HomeMy WebLinkAboutMaster Permit.700 Castle Creek Dr.0067-2022-BROF CITY OF ASPEN Field Plan Set Must Be Printed In Color 1►� PERMIT NO.0067-2022-BROF r r 40 OWNERHMLS ASPEN LLC ESR-2053I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 3 of 4 ADDRESSTABLET—ROOF CLASSIFICATION OF ASSEMBLIES INCORPORATING CITY OF 700CASTLECREEKDR VERSASHIELD°FIRE-RESISTANT ROOF DECK PROTECTION ASPEN Additional snowstops 700 Castle Creek Dr Roof MAXIMUM 273512206010 ROOF COVERING' SUBSTRATE UNDERLAYMENT' 1 needed over r• CLASSIFICATION SLOPE PARCEL ID :; hardscapes Scope of Work Gass Aasphalt glass fiber shingle 1°/arinch plywood One layer VersaShleld' A Unlimited - Landscape �- -t Stone coated,steel,direct to deck, 's/w-Inch plywood or These plans muus eKeept at the Hardscape 0.013-Inch hickness(0.330mm), dsheethin One layerversasmem° A Unlimited buildingsite or inspection ._ • ' Dumpster shingles or panels apace g p Toilet '°/,�-inch ear One layer vesasmeld°,and delays may occur.Construction Steel direct to deck, spaced sheathing one layer Type 30 asphalt A Unlimited shall conform to these plans.All saturated Gutters/Downspouts to thlcknesa(0.330 min),shingles or saturated organic felt ck. ills„ ,�- landscape panels vrmpnplywneapr changes shall be approved by • One layer VersaShleld° - B Unlimited r ow Stops spaced sheathing ing official. APPLICATION ACCEPTED DATE: 2022-08-22 PERMIT NUMBER: 0067-2022-BROF �, `$ �% <� 1 "/,,.Tern I der sE-/ Ilk / /•'• •� p spaced sheahln9 One layer VersaShieltl° A Unlimited N. t Existing wood shakes or j 4.., .. - thickStee over batlena 0),shiInch shin I tolled over Two la VerseShield® A Unnmiietl�i a� panel eas(o.3ao min),anmglea or lid ors sera SEPARATE PERMITS ARE _ spaced orsod shakes r- panels REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 0j1/ ,/. c . �' %` Existing wood shakes orPLUMBING,MECHANICAL,OR 1` / / �+ • - - shingles Installed over One layer VersaShlelde B Unlimited `, ..� - C ,. spared orsoltlsheaNng FIRE SPRINKLER WORK BUILDING PERMIT COVERSHEET Y = 4 Stee1,00181n h hdckness(0408• "/sz ranchpeywoador • GTYOFASPEN� f�, ::+6,4 � a � w� mm),panesorsantlingseem One layerVersaShleld® A Unlimited SMOKE ALARMS AND spaced sheathing - s1•' -,, Heattrace/ta trace/tape o.,f.,..V...a0lA,1U®,an CARBON MONOXIDE ( P spacede plyvrood or '/ one layer Type 30asphalt A Unlimited DETECTORS REQUIRED PROPERTY INFORMATION - , !1 \� self-regulating type cable and must spaced sheathing saturated organic felt * T • - include automatic controls and timer THROUGHOUT DWELLING Existing wood shakes or UNIT PER CITY OF ASPEN ADDRESS: 700 CASTLE CREEK DR UNIT: �l_ - '+• J capable of turning off the system shingles installed over Two layers of Versasniele A unlimited • - ,.` when the outdoor temperature is Copper,0.016-inchthlcknees(0.406 spaced or solid sheathing MUNICIPAL CODE 8.15 PARCEL ID: 273512206010 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: CASTLE CREEK mm),shingles or Is `A �" above 50 degrees and duringg pane '.62.Inrn plywood or one layer versasnlela° a Unlimited OWNER: HPA IIF ASPEN SHEETC ,, TT►►tt''� �, SS;- spaced sheathing PERMIT CONTRACTOR: PACT FIC SHEET METAL INC • lam'/ " .},^'' y -'r daylight hours.(Ordinance 40,2016). it." ; ^' Existing wood shakes or j` ' �. „. uu/i`,/ , shingles installed over One layer of VersaShieM° B UnlimitedI1 ✓: 7E7Ey ff����.'yy -, spaced It should be known that this review shall • r !� :� ..,f Snow stops required at all locations _ - —- •` where roofs could shed snow onto -Inen plywood or — not relieve the applicant of their DESCRIPTION OF WORK Remove existing metal roof and re place with a Berridge Standing Seam metal,class"A"fi re rated roof assembly. walkways,stairs,alleys,decks, spaced sheathing rwe layers Versasnledd° A Unlimited responsibility to comply with the exits,utilities and meters, Aluminum,0.o1e-inch(o.450mm), '°iw-inch plywood or requirements of the City of Aspen shingles,panels,or standing seam spaced sheathing one layer Versashieltl° e Unlimited Municipal Code.Pursuant to emergency escape and rescue system F sting wood shakes or Sec.26.104.050,an permit or approval Opening window wells,Or adjacent shingles Installed over One layer Versasnleld` B Unlimited y op issued in error or otherwise not in properties-IBC 1513/COA spaced or solid sheathing USE OF BUILDING Single Family FIRE SPRINKLER REQUIRED? 8.20.020(z). "/w—Inch plywood Two layersversashieda° A p/2,12 conformity with the requirements of this TPo,CSM,CPA,EPOM,dap sheet. Title,shall be void.Similarly,any permit mmodified bitumen single-ply "/srinch plywood, Two layers VersaShield° A 172:12 or approval issued in reliance upon or embmnea Insulation PP CLASS OF WORK Residential FIRE SPRINKLER TYPE '%,-inch l as a result of,a materially false plywood One layer VersaShleIn° B 1'/2:12 "is-inch plywood Two layers Versashieid° A 2:12 statement or representation made in the process of obtaining the permit or • PVC single-ply membrane ''66.-inch plywood, Two layers Versashield° A 1'/2:12 • development approval shall,likewise, REQUIRED SPECIAL Insulation P BUILDING TYPE(IRC) be void.Any person having received a INSPECTIONS "he-inch plywood One layer Versashdela° B 1'/2:12 ASSEMBLY STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF For Si,1 Inch=25.4 mm. void or voidable permit or approval 'undedeyment must be installed in accordance with Section 4.0 of this report, shall not be relieved from having to 2 oofcc wings tb eTME108i must be recognized in as applicable-the current oluafio definedThe f rp .Th roof coveeng must comply with the Class AorBame-spread comply with all applicable terms and CONSTRUCTION TYPE VB ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCE conditions of this Title and the City shall not be estopped from fully enforcing same. OCCUPANCY GROUP(IBC) WORK CHANGES BUILDING FOOTPRINT? CODE EDITIONS 2015 IRC TOTAL SPA SQ.FT. One Layer Berridge Standing Seam ::::::::I::: . No TOTAL POOL SQ.FT. One layer Carlise WIP 300HT ' Ice&Water Shield FIRE SPRINKLER EXISTING? D-Style Flashing RECEIVED 08/19/2022 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT