;and WHEREAS, Section 26.415.070 of the Municipal Code states that "no building or structure shall be erected, constructed, enlarged, altered, repaired, relocated or improved involving a designated historic property or district until plans or sufficient information have been submitted to the Community Development Director and approved in accordance with the procedures established for their review;" and WHEREAS, for Conceptual Major Development Review, the HPC must review the application, a staff analysis report and the evidence presented at a hearing to determine the project's conformance with the City of Aspen Historic Preservation Design Guidelines per Section 26.415.070.D.3.b.2 and 3 of the Municipal Code and other applicable Code Sections. The HPC may approve, disapprove, approve with conditions or continue the application to obtain additional information necessary to make a decision to approve or deny; and WHEREAS, in order to authorize a demolition, according to Section 26.415.080, Demolition of designated historic properties, it must be demonstrated that the application meets any one of the following criteria: a. The property has been determined by the city to be an imminent hazard to public safety and the owner/applicant is unable to make the needed repairs in a timely manner, b. The structure is not structurally sound despite evidence of the owner's efforts to properly maintain the structure, c. The structure cannot practically be moved to another appropriate location in Aspen, or d. No documentation exists to support or demonstrate that the property has historic, architectural,archaeological, engineering or cultural significance, and Additionally, for approval to demolish,all of the following criteria must be met: a. The structure does not contribute to the significance of the parcel or historic district in which it is located, and b. The loss of the building, structure or object would not adversely affect the integrity of the historic district or its historic, architectural or aesthetic relationship to adjacent designated properties and c. Demolition of the structure will be inconsequential to the historic preservation needs of the area; and 1113111111111111111 g1142:2 3 11:35 JANICE K VOS CAUDILL PITKIN COUNTY CO R 16.00 D 0.00 5Pa2812 of 4ge 3 09/01/2: 0069 11:35 JANICE K VOS CAUDILL PITKIN COUNTY CO R 16.00 D 0.00 WHEREAS, for approval of setback variances, the HPC must review the application, a staff analysis report and the evidence presented at a hearing to determine, per Section 26.415.110.0 of the Municipal Code, that the setback variance: a. Is similar to the pattern, features and character of the historic property or district; and/or b. Enhances or mitigates an adverse impact to the historic significance or architectural character of the historic property, an adjoining designated historic property or historic district; and WHEREAS, for approval of an FAR bonus, the HPC must review the application, a staff analysis report and the evidence presented at a hearing to determine, per Section 26.415.110.0 of the Municipal Code, that: a. The design of the project meets all applicable design guidelines; and b. The historic building is the key element of the property and the addition is incorporated in a manner that maintains the visual integrity of the historic building and/or c.The work restores the existing portion of the building to its historic appearance; and/or d. The new construction is reflective of the proportional patterns found in the historic building's form, materials or openings; and/or e. The construction materials are of the highest quality; and/or f. An appropriate transition defines the old and new portions of the building; and/or g. The project retains a historic outbuilding; and/or h.Notable historic site and landscape features are retained; and WHEREAS, Sara Adams, in her staff report dated August 9th, 2006, performed an analysis of the application based on the standards, found that the review standards and the "City of Aspen Historic Preservation Design Guidelines have been met, and recommended approval with conditions; and WHEREAS, at their regular meeting on August 9, 2006, the Historic Preservation Commission considered the application, found the application was consistent with the review standards and "City of Aspen Historic Preservation Design Guidelines" and approved the application by a vote of 4 to 0. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That HPC hereby recommends approval for Major Development (Conceptual), Demolition, Relocation, Variances, and a 330 square foot FAR bonus for the property'located at 135 West Hopkins Avenue, Lot A & the west 22 1/2 of Lot B, Block 60, City and Townsite of Aspen, Colorado, as proposed with the following conditions; 1. A 330 square foot FAR bonus is granted for proposed rehabilitation to the historic home to be used for the approved design. 2. Demolition is granted for the non-historic rear outbuilding. 3. Relocation is granted for the historic home. 4. The proposed door on the east elevation of the historic home will be reviewed at Final. 5. The skylights proposed for the flat portion of the historic roof will be reviewed at Final. 6. Carry the sloped skylights on the one story element across the entire east side of the one story roof edge. 7. Minimize the size of the lightwell located at the rear of the historic home to an L-shape and pull the south corner about 18 inches away from the edge of the historic home, to be approved at Final Review. /'►E IVE D 8. Reduce the size of the landingin front of the historic home to be located within the pro a �/ 11/02/2017 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT 9. The applicant will bring the depth of the porch into compliance with the 6 foot minimum required by the Residential Design Standards. 10. Residential Design Standard variances are granted for the "Secondary Mass" and "Street Oriented Entrance"requirements. 11. A waiver of 2 parking spaces is granted. 12. The following setback variances are granted for the historic home: a 10 foot front yard setback, 2 foot east side yard setback, 5 foot west side yard setback, 7 foot combined side yard setback. 13. The following setback variances are granted for the new detached residence: an 8 foot rear yard setback variance for the new house, a 2 foot east side yard setback, a 2 foot combined side yard setback. 14. Staff and monitor will review and approve the height of the historic home and foundation during the relocation phase of the building. 15. A development application for a Final Development Plan shall be submitted within one (1) year of the date of approval of a Conceptual Development Plan. Failure to file such an application within this time period shall render null and void the approval of the Conceptual Development Plan. The Historic Preservation Commission may, at its sole discretion and for good cause shown, grant a one-time extension of the expiration date for a Conceptual Development Plan approval for up to six (6) months provided a written request for extension is received no less than thirty(30)days prior to the expiration date. 16. Restudy the front porch element to be more in scale with the historic home, to be reviewed at Final. APPROVED BY THE COMMISSION at its regular meeting on the 9th day of August 2006. ApprovesLas to Form: David Hoefer,Assistant City Attorney Approved as to content: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Je 7111 lferty,Chair 1111 528149 AT Page: 3 of 3 09/01/2006 11:35 gm.// JANICE K VOS CAUDILL PITKIN COUNTY CO R 16.00 D 0.00 Kathy Stri land,Chief Deputy Clerk RECEIVED 11/02/2017 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT RESOLUTION OF THE ASPEN HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION (HPC) APPROVING AN APPLICATION FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT (FINAL) FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 135 WEST HOPKINS AVENUE, LOT A AND THE WEST 22 '/2 FEET OF LOT B,BLOCK 60,CITY AND TOWNSITE OF ASPEN,COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 38, SERIES OF 2007 PARCEL ID: 2735-124-41-007. WHEREAS, the applicant, John Key, represented by Gretchen Greenwood of Gretchen Greenwood and Associates, Inc., has requested Major Development (Final) for the property located at 135 West Hopkins Avenue, Lot A and the west 22% feet of Lot B, Block 60, City and Townsite of Aspen, Colorado; and, WHEREAS, The property is listed on the "Aspen Inventory of Historic Landmark Sites and Structures;" and WHEREAS, Section 26.415.070 of the Municipal Code states that "no building or structure shall be erected, constructed, enlarged, altered, repaired, relocated or improved involving a designated historic property or district until plans or sufficient information have been submitted to the Community Development Director and approved in accordance with the procedures established for their review;"and WHEREAS, for Final Major Development Review, the HPC must review the application, a staff analysis report and the evidence presented at a hearing to determine the project's conformance with the City of Aspen Historic Preservation Design Guidelines per Section 26.415.070.D.4.of the Municipal Code and other applicable Code Sections. The HPC may approve, disapprove, approve with conditions or continue the application to obtain additional information necessary to make a decision to approve or deny; and WHEREAS, Sara Adams, in her staff report dated October 24, 2007 performed an analysis of the application based on the standards, and recommended that the project be approved with conditions; and WHEREAS, during a duly noticed public hearing on September 12, 2007, continued to September 26, 2007, continued to October 24, 2007, the Historic Preservation Commission approved Resolution No.38, Series of 2007, by a (6-0) vote Certificate of Appropriateness for an addition to the historic home, a new detached single family residence, Dimensional Variances, a 330 square foot FAR Bonus, Relocation and Demolition located on the property at 135 West Hopkins Street, Lot A and the west 22'/2 feet of Lot B, Block 60, City and Townsite of Aspen, Colorado; and, WHEREAS, at their regular meeting on October 24, 2007 the Historic Preservation Commission considered the application, found the application was consistent with the "City of Aspen Historic Preservation Design Guidelines" and other applicable sections of the Municipal C approved the application with conditions by a vote of 6 to 0. E I VE D RECEPTION#: 545194, 12/26/2007 at 2 2 17 10:15:20 AM, 1 OF 4, R $21.00 Doc Code RESOLUTION Janice K. Vos Caudill, Pitkin Cdi nt CO '3llILDING DEPARTMENT NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That HPC hereby grants approval for Major Development(Final) with the following conditions: 1. A landscape and site plan shall be developed by Staff and monitor, City of Aspen Parks Department and the City of Aspen Engineering Department and brought back before the HPC Board for approval. 2. Lighting fixtures for both residences shall meet Lighting Code and shall receive Staff and monitor approval prior to purchase and installation. 3. The railing proposed for the new residence shall be approved by Staff and monitor. 4. Information on all venting locations and meter locations not described in the approved drawings shall be provided for review and approval by staff and monitor when the information is available. 5. The applicant shall document, using photographs and drawings, all historic elements prior to restoration and relocation of the building. 6. A construction plan with detailed phases for the development of this lot shall be submitted with the building permit application for approval by HPC Staff. The historic home shall be secured, stabilized and protected during construction, and rehabilitation of the historic home shall be in the primary phase of development. 7. If the chimneys must be dismantled prior to relocation of the historic house, they will be documented and dismantled, and if possible, the original bricks will be reused in the reconstruction of the chimney to mimic its original form. 8. A structural report demonstrating that the building can be moved and/or information about how the house will be stabilized from the house mover must be submitted with the building permit application. The applicant must provide information as to whether or not the existing floor structure will be maintained and the pro's and con's of the decision for review and approval by staff and monitor. 9. A bond or letter of credit in the amount of$30,000 to insure the safe relocation of the structure must be submitted with the building permit application. 10. A relocation plan detailing how and where the building will be stored and protected during construction must be submitted with the building permit application. 11. There shall be no deviations from the exterior elevations as approved without first being reviewed and approved by HPC staff and monitor, or the full board. 12. The conditions of approval, both Conceptual and Final HPC Resolutions, are required to be printed on the cover sheet of the building permit plan set and all other prints made for the purpose of construction. 13. The applicant shall be required to provide the contractor with copies of the HPC resolution applicable to this project. The contractor must submit a letter addressed to HPC staff as part of the building permit application indicating that all conditions of approval are known and understood and must meet with the Historic Preservation Officer prior to applying for the building permit. 14. The General Contractor and/or Superintendent shall be required to obtain R E C E IVE D specialty license in historic preservation prior to receiving a building pe 11/02/2017 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT 15. The development approvals granted herein shall constitute a site-specific development plan vested for a period of three (3) years from the date of issuance of a development order. However, any failure to abide by any of the terms and conditions attendant to this approval shall result in the forfeiture of said vested property rights. Unless otherwise exempted or extended, failure to properly record all plats and agreements required to be recorded, as specified herein, within 180 days of the effective date of the development order shall also result in the forfeiture of said vested property rights and shall render the development order void within the meaning of Section 26.104.050 (Void permits). Zoning that is not part of the approved site-specific development plan shall not result in the creation of a vested property right. No later than fourteen (14) days following final approval of all requisite reviews necessary to obtain a development order as set forth in this Ordinance, the City Clerk shall cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation within the jurisdictional boundaries of the City of Aspen, a notice advising the general public of the approval of a site specific development plan and creation of a vested property right pursuant to this Title. Such notice shall be substantially in the following form: Notice is hereby given to the general public of the approval of a site specific development plan, and the creation of a vested property right, valid for a period of three (3) years, pursuant to the Land Use Code of the City of Aspen and Title 24, Article 68, Colorado Revised Statutes, pertaining to the following described property: 135 West Hopkins Avenue. Nothing in this approval shall exempt the development order from subsequent reviews and approvals required by this approval of the general rules, regulations and ordinances or the City of Aspen provided that such reviews and approvals are not inconsistent with this approval. The approval granted hereby shall be subject to all rights of referendum and judicial review; the period of time permitted by law for the exercise of such rights shall not begin to run until the date of publication of the notice of final development approval as required under Section 26.304.070(A). The rights of referendum shall be limited as set forth in the Colorado Constitution and the Aspen Home Rule Charter. APPROVED BY THE COMMISSION at its regular meeting on the 24th day of October 2007. [signatures on following page] Approved as to Form: J es R. True, Special Counsel RECEIVED 11/02/2017 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT Approved as to content: HISTORIC PRiESE A ION COMMISSION PLAit) \\ Michael Hoffman, Chair ATTE T: Kathy S rickland, Chief Deputy Clerk RECEIVED 11/02/2017 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT A RESOLUTION OF THE ASPEN HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION (HPC) APPROVING A SUBSTANTIAL AMENDMENT TO MAJOR DEVELOPMENT FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 210 S. FIRST STREET, LOT A AND THE WEST 22 '/2 FEET OF LOT B,BLOCK 60,CITY AND TOWNSITE OF ASPEN,COLORADO RESOLUTION#5, SERIES OF 2017 PARCEL ID: 2735-124-59-112 WHEREAS, the applicant, John Key, 135 Hopkins Ltd., represented by Gretchen Greenwood and Associates, requested a Substantial Amendment to the design of a new dwelling unit approved for this property through HPC Resolution #21, Series of 2008, HPC Resolution #38, Series of 2007 and Resolution#22, Series of 2006; and • WHEREAS, Section 26.415.070.E.2 of the Municipal Code states that "all changes to approved plans that materially modify the location, size, shape, materials, design; detailing or appearance • of the building elements as originally depicted must be approved by the HPC as a substantial amendment;"and WHEREAS, Amy Simon, in her staff report dated March 8, 2017, performed an analysis of the application based on the standards, found that the review standards and the "City of Aspen Historic Preservation Design Guidelines" were not met, and recommended restudy; and WHEREAS, at their regular meeting on March 8, 2017 the HPC considered the application, found the application was consistent with the review standards and the "City of Aspen Historic Preservation Design Guidelines," and approved a Substantial Amendment by a vote of 6 to 0. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION • COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO THAT: Section 1: Pursuant to the procedures and standards set forth in Title 26 of the Aspen Municipal. Code, HPC grants approval for a Substantial Amendment to the design of a new dwelling unit approved for this property, with the following conditions: 1. Additional floor area bonus is approved, so that the total bonus awarded for 'the development of the subject property, including the existing dwelling unit, is 500 square feet. 2. A waiver of two of the four on-site parking spaces required for the existing dwelling unit • and the new dwelling unit was granted through HPC Resolution#22, Series of 2006. 3. An 8' rear yard setback reduction for the new dwelling unit was granted through UPC Resolution#22, Series of 2006. rIt EIKD 4. Additional variations granted for the new dwelling unit are a 2'6" west ,stdarl reduction, a 7' combined sideyard setback reduction, and a 1' reduction in the minimum 11/02/2017 • ASPEN • BUILDING DEPARTMENT distance between the existing dwelling unit and a lightwell related to the new dwelling unit. • 5. The approval of this Substantial Amendment does not extend the Development Order issued for this property on November 8, 2007, nor does it reinstate the Vested Rights associated with that Development Order. The applicant must submit a complete building permit for the development of the new dwelling unit addressed by this Resolution by • November 8, 2017, and pursue that permit in a timely manner. Failure to do so will result in the termination of the right to construct a second dwelling unit on this property. Section 2: All material representations and commitments made by the Applicant pursuant ,to the development proposal approvals as herein awarded, whether in public hearing or documentation presented before the Community Development Department and the Historic Preservation Commission are hereby incorporated in such plan development approvals and the same shall be complied with as if fully set forth herein, unless amended by other specific conditions or an authorized authority. Section 3: This Resolution shall not affect any existing litigation and shall not operate as an abatement of any action or proceeding now pending under or by virtue of the ordinances repealed or amended as herein provided, and the same shall be conducted and concluded under such prior ordinances. Section 4: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional in a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and shall not affect the validity of the remaining • portions thereof. FINALLY, adopted, passed and approved this 8"' day of February, 2017. App ved as to content: • Jeffrey Ha 'rty, Chair Appr ve orm: :an, A.sistant City . 1rney Ait, A TEST Nicole Henning, Depute City Clerk RECEIVED 11/02/2017 ASPEN • BUILDING DEPARTMENT