HomeMy WebLinkAboutagenda.boa.20230126AGENDA ASPEN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT January 26, 2023 4:30 PM, I.ROLL CALL II.MINUTES II.A Draft Minutes - 12/01/22 III.COMMENTS IV.DECLARATION OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST V.PUBLIC HEARINGS V.A 701 S. Monarch Street | Dimensional Variance Request VI.OTHER BUSINESS VI.A Election of Chair & Vice-Chair VII.BOARD REPORTS WebEx Meeting Instructions WEBEX MEETING INSTRUCTIONS TO JOIN ONLINE: Go to www.webex.com and click on "Join a Meeting" Enter Meeting Number: 2555 325 7656 Enter Password: 81611 Click "Join Meeting" -- OR -- JOIN BY PHONE Call: 1-408-418-9388 Enter Meeting Number: 2555 325 7656 Enter Password: 81611 minutes.boa.20221201_DRAFT.docx 701 S. Monarch_Memo.pdf Resolution No. XX, Series of 2023_APPROVING VARIANCE.pdf Resolution No. XX, Series of 2023_DENYING VARIANCE.pdf Exhibit A_701 S. Monarch_Variance Review Criteria.pdf Exhibit B_Application.pdf 1 VIII.ADJOURN TYPICAL PROCEEDING FORMAT FOR ALL PUBLIC HEARINGS 1) Conflicts of Interest (handled at beginning of agenda) 2) Provide proof of legal notice (affidavit of notice for PH) 3) Staff presentation 4) Board questions and clarifications of staff 5) Applicant presentation 6) Board questions and clarifications of applicant 7) Public comments 8) Board questions and clarifications relating to public comments 9) Close public comment portion of hearing 10) Staff rebuttal/clarification of evidence presented by applicant and public comment 11) Applicant rebuttal/clarification End of fact finding. Deliberation by the commission commences. No further interaction between commission and staff, applicant or public 12) Chairperson identified the issues to be discussed among commissioners. 13) Discussion between commissioners* 14) Motion* *Make sure the discussion and motion include what criteria are met or not met Revised January 9, 2021 2 REGULAR MEETING ASPEN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT December 1st,2022 Chairperson Sandler opened the meeting of the Aspen Board of Adjustment at 4:34 p.m. Commissioners in attendance: Jim Farrey, Collin Frank, Ashley Feddersen, Andrew Sandler Commissioners not in attendance: Tim Sack and Rick Head Staff present: Jeffrey Barnhill, Planner I Kevin Rayes, Planner Bob Narracci, Zoning Administrator Jim True, City Attorney Cindy Klob, Records Manager Risa Rushmore, Administrative Assistant Staff Comments:None Commissioner comments: None Declaration of Conflicts of Interest:None Minutes: Mr. Sandler motioned to approve the minutes from 9/8/22. Ms. Feddersen seconded. Roll call vote: Mr. Frank, yes; Mr. Farrey, yes; Ms. Feddersen, yes; Mr. Sandler, yes. All in favor, motion passes. Mr. True asked if Ms. Feddersen was joining the meeting via phone. Ms. Feddersen said yes. Mr. True noted for the record that Ms. Feddersen was participating via phone and asked if anyone had an objection. There were no objections. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 401 Park Ave. – Permitted Use Variance Staff Presentation – Jeffrey Barnhill -Planner I Mr. Barnhill started by going over some background on the property and noted that it is part of the Bibbig subdivision and in the R-6 zone district. He also noted the 333 Park Ave. was granted a variance via BOA resolution #1 of 2022 for a single-family residence and that 401 and 333 Park Ave. have the same ownership. The owners are here today for construction staging on 401 Park while they construct the 333 Park property. Mr. Barnhill then went over the Permitted Use Variance and its difference from a traditional variance. He also showed a diagram of the two properties detailing the location of construction parking and material staging areas on the 401 Park property. He then went over the review criteria for the Permitted Use Variance and noted that staff had determined that this proposal met all of the review criteria. Mr. Barnhill mentioned that this proposal had been reviewed by the Parks and Engineering Departments and both agreed with staff’s position recommending approval. There were some conditions in the draft resolution that addressed their concerns related to the restoration post completion of 333 Park. Staff recommends approval with the conditions included in the resolution. Applicant Presentation –Sara Adams – Bendon Adams Ms. Adams thanked Mr. Barnhill for his presentation and agreed that this was a good solution for the neighborhood and hoped the board agreed with staff’s recommendation. 3 REGULAR MEETING ASPEN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT December 1st,2022 There were no questions from the board members. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None Mr. Sandler moved to approve Resolution #3, Series of 2022 granting approval for a Permitted Use Variance to allow off-site construction staging on 401 Park Avenue, with conditions. Mr. Farrey seconded. Roll call vote:Mr. Frank, yes; Mr. Farrey, yes; Ms. Feddersen, yes; Mr. Sandler, yes. All in favor, motion passes. 424 S. Spring St. – Setback Variance Request Staff Presentation –Kevin Rayes –Planner Mr. Rayes started by showing an overhead view of the property and noted it is where the Butcher’s Block is located. He went over the current conditions and highlighted several businesses that occupy the building. He noted that since it was built in the 1960’s and has not undergone any demolition since then, it is not required to be up to current code standards. It currently encroaches into a lot of setbacks. He then pointed out a small space between this property and the adjacent one that was never developed and is the subject of this review. He showed a few pictures of the space in its current condition which shows various uses including a dumpster and recycling, refrigeration units and storage sheds. Most of the equipment has been thought of as necessary for the basic function of the businesses. The challenge is the applicant would like to keep the equipment where it is, but it is currently well into the 5-foot setback required here. The applicant is requesting to memorialize the equipment in order to have a guaranty to be able to continue using it. Mr. Rayes went on to describe the variance review criteria and noted that due to the corner lot it is not ideal to relocate the equipment to any other side of the building. He then showed a site plan included in the resolution that highlights the area the equipment can be located in order to give clarity to the applicant. He stated that staff finds all criteria to be met and is recommending approval of the variance requested. Mr. Farrey asked if the area between the two buildings highlighted in the site plan was owned by the applicant. Mr. Rayes said that the area the equipment is located on is owned by the applicant. Mr. Farrey asked why this came to the BOA and was not done administratively. Mr. Rayes responded by saying variances are pretty clear and that putting equipment in the setback is normally not allowed by code. This is also to provide transparency with the public and is not on staff to decide if it is consistent with community values rather it is up to the board. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None Mr. Sandler moved to approve Resolution #4, Series of 2022 approving a setback variance for 424 S. Spring Street. Ms. Feddersen seconded. Roll call vote:Mr. Frank, yes; Mr. Farrey, yes; Ms. Feddersen, yes; Mr. Sandler, yes. All in favor, motion passes. 4 REGULAR MEETING ASPEN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT December 1st,2022 ADJOURN:Ms. Feddersen motioned to adjourn. Mr. Sandler seconded. Roll call vote: Mr. Frank, yes; Mr. Farrey, yes; Ms. Feddersen, yes; Mr. Sandler, yes. All in favor, motion passes. _____________________ Mike Sear, Deputy Clerk 5 Page 1 of 4 MEMORANDUM TO: City of Aspen Board of Adjustment FROM: Kevin Rayes, Senior Planner THRU: Bob Narracci, Zoning Administrator RE: 701 S. Monarch Street, Dimensional Variance Review Resolution No. XX, Series of 2023 MEETING DATE: January 26, 2023 APPLICANT: Caribou Condominium Association Inc. REPRESENTATIVE: Chris Bryan, Garfield & Hecht, PC LOCATION: 701 S. Monarch Street (AKA the Caribou Condominiums) CURRENT ZONING AND USE: Zoned Lodge (L) and improved with six condominiumzed multi-family residential dwelling units Lot Size: 12,144 sq. ft. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant requests a side yard setback variance of five (5) feet, reducing the minimum setback from five (5) feet to zero (0) feet along the southern side of the property to develop a retaining wall. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff supports a variance on this property and recommends approval of the request. Figure 1: Site Location 701 Figure 2: Front of Property (As Viewed from Monarch Street) 6 Page 2 of 4 REQUEST OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: The Applicant requests the following approval from the Board of Adjustment: • Variance (Chapter 26.314) to grant a setback variance for this site, reducing the minimum setback from five feet to zero feet to redevelop a retaining wall. The Board of Adjustment is the final review authority. BACKGROUND: 701 S. Monarch (AKA the Caribou Condominiums) is located within the Lodge (L) zone district and has a Gross Lot Area of 12,144 sq. ft. The property was developed circa 1975 and is currently improved with six condominiumized multi-family residential dwelling units, onsite parking spaces, and a common outdoor pool area. The southern-most side of the pool area contains a retaining wall that encroaches into the five - foot side yard setback prescribed within the Lodge (L) zone district. Pursuant to Land Use Code Section 26.575.020.e.5.k, Calculations and Measurements, a retaining wall may be located within a setback if the wall does not exceed 30 inches above or below grade and it is determined to be necessary for the structural integrity of the improvement. The existing wall was likely constructed around the time the property was originally developed. It is approximately four feet tall and considered an existing nonconformity. The applicant plans to construct a new wall adjacent to the existing wall and requests a setback variance of five feet to accommodate the new wall. Figure 5 depicts the proposed footprint of the new wall as it relates to the setback. Property Line Setback Figures 3 & 4: Existing Retaining Wall Existing Wall Setback Figure 5: Location and Footprint of Proposed wall Proposed wall Existing wall 7 Page 3 of 4 REVIEWS Setback Variance: The criteria to grant a variance are strict. The applicant must demonstrate that reasonable use of the property has been withheld by the City and can only be achieved through a variance. In situations where all, or practically all, reasonable use of a property is made impossible by development regulations, the City may grant a variance to avoid a “regulatory taking”. The property owner must demonstrate that their rights, as compared with owners of similar properties, have been deprived. In considering these criteria, the Board of Adjustment must consider unique conditions inherent to the property which are not the result of the applicant’s actions and are not applicable to other parcels, buildings, or structures. STAFF COMMENTS: Staff supports approval of the requested variance to build a new retaining wall with the condition that the existing wall remain in place. While the existing wall was never developed in accordance with engineering standards, it does appear to support the base of a large tree located uphill from the property. Removing the wall could loosen the soil and compromise the foundation of the tree . Developing a properly engineered retaining wall adjacent to the existing wall is likely the least impactful solution that will maintain the shored-up area and benefit the tree. Staff believes the potential risk posed to the tree by removing the existing wall is a unique condition that is likely not applicable to other parcels in the immediate vicinity. As depicted in Figure 5, the existing wall encroaches into the side setback by up to five feet in certain areas and complies with setback standards in others. The alignment of the proposed wall follows the contours of the existing wall, meaning a five-foot setback variance is needed in certain areas and not in others. Requiring the Applicant to keep the existing wall in place and to build a new wall alongside it, will reduce the current encroachment and will not confer any special privilege on the property. Staff supports the five-foot setback variance with the condition that the representations from the proposed site plan be met. (The site plan is included in Exhibit A of the resolution.) A retaining wall that aligns with the contours of the existing wall requires the minimum variance that will make possible reasonable use of the property. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of Adjustment approve the variance request to reduce the minimum side-yard setback from five feet to zero feet, with the condition that the existing wall remain in place. Building a structurally sound wall adjacent to the existing wall will mitigate impacts to the tree located uphill from the property. Figure 6: Existing wall and adjacent tree 8 Page 4 of 4 PROPOSED MOTION: Staff recommends approval of the request. Two motions are proposed, both of which are written in the affirmative. The first approves the resolution while the second denies the resolution. Motion 1: “I move to approve Resolution No. XX, Series 2023, approving the variance to reduce the side yard setback along the southern side of the property from 5-ft. to 0-ft, subject to the conditions of approval included the resolution.” If the Board determines that the criteria are not met for a Variance, the following motion may be used: Motion 2: “I move to approve Resolution No. XX, Series 2023, denying the variance for the side yard setback.” ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A – Variance Review Criteria | Staff Findings Exhibit B – Application 9 Board of Adjustment Resolution No. XX, Series 2023 Page 1 of 4 RESOLUTION NO. XX (SERIES OF 2023) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ASPEN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPROVING A SETBACK VARIANCE FOR THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS CARIBOU CONDOMINIUMS COMMON AREA, PURSUANT TO THE CONDOMINIUM MAP APPEARING IN MAP BOOK 4 AT PAGE 379 AND 380, AS AMENDED BY THE FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT APPEARING IN MAP BOOK 4 AT PAGES 404 AND 405, PITKIN COUNTY, COLORADO, COMMONLY KNOWN AS 701 S. MONARCH STREET, ASPEN, CO 81611 Parcel ID No: 2735-131-25-800 WHEREAS, the subject property is located within the Lodge (L) zone district and contains an existing-nonconforming four (4) foot retaining wall located within the five (5) foot side-yard setback; and, WHEREAS, Land Use Code Section 26.575.020.e.5.k, Allowed Projections into Setbacks, allows retaining walls within setbacks which do not exceed thirty (30) inches vertically above or below the lower of natural or finished grade improvements; and, WHEREAS, the Community Development Department received an application for 701 S. Monarch Street, (the Application) from the Caribou Condominiums Association, Inc. (Applicant), represented by Chris Bryan, Garfield & Hecht, for the following land use review approvals: • Setback Variance: pursuant to Land Use Code Chapter 26.314, to develop a new retaining wall within the side yard setback along the south of the property; and, WHEREAS, all code citation references are to the City of Aspen Land Use Code in effect on the day the application was deemed complete – August 22, 2022, as applicable to this Project; and, WHEREAS, during a duly noticed public hearing on January 26, 2023, the Board of Adjustment reviewed the application and approved Resolution XX, Series of 2023, by a XX to XX vote (X-X), granting approval for Dimensional Variance Review, as identified herein. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO THAT: Section 1: Conditions of Approval Pursuant to the procedures and standards set forth in Title 26 of the Aspen Municipal Code, the Board of Adjustment hereby approves a five (5) foot side yard setback variance along the southern side of the property, reducing the setback requirement from five (5) feet to zero (0) feet to develop a new four (4) foot retaining wall, with a forty-two (42) inch guardrail on top, subject to the following conditions: 10 Board of Adjustment Resolution No. XX, Series 2023 Page 2 of 4 1. Approval is conditioned on the existing retaining wall remaining in place. Any changes to the existing wall or immediate vicinity that may impact trees located on the uphill side of the subject property shall require subsequent review from the Parks Department. The Parks Department reserves the right to impose additional conditions to protect all trees in the area. 2. The entirety of the new wall shall be located fully outside of the adjacent access easement (Book 94, Page 52). 3. The footprint of the new wall shall be consistent with the site plans included as Exhibit A and B of this resolution. Small changes of a technical nature may be approved administratively if found to benefit the tree. Section 2: Material Representations All material representations and commitments made by the Applicant pursuant to the development proposal approvals as herein awarded, whether in public hearing or documentation presented before the Community Development Department and the Board of Adjustment, are hereby incorporated in such plan development approvals and the same shall be complied with as if fully set forth herein, unless amended by other specific conditions or an authorized authority. Section 3: Existing Litigation This Resolution shall not affect any existing litigation and shall not operate as an abatement of any action or proceeding now pending under or by virtue of the ordinances repealed or amended as herein provided, and the same shall be conducted and concluded under such prior ordinances. Section 4: Severability If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional in a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. APPROVED, by the Board at its meeting on January 26, 2023. Approved as to form: Approved as to content: __________________________ ______________________________ James R. True, City Attorney Andrew Sandler, Chair Attest: _______________________________ Mike Sear, City Clerk 11 Board of Adjustment Resolution No. XX, Series 2023 Page 3 of 4 Exhibit A: Approved Site Plan xhibit A: Approved Site Plan xhibit A: Approved Site Plan Existing 4-ft. retaining wall Approved 4-ft. retaining wall 12 Board of Adjustment Resolution No. XX, Series 2023 Page 4 of 4 Exhibit B: Approved Cross Section 13 Board of Adjustment Resolution No. XX, Series 2023 Page 1 of 3 RESOLUTION NO. XX (SERIES OF 2023) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ASPEN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT DENYING A DIMENSIONAL VARIANCE FOR THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS CARIBOU CONDOMINIUMS COMMON AREA, PURSUANT TO THE CONDOMINIUM MAP APPEARING IN MAP BOOK 4 AT PAGE 379 AND 380, AS AMENDED BY THE FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT APPEARING IN MAP BOOK 4 AT PAGE 404 AND 405, PITKIN COUNTY, COLORADO, COMMONLY KNOWN AS 701 S. MONARCH STREET, ASPEN, CO 81611 Parcel ID No: 2735-131-25-800 WHEREAS, the subject property is located within the Lodge (L) zone district and contains an existing-nonconforming four (4) foot retaining wall located within the five (5) foot side-yard setback; and, WHEREAS, Land Use Code Section 26.575.020.e.5.k, Allowed Projections into Setbacks, allows retaining walls within setbacks which do not exceed thirty (30) inches vertically above or below the lower of natural or finished grade improvements; and, WHEREAS, the Community Development Department received an application for 701 S. Monarch Street, (the Application) from the Caribou Condominiums Association, Inc. (Applicant), represented by Chris Bryan, Garfield & Hecht, for the following land use review approvals: • Setback Variance: pursuant to Land Use Code Chapter 26.314, to develop a new wall within the setback; and, WHEREAS, all code citation references are to the City of Aspen Land Use Code in effect on the day the application was deemed complete – August 22, 2022, as applicable to this Project; and, WHEREAS, during a duly noticed public hearing on January 26, 2023, the Board of Adjustment reviewed the Application and approved Resolution XX, Series of 2023, by a XX to XX vote (X-X), denying the request for a Dimensional Variance. 14 Board of Adjustment Resolution No. XX, Series 2023 Page 2 of 3 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO THAT: Section 1: Conditions of Denial Pursuant to the procedures and standards set forth in Title 26 of the Aspen Municipal Code, the Board of Adjustment hereby denies a southern-side variance to reduce the setback from five (5) feet to zero (0) feet to accommodate a new retaining wall. Section 2: Material Representations All material representations and commitments made by the Applicant pursuant to the development proposal approvals as herein awarded, whether in public hearing or documentation presented before the Community Development Department and the Board of Adjustment, are hereby incorporated in such plan development approvals and the same shall be complied with as if fully set forth herein, unless amended by other specific conditions or an authorized authority. Section 3: Existing Litigation This Resolution shall not affect any existing litigation and shall not operate as an abatement of any action or proceeding now pending under or by virtue of the ordinances repealed or amended as herein provided, and the same shall be conducted and concluded under such prior ordinances. Section 4: Severability If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional in a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. FINALLY, denied this 26th day of January 2023. Approved as to form: Approved as to content: _______________________ ______________________________ James R. True, City Attorney Andrew Sandler, Chair Attest: _______________________________ Mike Sear, City Clerk 15 Board of Adjustment Resolution No. XX, Series 2023 Page 3 of 3 16 Exhibit A –Variance Review Staff Findings Page | 1 Chapter 26.314, Variance Review Criteria A. In order to authorize a variance from the dimensional requirements of Title 26, the appropriate decision-making body shall make a finding that the following three (3) circumstances exist: 1. The grant of variance will be generally consistent with the purposes, goals, objectives and policies of this Title and the Municipal Code. Staff Findings: The purpose of the City’s land use code is very general. It does, however, speak to the legitimate rights and reasonable expectations of property owners. Zoning limitations should be observed and enforced as uniformly as practical. In this instance, an existing non-conforming retaining wall of an unknown origin is shoring up soil and a large tree. The Parks Department is concerned that demolishing the existing wall could harm the t ree. Building a new wall along the edge of the existing wall will provide additional support to the surrounding area and benefit the tree, which is consistent with the general purpose, goals and policies of the Municipal Code. Staff finds this criterion to be met. 2. The grant of variance is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the parcel, building or structure. Staff Findings: While staff believes that reasonable use of the property already exists, the existing retaining wall provides a public benefit which is the shore up the foundation of the tree. Building a properly engineered retaining wall that aligns with the contours of the existing wall is considered the minimum variance needed to accommodate the tree. Staff finds this criterion to be met. 3. Literal interpretation and enforcement of the terms and provisions of this Title would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other parcels in the same zone district and would cause the applicant unnecess ary hardship, as distinguished from mere inconvenience. In determining whether an applicant's rights would be deprived, the Board shall consider whether either of the following conditions apply: a. There are special conditions and circumstances which are unique to the parcel, building or structure, which are not applicable to other parcels, structures or buildings in the same zone district, and which do not result from the actions of the applicant; or Staff Findings: The property is located at the base of Aspen Mountain. The presence of steep slopes is not a unique condition, however, the existing retaining wall provides a public benefit by supporting the soil and earth surrounding a large tree. Demolishing the existing wall could impact the soil and compromise the foundation of the tree. Keeping the existing wall in place and building a new wall alongside it will shore up the area and benefit the tree. Staff believes this to be a unique circumstance that does not apply to other parcels. Staff finds this criterion to be met. 17 Exhibit A –Variance Review Staff Findings Page | 2 b. Granting the variance will not confer upon the applicant any special privilege denied the terms of this Title and the Municipal Code to other parcels, buildings or structures, in the same zone district. Staff Findings: As previously mentioned, given the unique site constraints and the concern about maintaining the health of the subject tree, a variance is warranted to ensure the structural integrity of the area . This is not considered a special privilege, but rather a unique site condition that requires a variance. Staff finds this criterion to be met. 18 Aspen Office 625 E. Hyman Avenue, Suite 201 Aspen, Colorado 81611 Telephone (970) 925-1936 Facsimile (970) 925-3008 GARFIELD & HECHT, P.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW Since 1975 www.garfieldhecht.com 2637986 July 11, 2022 Christopher D. Bryan cbryan@garfieldhecht.com Via e-mail: phillip.supino@aspen.gov City of Aspen Board of Adjustment c/o Phillip Supino, Community Development Director City of Aspen Aspen City Hall 427 Rio Grande Place, 3rd Floor Aspen, Colorado 81611 Re: Application for Variance from Dimensional Setbacks – Retaining Wall/Guardrail Applicant: The Caribou Condominium Association, Inc. Dear Mr. Supino: This letter and accompanying documents shall serve as an application by The Caribou Condominium Association, Inc. (“Applicant”) to the City of Aspen Board of Adjustment (“BOA”), for a variance from the dimensional side yard setbacks for construction of a retaining wall (“Retaining Wall”) and associated footings immediately adjacent to and in front of an existing retaining wall. This application does not propose to increase floor area on the property. The Caribou Condominiums are located at 701 S. Monarch Street, Aspen, Colorado 81611. The site is approximately 12,144 square feet of gross lot area and is located in the Lodge Zone District. The Applicant is the governing body for the condominium complex and owns the common area therefor, including the side patio and pool area as shown on the attached plans marked Exhibit A and referred to as Pitkin County Parcel ID #273513125800. Slopes in excess of 20% exist on the site. The Applicant also owns the retaining wall at the rear of the property that holds up the extension of Summit Street that was dedicated to the public on the Mountain Queen Condominium plat as a skier and pedestrian easement and which also serves as the emergency fire lane for the Mountain Queen Condominiums, connecting to a emergency easement from Aspen Skiing Company that wraps around the back of the development located at 800 S. Monarch Street as shown on Exhibit A and the Mountain Queen Condominium Plat attached hereto as Exhibit B. Applicant also dedicated a public easement to the City of Aspen along this property line as shown on the plat for Parcel B of the Caribou Condominiums attached as Exhibit C and the associated easement agreement attached as Exhibit D (“City Easement”). The Applicant’s retaining wall thus follows the edge of the City Easement, which allows for emergency and pedestrian access. The retaining wall is essential to these easements’ utility as without it there is no support for the slopes as shown in the photo labeled Exhibit E (showing the existing cinderblock retaining wall) and the photo labeled Exhibit F (showing the graveled easement and the existing retaining wall below 19 Board of Adjustment City of Aspen July 11, 2022 Page 2 of 3 2673599_3 grade to the left, showing it is not visible to any neighbors). This retaining wall is similar to that located at 700 S. Monarch Street. The Caribou Condominiums, and the Applicant’s retaining wall, were constructed in approximately 1975-76. The Applicant has not made any improvements to the wall since that time. It is believed that the Mountain Queen Condominiums were constructed around the same time. The existing retaining wall is located at or near the side property line as shown on Exhibits A and B. This Application requests a setback variance from this side property line to allow for 0’ setback for the Retaining Wall as shown on page 3 of Exhibit A following the edge of the City Easement, which encroaches into the side yard setback for the Applicant. The proposal is to construct the Retaining Wall immediately in front of the existing retaining wall with actual footers and support as shown on Exhibit A. The Retaining Wall to be constructed immediately adjacent thereto as shown on Exhibit A. The 42” existing guardrail will be replaced on the Retaining Wall. The Retaining Wall will be engineered, unlike the existing retaining wall. This work is necessary to ensure that the retaining wall functions for the Applicant, the City and the Mountain Queen Condominiums for at least another 50 years. The existing retaining wall is four feet high and the existing guardrail is 42” high. The proposed Retaining Wall will be four feet high with a wall cap and subgrade toe footing and shoring, as shown on page 3 of Exhibit A, with a 42” guardrail on top. Like the existing retaining wall, the Retaining Wall will be located within the side yard five-foot setback. The City of Aspen Land Use Code (“LUC”) at Section 26.575.020(e)(5)(k) allows retaining walls within setback areas “which do not exceed thirty (30) inches vertically above or below the lower of natural or finished grad improvements may be up to thirty (30) inches above and below grade simultaneously, for up to sixty (60) inch total. Improvements may exceed thirty (30) inches below grade if determined to be necessary for the structural integrity of the improvement.” Due to the 30 inches above grade limitation, Applicant needs a variance to build the Retaining Wall to four feet to match the existing retaining wall and to ensure that it continues to serve its purpose of supporting the grade difference between the extension of Summit Street and the Applicant’s patio area such that the patio area can continue to be used. Section 26.314.010 of the LUC defines “variances” as “deviations from the terms of this Title which would not be contrary to the public interest when, owing to special circumstances or conditions, the literal enforcement of the provisions of this title would result in undue and unnecessary hardship.” The next section of the LUC vests the authority to grant vari ances in the Board of Adjustment, granting it the power to “approve, approve with conditions or disapprove a development application for variances from the terms of this Title.” See LUC Section 26.314.020. Variances from dimensional requirements are allowable. See LUC Section 26.314.030. Section 26.314.040 of the LUC sets forth the framework for analyzing and granting variances, stating that the Board of Adjustment must find that the following three circumstances exist: (1) granting the variance “will be generally be consistent with the purposes, goals, objectives and policies of this Title and the Municipal Code;” (2) granting the variance “is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the parcel, building or structure;” and (3) “literal interpretation and enforcement of the terms and provisions of this Title would deprive the 20 Board of Adjustment City of Aspen July 11, 2022 Page 3 of 3 2673599_3 applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other parcels in the same zone district and would cause the applicant unnecessary hardship, as distinguished from mere inconvenience.” This section goes on to outline what the Board of Adjustment should consider in determining whether to grant the variance: either (a) “there are special conditions and circumstances which are unique to the parcel, building or structure, which are not applicable to tother parcels, structures or buildings in the same zone district and which do not result from the actions of the applicant;” or (b) “granting the variance will not confer upon the applicant any special privilege denied by the terms of this Title and the Municipal Code to other parcels, buildings or structures, in the same zone district.” As mentioned above, there is a similar retaining wall across the street at 700 S. Monarch Street. The request for a variance for the Retaining Wall results from the unique conditions of the Property and the grade differential on this side yard property line, a condition not created by the Applicant. The existing retaining wall was clearly deemed necessa ry at the time of original construction of the Caribou Condominiums and allows for the neighboring Mountain Queen Condominiums and the City to have vehicular fire and emergency access, as well as allowing the Aspen Skiing Company to have the same. Therefore, the Retaining Wall clearly provides a public benefit. Retaining walls are allowed within the LUC, and in this instance the Retaining Wall is only 18 inches higher than that allowed within the setback, thus being the minimum variance that allows Applicant adequate use of its property. Granting this variance does not confer a special privilege, as it does not create additional floor area or impede views since it will not be visible from any other properties. Limiting the Applicant to a new 30 inch retaining wall would leave it with an unsupported 18 inches of the existing wall, potentially creating a safety issue if that portion of the existing wall were to fail, creating hazardous conditions that prohibit/inhibit the uses of the easement and deprives Applicant of the full use of its property. In sum, Applicant’s Retaining Wall, with replacement of the guardrail, meets the criteria for the granting of a variance and such should be allowed. Please provide us with a hearing date as soon as practicable with the Board of Adjustment for formal approval of this variance request and the information necessary for Applicant to comply with the notice provisions of LUC Section 26.304.060. Please advise if the Board of Adjustment needs additional information to process this variance request. Very truly yours, GARFIELD & HECHT, P.C. Christopher D. Bryan Attachments cc: James R. True, Esq. (via e-mail) Mary Elizabeth Geiger, Esq. (via e-mail) 21 CITY OF ASPEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT City of Aspen|130 S. Galena St.|(970) 920 5090 April 2020 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT GENERAL LAND USE PACKET Attached is an Application for review of Development that requires Land Use Review pursuant to The City of Aspen Land Use Code: Included in this package are the following attachments: 1.Development Application Fee Policy, Fee Schedule and Agreement to Pay Application Fees Form 2.Land Use Application Form 3.Dimensional Requirements Form (if required) 4.HOA Compliance Form 5.Development Review Procedure All applications are reviewed based on the criteria established in Title 26 of the Aspen Municipal Code. Title 26 of the Aspen Municipal Code is available at the City Clerk’s Office on the second floor of City Hall and on the internet at https://library.municode.com/co/aspen/codes/municipal_code. We require all applicants to hold a Pre-Application Conference with a Planner in the Community Development Department so that the requirements for submitting a complete application can be fully described. This meeting can happen in person or by phone or email. Also, depending upon the complexity of the development proposed, submitting one copy of the development application to the Case Planner to determine accuracy, inefficiencies, or redundancies can reduce the overall cost of materials and staff time. Please recognize that review of these materials does not substitute for a complete review of the Aspen Land Use Regulations. While this application package attempts to summarize the key provisions of the Code as they apply to your type of development, it cannot possibly replicate the detail or the scope of the Code. If you have questions that are not answered by the materials in this package, we suggest that you contact the staff member assigned to your case, contact Planner of the Day (970-429-2764/planneroftheday@gmail.com), or consult the applicable sections of the Aspen Land Use Code. 22 CITY OF ASPEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT City of Aspen|130 S. Galena St.|(970) 920 5090 April 2020 Land Use Review Fee Policy The City of Aspen has established a review fee policy for the processing of land use applications. A flat fee or deposit is collected for land use applications based on the type of application submitted. A flat fee is collected by Community Development for applications that normally take a minimal and predictable amount of staff time to process. Review fees for other City Departments reviewing the application (referral departments) also will be collected when necessary. Flat fees are cumulative, i.e., an application with multiple flat fees must pay the sum of those flat fees. Flat fees are not refundable. A review fee deposit is collected by Community Development when more extensive staff time is required. Actual staff time spent will be charged against the deposit. Various City staff also may charge their time spent on the case in addition to the Case Planner. The deposit amount may be reduced if, in the opinion of the Community Development Department Director, the project is expected to take significantly less time to process than the deposit indicates. A determination on the deposit amount shall be made during the pre-application conference by the Case Planner. Hourly billing shall still apply. All applications must include an Agreement to Pay Application Fees. One payment including the deposit for Planning and referral agency fees must be submitted with each land use application, made payable to the City of Aspen. Applications will not be accepted for processing without the required fee(s). The Community Development Department shall keep an accurate record of the actual time required to process a land use application requiring a deposit. The City can provide a summary report of fees due at the applicant’s request. The applicant will be billed for the additional costs incurred by the City when the processing of an application by the Community Development Department takes more time or expense than is covered by the deposit. Any direct costs attributable to a project review shall be billed to the applicant with no additional administrative charge. In the event the processing of an application takes less time than provided for by the deposit, the Department shall refund the unused portion of the deposited fee to the applicant. Fees shall be due regardless of whether an applicant receives approval. Unless otherwise combined by the Director for simplicity of billing, all applications for conceptual, final, and recordation of approval documents shall be handled as individual cases for the purpose of billing. Upon conceptual approval, all billing shall be reconciled, and past due invoices shall be paid prior to the Director accepting an application for final review. Final review shall require a new deposit at the rate in effect at the time of final submission. Upon final approval, all billing shall again be reconciled prior to the Director accepting an application for review of technical documents for recordation. The Community Development Director may cease processing of a land use application for which an unpaid invoice is 30 or more days past due. Unpaid invoices of 90 days or more past due may be assessed a late fee of 1.75% per month. An unpaid invoice of 120 days or more may be subject to additional actions as may be assigned by the Municipal Court judge. All payment information is public domain. All invoices shall be paid prior to issuance of a Development Order or recordation of development agreements and plats. The City will not accept a building permit for a property until all invoices are paid in full. For permits already accepted, any unpaid invoice of 90 or more days may result in cessation of building permit processing or issuance of a stop work order until full payment is made. The property owner of record is the party responsible for payment of all costs associated with a land use application for the property. Any secondary agreement between a property owner and an applicant representing the owner (e.g. a contract purchaser) regarding payment of fees is solely between those private parties. 23 CITY OF ASPEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT City of Aspen|130 S. Galena St.|(970) 920 5090 April 2020 Agreement to Pay Application Fees An agreement between the City of Aspen (“City”) and Address of Property: Please type or print in all caps Property Owner Name: Representative Name (if different from Property Owner): Billing Name and Address - Send Bills to: Contact info for billing: e-mail: Phone: I understand that the City has adopted, via Ordinance No. 20, Series of 2020, review fees for Land Use applications, and payment of these fees is a condition precedent to determining application completeness. I understand that as the property owner, I am responsible for paying all fees for this development application. For flat fees and referral fees: I agree to pay the following fees for the services indicated. I understand that these flat fees are non-refundable. $. flat fee for . $. flat fee for $. flat fee for . $. flat fee for For deposit cases only: The City and I understand that because of the size, nature, or scope of the proposed project, it is not possible at this time to know the full extent or total costs involved in processing the application. I understand that additional costs over and above the deposit may accrue. I understand and agree that it is impracticable for City staff to complete processing, review, and presentation of sufficient information to enable legally required findings to be made for project consideration unless invoices are paid in full. The City and I understand and agree that invoices sent by the City to the above listed billing address and not returned to the City shall be considered by the City as being received by me. I agree to remit payment within 30 days of presentation of an invoice by the City for such services. I have read, understood, and agree to the Land Use Review Fee Policy, including consequences for non-payment. I agree to pay the following initial deposit amounts for the specified hours of staff time. I understand that payment of a deposit does not render an application complete or compliant with approval criteria. If actual recorded costs exceed the initial deposit, I agree to pay additional monthly billings to the City to reimburse the City for processing my application at the hourly rates hereinafter stated. $ deposit for hours of Community Development Department staff time. Additional time above the deposit amount will be billed at $325.00 per hour. $ deposit for hours of Engineering Department staff time. Additional time above the deposit amount will be billed at $325.00 per hour. City of Aspen: Phillip Supino, AICP Community Development Director City Use: Fees Due: $ Received $ Case # Signature: PRINT Name: Title: 24 CITY OF ASPEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT City of Aspen|130 S. Galena St.|(970) 920 5090 April 2020 LAND USE APPLICATION APPLICANT: REPRESENTIVATIVE: Description: Existing and Proposed Conditions Review: Administrative or Board Review Required Land Use Review(s): Growth Management Quota System (GMQS) required fields: Net Leasable square footage Lodge Pillows Free Market dwelling units Affordable Housing dwelling units Essential Public Facility square footage Have you included the following? FEES DUE: $ Pre-Application Conference Summary Signed Fee Agreement HOA Compliance form All items listed in checklist on PreApplication Conference Summary Name: Address: Phone#: email: Address: Phone #: email: Name: Project Name and Address: Parcel ID # (REQUIRED) 25 CITY OF ASPEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT City of Aspen|130 S. Galena St.|(970) 920 5090 April 2020 DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS FORM Complete only if required by the PreApplication checklist Project and Location Applicant: Zone District: Gross Lot Area: Net Lot Area: **Please refer to section 26.575.020 for information on how to calculate Net Lot Area Please fill out all relevant dimensions Single Family and Duplex Residential 1) Floor Area (square feet) 2) Maximum Height 3) Front Setback 4) Rear Setback 5) Side Setbacks 6) Combined Side Setbacks 7) % Site Coverage Existing Allowed Proposed Multi-family Residential 1)Number of Units 2)Parcel Density (see 26.710.090.C.10) 3)FAR (Floor Area Ratio) 4)Floor Area (square feet) Existing Allowed Proposed 8) Minimum distance between buildings Proposed % of demolition 5) Maximum Height 6) Front Setback 7) Rear Setback 8) Side Setbacks Proposed % of demolition Commercial Proposed Use(s) Existing Allowed Proposed 1) FAR (Floor Area Ratio) 2) Floor Area (square feet) 3) Maximum Height 4) Off-Street Parking Spaces 5) Second Tier (square feet) 6) Pedestrian Amenity (square feet) Proposed % of demolition Existing non-conformities or encroachments: Variations requested: Lodge Additional Use(s) 1)FAR (Floor Area Ratio) 2)Floor Area (square feet) 3)Maximum Height 4)Free Market Residential(square feet) 4)Front setback 5)Rear setback 6)Side setbacks 7)Off-Street Parking Spaces 8)Pedestrian Amenity (square feet) Proposed % of demolition Existing Allowed Proposed 26 April 2020 City of Aspen|130 S. Galena St.|(970) 920 5090 CITY OF ASPEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Homeowner Association Compliance Policy All land use applications within the City of Aspen are required to include a Homeowner Association Compliance Form (this form) certifying that the scope of work included in the land use application complies with all applicable covenants and homeowner association policies. The certification must be signed by the property owner or Attorney representing the property owner. Property Owner (“I”): Name: Email: Phone No.: Address of Property: (subject of application) I certify as follows: (pick one) □This property is not subject to a homeowner association or other form of private c ovenant. □This property is subject to a homeowner association or private covenant, and the improvements proposed in this land use application do not require approval by the homeowners association or covenant beneficiary. □This property is subject to a homeowners association or private covenant and the improvements proposed in this land use application have been approved by the homeowners a ssociation or covenant beneficiary. I understand this policy and I understand the City of Aspen does not interpret, enforce, or manage the applicability, meaning or effect of private covenants or homeowner association rules or bylaws. I understand that this document is a public document. Owner signature: Date: Owner printed name: or, Attorney signature: Date: Attorney printed name: 27 CITY OF ASPEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT April 2020 City of Aspen|130 S. Galena St.|(970) 920 5090 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROCEDURE 1.Attend pre-application conference. During this one-on-one meeting, staff will determine the review process applies to your development proposal and will identify the materials necessary to review your application. 2.Submit Development Application. Based on your pre-application meeting, you should complete to the application package and submit the requested number of copies of the complete application and the appropriate processing fee to the Community Development Department. 3.Determination of Completeness. Within five (5) working days of the date of your submission, staff will review the application and notify you in writing whether the application is complete or if additional materials are required. Please be aware that the purpose of the completeness review is to determine whether or not the information you have submitted is adequate to review the request, and not whether the information is sufficient to obtain approval. 4.Staff Review of Development Application. Once your application is determined to be complete, it will be reviewed by the staff for compliance with the applicable standards of the Code. During the staff review stage, the application will be referred to other agencies for comments. The Planner assigned to your case or the agency may contact you if additional information is needed or if problems are identified. Staff will draft a memo for signature by the Community Development Director that explains whether your application complies with the Code, and will list any conditions that should apply if the application is to be approved. Final approval of any Development Application that amends a recorded document, such as a plat, agreement, or deed restriction, will require the applicant to prepare an amended version of that document for review and approval by staff. Staff will provide the applicant with the applicable contents for the revised plat. The City Attorney is normally in charge of the form for recorded agreements and deed restrictions. We suggest that you not go to the trouble or expense of preparing these documents until the staff has determined that your application is eligible for the requested amendment or exemption. 5. Board Review of Application. If a public hearing is required for the land use action that you are requesting, the Planning staff will schedule a hearing date for the application upon determination that the application is complete. The hearing(s) will be scheduled before the appropriate reviewing board(s). The applicant will be required to mail notice (one copy provided by the Community Development Department) to property owners within 30 feet of the subject property and post notice (sign available at the Community Development Department) of the public hearing on the site at least fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing date. (Please see Attachment 6 for instructions.) The Planning staff will publish notice of the hearing in the paper for land use requests that require publication. The Planning staff will then formulate a recommendation on the land use request and draft a memo to the reviewing board(s). Staff will supply the applicant with a copy of the Planning staff’s memo, approximately five (5) days prior to the hearing. The public hearing(s) will take place before the appropriate review boards. Public hearings include a presentation by the Planning staff, a presentation by the applicant (optional), consideration of public comment, and the reviewing board’s questions and decision. (Continued on next page) 28 CITY OF ASPEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT April 2020 City of Aspen|130 S. Galena St.|(970) 920 5090 6.Issuance of Development Order. If the land use review is approved, then the Planning staff will issue a Development Order, which allows the applicant to submit a building permit application. 7.Receipt of Building Permit. Once you have received a copy of the signed staff approval, you may apply for a building permit. During this time, your project will be examined for its compliance with the Uniform Building Code. It also will be checked for compliance with applicable provisions of the Land Use Regulations that were not reviewed in detail during the land use case review. (This might include a check of floor area ratios, setbacks, parking, open space and the like). Impact fees for water, sewer, parks, and employee housing will be collected as part of the permitting process. Any document required to be recorded, such as a plat, deed restriction, or agreement, will be reviewed and recorded before a building permit application is submitted. 29 Aspen Office 625 E. Hyman Avenue, Suite 201 Aspen, Colorado 81611 Telephone (970) 925-1936 Facsimile (970) 925-3008 GARFIELD & HECHT, P.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW Since 1975 www.garfieldhecht.com 2681409 July 13, 2022 Mary Elizabeth Geiger megeiger@garfieldhecht.com Via Email: amy.simon@aspen.gov Amy Simon, Planning Director City of Aspen Community Development Dept. Aspen City Hall 427 Rio Grande Place Aspen, Colorado 81611 Re: Proof of Ownership in Support of Application for The Caribou Condominium Association, Inc. – Retaining Wall - Pitkin County Parcel ID #273513125800 701 S. Monarch Street, Aspen, Colorado 81611 – Common Area Dear Amy: Garfield & Hecht, P.C. represents The Caribou Condominium Association, Inc. (the “Owner”). The Owner has requested that I provide you with proof of ownership of the above referenced real property (the “Property”). I am an attorney licensed in the State of Colorado and hereby inform you that the record owner of the Property is The Caribou Condominium Association, Inc. The Owner has full right, power and authority to apply all land use and building applications to the City of Aspen. The complete legal description of the Property is as follows: Caribou Condominiums Common Area, pursuant to the Condominium Map appearing in Map Book 4 at Pages 379 and 380, as amended by the final subdivision plat appearing in Map Book 4 at Pages 404 and 405, Pitkin County, Colorado. The Property is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances. We are representing the Owner in its application to the City for permission to build a 48” retaining wall in the side-yard setback.. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or need additional information. Very truly yours, GARFIELD & HECHT, P.C. /s/ Mary Elizabeth Geiger 30 Amy Simon, Planning Director City of Aspen July 13, 2022 Page 2 of 2 2681409 Mary Elizabeth Geiger cc: Christopher D. Bryan Jim True 31 THE CARIBOU CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. Attn: Andrew Gerber 42 Sievers Circle Aspen, Colorado 81611 July ____, 2022 To whom it may concern: I am an authorized agent for The Caribou Condominium Association, Inc. (the “Association”) and hereby authorize Mary Elizabeth Geiger, Christopher Bryan and any other attorney or employee of Garfield & Hecht, P.c., to apply for and take all actions necessary with the City of Aspen for land use approvals for the Association’s property located at 701 S. Monarch Street, Aspen, Colorado 81611. Garfield & Hecht, P.C.’s agents may also execute such documents as necessary for the land use applications and approvals and may speak with representatives of the City of Aspen and other applicable agencies in conjunction therewith. I understand that a copy of this authorization shall be delivered to the City of Aspen. My electronic signature hereon is binding. Sincerely, The Caribou Condominium Association, Inc. Andrew Gerber, its DocuSign Envelope ID: E8B4D4A3-109F-426B-93E8-7D966AB592E0 Manager 13 32 PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE SUMMARY PRE-22-058 DATE: May 19th, 2022 PLANNER: Sophie Varga, Sophie.Varga@Aspen.Gov PROJECT NAME AND ADDRESS: 701 S Monarch St. – Dimensional Variance PARCEL ID #: 273513125800 REPRESENTATIVE: Kelleigh Condon, kcondon@mfullerarchitects.com DESCRIPTION: The subject site is in the Lodge (L) zone district and is developed with existing multi-family residences. The applicant is requesting to build a retaining wall in the setback. There is currently a failing retaining wall in an adjacent location that is approximately 48” tall. Per 26.565.020(e)(5)(i), Allowed Projections into Setbacks, retaining walls are allowed in the setback as long as they do not exceed 30” vertically above or below the lower of natural or finished grade. Retaining walls may exceed 30” below grade if determined to be necessary for the structural integrity of the improvement. Retaining walls that exceed 30” in height are allowed in areas of the subject property that conform to the minimum required setbacks. In order to build a pool and spa in the applicant’s desired layout, the applicant is requesting a setback variance for replacement of the failing retaining wall. The required side yard setback is 5’. Since the retaining wall reconstruction proposed is to occur in an area that encroaches into the side yard setback, approval from the Board of Adjustment for a setback variance is required. The request for a setback variance may be submitted pursuant to Land Use Code Section 26.314.040, Variances and will be reviewed by the Board of Adjustment. The Building Department stated that the scope of work does not fall into 26.575.020(k) – Exceptions for Building Code Compliance. They determined that there are other reasonable ways to implement code compliance. The applicant can come in for permit with a different layout that complies with Title 26 at any time. Dimensional Variances are reviewed by the Board of Adjustment at a Public Hearing. Variances are to be granted when “The literal enforcement of the provisions of this title would result in undue and unnecessary hardship.” According to Section 26.314.040, in order to approve a dimensional variance, the Board of Adjustment must make a finding that: 1. The grant of variance will be generally consistent with the purposes, goals, objectives and policies of this Title and the Municipal Code; and 2. The grant of variance is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the parcel, building or structure; and 3. Literal interpretation and enforcement of the terms and provisions of this Title would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other parcels in the same zone district and would cause the applicant unnecessary hardship, as distinguished from mere inconvenience. In determining whether an applicant's rights would be deprived, the Board shall consider whether either of the following conditions apply: a. There are special conditions and circumstances which are unique to the parcel, building or structure, which are not applicable to other parcels, structures or buildings in the same zone district and which do not result from the actions of the applicant; or b. Granting the variance will not confer upon the applicant any special privilege denied by the terms of this Title and the Municipal Code to other parcels, buildings or structures, in the same zone district. The application will be reviewed by the Parks and Engineering Department for referral reviews. 33 RELEVANT LAND USE CODE SECTIONS: Section Number Section Title 26.304 Common Development Review Procedures 26.314 Variances 26.575.020 Calculations and Measurements 26.710.190 Lodge Zone District (L) For your convenience – links to the Land Use Application and Land Use Code are below: Land Use Application Land Use Code REQUIRED LAND USE REVIEW(S): • Dimensional Variance REVIEW BY: • Staff for determination of complete application and recommendation • Board of Adjustment for decision PUBLIC HEARING: • Yes, Board of Adjustment REFERRALS: PLANNING FEES: $1,950.00 for 6 billable hours of staff time (additional/lesser hours will be billed/refunded at a rate of $325.00 per hour) REFERRAL AGENCY FEES $325.00 – Engineering deposit for 1 hour of staff time (additional hours will be billed at a rate of $325.00 per hour) $975.00 – Parks Flat Fee TOTAL DEPOSIT: $3,250 APPLICATION CHECKLIST – Please submit one paper copy of the following:  Signed Moratorium Exemption Form. The exemption form is attached; please complete it and send it to planneroftheday@gmail.com with the relevant attachments as a single PDF.  Completed Land Use Application and signed fee Agreement.  Pre-application Conference Summary (this document).  Street address and legal description of the parcel on which development is proposed to occur, consisting of a current (no older than 6 months) certificate from a title insurance company, an ownership and encumbrance report, or attorney licensed to practice in the State of Colorado, listing the names of all owners of the property, and all mortgages, judgments, liens, easements, contracts and agreements affecting the parcel, and demonstrating the owner’s right to apply for the Development Application.  Applicant’s name, address and telephone number in a letter signed by the applicant that states the name, address and telephone number of the representative authorized to act on behalf of the applicant.  HOA Compliance form.  A vicinity map locating the parcel within the City of Aspen.  Site improvement survey (no older than a year from submittal) including topography and vegetation showing the current status, certified by a registered land surveyor, licensed in the state of Colorado. 34  A written description of the proposal and an explanation in written, graphic, or model form of how the proposed development complies with the review standards relevant to the development application and relevant land use approval associated with the property. This should include a site plan, floor plans, elevations, and other depictions of the proposed project and requested variances.  Written responses to all review criteria outlined in Land Use Code Section 26.314.040, Standards Applicable to Variances. The applicant should adequately demonstrate the need for a variance. Once the application is deemed complete by staff, the following will then need to be submitted:  Total deposit for review of the application. Disclaimer: The foregoing summary is advisory in nature only and is not binding on the City. The summary is based on current zoning, which is subject to change in the future, and upon factual representations that may or may not be accurate. The summary does not create a legal or vested right. 35 427 Rio Grande Place, Aspen, CO 81611 (970) 920.5090 www.aspen.gov NOTICE OF EXEMPTION AND AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY FOR LAND USE/ BUILDING PERMITS DURING THE EFFECTIVE TERM OF ORDINANCE #27, SERIES OF 2021 AND ORDINANCE #6, SERIES OF 2022 Property Address: Parcel ID Number: Property Owner: Representative/email: Scope o f Work (Provide narrative here and a separate pdf which is a succinct and clear set of supporting documents, to be attached to this form as Exhibit A, such as Letters of Completeness, Resolutions, Development Orders, Land Use Case numbers, Building Permit numbers etc. If the representation being made is that the work does not involve dimensional changes prohibited by the moratorium provide existing and proposed calculations, f loor Plans and and elevations to be attached: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Due to the circumstances noted below, the above referenced project as defined by the Scope of Work is exempt from the application of Ordinance #27, Series of 2021 and Ordinance #6, Series of 2022, and is authorized to pursue a land use review and/or building permit review during the effective terms of Ordinance #27, Series of 2021 and Ordinance #6, Series of 2022, ordinances which generally place a moratorium on residential development. This authorization does not guarantee issuance of a building permit or approval of any land use application. The applicant must submit complete information and pursue all authorized approvals in a timely fashion, adhering to all deadlines for submission, terms of Vested Rights, response times required to maintain an active building permit, and all other Land Use Code and Building Code requirements in effect as of December 8, 2021. Any amendments and or additional approvals not addressed or identified in the application, may be subject to Ordinance #27, Series of 2021 or Ordinance #6, Series of 2022. The project described above is permitted to proceed with land use review because (check all that apply): 36 □A land use application for a Development Order or Notice of Approval was submitted to the Community Development Department prior to final passage of the ordinance on December 8, 2021, and was subsequently deemed to be c omplete by the Community Development Department Director. □The land use application is seeking a Development Order or Notice of Approval for a project consisting of 100% Af fordable Housing as that term is defined at §26.104.100 of the Aspen Municipal Code, or as may be deemed necessary for the issuance of C ertificates of Affordable Housing for a 100% Affordable Housing project, or as determined by the Community Development Director . □The land use application involves Voluntar y AspenModern designation processes that meet the requirements of Section 26.415.025.C and 26.415.030. □The land use application or administrative request may be necessary to issue exempt building per mits as described below , and as determined by the Comm unity Development Director . The project described above is permitted to submit for building permit review bec ause (check all that apply ): □A building permit application was submitted to the Community Development Department prior to final passage of the ordinance on December 8, 2021, and was subsequently deemed to be c omplete by the Chief Building Official. □It is a building permit for a project that will not increase the gross square footage of development, Net leasable area, or Net livable area of any building and does not m eet the definition of demolition. □It is a building permit for a project that will not increase the Height of any building. This includes additions to or replacement of mechanical equipment or energy eff iciency systems pursuant to height exemptions as set f orth at §26.575.020 of the Aspen Municipal Code, or as determined by the Community Development Director. □It is a building permit for commercial and lodge development as stand-alone uses on a parcel or property . □The project has received or is eligible to receive a Development Order or Notice of Approval on the effective date of this ordinance. □It is a building perm it for 100% affordable housing projects as that term is defined at §26.104.100 of the Aspen Municipal Code. □It is a building permit for demolition or repair of non-habitable str uctures. Issued on ___________________, 20___, this certificate is valid through the effective date of Ordinance #27, Series of 2021 and Ordinance #6, Series of 2022, or any Ordinance which supersedes a provision of these ordinances in a manner which is relevant to the Scope of Work. A copy of this certificate is required when applying for any land use review or building permit. This Notice is not a Development Order or Administrative Determination that is subject to appeal. ___________________________________ Phillip Supino Community D evelopment Director Disclaimer: This exemption is given based on the information provided by the applicant. If changes are made, or the scope, after a more detailed review, is found to be subject to Ordinance 27, 2021 or Ordinance #6, Series of 2022, the exemption may be revoked. Exhibit A: Floor plans and elevations representing scope of work 37 38 GSPublisherVersion The Caribou Condominiums 701 South Monarch Aspen CO 81611 Variance Application Scale: AS NOTED ISSUE SCHEMATIC DESIGN GC PRICING SET RDS SUBMITTAL SET PERMIT SUBMITTAL SET ROUND 1 COMMENTS ROUND 2 COMMENTSCARIBOU CONDO(EXTERIOR REMODEL)701 SOUTH MONARCHASPEN, CO 816111" ACTUAL IF THE ABOVE DIMENSION DOES NOT MEASURE ONE INCH (1") EXACTLY, THIS DRAWING WILL HAVE BEEN ENLARGED OR REDUCED, AFFECTING ALL LABELED SCALES. ALL DESIGNS, IDEAS ARRANGEMENTS AND PLANS INDICATED BY THESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE THE PROPERTY AND COPYRIGHT OF KIM RAYMOND ARCHITECTS, INC. AND SHALL NEITHER BE USED ON ANY OTHER WORK NOR BE USED BY ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY USE WHATSOEVER WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS SHALL TAKE P R E C E D E N C E O V E R S C A L E D DIMENSIONS AND SHALL BE VERIFIED AT THE SITE . ANY DIMENSIONAL DISCREPANCY SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. G.1.01 8/3/20 GENERAL INFORMATION DATE 4/15/19 KIM RAYMOND ARCHITECTS, INC.| 300 E. HYMAN AVENUE, SUITE 100 || www.kimraymondarchitects.com || 970-925-2252 |8/23/19 11/8/19 12/23/19 4/21/20 8/3/20 CONTRACTOR KEELTY CONSTRUCTION G.1.01 GENERAL INFORMATION SURVEY INTERPOLATED SURVEY A.1.01 EXISTING SITE PLAN A.1.02 PROPOSED SITE PLAN A.1.03 EXISTING FAR CALCULATIONS A.1.04 PROPOSED FAR CALCULATIONS A.1.05 PROPOSED REMP PLAN A.1.06 PROPOSED REMP PLAN A.1.07 EXISTING LANDSAPE PLAN A.1.08 PROPOSED LANDSAPE PLAN A.1.09 TREE REMOVAL PLAN A.2.01 EXISTING MAIN LEVEL PLAN A.2.02 EXISTING SECOND LEVEL PLAN A.2.03 PROPOSED MAIN LEVEL PLAN A.2.04 PROPOSED SECOND LEVEL PLAN A.3.01 PROPOSED ENTRY ELEVATION A.3.02 TRASH ENCLOSURE ELEVATIONS A.6.01 ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS L.1.01 PROPOSED MAIN LEVEL LIGHTING PLAN L1.02 PROPOSED SECOND LEVEL LIGHTING PLAN STRUCTURAL ENGINEER ALBRIGHT & ASSOCIATES JACK ALBRIGHT, PE 402 PARK AVE., UNIT A BASALT, CO 81621 (970) 379-3244 CIVIL ENGINEER SGM JEFF SIMSONSON, PE, CFM 118 W. SIXTH ST., SUITE 200 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601 (970) 384-9005 13 4 2 IIIIIII VIIIVIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll RECEPTION#: 644992, R: $93.00, D: $0.00 DOC CODE: RESOLUTION RESOLUTION NO. 1 Pg 1 of 17, 02/07/2018 at 09: 58:17 AM SERIES OF 2018) Janice K.Vos Caudill, Pitkin County, CO A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ASPEN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT GRANTING APPROVAL FOR A DIMENSIONAL VARIANCE FOR THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT A TO THIS RESOLUTION, COMMONLY KNOWN AS 701 S. MONARCH ST., CARIBOU CONDOMINIUMS, CITY OF ASPEN, PITKIN COUNTY, COLORADO. Parcel ID Nos:2735-131-25-001- 2735-131-25-006 and 2735-131-25-800, WHEREAS, the Community Development Department received an application for 701 S. Monarch St., Caribou Condominiums (the Application) from Caribou Condominium Home Owners Association (Applicant), represented by BendonAdams for the following land use review approvals: Variance, pursuant to Land Use Code Chapter 26.314; and, WHEREAS,the subject property is zoned Lodge (L); and, WHEREAS, all code citation references are to the City of Aspen Land Use Code in effect on the day the application was deemed complete — September 15, 2017, as applicable to this Project; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Adjustment reviewed the Application at a duly noticed public hearing on January 25, 2018; and, WHEREAS, during a duly noticed public hearing on January 25, 2018. the Board of Adjustment approved Resolution 1, Series of 2018, by a five to (5-0) vote granting approval of a Dimensional Variance Review, as identified herein. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO THAT: Section 1: General Approval Pursuant to the procedures and standards set forth in Title 26 of the Aspen Municipal Code, the Board of Adjustment hereby approves a Setback Variance for the property located at 701 S. Monarch St and described as follows: 1. Front yard(east) setback variance allowing a 0' setback for the below grade garage and above grade retaining wall and parking space. The retaining walls shall not exceed the height of 42" as shown in Exhibit B, Approved Drawings. 2. Side yard (north) setback variance allowing a 0' setback for the below grade garage and allowing a 0' setback for the above grade car elevator and enclosure, above grade retaining wall not to exceed 42", and trash/recycle containers and fence/enclosure. Section 2: Engineering Department The Applicant's design shall be compliant with all sections of the City of Aspen Municipal Code, Title 21 and all applicable standards published by the Engineering Department. Board of Adjustment Reso No. I, Series 2018 Page 1 of 4 I. The curb cut entrance to the parking area and adjacent ROW shall meet all Engineering Department standards or a variance to the design standards must be approved by the City Engineer at the time of Building Permit. Any representation of stairs in the ROW shown on the land use approval documents are not permitted and do not have Engineering Department approval. A more detailed grading plan shall be submitted to the Engineering Department to determine an appropriate sidewalk and driveway configuration. Section 3: Zoning 1. The fence used along the trash enclosure shall meet Subsection 26.575.020. E.5 of the Land Use Code at building permit, as amended. 2. The floor area calculations of the demolished and replacement structures shall be confirmed by the City Zoning Enforcement Officer at the time of building permit Section 4: Parks Department 1. Parks has no concerns regarding any interior work in the courtyard, however, it appears that they will be removing part of the wall and moving the drive entrance closer to the cottonwood tree. There is also an aspen tree just outside of the NW comer wall that may be impacted that will be assessed at building permit. The work near these trees shall be coordinated with and approved by the City Forester. 2. A tree dripline excavation permit will be required for this project. Section 5: Building Department The Applicant shall meet all applicable building and accessibility codes in place at the time of building permit. Section 6• All material representations and commitments made by the Applicant pursuant to the development proposal approvals as herein awarded, whether in public hearing or documentation presented before the Community Development Department and the Board of Adjustment Commission, are hereby incorporated in such plan development approvals and the same shall be complied with as if fully set forth herein, unless amended by other specific conditions or an authorized authority. Section 7• This Resolution shall not affect any existing litigation and shall not operate as an abatement of any action or proceeding now pending under or by virtue of the ordinances repealed or amended as herein provided, and the same shall be conducted and concluded under such prior ordinances. Section 8• If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional in a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. Board of Adjustment Reso No. I, Series 2018 Page 2 of 4 FINALLY, adopted, passed and approved this ls`day of February, 2018. Approved as to form: Approved as to tent: jaides R. True, City Attorney Andrew Sandler, Chair Aind,*1,n,in[ PVCJ City Clerk Attachments: Exhibit A: Legal Description Exhibit B: Approved Drawings Board of Adjustment Reso No. I, Series 2018 Page 3 of 4 Exhibit A, Legal Description CARIBOU CONDOMINIUMS ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIUM MAP THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4 AT PAGE 379, AND ACCORDING TO THE FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT OF THE CARIBOU CONDOMINIUMS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4 AT PAGE 404, AND CONDOMINIUM MAP OF PARCEL B, UNITS 5, & 6, CARIBOU CONDOMINIUMS, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4 AT PAGE 454 AND SECOND AMENDED CONDOMINIUM MAP RECORDED SEPTEMBER 8, 2010 IN PLAT BOOK 94 AT PAGE 52 AND AS DEFINED AND DESCRIBED IN THE CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION FOR CARIBOU CONDOMINIUMS RECORDED APRIL 24, 1973 IN BOOK 275 AT PAGE 28, AND THE AMENDMENTS THERETO RECORDED NOVEMBER 2, 1973 IN BOOK 280 AT PAGE 971, RECORDED DECEMBER 24, 1973 IN BOOK 282 AT PAGE 822, RECORDED MAY 2, 1975 IN BOOK 298 AT PAGE 437, RECORDED APRIL 28, 1975 IN BOOK 311 AT PAGE 30I, RECORDED JUNE 18, 1998 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 418308, RECORDED SEPTEMBER 8, 2010 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 573338. CITY OF ASPEN, COUNTY OF PITKIN, STATE OF COLORADO. Board of Adjustment Reso No. 1, Series 2018 Page 4 of 4 1 A7.1 LOCATION KIM RAYMOND ARCHITECTS, INC. 418 EAST COOPER AVENUE, SUITE 201 ASPEN, CO 81611 970-925-2252 ARCHITECT CARIBOU CONDOS (EXTERIOR REMODEL) ABBREVIATIONS MATERIAL LEGEND VICINITY MAP PROJECT TEAMAPPLICABLE CODES PROJECT DATA SHEET INDEX (CONTINUED) SHEET INDEXSYMBOL LEGEND LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivision: CARIBOU DESC: COMMON AREA PARCEL ID NUMBER: ZONING: LOT SIZE: BLDG USE: OCC. GROUP: CONST. TYPE: CLIMATE ZONE: FIRE SPRINKLERS: LAND USE CATEGORY: TOWNSHIP: RANGE: SECTION: PLT. S.T.D.SLOPE TO DRAIN A A.B. A.F.F. A.F.G. A/C ABC ABS ABV. ACB ACOU. ACT ADD. AG AHU AL. or ALUM. ALT. ANL ASPH. AVG AWG B.M. B.N. B.O. B.O.F. B.U. B/C BD. BLDG BLK. BLKG. BM. BR BRG. BRZ C.A.P. C.D. C.I.P. C.J. C.O. C.T. CAB CAM. CCTV CEM. CER CFM CH CKT. BKR. CL or C.L. CLG. CLKG. CLO. CLR. CMU CNTRD. COL. COMB. CONC. CONST. CONT. CONTR. CU d D.F. D.G. D.S. D/W DBL. DEMO DIA. or Ø DIAG. DIM. DL DN. DR E.A. E.F. E.J. E.N. E.W. EA. EL ELECT. ELEV. EMC EMT ENT EQ. EQUIP. EST. EVAP. EWC EXC EXH. EXIST. or E EXT. F.A. F.C. F.C.O. F.D. F.E. F.N. F.O. F.S. F/G FAB. FACP FDC FDN. FHC FIN. FL FLG. FLUOR. FP FTG. FURN. G.I. GA. GALV. GAR. GFCI GFI GL GLB GM GM GRC GYP. GYP. BD. H.B. H.C. H.M. H/C HDBD. HDW HGT. HOR. HTR HVAC HW HYD. I.C. I.D. I.F. ID IG IMC IMPG INCL. INSUL. INT. J-BOX JCT JT. K-D KD KO L.E.D. L.FT. LAM LAT. LAV LD. LIN. LINO. LT. LTG. LVL M.B. M.H. M.I. M.O. MAR. MAS. MAT'L MAX. MECH. MED. MFG. MFR. MIN. MISC. MOD MTL. MUL N.I.C. N.T.S. NCM NFC NLR. NO. NOM. O.C. O.D. O.H. O.I. O.R. OAI OH OPNG. OPPO. P.C. P.L. P.LAM. P.O.C. PERP. or PH or Ø PL. PLAS. PLUMB. PLYWD. PORC. PERF. PREFAB. PSF PSI PTN. PVC PWR. Q.T. QTY. R R.D.L. R.D.O. R.O. R.O.W. or R/W REF REF. REINF. REQ'D. RET. REV. RM RMV. S.C. S.D. S.O.V. S/L S/S SC SCHED. SECT. SES SH SHT'G. SIM. SPA. SPECS SPKR. SQ. FT. SQ. IN. STC STD. STL. SUSP. SW SYM SYS. T & G T.B. T.M.B. T.O. T.O.B. T.O.C. T.O.F. T.O.J. T.O.M. T.O.S. T.O.W. T.S. T.V. TEL. TH. THD. THK. THRU TLT. TRANS. TYP. UNF. UR V.B. V.I.F. VA VERT. WC WDW WCT WP WT. W/ W/O WD. W.I. YD. AMPERES ANCHOR BOLT ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR ABOVE FINISHED GRADE AIR CONDITIONING AGGREGATE BASE COURSE ACRYLONITRILE-BUTADIENE-STYRENE ABOVE ASBESTOS-CEMENT BOARD ACOUSTIC ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE ADDITION or ADDENDUM ABOVE GRADE AIR HANDLER UNIT ALUMINUM ALTERNATE ANNEALED ASPHALT AVERAGE AMERICAN WIRE GAUGE ANGLE BENCH MARK BOUNDARY NAILING BOTTOM OF BOTTOM OF FOOTING BUILT UP BACK OF CURB BOARD BUILDING BLOCK BLOCKING BEAM BRASS BEARING BRONZE CONCRETE ASBESTOS PIPE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS CAST IN PLACE CONTROL JOINT CLEAN OUT CERAMIC TILE CABINET CAMBER CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION CEMENT CERAMIC CUBIC FEET PER MINUTE CHANNEL CIRCUIT BREAKER CENTERLINE CEILING CAULKING CLOSET CLEAR CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT CENTERED COLUMN COMBINATION CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CONTINUOUS CONTRACTOR COPPER PENNY DRINKING FOUNTAIN DECOMPOSED GRANITE DOWN SPOUT DISHWASHER DOUBLE DEMOLITION DIAMETER DIAGONAL DIMENSION DEAD LOAD DOWN DOOR EXPANSION ANCHOR EXHAUST FAN EXPANSION JOINT END NAILING EACH WAY EACH ELEVATION "ELECTRIC, ELECTRICAL" ELEVATOR ELECTRICAL METALLIC CONDUIT ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING ELECTRICAL NON-METALLIC TUBING EQUAL EQUIPMENT ESTIMATE EVAPORATIVE COOLER ELECTRIC DRINKING COOLER EXCAVATE EXHAUST EXISTING EXTERIOR FIRE ALARM FAN COIL FLOOR CLEAN OUT FLOOR DRAIN FIRE EXTINGUISHER FIELD NAILING FACE OF FLOOR SINK FIBERGLASS FABRICATE FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION FOUNDATION FIRE HOSE CABINET FINISH FLOOR FLOORING FLUORESCENT FIRE PROOF FOOTING FURNISH GALVANIZED IRON GAUGE GALVANIZED GARAGE GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER GLASS GLUE LAMINATED BEAM GRADE MARK GATE VALVE GALVANIZED RIGID TUBING GYPSUM GYPSUM BOARD HOSE BIBB HOLLOW CORE HOLLOW METAL HANDICAPPED HARDBOARD HARDWARE HEIGHT HORIZONTAL HEATER HEATING, VENTILATING & AIR CONDITIONING HOT WATER HYDRAULIC INTERCOM OUTLET INSIDE DIAMETER INSIDE FACE IDENTIFICATION ISOLATED GROUND INTERMEDIATE METALLIC CONDUIT IMPREGNATED INCLUDE, INCLUSIVE INSULATION INTERIOR JUNCTION BOX JUNCTION JOINT KNOCK DOWN KILN DRIED KNOCK OUT LIGHT EMITTING DIODE LINEAR FEET LAMINATE LATERAL LAVATORY LEAD LINEAR LINOLEUM LIGHT LIGHTING LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER MACHINE BOLT MANHOLE MALLEABLE IRON MASONRY OPENING MARBLE MASONRY MATERIAL MAXIMUM MECHANICAL MEDIUM MANUFACTURING MANUFACTURER MINIMUM MISCELLANEOUS MODULAR METAL MULLION NOT IN CONTRACT NOT TO SCALE NON-CORROSIVE METAL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION NAILER NUMBER NOMINAL ON CENTER OUTSIDE DIAMETER OVER HANG ORNAMENTAL IRON OUTSIDE RADIUS OUTSIDE AIR INTAKE OVER HEAD OPENING OPPOSITE PRECAST CONCRETE PROPERTY LINE PLASTIC LAMINATE POINT OF CONNECTION PERPENDICULAR PHASE PLASTER PLATE PLASTIC PLUMBING PLYWOOD PORCELAIN PERFORATED PREFABRICATED POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH PARTITION POLYVINYLCLORIDE POWER QUARRY TILE QUANTITY RADIUS ROOF DRAIN LEADER ROOF DRAIN OVERFLOW ROUGH OPENING RIGHT OF WAY REFRIGERATOR REFERENCE REINFORCED REQUIRED RETURN REVISION ROOM REMOVE SOLID CORE SMOKE DETECTOR SHUT OFF VALVE SKYLIGHT STAINLESS STEEL SELF CLOSING SCHEDULE SECTION SERVICE ENTRANCE SECTION SHEET SHEATHING SIMILAR SPACE SPECIFICATIONS SPEAKER SQUARE FEET SQUARE INCHES SOUND TRANSMISSION CLASS STANDARD STEEL SUSPENDED SWITCH SYMMETRICAL SYSTEM TONGUE AND GROOVE THROUGH BOLT TELEPHONE MOUNTING BOARD TOP OF TOP OF BEAM TOP OF CURB TOP OF FOOTING TOP OF JOIST TOP OF MASONRY TOP OF SLAB TOP OF WALL TUBE STEEL TELEVISION OUTLET TELEPHONE THRESHOLD THREADED THICK THROUGH TOILET TRANSFORMER TYPICAL UNFINISHED URINAL VAPOR BARRIER VERIFY IN FIELD VOLT AMPERE VERTICAL WATER CLOSET WINDOW WAINSCOT WEATHER PROOF WEIGHT WITH WITHOUT WOOD WROUGHT IRON YARD VCT VINYL COMPOSITION TILE JOISTJST. ALL CODES REFERENCED ARE TO BE USED AS AMENDED BY THE STATE OF COLORADO AND LOCAL JURISDICTION. -2015 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE -2015 INTERNATION MECHANICAL CODE -2015 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE -2015 INTERNATIONAL FUEL & GAS CODE -2015 IECC (INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE) -2017 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE FINISH WOOD WOOD STUD BLOCKING STEEL STEEL STUD FRAMED WALL BATT INSULATION PLYWOOD CONCRETE STONE CMU SAND GRAVEL GWB COMPACTED SOIL SPRAY-FOAM INSULATION RIGID INSULATION GRID LINE BREAK LINE MATCH LINE REVISION A-701 ELEVATION MARKER SECTION MARKER DETAIL CUT DETAIL 1 A-501 ELEVATION D01 W01 ROOM NAME 101 INTERIOR ELEVATION MARKER ELEVATION NUMBER SHEET NUMBER SECTION NUMBER SHEET NUMBER DETAIL NUMBER SHEET NUMBER SHEET NUMBER ELEVATION NUMBER SPOT ELEVATION DOOR MARK WINDOW MARK ROOM NAME AND NUMBER 1 A-301 1 A-201 11 MAXIMUM FLOOR AREA: 12,144 SQ FT ALLOWABLE DECK (15% OF MAX FLOOR AREA): 1821.6 SQ FT FRONT SETBACK: 5'-0" SIDE SETBACKS: 5'-0" REAR SETBACK: 5'-0" MAXIMUM HEIGHT (PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE) (FT.): 28'-0" 701 SOUTH MONARCH STREET ASPEN, CO 81611 PLANNING APPROVALS 273513125800 L/RMF 12,144 SQ. FT. MULTI-FAMILY #### #### #### #### 10 85 13 08/04/2020 08/24/2020 TF/JH Scale: AS NOTED ISSUE SCHEMATIC DESIGN GC PRICING SET RDS SUBMITTAL SET PERMIT SUBMITTAL SET ROUND 1 COMMENTS ROUND 2 COMMENTSCARIBOU CONDO(EXTERIOR REMODEL)701 SOUTH MONARCHASPEN, CO 816111" ACTUAL IF THE ABOVE DIMENSION DOES NOT MEASURE ONE INCH (1") EXACTLY, THIS DRAWING WILL HAVE BEEN ENLARGED OR REDUCED, AFFECTING ALL LABELED SCALES. ALL DESIGNS, IDEAS ARRANGEMENTS AND PLANS INDICATED BY THESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE THE PROPERTY AND COPYRIGHT OF KIM RAYMOND ARCHITECTS, INC. AND SHALL NEITHER BE USED ON ANY OTHER WORK NOR BE USED BY ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY USE WHATSOEVER WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS SHALL TAKE P R E C E D E N C E O V E R S C A L E D DIMENSIONS AND SHALL BE VERIFIED AT THE SITE . ANY DIMENSIONAL DISCREPANCY SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. G.1.01 8/3/20 GENERAL INFORMATION DATE 4/15/19 KIM RAYMOND ARCHITECTS, INC.| 300 E. HYMAN AVENUE, SUITE 100 || www.kimraymondarchitects.com || 970-925-2252 |8/23/19 11/8/19 12/23/19 4/21/20 8/3/20 CONTRACTOR KEELTY CONSTRUCTION G.1.01 GENERAL INFORMATION SURVEY INTERPOLATED SURVEY A.1.01 EXISTING SITE PLAN A.1.02 PROPOSED SITE PLAN A.1.03 EXISTING FAR CALCULATIONS A.1.04 PROPOSED FAR CALCULATIONS A.1.05 PROPOSED REMP PLAN A.1.06 PROPOSED REMP PLAN A.1.07 EXISTING LANDSAPE PLAN A.1.08 PROPOSED LANDSAPE PLAN A.1.09 TREE REMOVAL PLAN A.2.01 EXISTING MAIN LEVEL PLAN A.2.02 EXISTING SECOND LEVEL PLAN A.2.03 PROPOSED MAIN LEVEL PLAN A.2.04 PROPOSED SECOND LEVEL PLAN A.3.01 PROPOSED ENTRY ELEVATION A.3.02 TRASH ENCLOSURE ELEVATIONS A.6.01 ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS L.1.01 PROPOSED MAIN LEVEL LIGHTING PLAN L1.02 PROPOSED SECOND LEVEL LIGHTING PLAN STRUCTURAL ENGINEER ALBRIGHT & ASSOCIATES JACK ALBRIGHT, PE 402 PARK AVE., UNIT A BASALT, CO 81621 (970) 379-3244 CIVIL ENGINEER SGM JEFF SIMSONSON, PE, CFM 118 W. SIXTH ST., SUITE 200 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601 (970) 384-9005 13 4 2 IIIIIII VIIIVIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll RECEPTION#: 644992, R: $93.00, D: $0.00 DOC CODE: RESOLUTION RESOLUTION NO. 1 Pg 1 of 17, 02/07/2018 at 09: 58:17 AM SERIES OF 2018) Janice K.Vos Caudill, Pitkin County, CO A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ASPEN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT GRANTING APPROVAL FOR A DIMENSIONAL VARIANCE FOR THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT A TO THIS RESOLUTION, COMMONLY KNOWN AS 701 S. MONARCH ST., CARIBOU CONDOMINIUMS, CITY OF ASPEN, PITKIN COUNTY, COLORADO. Parcel ID Nos:2735-131-25-001- 2735-131-25-006 and 2735-131-25-800, WHEREAS, the Community Development Department received an application for 701 S. Monarch St., Caribou Condominiums (the Application) from Caribou Condominium Home Owners Association (Applicant), represented by BendonAdams for the following land use review approvals: Variance, pursuant to Land Use Code Chapter 26.314; and, WHEREAS,the subject property is zoned Lodge (L); and, WHEREAS, all code citation references are to the City of Aspen Land Use Code in effect on the day the application was deemed complete — September 15, 2017, as applicable to this Project; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Adjustment reviewed the Application at a duly noticed public hearing on January 25, 2018; and, WHEREAS, during a duly noticed public hearing on January 25, 2018. the Board of Adjustment approved Resolution 1, Series of 2018, by a five to (5-0) vote granting approval of a Dimensional Variance Review, as identified herein. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO THAT: Section 1: General Approval Pursuant to the procedures and standards set forth in Title 26 of the Aspen Municipal Code, the Board of Adjustment hereby approves a Setback Variance for the property located at 701 S. Monarch St and described as follows: 1. Front yard(east) setback variance allowing a 0' setback for the below grade garage and above grade retaining wall and parking space. The retaining walls shall not exceed the height of 42" as shown in Exhibit B, Approved Drawings. 2. Side yard (north) setback variance allowing a 0' setback for the below grade garage and allowing a 0' setback for the above grade car elevator and enclosure, above grade retaining wall not to exceed 42", and trash/recycle containers and fence/enclosure. Section 2: Engineering Department The Applicant's design shall be compliant with all sections of the City of Aspen Municipal Code, Title 21 and all applicable standards published by the Engineering Department. Board of Adjustment Reso No. I, Series 2018 Page 1 of 4 I. The curb cut entrance to the parking area and adjacent ROW shall meet all Engineering Department standards or a variance to the design standards must be approved by the City Engineer at the time of Building Permit. Any representation of stairs in the ROW shown on the land use approval documents are not permitted and do not have Engineering Department approval. A more detailed grading plan shall be submitted to the Engineering Department to determine an appropriate sidewalk and driveway configuration. Section 3: Zoning 1. The fence used along the trash enclosure shall meet Subsection 26.575.020. E.5 of the Land Use Code at building permit, as amended. 2. The floor area calculations of the demolished and replacement structures shall be confirmed by the City Zoning Enforcement Officer at the time of building permit Section 4: Parks Department 1. Parks has no concerns regarding any interior work in the courtyard, however, it appears that they will be removing part of the wall and moving the drive entrance closer to the cottonwood tree. There is also an aspen tree just outside of the NW comer wall that may be impacted that will be assessed at building permit. The work near these trees shall be coordinated with and approved by the City Forester. 2. A tree dripline excavation permit will be required for this project. Section 5: Building Department The Applicant shall meet all applicable building and accessibility codes in place at the time of building permit. Section 6• All material representations and commitments made by the Applicant pursuant to the development proposal approvals as herein awarded, whether in public hearing or documentation presented before the Community Development Department and the Board of Adjustment Commission, are hereby incorporated in such plan development approvals and the same shall be complied with as if fully set forth herein, unless amended by other specific conditions or an authorized authority. Section 7• This Resolution shall not affect any existing litigation and shall not operate as an abatement of any action or proceeding now pending under or by virtue of the ordinances repealed or amended as herein provided, and the same shall be conducted and concluded under such prior ordinances. Section 8• If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional in a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. Board of Adjustment Reso No. I, Series 2018 Page 2 of 4 FINALLY, adopted, passed and approved this ls`day of February, 2018. Approved as to form: Approved as to tent: jaides R. True, City Attorney Andrew Sandler, Chair Aind,*1,n,in[ PVCJ City Clerk Attachments: Exhibit A: Legal Description Exhibit B: Approved Drawings Board of Adjustment Reso No. I, Series 2018 Page 3 of 4 Exhibit A, Legal Description CARIBOU CONDOMINIUMS ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIUM MAP THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4 AT PAGE 379, AND ACCORDING TO THE FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT OF THE CARIBOU CONDOMINIUMS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4 AT PAGE 404, AND CONDOMINIUM MAP OF PARCEL B, UNITS 5, & 6, CARIBOU CONDOMINIUMS, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4 AT PAGE 454 AND SECOND AMENDED CONDOMINIUM MAP RECORDED SEPTEMBER 8, 2010 IN PLAT BOOK 94 AT PAGE 52 AND AS DEFINED AND DESCRIBED IN THE CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION FOR CARIBOU CONDOMINIUMS RECORDED APRIL 24, 1973 IN BOOK 275 AT PAGE 28, AND THE AMENDMENTS THERETO RECORDED NOVEMBER 2, 1973 IN BOOK 280 AT PAGE 971, RECORDED DECEMBER 24, 1973 IN BOOK 282 AT PAGE 822, RECORDED MAY 2, 1975 IN BOOK 298 AT PAGE 437, RECORDED APRIL 28, 1975 IN BOOK 311 AT PAGE 30I, RECORDED JUNE 18, 1998 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 418308, RECORDED SEPTEMBER 8, 2010 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 573338. CITY OF ASPEN, COUNTY OF PITKIN, STATE OF COLORADO. Board of Adjustment Reso No. 1, Series 2018 Page 4 of 4 1 A7.1 LOCATION KIM RAYMOND ARCHITECTS, INC. 418 EAST COOPER AVENUE, SUITE 201 ASPEN, CO 81611 970-925-2252 ARCHITECT CARIBOU CONDOS (EXTERIOR REMODEL) ABBREVIATIONS MATERIAL LEGEND VICINITY MAP PROJECT TEAMAPPLICABLE CODES PROJECT DATA SHEET INDEX (CONTINUED) SHEET INDEXSYMBOL LEGEND LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivision: CARIBOU DESC: COMMON AREA PARCEL ID NUMBER: ZONING: LOT SIZE: BLDG USE: OCC. GROUP: CONST. TYPE: CLIMATE ZONE: FIRE SPRINKLERS: LAND USE CATEGORY: TOWNSHIP: RANGE: SECTION: PLT. S.T.D.SLOPE TO DRAIN A A.B. A.F.F. A.F.G. A/C ABC ABS ABV. ACB ACOU. ACT ADD. AG AHU AL. or ALUM. ALT. ANL ASPH. AVG AWG B.M. B.N. B.O. B.O.F. B.U. B/C BD. BLDG BLK. BLKG. BM. BR BRG. BRZ C.A.P. C.D. C.I.P. C.J. C.O. C.T. CAB CAM. CCTV CEM. CER CFM CH CKT. BKR. CL or C.L. CLG. CLKG. CLO. CLR. CMU CNTRD. COL. COMB. CONC. CONST. CONT. CONTR. CU d D.F. D.G. D.S. D/W DBL. DEMO DIA. or Ø DIAG. DIM. DL DN. DR E.A. E.F. E.J. E.N. E.W. EA. EL ELECT. ELEV. EMC EMT ENT EQ. EQUIP. EST. EVAP. EWC EXC EXH. EXIST. or E EXT. F.A. F.C. F.C.O. F.D. F.E. F.N. F.O. F.S. F/G FAB. FACP FDC FDN. FHC FIN. FL FLG. FLUOR. FP FTG. FURN. G.I. GA. GALV. GAR. GFCI GFI GL GLB GM GM GRC GYP. GYP. BD. H.B. H.C. H.M. H/C HDBD. HDW HGT. HOR. HTR HVAC HW HYD. I.C. I.D. I.F. ID IG IMC IMPG INCL. INSUL. INT. J-BOX JCT JT. K-D KD KO L.E.D. L.FT. LAM LAT. LAV LD. LIN. LINO. LT. LTG. LVL M.B. M.H. M.I. M.O. MAR. MAS. MAT'L MAX. MECH. MED. MFG. MFR. MIN. MISC. MOD MTL. MUL N.I.C. N.T.S. NCM NFC NLR. NO. NOM. O.C. O.D. O.H. O.I. O.R. OAI OH OPNG. OPPO. P.C. P.L. P.LAM. P.O.C. PERP. or PH or Ø PL. PLAS. PLUMB. PLYWD. PORC. PERF. PREFAB. PSF PSI PTN. PVC PWR. Q.T. QTY. R R.D.L. R.D.O. R.O. R.O.W. or R/W REF REF. REINF. REQ'D. RET. REV. RM RMV. S.C. S.D. S.O.V. S/L S/S SC SCHED. SECT. SES SH SHT'G. SIM. SPA. SPECS SPKR. SQ. FT. SQ. IN. STC STD. STL. SUSP. SW SYM SYS. T & G T.B. T.M.B. T.O. T.O.B. T.O.C. T.O.F. T.O.J. T.O.M. T.O.S. T.O.W. T.S. T.V. TEL. TH. THD. THK. THRU TLT. TRANS. TYP. UNF. UR V.B. V.I.F. VA VERT. WC WDW WCT WP WT. W/ W/O WD. W.I. YD. AMPERES ANCHOR BOLT ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR ABOVE FINISHED GRADE AIR CONDITIONING AGGREGATE BASE COURSE ACRYLONITRILE-BUTADIENE-STYRENE ABOVE ASBESTOS-CEMENT BOARD ACOUSTIC ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE ADDITION or ADDENDUM ABOVE GRADE AIR HANDLER UNIT ALUMINUM ALTERNATE ANNEALED ASPHALT AVERAGE AMERICAN WIRE GAUGE ANGLE BENCH MARK BOUNDARY NAILING BOTTOM OF BOTTOM OF FOOTING BUILT UP BACK OF CURB BOARD BUILDING BLOCK BLOCKING BEAM BRASS BEARING BRONZE CONCRETE ASBESTOS PIPE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS CAST IN PLACE CONTROL JOINT CLEAN OUT CERAMIC TILE CABINET CAMBER CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION CEMENT CERAMIC CUBIC FEET PER MINUTE CHANNEL CIRCUIT BREAKER CENTERLINE CEILING CAULKING CLOSET CLEAR CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT CENTERED COLUMN COMBINATION CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CONTINUOUS CONTRACTOR COPPER PENNY DRINKING FOUNTAIN DECOMPOSED GRANITE DOWN SPOUT DISHWASHER DOUBLE DEMOLITION DIAMETER DIAGONAL DIMENSION DEAD LOAD DOWN DOOR EXPANSION ANCHOR EXHAUST FAN EXPANSION JOINT END NAILING EACH WAY EACH ELEVATION "ELECTRIC, ELECTRICAL" ELEVATOR ELECTRICAL METALLIC CONDUIT ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING ELECTRICAL NON-METALLIC TUBING EQUAL EQUIPMENT ESTIMATE EVAPORATIVE COOLER ELECTRIC DRINKING COOLER EXCAVATE EXHAUST EXISTING EXTERIOR FIRE ALARM FAN COIL FLOOR CLEAN OUT FLOOR DRAIN FIRE EXTINGUISHER FIELD NAILING FACE OF FLOOR SINK FIBERGLASS FABRICATE FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION FOUNDATION FIRE HOSE CABINET FINISH FLOOR FLOORING FLUORESCENT FIRE PROOF FOOTING FURNISH GALVANIZED IRON GAUGE GALVANIZED GARAGE GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER GLASS GLUE LAMINATED BEAM GRADE MARK GATE VALVE GALVANIZED RIGID TUBING GYPSUM GYPSUM BOARD HOSE BIBB HOLLOW CORE HOLLOW METAL HANDICAPPED HARDBOARD HARDWARE HEIGHT HORIZONTAL HEATER HEATING, VENTILATING & AIR CONDITIONING HOT WATER HYDRAULIC INTERCOM OUTLET INSIDE DIAMETER INSIDE FACE IDENTIFICATION ISOLATED GROUND INTERMEDIATE METALLIC CONDUIT IMPREGNATED INCLUDE, INCLUSIVE INSULATION INTERIOR JUNCTION BOX JUNCTION JOINT KNOCK DOWN KILN DRIED KNOCK OUT LIGHT EMITTING DIODE LINEAR FEET LAMINATE LATERAL LAVATORY LEAD LINEAR LINOLEUM LIGHT LIGHTING LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER MACHINE BOLT MANHOLE MALLEABLE IRON MASONRY OPENING MARBLE MASONRY MATERIAL MAXIMUM MECHANICAL MEDIUM MANUFACTURING MANUFACTURER MINIMUM MISCELLANEOUS MODULAR METAL MULLION NOT IN CONTRACT NOT TO SCALE NON-CORROSIVE METAL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION NAILER NUMBER NOMINAL ON CENTER OUTSIDE DIAMETER OVER HANG ORNAMENTAL IRON OUTSIDE RADIUS OUTSIDE AIR INTAKE OVER HEAD OPENING OPPOSITE PRECAST CONCRETE PROPERTY LINE PLASTIC LAMINATE POINT OF CONNECTION PERPENDICULAR PHASE PLASTER PLATE PLASTIC PLUMBING PLYWOOD PORCELAIN PERFORATED PREFABRICATED POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH PARTITION POLYVINYLCLORIDE POWER QUARRY TILE QUANTITY RADIUS ROOF DRAIN LEADER ROOF DRAIN OVERFLOW ROUGH OPENING RIGHT OF WAY REFRIGERATOR REFERENCE REINFORCED REQUIRED RETURN REVISION ROOM REMOVE SOLID CORE SMOKE DETECTOR SHUT OFF VALVE SKYLIGHT STAINLESS STEEL SELF CLOSING SCHEDULE SECTION SERVICE ENTRANCE SECTION SHEET SHEATHING SIMILAR SPACE SPECIFICATIONS SPEAKER SQUARE FEET SQUARE INCHES SOUND TRANSMISSION CLASS STANDARD STEEL SUSPENDED SWITCH SYMMETRICAL SYSTEM TONGUE AND GROOVE THROUGH BOLT TELEPHONE MOUNTING BOARD TOP OF TOP OF BEAM TOP OF CURB TOP OF FOOTING TOP OF JOIST TOP OF MASONRY TOP OF SLAB TOP OF WALL TUBE STEEL TELEVISION OUTLET TELEPHONE THRESHOLD THREADED THICK THROUGH TOILET TRANSFORMER TYPICAL UNFINISHED URINAL VAPOR BARRIER VERIFY IN FIELD VOLT AMPERE VERTICAL WATER CLOSET WINDOW WAINSCOT WEATHER PROOF WEIGHT WITH WITHOUT WOOD WROUGHT IRON YARD VCT VINYL COMPOSITION TILE JOISTJST. ALL CODES REFERENCED ARE TO BE USED AS AMENDED BY THE STATE OF COLORADO AND LOCAL JURISDICTION. -2015 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE -2015 INTERNATION MECHANICAL CODE -2015 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE -2015 INTERNATIONAL FUEL & GAS CODE -2015 IECC (INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE) -2017 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE FINISH WOOD WOOD STUD BLOCKING STEEL STEEL STUD FRAMED WALL BATT INSULATION PLYWOOD CONCRETE STONE CMU SAND GRAVEL GWB COMPACTED SOIL SPRAY-FOAM INSULATION RIGID INSULATION GRID LINE BREAK LINE MATCH LINE REVISION A-701 ELEVATION MARKER SECTION MARKER DETAIL CUT DETAIL 1 A-501 ELEVATION D01 W01 ROOM NAME 101 INTERIOR ELEVATION MARKER ELEVATION NUMBER SHEET NUMBER SECTION NUMBER SHEET NUMBER DETAIL NUMBER SHEET NUMBER SHEET NUMBER ELEVATION NUMBER SPOT ELEVATION DOOR MARK WINDOW MARK ROOM NAME AND NUMBER 1 A-301 1 A-201 11 MAXIMUM FLOOR AREA: 12,144 SQ FT ALLOWABLE DECK (15% OF MAX FLOOR AREA): 1821.6 SQ FT FRONT SETBACK: 5'-0" SIDE SETBACKS: 5'-0" REAR SETBACK: 5'-0" MAXIMUM HEIGHT (PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE) (FT.): 28'-0" 701 SOUTH MONARCH STREET ASPEN, CO 81611 PLANNING APPROVALS 273513125800 L/RMF 12,144 SQ. FT. MULTI-FAMILY #### #### #### #### 10 85 13 08/04/2020 08/24/2020 TF/JH SITE LIST OF DRAWINGS ELEVATION ON PLAN 1 100'-0" T.O. STRUCT. PLY. 15 WINDOW TYPE 9'-0" DIMENSION TO F.O.F., TYP. DOOR + WINDOW W-1 ASSEMBLY TYPE DOOR TYPE105 DET. ON ELEVATION ELEVATION ON SECTION 103'-0" REVISION NO. CL DIMENSION TO CENTERLINE FINISH CLG. ELEVATION ABV. FINISH FL. DWG NO. 22 BUILDING SECTION REF. ANOTHER DWG. SECTION NO. ELEV.NO. DWG NO.A200 2 ELEVATION REF. ANOTHER DWG. DETAIL NO. DWG NO. 2 WALL SECTION REF. ANOTHER DWG. NORTH ARROW 24 1 3 ELEV. NO. DWG NO. INTERIOR ELEVATION REF. ANOTHER DWG. DWG NO. SECTION NO. WALL SECTION REF. ANOTHER DWG.2 ABBREVIATIONS S SQ SQUARE SEC SQ.FT SYS SYM SYMMETRY (ICAL) SYSTEM S.C S.S S.Y STD SOLID CORE S.P SOUNDPROOF SOUTH SPK SPEAKER SPEC SPECIFICATION (S) SQUARE FEET STRUCT STRUCTURAL STDS STUDS SUSP SECTION SUSPENDED SHT SHEET SIM SIMILAR SQUARE YARD STAINLESS STEEL STANDARD STL STEEL STOR STORAGE S.D STORM DRAIN TONGUE AND GROOVE TV THRES TEL TELEPHONE T&G T.O TOP OF T.O.B T.O.C TOP OF CONCRETE T.O.S T.O.STL T TELEVISION TEMP TEMPERED THK THICK (NESS) THRESHOLD TOP OF BEAM TOP OF SLAB TOP OF STEEL T.O.W TOP OF WALL TREAD TYP TYPICAL VEST VESTIBULE V VINYL VINYL COMPOSITION TILEV.C.T W.T.W V.I.F.VERIFY IN FIELD V.G VERTICAL GRAIN WALL TO WALL W.C WATER CLOSET WP WATERPROOFING WT W.R WATER REPELLENT W.S WEATHER STRIPPING WEIGHT W.W.F WELDED WIRE FABRIC W WEST,WIDE,WIDTH W/WITH WDW WINDOW WD WOOD W.P WORKING POINT U.N.O V.B VAPOR BARRIER UNF UNFINISHED VNR VENEER VERT VERTICLE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE INCH K.O INCLUDE (D),(ING) INSIDE DIAMETER INSULATE (D),(ION) JOINT IN INCL I.D INSUL INT INV INTERIOR INVERT JT JST JOIST KIT KITCHEN KNOCK OUT LAM LAV LAB BOLT LAMINATE LAVATORY LADDER LABEL L.B LAD LBL LIN LOUVER LT LENGTHL L.H LEFT HAND LIGHT LT.WT LIGHT WEIGHT LINEAR LTL LINTEL LVR L.P LOW POINT MH MT MAN-HOLE MEZZ MLD MISC MFR MAS MANSONRY M.O MIR MATL MATERIAL (S) MEZZANINE MIN MIRROR MISCELLANEOUS MOUNT (ED),(ING) MOV MOVABLE MULL MULLION MAX MAXIMUM MECH MECHANIC (AL) MED MEDIUM MEMB MEMBRANE MTL METAL MANUFACTURER (ER) MOLDING,MOULDING MINIMUM,MINUTE MASONRY OPENING NOM NO N O.H NORTH O.A OVERHANG OVERALL NOMINAL OFF N.I.C NOT IN CONTRACT N.T.S NOT TO SCALE NUMBER OFFICE O.C ON CENTER (S) OPG OPENING OPP OPPOSITE O.D OUTSIDE DIAMETER NAT NATURAL PNL PANEL PTN P.BD PARTITION PT POINT P.C.F PARTICLE BOARD PVMT PAVEMENT PERI PERIMETER PERF PERFORATE (D) PLAS PLASTER P.LAM PL PL.GL P.L.F P.S.F P.S.I P.L PROPERTY LINE PTD PAINT (ED) PLASTIC LAMINATE PLATE PLATE GLASS PLMB PLUMBING PWD PLYWOOD PVC POUNDS PER CUBIC FOOT POUNDS PER LINEAL FOOT POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH POLYVINYL CHLORIDE RDWD REINF REINFORCED (D),(ING) R.C.P R.D ROOF DRAIN R QT QUARRY TILE RAD RADIUS REQD REQUIRED RESIL RESILIENT RET RETURN R.A RETURN AIR REV R.H R.O.W RECP RECEPTACLE REDWOOD REF REFERENCE REFR REFRIGATOR REG REGISTER RIGHT HAND RIGHT OF WAY RISERRM, ROOM R.O ROUGH OPENING REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE REVISION (S),REVISED ANOD APPROX A.P ADJ ADJT AGG A/C ALT ALUM A.B AUTO ARCH A.D ASPH DEGREE, MINUTE, SECOND Æ OR Ø AT CENTERLINE FOOT, INCH NUMBER PLATE ACCESS PANEL ADJACENT ANCHOR BOLT ROUND OR DIAMETER AND ADJUSTABLE AGGREGATE AIR CONDITIONING ALTERNATE ALUMINUM AUTOMATIC ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR ANODIZED APPROXIMATE ARCHITECT PLAN AREA DRAIN ASPHALT SYMBOLS used as abbreviations A.F.F ABBREVIATIONS & @ C.L. °, ', " ', " # PL. BRG BET BVL BLK BIT BSMT BUILT UP ROOFING B.M BEARING BM BETWEEN BEVELED BLOCK B.PL BLOCKING BEARING PLATE,BASE PLATE BOARD BLKG BD B.S BOT B.O.W B.U.R B.O BLDG BOTTOM BASEMENT BENCH MARK BITUMINOUS BUILDING BEAM BOTH SIDES BOTTOM OF BOTTOM OF WALL C.I CLG CLG.HT CEM C.FL CTR C.T CLR CLO C.O COORD C.JT CAB CONT C.W CK CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT CONTINUOUS OR CONTINUE CONST.JT CONST CPT CSMT CPR CEILING CEMENT CORR CEILING HEIGHT CENTER CONCRETE (CAST-IN-PLACE) C.B CABINET COPPER COUNTER FLASHING CERAMIC TILE CLOSET CLEAN OUT CAULK COORDINATE CONTROL JOINT COLD WATER CLEAR (ANCE) CORRIDOR COLUMN CONNECTION CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION JOINT CARPET (ED) CASEMENT CAST IRON CATCH BASIN COL CONC C.M.U CONN D DEP DWG DWR DTL DIAG DR DIA DIF DIM DBL DRAWER DRAWING DEEP,DEPTH DIAGONAL DIMENSION DIFFUSER DOOR DOUBLE DEPRESSED DETAIL DIAMETER DEGREEDEG EXP.JT E.B EXP EXT EXPANSION BOLT EXPANSION JOINT EXPOSED EXTERIOR E.W EL EQUIP EACHWAY EAST ELEVATION EXHAUST ELEVATOR EQUAL ELECTRICAL EXISTING E EMERGENCY ENCLOSE (URE) EXIST ELEV EMER ENC EQ EQUIPMENT ELEC EXH FP F.D FND FOUNDATION F.A.I FRESH AIR INTAKE F.S FTG FOOTING FULL SIZE FURR FURRED (ING) FLOOR DRAIN F.O.C FACE OF CONCRETE F.O.S FACE OF STUDS FAS FT FASTEN,FASTENER FGL FIBERGLASS F.E.C FIN FINISH (ED) F.E FIRE EXTINGUISHER FOOT F.H.S FIRE HOSE STATION FIREPROOFING FPL FIREPLACE F.P.S.C F.R FIRE RESISTANT FLG FLASHING FLR FLOOR (ING) F.D FLOOR DRAIN FLUOR FLUORESCENT FIRE-PROOF SELF-CLOSING FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINET GRADE GRADINGGR GYP GYPSUM G.W.B GYPSUM WALL BOARD GLASS BLOCK GAGE GAUGEGA GALVANIZEDGALV GLASS,GLAZINGGL GL.BLK HT HEAVY DUTY HARDWARE HEIGHT HDW HIGH HEATING/VENTILATION/AIR COND. HARDWOOD HEADER HEATING HDWD HIGH POINT HDR HOLLOW CORE HOLLOW METAL HYD H.W.H HORIZONTAL HOSE BIBB HOT WATER HOT WATER HEATER HOUR HYDRANT HTG H.D H H.P H.V.A.C H.C H.M HORIZ H.B H.W HR DIRECTORY DESCRIPTION OF WORK VICINITY MAP SYMBOLS REINFORCE EXISTING 4'-0" RETAINING WALL IN SETBACK WITH NEW 4'-0" RETAINING WALL ADJACENT TO EXISTING Owner: Caribou Condominium Home Owner's Association Architect: Michael Fuller Architects PC 23400 Two Rivers Rd Suite 41 Basalt, CO 81621 Michael Fuller - Principal (970) 927-6620 o Steven Dunn - Project Manager (970) 927-5366 f sdunn@mfullerarchitects.com Structural Engineer: SK Peightal Engineers LTD PO Box 410 Basalt, CO 81621 Adrienne Prosser, Project Manager (970) 927-9510 o skpe.structural@gmail.com Surveyor Aspen Survey Engineers, INC 210 South Galena Street Aspen, CO 81611 contact@aspensurvey.net (970) 925-3816 o N TRUE A300 A300 A400 A400 A900 T.O. STRUCT. PLY. SOG SLAB ON GRADE ARCHITECTURE DESIGN G.0.01 GENERAL INFORMATION SURVEY GENERAL A0.01 EXISTING SITE PLAN A0.02 PROPOSED SITE PLAN A0.03 ENLARGED SITE PLAN & SECTION EXISTING VARIANCES LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT A 39 GSPublisherVersion 23400 Two Rivers Road, Suite 41, Basalt CO 81621 [t] 970 927 6620 [f] 970 927 5366michael fuller architectsPCAll designs, ideas, arrangements and plans indicated by these drawings and specifications are the property and copyright of the Architect and shall neither be used on any other work nor be used by any other person for any use whatsoever without written permission. Written dimensions shall take precedence over scaled dimensions and shall be verified at the job site. Any dimensional discrepancy shall be brought to the attention of the Architect prior to Commencement of the work.michael fuller architectsEXISTING SITE PLAN A.0.01 7/6/22PLOT REF: DATE REVISION 701 South MonarchAspen, CO 81611The CaribouCondominiums6/29/2022 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION Scale: AS NOTED ISSUE SCHEMATIC DESIGN GC PRICING SET RDS SUBMITTAL SET PERMIT SUBMITTAL SET ROUND 1 COMMENTSCARIBOU CONDO(EXTERIOR REMODEL)701 SOUTH MONARCHASPEN, CO 816111" ACTUAL IF THE ABOVE DIMENSION DOES NOT MEASURE ONE INCH (1") EXACTLY, THIS DRAWING WILL HAVE BEEN ENLARGED OR REDUCED, AFFECTING ALL LABELED SCALES. ALL DESIGNS, IDEAS ARRANGEMENTS AND PLANS INDICATED BY THESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE THE PROPERTY AND COPYRIGHT OF KIM RAYMOND ARCHITECTS, INC. AND SHALL NEITHER BE USED ON ANY OTHER WORK NOR BE USED BY ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY USE WHATSOEVER WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS SHALL TAKE P R E C E D E N C E O V E R S C A L E D DIMENSIONS AND SHALL BE VERIFIED AT THE SITE . ANY DIMENSIONAL DISCREPANCY SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. A.1.01 4/28/20 EXISTING SITE PLAN DATE 4/15/19 KIM RAYMOND ARCHITECTS, INC.| 300 E. HYMAN AVENUE, SUITE 100 || www.kimraymondarchitects.com || 970-925-2252 |8/23/19 11/8/19 12/23/19 4/21/20 5'-0"5'-0"5'-0"5'-0"EXISTING BUILDING EXISTING BUILDING EXISTING PARKING LOT TRASH POOL EXISTING BUILDINGPROPERTY LINESETBACK LINE PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE SETBACK LINESETBACK LINE SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0"1 EXISTING SITE PLAN N SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0"PLANNORTHEMERGENCY VEHICLE AND SKIER ACCESS EASEMENT40 GSPublisherVersion 23400 Two Rivers Road, Suite 41, Basalt CO 81621 [t] 970 927 6620 [f] 970 927 5366michael fuller architectsPCAll designs, ideas, arrangements and plans indicated by these drawings and specifications are the property and copyright of the Architect and shall neither be used on any other work nor be used by any other person for any use whatsoever without written permission. Written dimensions shall take precedence over scaled dimensions and shall be verified at the job site. Any dimensional discrepancy shall be brought to the attention of the Architect prior to Commencement of the work.michael fuller architectsBOA PLAN AND SECTION A.0.03 7/6/22PLOT REF: DATE REVISION 701 South MonarchAspen, CO 81611The CaribouCondominiums6/29/2022 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION EXISTING POOL EXISTING PLANTER EDGE EXISTING GATE EXISTING SPA SETBACK LINEEMERGENCY VEHICLE ANDSKIER ACCESS EASEMENTSETBACK LINEEXISTING 4'-0" HIGH RETAINING WALL NEW 4'-0" HIGH RETAINING WALL POOL EQ. VAULT BELOW GRADE REPLACE 42" GUARDRAIL 2 A.0.03 3 A.0.034'-0"SETBACK LINE PROPERTY LINE EXISTING POOL4'-0"4"3'-6"PROPOSED 4'-0" HIGH RETAINING WALL SETBACK LINE PROPERTY LINE POOL DECK POOL COPING EXISTING GRADE PROPOSED FOOTING EXISTING 4'-0" HIGH RETAINING WALL PROPOSED GRADE WALL CAP REPLACE EXISTING GUARDRAIL EXISTING POOL PLANNORTHSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"1EXISTING ENLARGED SITE PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"2SITE SECTIONSCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0"3RETAINING WALL SECTION 41 EXHIBIT B42 43 EXHIBIT C44 45 EXHIBIT D 46 47 48 49 50 EXHIBIT E 51 EXHIBIT F 52