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File Documents.830 E Durant Ave.0007-2021-BREP (3)
SE CON ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS Asbestos Building Materials Inspection Services Client: TE Builders, 417 Main Street, Carbondale, CO 81623 Project Site: 830 E. Durant, Aspen, CO 81611 Inspection Date: March 16, 2021 Phase Con Project #: 21-03-16D 2166 Peregrine Court RECEIVED Grand Junction, CO 81507 970-260-3341 -- office©phasecon.com 03/26/2021 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT 830 E. Durant Street, Aspen, Colorado Sampling Description Phase Con provided limited construction specific asbestos building inspection services at the property described above on March 16, 2021. The inspection was performed by Mr. Douglas Close, a Colorado State and EPA Asbestos Building Inspector/Management Planner. Building materials as indicated by the client as being impacted in the planned renovation work were the only building materials included within the scope of work (interior finish materials). Suspect materials within the scope of work were sampled and analyzed as per Colorado State Regulation #8. A random sampling scheme was utilized in choosing sampling locations. This scheme used a grid system and randomly generated numbers. The Inspector, Mr. Douglas Close, classified the suspect materials by type (Thermal System Insulation (TSI), Surfacing Materials, and Miscellaneous Materials), and obtained the appropriate number of samples of each material based upon material type, and quantity. Tables are provided which detail the individual samples obtained, the laboratory analysis results for these samples, the quantity and condition of ACBM, the locations of each homogeneous area, and other material specific information. Potential for damage to materials information is provided in the following sampling information tables. Discussion & Recommendations None of the tested building materials were found to contain asbestos in any quantity. If any previously unknown or undiscovered materials are found during demolition activities which are suspect for asbestos content then these materials should be tested for potential asbestos content prior to continuing any further demolition work. Disclaimer The inspection services process consists of initial inspection/sampling and sampling of subsequently discovered hidden or inaccessible building materials as the inspection/abatement/demolition process occurs withine-iCOVED rc 03/26/2021 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT the building. Discovery of hidden or inaccessible building materials by any interested parties can and will occur at any time during the inspection/abatement/demolition process and necessitates stopping demolition until the discovered materials can be properly inspected/sampled. The discovery of hidden materials during the building demolition process is common, should be expected by the client and is a normal part of the inspection process. Identified asbestos containing materials may be in areas which are inaccessible or hidden due to their application during the construction process and their subsequent enclosure or covering with building and finish materials. Areas behind walls, inside chases, or other hidden, covered or enclosed areas should be inspected whenever renovation or demolition activities are scheduled which may disturb the materials within or beneath these barriers. Care to watch for hidden or undiscovered materials should be taken by the demolition contractor during the demolition process. A discovery of unknown materials will necessitate stopping demolition until the materials can be inspected by a certified asbestos building inspector. 'Overspray' or excess materials from the installation or application process of asbestos containing materials is common, should be expected in the vicinity of installed asbestos containing materials, and is often present either covered by other building materials or in hidden or unexpected locations. Bulk material samples are obtained in accordance with applicable regulations, industry standard techniques and analyzed by a NVLAP accredited laboratory; however, due to the asbestos content fluctuations which may occur in a building material due to the application and/or initial mixing process no guarantee can be made as to an `exact' percentage asbestos content (this includes 'no asbestos detected' and 'trace' contents) which represents the entirety of the material (asbestos content fluctuations can and will occur throughout a building material). Abatement cost estimates and material quantity estimates are approximate only (due to the hidden nature of many of the materials), and are provided only as a general guideline to the client. More than one licensed Colorado State asbestos abatement contractor should be consulted to determine actual abatement costs of the ACBMs described above. Actual material quantities can only be determined by complete removal of covering materials. Please call us with any questions which you may have concerning this report and our recommendations. Thank you. RECEIVED 03/26/2021 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMEN1 D. • as A. Close orado State and EPA Certified Asbestos Building /nspector/Management Planner #2930 RECEIVED 03/26/2021 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT Sample Description Table RECEIVED 03/26/2021 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT CO W 0 } Z Z Z 0 0 0 0 0 Z U. U_ LL LL U Z Z Z Z U. O wO oom . , U °CN ao C w Q L M w a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q) OF"- m a. m m m m m m m Q m Z J O Q Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Q z 0 L00H -1- CO w Z C w oOOWE L CC V Q D 0 zZ • 0 0 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 CD CD CD LLJU C) 0000 i 00 0j- ›- o - - N �- ` ' o o in um)co co co co c� Ls-) U) i _N � J w (J) co co (n co 2 2 2 2 n as cC ca ca co a-i J Q Z (n (n (n (n 7 (n - i+ T > >. �" WQ aE a � a � a � a � -0 � U m � � � � o o = n = QU O O O O_ O O n J J J crs Q i a) i J .E.0 C a) C C C V) = = = = - Q Q Q Q Q Q) Z E E E E E a--) 0 > > > 7 c 3 R3 p- a a a a a O O U U C $ >, > > > > - o o , di U a a) a) a a)) a) ) a) a) a) a) C E E p) w V >, .T >, S >, > T >, (a .0 ca .0 e2S �$ C 0 ' '' u) ' < o `n o ca = al a a) J V) -0 u) 0 ) D (n a (n o , '-' E .. E ca ca Q Q 0 3 0 3 0 3 ° o �°o oo -5 _n E W o o o o o c c (13 �- ..= a . c I- a a a a a c c (I) 2 :Y > V) m co co co Q = Z Q Q Q Q cc m m U U Q Nd r N CO V t[) co f� co �� • E EIVED 03/26/2021 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT C a) a) 0 cfa C a) U Ca co -p — a) To O C C O O U Q -0 O C1 O C E O O O 1 U I I Cl. 0 H C71 C a.J U, C F--1 0) E (1)tn a--� 4J U _ r O (B DCDCCDOO Ei ra E o N en , U L ,-1 ra C v_ (Dv E0C � CD co) < -a I ,� U -0 Z cnF- H a) Ca C CD -p ca E o fa (13 ECa .L O Ca E 8 fa O C Ca) Q U a ca te-+ -0 C3) w U O Ca 't U AL CL U- V) 2 RECEIVED 03/26/2021 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT Field Sketch - Sample Locations & ACM Locations RECEIVED 03/26/2021 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT H247 6730 ra 45.2C"1 (04 ra a\ pper I / d L-eve 11911111111111) I )10 17g1 7-1 5 RECEIVED 03/26/2021 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT i-H,A,fi--- L kflei r__,,, ,, , i 1 _____________,_ ......., RECEIVE! 03/26/2021 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT Laboratory Analysis Results RECEIVED 03/26/2021 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT CA Labs, L.L.C. CA Labs 12232 Industriplex,Suite 32 NVLAP#200772-0 Dedicated to Baton Rouge,LA 70809 TDSHS#300370 Quality Phone 225-751-5632 CDPHE#AL-18111 Fax 225-751-5634 LELAP#03069 Materials Characterization - Bulk Asbestos Analysis Laboratory Analysis Report- Polarized Light Phase Con Environmental Consultants, LLC Attn: Doug Close 2166 Peregrine Court Customer Project: 830 E Durant Street Grand Junction,CO 81507 Reference#: CBR21031547 Date: 3/19/2021 Analysis and Method Summary of polarizing light microscopy(PLM/Stereomicroscopy bulk asbestos analysis)using the methods described in 40CFR Part 763 Appendix E to Subpart E(Interim and EPA 600/R-93/116(Improved). The sample is first viewed with the aid of stereomicroscopy.Numerous liquid slide preparations are created for analysis under the polarized microscope where identifications and quantifications are preformed.Calibrated liquid refractive oils are used as liquid mouting medium.These oils are used for identification(dispersion staining).A calibrated visual estimation is reported,should any asbestiform mineral be present.Other techniques such as acid washing are used in conjugation with refractive oils for detection of smaller quantities of asbestos.All asbestos percentages are based on calibrated visual estimation traceable to NIST standards for regulated of asbestos.Traceability to measurement and calibration is achieved by using known amounts and types of asbestos from standards where analyst and laboratory accuracy are measured. As little as 0.001%asbestos can be detected in favorable samples,while detection in unfavorable samples may approach the detection limit of 0.50%(well above the laboratory definition of trace). Discussion Vermiculite containing samples may have trace amounts of actinolite-tremolite,where not found be PLM should be analyzed using TEM methods and/or water separation techniques.Suspected actinolite/vermiculite presence will be indicated through the sample comment section of this report. Fibrous talc containing samples may even contain a related asbestos fiber known as anthophyllite. Under certain conditions the same fiber may actually contain both talc and anthophyllite(a phenomenon called intergrowth).Again,TEM detection methods are recommended.CA Labs PLM report comments will denote suspected amounts of asbestiform anthophyllite with talc,where further analysis is recommended. Some samples(floor tiles,surfacings, etc.)may contain fibers too small to be detectable by PLM analysis and should be analyzed by TEM bulk protocols. A"trace asbestos"will be reported if the analyst observes far less than 1%asbestos.CA Labs defines"trace asbestos"as a few fibers detected by the analyst in several preparations and will indicate as such under these circumstances. Quantification of<1%will actually be reported as<=1%(allowable variance close to 1%is high).Such results are ideal for point counting,and the technique is mandatory for friable samples(NESHAP,Nov. 1990 and clarification letter 8 May 1991)under 1%percent asbestos and the"trace asbestos".In order to make all initial PLM reports issued from CA Labs NESHAP compliant,all<1%asbestos results(except floor tiles)will be point counted at no additional charge. Qualifications CA Labs is accredited by the National Voluntary Accreditation Program(NVLAP)for selected test methods for airborne fiber analysis(TEM),and for bulk asbestos fiber analysis(PLM).All analysts have a college degree in a natural science(geology,biology,or environmental science)or are recognized by a state professional board in one these disciplines.Extensive in-house training programs are used to augment education background of the analyst.The group leader of polarized light has received supplemental McCrone Research training for asbestos identification.This report is not covered by the scope of AIHA accreditation.Analysis performed at CA Labs,LLC 12232 Industriplex,Suite 32 Baton Rouge,LA 70809. RECEIVED 03/26/2021 Page 1 of 5 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT CA Labs CA Labs, L.L.C. NVLAP#200772-0 12232 Industripiex,Suite 32 ,- Dedicated to Baton Rouge,LA 70809 — TDSHS#300370 Quality Phone 225-751-5632 CDPHE#AL-18111 Fax 225-751-5634 LELAP#03069 Overview of Project Sample Material Containing Asbestos Customer Project: 830 E Durant Street CA Labs Project#: CBR21031547 Sample It Layer Analysts Physical Description of Asbestos type/ # Subsample calibrated visual List of Affected Building estimate percent Material Types No Asbestos Detected. Glossary of abbreviations(non-asbestos fibers and non-fibrous minerals): ca-carbonate pe-perlite fg-fiberglass pa-palygorskite(clay) gypsum-gypsum qu-quartz mw-mineral wool bi-binder wo-wollastinite or-organic to-talc ma-matrix sy-synthetic mi-mica ce-cellulose ve-vermiculite br-brucite of-other ka-kaolin(clay) This report relates to the items tested.This report is not to be used by the customer to claim product certification,approval or endorsement by NVLAP,NIST,AIHA LAP,LLC,or any other agency of the federal government.This report may not be reproduced except in full without written permission from CA Labs.These results are submitted pursuant to CA Labs'current terms and sale,condition of sale,including the company's standard warranty and limitations of liability provisions and no responsibility or liability is assumed for the manner in which the results are used or interpreted.Unless notified in writing to return the samples covered by this report,CA Labs will store the samples for a period of ninety(90)days before discarding.A shipping or handling fee may be assessed for the return of any samples. RECEIVED 03/26/2021 Page 2 of 5 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT CA Labs, L.L.C. CA Labs NVLAP#200772-0 12232 Industriplex,Suite 32 Dedicated to Baton Rouge,LA 70809 ,... TDSHS#300370 Quality Phone 225-751-5632 CDPHE#AL-18111 Fax 225-751-5634 LELAP#03069 Polarized Light Asbestiform Materials Characterization Customer Info: Attn: Doug Close Customer Project: CA Labs Project#: Phase Con Environmental Consultants, LLC CBR21031547 2166 Peregrine Court Grand Junction,CO 81507 830 E Durant Street Date: 3/19/2021 Turnaround Time: Samples Received: 3/18/2021 Phone# 970-241-6480 24 Hours Date Of Sampling: Fax# 970-241-6584 Purchase Order#: Sample# Com Layer Analysts Physical Description of Homo- Asbestos type/ Non-asbestos fiber Non-fibrous type ment # Subsample geneo calibrated visual type/percent /percent us estimate percent (Y/N) White Surfaced White 1 1-1 Compound N None Detected 100%mi,bi,ca White Compound(beneath 1-2 tape) Y None Detected 100%mica 1-3 White Drywall with Paper N None Detected 10%ce 90%qu,gy White Surfaced White 2 2-1 Compound N None Detected 100%mi,bi,ca 2-2 White Drywall with Paper N None Detected 10%ce 90%qu,gy White Surfaced White 3 3-1 Compound N None Detected 100%mi,bi,ca 3-2 White Drywall with Paper N None Detected 10%ce 90%qu,gy Analysis Method:Interim(40CFR Part 763 Appendix E to Subpart E)/Improved(EPA-600/R-93/116) Preparation Method:HCL acid washing for carbonate based samples,chemical reduction for organically bound components,oil immersion for identification of asbestos types by dispersion attaining/becke line method. ca -carbonate mi-mica fg-fiberglass ce-cellulose gypsum-gypsum ve-vermiculite mw-mineral wool br-brucite bi-binder of-other wo-wollastinite ka-kaolin(clay) or-organic pe-perlite to-talc pa-palygorskite(clay) Approved Signatories: ma-matrix qu-quartz sy-synthetic __ ee � � �__-- Chris Williams Senior Analyst Laboratory Director Analyst Alicia Stretz Chris Williams 1.Fire Damage significant fiber damage. reported percentages reflect unaltered fibers 6.Anthophyllile in association with Fibrous Talc 2.Fire Damage no significant fiber damages effecting fibrous percentages 7.Contamination suspected from other building materials 3.Actinolite in association with Vermiculite 8.Favorable scenario for water separation on vermiculite for possible analysis by another method 4.Layer not analyzed-attached to previous positive layer and contamination is suspected 9. <1%Result point counted positive 5.Not enough sample to analyze 10.TEM analysis suggested RECEIVED 03/26/2021 Page 3 of 5 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT CA Labs CA Labs, L.L.C. NVLAP#200772-0 12232 Industriplex,Suite 32 Dedicated to Baton Rouge,LA 70809 TDSHS#300370 Quality Phone 225-751-5632 CDPHE#AL-18111 I Fax 225-751-5634 LELAP#03069 Polarized Light Asbestiform Materials Characterization Customer Info: Attn: Doug Close Customer Project: CA Labs Project#: Phase Con Environmental Consultants, LLC CBR21031547 2166 Peregrine Court Grand Junction,CO 81507 830 E Durant Street Date: 3/19/2021 Turnaround Time: Samples Received: 3/18/2021 Phone# 970-241-6480 24 Hours Date Of Sampling: Fax# 970-241-6584 Purchase Order#: Sample# Corn Layer Analysts Physical Description of Homo- Asbestos type/ Non-asbestos fiber Non-fibrous type ment # Subsample geneo calibrated visual type/percent /percent us estimate percent (Y/N) White Surfaced White 4 4-1 Compound N None Detected 100%mi,bi,ca 4-2 White Drywall with Paper N None Detected 10%ce 90%qu,gy White Surfaced White 5 5-1 Compound N None Detected 100%mi,pe,bi,ca 5-2 White Drywall with Paper N None Detected 10%ce 90%qu,gy 6 6-1 Gray Floor Tile Y None Detected 100%qu,ca 7 7-1 Gray Floor Tile Y None Detected 100%qu,ca 8 8-1 Gray Covebase Y None Detected 100%qu,ma Analysis Method:Interim(40CFR Part 763 Appendix E to Subpart E)/Improved(EPA-600/R-93/116) Preparation Method:HCL acid washing for carbonate based samples,chemical reduction for organically bound components,oil immersion for identification of asbestos types by dispersion attaining/becke line method. ca -carbonate mi-mica fg-fiberglass ce-cellulose gypsum-gypsum ve-vermiculite mw-mineral wool br-brucite bi-binder of-other wo-wollastinite ka-kaolin(clay) or-organic pe-perlite to-talc pa-palygorskite(clay) Approved Signatories: ma-matrix qu-quartz sy-synthetic Chris Williams Senior Analyst Laboratory Director Analyst Alicia Stretz Chris Williams 1.Fire Damage significant fiber damage- reported percentages reflect unaltered fibers 6.Anthophyllite in association with Fibrous Talc 2.Fire Damage no significant fiber damages effecting fibrous percentages 7.Contamination suspected from other building materials 3.Actinolite in association with Vermiculite 8.Favorable scenario for water separation on vermiculite for possible analysis by another method 4.Layer not analyzed-attached to previous positive layer and contamination is suspected 9.<1%Result point counted positive 5.Not enough sample to analyze 10.TEM analysis suggested I i:RE 9(\A��E IVED 03/26/2021 Page 4 of 5 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT CA Labs CA Labs, L.L.C. NVLAP#200772-0 12232 Industriplex,Suite 32 TDSHS#300370 Dedicated to Baton Rouge,LA 70809 Quality Phone 225-751-5632 CDPHE#AL-18111 Fax 225-751-5634 LELAP#03069 Polarized Light Asbestiform Materials Characterization Customer Info: Attn: Doug Close Customer Project: CA Labs Project#: Phase Con Environmental Consultants, LLC CBR21031547 2166 Peregrine Court Grand Junction,CO 81507 830 E Durant Street Date: 3/19/2021 Turnaround Time: Samples Received: 3/18/2021 Phone# 970-241-6480 24 Hours Date Of Sampling: Fax# 970-241-6584 Purchase Order#: Sample# Com Layer Analysts Physical Description of Homo- Asbestos type/ Non-asbestos fiber Non-fibrous type ment # Subsample geneo calibrated visual type/percent /percent us estimate percent (Y/N) 8-2 Tan Mastic Y None Detected 100%qu,bi 9 9-1 Gray Covebase Y None Detected 100%qu,ma 9-2 Tan Mastic Y None Detected 100%qu,bi Analysis Method:Interim(40CFR Part 763 Appendix E to Subpart E)/Improved(EPA-600/R-93/116) Preparation Method:HCL acid washing for carbonate based samples,chemical reduction for organically bound components,oil immersion for identification of asbestos types by dispersion attaining/becke line method. ca -carbonate mi-mica fg-fiberglass ce-cellulose gypsum-gypsum ve-vermiculite mw-mineral wool br-brucite bi-binder of-other wo-wollastinite ka-kaolin(clay) or-organic pe-perlite to-talc pa-palygorskite(clay) Approved Signatories: ma-matrix qu-quartz sy-synthetic Chris Williams Senior Analyst Laboratory Director Analyst Alicia Stretz Chris Williams I.Fire Damage significant fiber damage- reported percentages reflect unaltered fibers 6.Anthophyllite in association with Fibrous Talc 2.Fire Damage no significant fiber damages effecting fibrous percentages 7.Contamination suspected from other building materials 3.Actinolite in association with Vermiculite 8.Favorable scenario for water separation on vermiculite for possible analysis by another method 4.Layer not analyzed-attached to previous positive layer and contamination is suspected 9. <1% Result point counted positive 5.Not enough sample to analyze 10.TEM analysis suggested RECEIVED EIVED 03/26/2021 Page 5 of 5 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT CA.Labs,LLC, Phone:225-751-5632 132 Jndustriples Fax:225751-5634 Suite 32 Mobile:225.993-3471 Baton Rouge, LA 70809 ' Chain of Custody Client Name: Ph se Con Environmental Consultants,LLc C� abs job# CB. It 2 0. itk Client Address: 21.6 Peregrine Court Billing Address: Same Gr.nd Junction,Co s1507 (if different) phone number: 97 -260-3341 fax number: 88••-966-0231 Send Reports to: Douglas Close Project Number: Project Name: cy, j "D4 ra,06•-S-74.-ee/ Reports Results Contact: Do:Os Close VIA: EMAIL FAX VERBAL 1 Total#Samples S bmitted: Total#Samples to be Analyzed: Material Matrix: i Air( )Water Asbestos: please call ahead for availability of all rush andlor after hours samples, 1TEM11 TA Time PLM TA Time Optical/IAQ TA rime Circe analysis and TA rime Circle analysis and TA tine 2 hour Allergen Particle: 2 hour AHERA 4 hour Improved 4 hour tape/bulk/swab 4 hour EPA Level II 8 hour Interim 8 hour . Cyclex-d cassettes 8 hour Drinking Water ."16 hour 16 hour Air-o-cell cassettes 16 hour Wipe 24 hour HERA o : Anderson cultures 24 hour Micro-vac 2 days .says Bulk/swab cultures 2 days NIOSH 7402 3 days Point Count- 3.days .. Bacteria cultures 3 days • Chatfield Bulk 5 days (NESHAPS) 5 days PCM:NIOSH 7400 5-10 days Lead: Carle aaaryes and TA Pre Matrix: ' Paint Chips Soil I Air I Wipes Wastewater I TCLP ! TA Time: 8 hour 1 1 day 2 days I 3 days 5 days I 6-10 days I Sample Information: Sample Number: . Sample Location: Sample Date/Time: Sample Volume(L) / • 9 ... . ldatalwnrdproliormsiChainofCus Revision 2 3/12J01 Page 1 Custody Information: «._. /�-0O 3-AS-zk Samples relinquished: I7 "/ Samples received: k0,>AQa04 Sipiature Date Tim ' a e/Date/Time Samples relinqu' ed: Samples received: Signature i Date%Time Signature/Date/Time RECEIVED 03/26/2021 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT Certificates RECEIVED 03/26/2021 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT , • A 11 / J ,k 1 h• R ���� /I'l� q\�`i��11�l���ji-•q�j\I� Y�I/N''!>Ka � 11 �'}+T�'� r f' ^'X,:, � '�'{� !rt' �� N t�.�i1 f t: ,�� � , -�.'. ►0•i•�.rltr//�``\>he ♦ riIl lr ���i � 1 y 1!1 // "�j �X by � !�};'v ��l >> I l7J',.� y��•4" d� ;1� h7 �r �tiA/<� yM�4���rr� ��.-'tt �A �_ !��"t���� � u';...r' �r.• r y► ! _-�/ �? 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" ASBESTOS ''';'-':it-***.`� \ir.ter.: \.tIZ -=� .k ^ ce '>h* _"=`, ' CERTIFICATION* • ".„ : V1` j�• 0t ` f�lii ��`. -• y This certifies that 1• y• 's. ,r,j ..,:.:),• = 4„,;:,.,..-r, ,.., ....„,.........4„.. \ ,,...ow....0........... ,, � k,�,; Douglas A. Close ,_� h f \\''' , F Certification No.: 2930 � //:I• eit'�.41 r - has met the requirements of 25-7-507, C.R.S. and Air Quality Control ▪ {▪ f hri -�., , .• Commission Regulation No. 8, Part B, and is hereby certified by the , ,- . '���KKN • state of Colorado in the following discipline: - . K. y >> Inspector/Management Planner* 4� sj" S )I y@ . •• �i%/Y• 714/ T I = - k Issued: November 13, 2020 • r • •• f * ue- Expires: December 05, 2021 :N� j' f=' t'�, yam `t• . .., _ .This certificate is valid only with the possession of a r �� 4 ���4��w� L \ ii 4pIpi, /;..,,.,y`:,n current Division-approved training course certification J �1_ �' /Amr in the discipline specified above. \ I .*... Authorized AP,bD Representative try \*•M. '.. 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