OCTOBER 20, 1999
Vice-chair Don Swales called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. Members in
attendance were Bill Dinsmoor, Don Swales, John Starr and Eric Cohen.
Terry Butler and Jon Busch were excused. Staff in attendance were Chief
Deputy City Clerk, Kathleen Strickland.
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MOTION: Bill moved to approve the Oct. 6 minutes; second by John. All
in favor, motion carried.
Bill informed the board that it would cost around $60,000 to $ 100,000 to
refurbish the trolley car. There is an interest among council to pursue
looking at the trolleys to use as downtown transportation. The trolley
feasibility study and engineering data would be an additional $100,000.
Bill will meet with Steve Barwick regarding the Trolley car and study and
where to put the trolley in town. Possibly Film Fest could use the trolley as
a base to sell their tickets, instead of tables in front of the Wheeler. There is
a lot of potential for the use of the trolley.
Don suggested placing the car near the Independence Bldg. where the track
would be located.
Bill requested that Brian Flynn come to the next meeting regarding the
compactors vs. dumpsters. Also the idea ora special compactor district
should be discussed.
Eric asked what the problems are in the Red Onion alley. Who is
responsible for the working of the compactor?
John relayed that it is the person who is providing the service. When they
can't get into the compactor they leave the trash along side of the
Don said he has site visited the area and sometimes it works and other times
it doesn't. The problems need identified.
John said that alley has a lot of activity.
OCTOBER 20~ 1999
Don recalled that the compactor was to be taken out several months ago.
Don relayed that he and Luke Nestler from the Aspen Times spent the
morning looking at different locations in the public right-of-way where
newsracks are located. Presently there are ten locations and if two are
consolidated there would be eight locations.
Bill directed Staff to contact Dan Blankenship regarding Ruby Park and
unifying that area with condo racks.
Don said one of the locations to consolidate would be on Hopkins. At the
Wheeler site those racks would be moved to the mall.
Don and Luke recommended to consolidate the area around the Bank of
Aspen and eliminate one site. He also suggested cleaning up the
Wienststube area and eliminating one site.
Don and Luke determined that the height would be 54 inches for the double
stacked newsrack and they looked at different areas for line of sight going
around comers.
Eric suggested that Engineering should have a cardboard box to
demonstrate the height and horizontal distance at the different comer
locations to determine if there are safety concerns etc.
Eric said now is the time to do a demo because the most dangerous time is
winter crossing the street by the Little Nell.
Don said the CCLC should wait till Spring to see how the DEPP project
works out. Possibly the coral design will work.
Two new locations were marked one by Little Annie's at Hunter St. and
Hyman Ave. and the other additional area near Don Liemus's parking lot.
OCTOBER 20~ i999
Don said these areas would be areas that would be used if all others are
filled, for future use.
Bill suggested Galena Street have racks.
John suggested an area near Independence Building.
Next step is to have the Engineering Dept. get involved.
Luke said the prodo-type would be like city market. They are on a concrete
slab and stand around 54 inches high.
John said the city will choose the style and condo rack that will be
Luke said the "show rack" is the one mostly used to accormnodate tabloid or
Eric asked if the CCLC has recognized how many of each type of print that
there are right now and how many are being distributed.
John said a survey as such as not been done.
Luke said the recommendation is the use of the pedestal and the racks
would be placed on that pedestal. He also felt that the pedestals would be
contracted out for installation:
Staff suggested that the CCLC look into a supplemental request for next
year to install the pedestals.
Don volunteered to meet with Ed Saddler, project manager for the DEPP, to
explain the progress of CCLC regarding the newsracks.
Bill said the physical constraints first.
Staff's concern is the placement of the advertisements.
John said the board will have to work through each issue one by one.
OCTOBER 20, 1999,
Bill said the board needs to get estimates on the racks, pedestal and
installation and who buys and installs the racks.
MOTION: Bill moved to adjourn; second by Don. All in favor, motion
Meeting adjourned at 9:30 a.m.
Kathleen J, Strickland, Chief Deputy City Clerk