HomeMy WebLinkAboutARC.min.060314 ASPEN RECREATION CENTER ARC ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes June 3, 2014 2:30-4:30 PM In Attendance: Board Members: Brooks Bryant, Steven Buettow, Gordon Gerson, and Sue Smedstad. Staff Member(s): Tim Anderson, Jeff Alden, Jon Larson, and JoJo Smith Public: Shaun Hathaway I. Call to Order – Sue Smedstad called the meeting to order. Committee member comments and announcements: No comments Public Comments: See below. Staff Comments: No comments. Approval of Past Minutes: Meeting minutes were approved. II. Discussion Items: 1. Use of locker room; hockey fitness, shooting gallery: Moved to Action Item below. III. Updates and Progress Reports: 1. Business Plan Update: Tim should be receiving another draft in two weeks. The next meeting and review process with PROS will be in person. Tim hopes to meet with city council in August. 2. Financial Report: Here is the summary for the month and year to date. Pass sales were up $3,266 or 12% for May. That works out to 3 more passes. Annual passes drove the pass revenue number up. The seasonal/3-month passes are lagging, but I think that number will catch up as kids get out of school and the music school comes into session. The May daily admissions were up $3,056 or 30%. There were 401 more daily admissions in May over May 2013. This was heavily related to rainy weather for a couple weeks. Year to date pass sales are now up $14,407 or 9% and daily admissions are now up $11,281 or 9%. May revenue was up $20,268 or 21% over 2013. When Ice is taken out revenue was up $13,254 or 15%. Nearly all areas were up. Adult tennis, adult fitness, and private swim lessons were strong programs in May. Ice was up nicely and continues to trend upwards. Year to date revenue is now up $111,304 or 14%. When Ice is taken out revenue is up $38,772 or 8%. Online registration is currently at 81%. When looking at year to date revenue in Eden through April, revenue is up $47,907 or 8%. Nearly all areas, with the exception of the red brick are doing very well revenue wise. In the Red Brick we have addressed some issues with fitness programs and will have more revenue from adult sports like softball. April expenses were up $1,974 compared to 2013 and down $4,040 compared to plan. Revenues for April were down $20,069 compared to 2013 and down $25,593 compared to plan. This was across all areas. Year to date that puts expenses up down $20,975 compared to 2013 and down $55,447 compared to plan. With revenues being up $47,907 compared to 2013 and up $70,462 compared to plan the subsidy level is currently looking good. Subsidy compared to 2013 is $68,882 less and $125,909 less than the plan through April. As we get into the busy part of the summer we will have to see how both revenues and expense play out. We have done a good job tracking labor through the first 5 months; the next step is to get a tight handle on materials and supplies. Utilities and credit card fees are always a challenge, but we have taken steps to have a strong forecast and truly understand our shortfalls. 3. AIG 50th Anniversary Celebration: The date for the 50th Anniversary for The Aspen Ice Garden is set for Saturday, September 6th. Tim is getting a contract together for the #2 locker remodel. The exterior of the building is going to be painted beige with a forest green trim. Details and the time of the event are coming soon. IV. Action Items: 1. Use of locker room; hockey fitness, shooting gallery: Shaun Hathaway provided plans showing the modifications to a couple of the Lewis Ice Arena (LIA) locker rooms he would like to pursue. First, he would like to provide an off-ice training center. This type of training helps with agility and balance. This would include and artificial ice surface in the part of the existing LIA men’s locker room. Steps would be taken to protect the existing structure. This area would either be supervised or locked. The other part of the plan is to do an age appropriate separation between the kids and coaches. This would fall in line with the new regulations. Tim states this needs to happen for the safety of the kids. The space would be leased by Aspen Junior Hockey (AJH). Tim will get a draft agreement and a work session scheduled with city council once more information is gathered and plans drafted. Sue asked to make sure and talk to the other user groups about this proposed project. Shaun’s hope is to have the project completed by this October or November. The motion to approve the proposal including getting a draft to city council was unanimously approved. V. Other Business: Meeting Adjourned at 3:20 PM Next regular meeting date and time: July 1, 2014 at 2:30 PM ********************************