HomeMy WebLinkAboutFile Documents.210 S 1st St.0281.2017 (11).ARBK FLEETWOOD WINDOWS & DOORS
I Fleetwood Way, Corona CA 92878
Energy Code Compliance
IECC(International Energy Compliance Code)
DOE(Department of Energy)
ASHRAE(American Society of Heating,Refrigeration&Air Conditioning Engineers)
LBL(Lawrence Berkley Laboratories)
NFRC(National Fenestration Rating Council)
CMA(Component Modeling Approach)
Building Department Professional:
This packet is being provided to you in advance to assist in the approval process.While performance energy reports have been used for over a decade,some are
frustrated when these reports are submitted in the late stages.Therefore,along with this packet a Fleetwood Dealer is providing specific information regarding the
project(attached packet).
Fleetwood's sole business is making windows and doors for custom built,modern houses.In modern designs much of the envelope is glass and window framing,
making energy compliance a challenge.In the early 2000's, Fleetwood began using approved NFRC software to help homeowners prove envelope compliance with
the IECC.Our goal herein is to illustrate the legitimacy of residential projects using the Simulated Performance Alternative method.
Federal or State?
Most states are using the Federal government code(IECC)but some states, such as California, have adopted their own
energy code e.g.Title 24 (www.energy.ca.gov/title24/2013standards/)which is possible as long as the state can prove their code is
equal to or more stringent than the IECC. Most of the information within this document is geared toward IECC.
Building Envelope Compliance
The IECC allows for several methods in which to validate building envelope compliance. The most common methods are
ASHRAE calculations, NFRC labeling or a Simulated Performance Alternative "The 2009 IECC and ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2007,as
well as the 2012 IECC and ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010,contain a number of compliance paths. Choosing an Energy Code Compliance
Path TOPIC BRIEF(Resource 2)presents these paths in more detail"(energycodes.gov/resource-center/ace/compliance/step2)
Commercial Fenestration Compliance
Most commercial projects use the IECC Simulated Performance Alternative method with the help of NFRC
approved software THERM 6.3, WINDOW 6.3 or CMA/CMAST. These rate fenestration energy compliance by inputting
actual sizes of the windows and doors.
Residential Fenestration Compliance
Many residential projects use the same software to achieve envelope compliance(Prescriptive) but unlike the
commercial building in the same Climate Zone, actual sizes are not tested. Instead, results are derived from prescribed
specimen sizes most common in tract housing projects. However,these specimen sizes('Market Standardization')do NOT
reflect the house window sizes.Therefore, to achieve the most accurate energy rating Fleetwood will provide the Simulated
Performance Alternative report.
Compliance Software
The Simulated Performance Alternative is made possible with compliance software such as ResCheck,which is free
software offered by the Federal government. However, this software is limited and is not the best product to use with custom home
projects. Other products to consider are:
• RemRate
• RemDesign
• EnergyPro
Energy Consultants
Compliance software is most effectively utilized when operated by a trained energy professional. Below is a list of a few
firms Fleetwood can recommend:
• Title 24 Consultant:
Chuck Visnic • Title 24 Consultant:
Energy Impacts Gilberto Carrillo
2613 Coronado Drive Title 24 Guys LLC
Fullerton, CA 92835 10964 Memory Park Avenue
Phone: 714-871-8197 Mission Hills, CA 91345
energyi@pacbell.net Phone:818-850-3385(Office)
• Title 24 Consultant: gilberto@title24guys.com
Tom Rotchford, PE, LEED AP
Solargy, Inc. • IECC Consultant:
22028 Ventura Blvd., Suite 207 Stephen Mogowski
Woodland Hills, CA 91364 Desert Skies Code Compliance
Phone:818-347-6096 Ext 110 1576 E. Windsor Drive, Unit E
info@solargy.com Gilbert,AZ 85296
• Title 24 Consultant: info@buildcompliant.com
David Knight
Monterey Energy Group
26465 Carmel Rancho Blvd. #8
Carmel, CA 93923
Trade-off Measures
Compliance software allows professionals to trade-off lower performing components in one part of the envelope for higher
performing components elsewhere. Some of the measures being used are:
• Tank-less water heater
• Air exchanges
• Whole building air leakage(HERS)
• Air handler fans
• Whole house fans
• HVAC ducting inside conditioned space
• QII (Quality Insulation Installation)
• Floor and wall heating
• Interior blinds
• Thicker walls/insulation
• Attic insulation below the roof deck
• Install a PV system (photovoltaic)
• Convert garage, attic and basement space into Conditioned Space to reduce the percentage of glass to Conditioned
Floor Area
Verify that the respective building code allows the measure because some versions of the IECC have greater restrictions.
California's Title 24, on the other hand, allows many mechanical trade-offs.
ASHRAE has been around since the late 1800's. Many builders use 'ASHRAE calculations to prove building
compliance by means of the total UA Alternative. However,this method is cumbersome and not as accurate as it could be if
ONLY the windows were concerned.Therefore NFRC's mandate by the DOE and respective state governments was to create
a more reliable and more stringent methodology of compliance determination.As result, the programs developed by LBL
(THERM& WINDOW)have commonly replaced ASHRAE calculations. The IECC accepts ASHRAE calculations if done by a
qualified engineer on the actual window sizes. Similarly,the IECC allows manufacturers to provide test reports using the
NFRC approved THERM 6.3 and WINDOW 6.3 software (But only using Prescriptive standard sizes).
Fleetwood has successfully tested, and therefore publishes, thousands of NFRC laboratory results based on the
Prescriptive sizes. When the "NFRC developed this testing protocol they did so with tract builders in mind. For exarhp0
l il
assumed that 7'x 7' patio doors are common. In reality, modern architecture and custom built homes are designed Witl441 '=l
door openings commonly at 20'x 10'and often times much larger. The NFRC Prescriptive values worked well until we started
understanding the negative affects it was having on custom projects. Specifically,when only the NFRC Prescriptive or
Prescriptive Weighted Average results are used,the house is not being calculated accurately.
Fleetwood therefore provides Simulated Performance Alternative reports using THE SAME SOFTWARE AND SAME
METHODS the NFRC uses to create the Prescriptive energy reports. The only difference is the actual window sizes are
entered and calculated.
Supervising Entity
Building codes that specify the NFRC as the"Supervising Entity"may interpret the code as requiring NFRC
prescriptive labels under NFRC 100 and 200. In these cases, project professionals should work closely with the permitting
building department to verify THEIR interpretation. Many building departments throughout the country recognize the Simulated
Performance Alternative calculations as more than satisfactory.
Architectural Compromises
If a Simulated Performance Alternative energy report is disallowed the architectural integrity of the house is certain
to be compromised. Example: Sliding doors in warmer climate zones do not need thermally broken aluminum. If only the
Prescriptive results are allowed the architect may be forced to switch to thermal break,which adds wider sight lines, restricts
sizes and costs more money(see"The Energy Code Trap"on Fleetwood's website).Additionally, "upgrading"glass can
destroy the home's elevation appearance with darker tints or more reflective glazing. In fact, some communities prohibit
reflective glass.
Homeowner Compromises
If the house is forced to use the NFRC Prescriptive results rather than the more accurate results the owner is forced
to spend more money on fenestration simply to satisfy ambiguity and inefficiency of the building code. For example, in some
parts of the country the owner may be forced to spend tens of thousands of dollars on glass and product"upgrades"that are
only needed to offset the tract home energy results simulated by the NFRC.
New Construction or Remodel?
Whether the house is being constructed from the ground up or is a remodel, energy reports are needed to
demonstrate compliance. If the builder is using the Prescriptive method to achieve energy compliance for the house envelope,
metal windows will be difficult to pass unless the method is changed to the Performance method wherein software can be
used to calculate actual size energy results—Fleetwood can provide this.
Custom Report Certification & Labeling
Many building departments do not require all fenestration products to carry a label, let alone an NFRC label.
However, Fleetwood will provide an NFRC label for all tested products.Additionally, along with the Simulated Performance
Alternative report Fleetwood will provide custom labels if desired. Each will clearly state: U-Factor, SHGC,Air Infiltration and
Condensation Resistance (CR). Each label will clearly indicate the values as Manufacturer Certified.
If a Simulated Performance Alternative report is disallowed the NFRC prescriptive results must be disallowed too
as both were created from the same software.The only difference is actual sizes were used.
If the NFRC calculated these factors they would achieve THE EXACT results as in our custom actual size reports
' Fundamentals Handbook chapter 31, pg. 31.4, or 2001 Handbook chapter 30, pg. 30.4: "U-Factor(Overall Coefficient of Heat
"The NFRC was designed as a means of helping communities build Energy Efficient homes. Below is a link to the NFRC
website with helpful documents:
http://nfrccom m unity.site-yrn.com/?page=Techdocs
EXCERPT: The validity of the software is held in high regard by the NFRC. "For NFRC Certification of fenestration products,either
WINDOW5/THERM5 or WINDOW6/THERM6 maybe used for the simulation of those products.However,after July 1, 2011 c e ruc rt
WINDOW6/THERM6 will be authorized for NFRC Certification
Energy Report (Weighted Average)
The information below is a typical example of what Fleetwood provides with every quote. The
Simulated Performance Alternative Energy Report is a more accurate energy report than ASHRAE or
simply reporting Prescriptive. Results are computed with the same software NFRC uses to rate
Prescriptive Energy Ratings, but using actual sizes of the windows and doors:
Job Name:Energy Example
Quote: #398125 MANUFACTURER
Job Specific Summary
The U-Factor and SHGC values provided in this report comply with NFRC 100 and NFRC 200-A summary of these values has
been presented as a Weighted Average to assist dealers in assessing the general impact if changes are made to the Window
or Door order.e.g.glass type change.
Additionally.Fleetwood has provided a column of Simulated Performance Alternative energy values that may be a useful tool
in illustrating how the size of a Door or Window will impact the true living conditions inside the home By request.Fleetwood
will provide Manufacturer Labels for such values For more information about Simulated Performance Alternative visit
Fleetwood's website:under the Designers/Energy section then select Energy Code Compliance.
Product Type 1 Category Information (Metric/SI version available upon request)
Category: Series: Item: Glazing"; VT: NFRC ;tauyladerfarma"p GlazingArea
Allemali e
0-Fadrx/SHGC 0-Facto SHGC Imo)* '
DOOR Series 3070-7 2-0 A 047 0.32 0.21 0.27 0.24 22042 123w1381^
DOOR Series 3300-T 1-0 A 0.49 0.34 022 028 024 138.00 1144.13er1
DOOR Series 3900-T 6-0 A 0.34 041 017 030 021 104 72 11160301N
DOOR Weighted Average (1t2)-463 14
NFRC: U-Factoc 0.346 SHGC:0.204
AanA11p' 0.28 0.233
Category: Series: Item: Glazing': VT: NFRC Simulated Perfomfance GlazingArea
U-F WO,1SHGC UFactori SHGC Ift2)*QtY'
FIXED Series 3850-F 3-0 A 0 55 0.23 024 022 025 72 22 Ikir,c:"
Undefined Weighted Average (ft2).72.22
NFRC U-Factor 0.23 SHGC 0.24
Simulated PMormante 0.22 0.25
Category: Series: Item: Glazing': VT: NFRC SonoiolldPorto as a Glazing Area
uFacror 1 SHGC u-Factor f SHGC (ft21 QN.
FIXED Series 250-T 5-0 B 0 53 0.29 0.23 0 27 0 24 72.22 Iepd3ot1
FIXED Series 3800-T 4-0 B 0.55 0.27 0.24 0.26 0.25 72.22 gloom
WINDOW Weighted Average (ft2):144.44
NFRC. U-Factor. 0.28 SHGC:0.235
Simulated Performance 0 28 0.245
The"Performance method"for certification is recommended;wherein envelope components can be"traded off'to
allow the desired windows and doors. (See Energy Code Compliance for a list of common trade-offs.)
Total Weighted Average Total Glazing Area
NFRC U-Factor 0.32 SHGC.0 21 (f12)679 8
Senulated Performance 0 27 0.24
The overall produot U-Facia comWlnes the center-or-pass,produd frame and edge-Of-glass U-Fades in a frame mode.
Nde All U-facto,and SHGC values are Shown well non-enled glass.Tint a,glass cob further reduce the SHGC values
*Glazing Type. Description. COG U-Valve I SHGC
A CLR5B366189TG 1'.Clear Cardinal 366 Ernm-T_0.5argon_Clear Cardnal'89 6mm-T 0.19 0.26
B CLR6B366189G7 1.25'.Clear Cardinal 3666mm-T 0.75argon pear Cardinal i896mm-T 02 026
NFRC Prescriptive Sizes:
Series 'Ca,epuraam mho z Height(Int
Westwood250 Erred 47x59
Norwood 3070-T OX a XX 76 x 78
Glacier 3300.1 OX or XX 78 x 78
Kona 3800-T Fired 47 x 59
3850.F Fired 47x59
Atlantic 3900-7 OXa XX 37x 82
V-Fetfa The rated Winter u-r actor 04 the fenestrebon product.In etumr-52•'F.
SHGC Solar Heal Gain Coemoere
v7 Visible Transmittance
pea 012) The area or the surface in sware feet
NFRC National Feneslretrtn Rating Cwnal w raga
(ECG International Energy Conservation Code RECEIVE
E'. E I'f E
Temporary Label
Below are examples of temporary labels available for Fenestration Values:
NFRC Default Fleetwood
Simulated Performance Alternative
y; FLEETWOOD Manufacturer's
x Windows and Doors
Fenestration Default Values LEETWO OD
Product Type DOOR-MS
""° 0i0tn Aluminum wrtnermal Breaks Windows&Doors PRODUCT: Norwood 3070-T aur9.c..[m.ds
EgIMIE Double Glazing-Argon FM•Low E Norwood 3070-T TYPE,DOOR-MS
CPO,. Product Type DOOR-MS 230"x 138"(584mm x 350mm)
ENERGY PERFORMANCE RATINGS Aluminum w/Tbemlal Breaks Aluminum w/Tmermal Breaks
U-Factor(U.S.'I PI Solar Meet Gain Coefficientr-C'ee1 Carona!366 6mm n.T D Sargon Cam Cana d9 6mrr.- Double Glazing-Argon FIN-Low E
U-Facler(U S%(-P) Solar Heat Gam Coetx,e-• (Simulated Performance Alternative)
Visible Transmittance Arr Leakage(U S rl-P) 0.59 0.63
0.47 5 0.3 0.27 1.53 0.24
44 Visible Transmittance Ar leakage
0.47 5 0.3 1.5
(U Sn-P) (M.10US!)
Condensation Resistance
44 —
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