Chairperson, Willis Pember called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Commissioners in attendance were Patrick Sagal, John Whipple, Nora
Berko, Jim DeFrancia, Bob Blaich, Gretchen Greenwood and Eric Sechrist.
Sallie Golden was absent.
Staff present:
Debbie Quinn, Assistant City Attorney
Amy Simon, Preservation Planner '
Kathy Strickland, Chief Deputy Clerk
Disclosure: Bob will recuse himself on 530 W. Hallam; John said he will
recuse himself on 530 W. Hallam due to conflicts.
MOTION: Bob moved to approve the minutes from April 8th; second by
Jim. All in favor, motion carried.
Wagner Park— Conceptual Major Development, Planned Development
Project Review, Growth Management, Conditional Use and Mountain
View Plane
Debbie said the affidavits are in order, Exhibit I
MOTION: Jim moved to continue Wagner Park public hearing until June
24th; second by Willis. All in favor, motion carried.
609 W. Smuggler Street— Minor Development, On-Site Relocation and
Variances, Public Hearing
Debbie said the affidavits of posting are in order and the applicant can
proceed, Exhibit I
Exhibit II—new elevations
Sarah Rosenberg, planner presented
Sarah said this is a wood frame residence built in 1888 and there have been
some alternations in the past. The applicant is proposing to construct a
basement under the existing structure and making some exterior
modifications. They are proposing to convert the existing historic shed into
a garage and they also seek to raise the elevation of the building to
accommodate for the poor drainage on the site. Four dormers are proposed
to be added to the rear of the house; change some of the non-original
windows and doors. The garage would be stabilized and brought forward
out of the right-of-way. They will restore the brackets under the bay
window on the front fagade and they are proposing to change the fence in
the front yard. The concerns staff has are with the shed conversion; the
amount of dormers proposed on the back of the house;some site issues and
details on the restoration efforts. The applicant addressed the concerns. The
foundation will be a neutral color with shrubs planted in front of the
flashing. The foundation will be raised 8 inches for the new basement and
new drainage. There is a skirt that goes around the front fagade and that will
be continued around the entire house so that it is consistent.
Staff recommended restudying the fenestration of the south fagade as the
doors and windows are confusing. The windows on the upper level cut into
the trim. The applicant said they will line up the doors and windows. The
window on the east elevation is in an awkward location and maybe that can
be more centered.
Sarah said the applicant proposed gable dormers. Gable dormers are not a
feature of a miner's cottage. The applicant said they would remove them;
however, they added a skylight. . Our guidelines do not support skylights.
Sarah said the two shed dormers on the back of the house are out of scale
and the design doesn't work well. The applicant desires to keep the size of
the dormers stating that it accommodated the bedroom better and it created
livable space. Staff approves the shed dormers because they are out of view
on the east and west facades. On the front bay brackets were removed and
we are recommending they be added back on-in the style that fits the design
of the house. The applicant said they would install three.brackets and the
details will be submitted to staff.
Staff asked that the porch be restored back to what it looked like. The
applicant said there is no work being done to the porch itself so they are not
restoring the porch. Because there are no bonuses we cannot force the
restoration. Regarding the fence we have asked that the transition be
improved. The applicant said the fence in front will remain and posts
replaced. We will need pictures or images of what the posts look like.
There will also be fencing around the perimeter and between the two
properties and we will also need images of that fencing.
Sarah said the shed on the back is proposed to be converted to a garage
placed on a new foundation and repaired as needed. The north fagade would
be removed. We are concerned about the shed being turned into a garage as
the addition alters the form and there is loss of the historic fabric. If the shed
is moved how will it be stabilized? The applicant is proposing the
conversion and they will modify the shed to help improve its stability and
provide long term maintenance and it will be moved out of the right-of-way.
Staff said the ideal situation would be a carport but that wouldn't resolve the
sheds deterioration and the rotting. If HPC approves this we would also
recommend a $15,000 bond and other conditions.
Sarah said the applicant is willing to work with staff, HPC and the monitor
on what could be resolved.
Amy said this property has had numerous changes and I wouldn't say the
barn is 100% pristine. There has been a concrete floor poured into it and
there are siding issues and a lot of structural changes inside.
Eric inquired about the chimney.
Sarah said the chimney is not historic and it will be removed.
Gavin Brooke and Kelleigh Condon - Land & Shelter -
Gavin said the spruce tree will be preserved and the lilac is proposed to be
moved. The brackets will be replaced with historic wood brackets. We will
continue the skirt board all around the house and it offers a transition to the
new foundation. The shed has been subject to numerous modifications.
There would be an extension off the north wall of the shed to accommodate
a car. The fencing will be replaced with a tall picket fence. The four
windows are non-historic. There is no foundation under the house and we
will give it a full basement. We also intend to add dormers to the second
floor at the rear. We are proposing an interior over hall and a one car
garage. The owner also owns the property next door. The house itself is
uninhabitable. In order to achieve the project we are asking for two side
yard variances on the house and a side and rear yard variance on the shed. In
all cases the variances do exist. The shed currently sits six inches into the
alley and we propose to move it onto the property. On the Sanborn map the
shed is clearly proportionately less than half the lot width wide. The shed is
now 16 feet wide. Our contention is that there was a shed there at one point
and probably it was deconstructed in part or whole. This shed was built and
reskinned with very historic looking materials.
Gavin said we are trying to make the first floor handicapped accessible with
a bedroom and an attached bathroom. The second floor needs a dormer in
order to make it a legitimate room. The house currently has two bedrooms.
Gavin said on the south elevation of the shed we are proposing to raise it up.
The south elevation would have a garage door and diagonal siding and one
window will be relocated. We will preserve the shed roof and salvage the
materials and reuse them. Metal tabs inside indicate that the wall framing is
new. We feel all of the walls were rebuilt. We will work with staff on the
fencing. We would like to change out the T posts. There is no fencing
between the two properties and the only change to existing fencing is the
piece of fence that directly attaches to the shed which is an existing 6 foot
high fence which is non-historic and the existing non-historic fence that goes
between the two houses. We would like to replace both of those with 6 foot
high historically picket fences that comply with the guidelines.
Willis asked Gavin to address the proposed skylight. Gavin said by letting
the gabled dormers go we were lessening the mass and the skylight is only
visible from the alley. The skylight adds to visibility to the second room
Gavin said after the basement we still have 550 square feet of extra FAR on
the site. The garage is 19 feet deep and sized for a 16 foot car. On the
concrete around the house we have talked about a veneer or cut stone but we
are open to suggestions.
Amy said they have prepared a resolution and lot of issues will be left up to
staff and monitor. The skylight is not approved in the resolution. Staff feels
that it is better to have the shed as an active use than letting it deteriorate. If
the shed were not turned into a garage we would discuss what repairs are
John said the Sanborn map it indicates that the shed is smaller than % the lot
and now it is exceeding that. In the 1903 map is it showing a reduced size.
Amy said we do rely on the Sanborn map but at the same time there are
probably robabl some inaccuracies and it p
seems that the size is comparable to what
we have.
Gavin said on a maintenance level the front porch flooring will be replaced.
Chairperson, Willis Pember opened the public hearing. There were no
public comments. The public hearing portion of the agenda item was closed.
Willis said staff is on board with the deletion of the skylight.
Jim said the issue is the garage and the skylight. Jim said he supports a
meaningful use of the shed.
John said from the fagade view from the alley seeing historical wood would
be more appropriate than the windows.
Bob said he is in favor of the new use and the only alternative is to build a
new garage and then you lose some aspect of our history and the historic
Willis said the application is modest and very refreshing. Willis said he can
support the resolution as stated.
John said getting a foundation under the house is a good solution and he
supports the garage.
MOTION: Willis moved to approve resolution #13; second by Jim.
Patrick said we need to define the size of the original garage as right now we
don't have a rectangle.
Gretchen said it is clear in the drawings that it will be a rectangle. Gretchen
suggested that the siding come down to the grade with a small flashing
which is more evident of what miners' cabins had.
Amy said this house has always had a few steps up.
Roll call vote: Nora, yes; Jim, yes; Bob, yes; Willis, yes; John, yes;
Gretchen, yes; Patrick, yes. Motion carried 7-0. Eric is the monitor.
530 W. Hallam Street— Final Major Development, Public Hearing
Bob recused himself
John recused himself
Eric will vote
Debbie Quinn, assistant city attorney said she reviewed the affidavit of
posting which is property provided for this hearing — Exhibit I
Amy said the additions will be removed and the building relocated towards
the corner with a smaller more appropriate addition. A new house will be
built to the east. We are happy to see the two detached homes and
recommending approval of the project. Amy said she will focus on a few
areas that need conditions of approval.
1. A photo was provided of the front porch which will be the guide for the
restoration work. There is a temporary railing that will be removed and staff
and monitor will work with the applicant.
2. On the east elevation, the porch roof continues all the way up to the ridge
line. Once this is under construction we would like to look at the porch roof
framing to make sure there isn't something that needs to be put back in the
right way.
3. The historic chimney needs dismantled during the relocation process and
put back up. We need to make sure it is carefully documented and goes
back up the proper way.
4. The historic house has the typical one story connector and HPC did allow
a deck on top of the connector. We are asking that the glass railing be pulled
back and the deck terminate 3 to 5 feet behind the Victorian house so that
there is breathing room.
5. On the landscape proposal shrubs are to be placed at the base of the
Victorian and we need to know what those are and possibly restudy them.
6. There are pavers shown at the front of the Victorian and we do not think
that is an appropriate detail and we would like to see that deleted.
7. The sidewalk to the front door needs redesigned after we look more
carefully now you approach the house.
8. Cut sheets for light fixtures. The fixtures need to be appropriate for the
Victorian and meet the lighting code.
9. On the back of both houses the garage doors need to be detailed so that
they meet the residential design standards. The door should look like it is
separated into two doors.
10. We are supporting a variance of the window standard for the front
fagade of the new house. The glazing goes up to the eave and the RDS's
don't permit that. Staff feels the glass fagade is a good way to distinguish
the construction.
Amy said condition 11 and 12 are repeats from conceptual and #13 is the
vested rights.
Kim Raymond, architect
Kim said the existing porch continues to the east and that is different from
the original porch. We can move the sidewalk if need be and look at it in the
field with the monitor to make sure we do what was there historically. We
will measure the fireplace chimney and take photographs before we take it
apart. The city wants us to remove two trees so the Victorian is visible. On
#4 we can shorted the length of the deck so that it is three feet from the roof
of the Victorian. On #5 we will look at the shrubs at the base of the
Victorian and we can replace them with a flower bed. We will provide cut
sheets for the lights. On the garage door we will put one large door and trim
them out so that they look like two doors. On the siding we had 18 inch
cementitious material and now we have reduced them to 8 inches side. We
also simplified the window scheme on the back of the Victorian. On the link
the material will be a little wider. The fascia would be a metal trim that
sticks out four or five inches to add interest. On the landscaping it will be
kept very simple on both houses. The wood will be painted.
Lighting - Exhibit II
Willis said this is a successful project and it flows according to the
Chairperson, Willis Pember opened the public hearing. There were no
public comments. The public hearing was closed.
Jim said Amy gave a good presentation and all the conditions are
MOTION: Willis moved to approve resolution #14 as drafted granting
approval for 530 W. Hallam Street; second by Jim. Motion carried 6-0.
Roll call vote: Eric, yes; Nora, yes; Jim, yes; Gretchen, yes; Patrick, yes..
Selection of annual HPC awards
MOTION: Willis moved to adjourn; second by Jim. All in favor, motion
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Kathlee . Strickland, Chief Deputy Clerk