HomeMy WebLinkAboutARC.min.080514 ASPEN RECREATION CENTER ARC ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes August 5, 2014 2:30-4:30 PM In Attendance: Board Members: Scott Writer, Patrick Keelty, Steven Buettow and Sue Smedstad. Staff Member(s): Tim Anderson, Jeff Alden, Erin Hutchings and JoJo Smith Public: Michael Svetz, Pros I. Call to Order – Sue Smedstad called the meeting to order. Committee member comments and announcements: Girls Lewis Ice Arena locker room during the Bob Johnson Hockey camp was a mess and they also started fires in the sinks. With the new policies of no coaches in the locker rooms, it is harder to control what happens in the locker rooms. Tim will follow up with this for the next meeting. Patrick Keelty states he will be too busy being on the Planning and Zoning committee to continue being on this committee as well. He will continue coming until he can’t continue any longer. Public Comments: See below in Business Plan update. Staff Comments: No comments. Approval of Past Minutes: Meeting minutes were approved. II. Discussion Items: 1. Financial Report: All the members received the monthly report from Jeff. Year to date, revenue is up $87.119 and expenses are up $16, 504, that is an improvement to subsidy by $70,614. Comparing to the plan, revenues are up $61,015 and expenses are up $31,552, which works to an improvement to subsidy of $29,463. 2. Business Plan Update: The timelines have changed. It looks as though this won’t go to city council till January 2015. Tim really wants to make sure that the document has everything we are looking for in it. Tim is looking for input from everyone to make this a viable document. The November 18 staff retreat will be utilized to hammer out all of the details. Michael Svetz presented a summary of the most current update of the Business Plan. He reviewed the survey results as well. The two main components are operational and looking into the future. Measurable performances need to be used. Standard operational procedures need to be ongoing. Tim wants to continually look for special event opportunities. He will look at more volunteer opportunities and how to manage volunteers by calling Henderson, Nevada. They do a lot of work with volunteers. Scott stated that recreation is part of the economy here. He asked if there is a way to partner with the private clubs. Michael stated we need to offer adult amenities in a family facility. All of the committee members agreed that the executive summary is very important. 3. Water Slide Replacement: Not covered. 4. ARC Concession Agreement: The current concession operator is leaving at the end of September. Tim has put out Request for Proposal (RFP) to find someone interested in operating the concession stand. The operation also includes the vending machine downstairs in the warm room of the Lewis Ice Arena (LIA). III. Updates and Progress Reports: 1. AJH use of the locker rooms; hockey fitness, shooting gallery: The city council meeting is set for August 25th. Tim and Shaun will both be present for the contract. 2. AIG 50th Anniversary Celebration: Not covered. 3. Fall Maintenance Closure: The maintenance closure is scheduled for Saturday, September 6th after Doggie Day through Sunday, September 14. The pool locker room floors will be done with a smelly epoxy. The pool cleaning will be done before the floors are done so that there is minimal effect on working staff. There will be some activity on the Lewis Ice Arena side. The Aspen Ice Garden (AIG) should be ready for operation on September 3rd. IV. Action Items: 1. Change in hot tub policy: Tim stated the hot tub could not be done for 20K so that project has been tabled till more funding is available. Based on the American Red Cross and the Center for Disease Control standards, no children under five years of age will be allowed into the existing hot tub. This policy will go into effect after the closure. V. Other Business: Meeting Adjourned at 4:40 PM Next regular meeting date and time: September 2, 2014 at 2:30 PM ********************************