HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes.NXGN.Regular.20230201Next gen minutes 2-1 Roll Call: Cody, here; Nicky, here; Michaela, here; Zach, here, Tyler, here. Cody: Motion to approve agenda minutes from 1-4 Nicky: So moved Zach: Second Roll Call Vote: Nicky Byrne, yes; Cody Horn, yes; Zach Kops, yes; Michaela Carpenter, yes. Motion passed 4-0 Cody: First item, Ethics training with Kate Johnson Assistant City Attorney Kate Johnson did board member and ethics training and answered questions. Cody: I will pull up the memo and we can go through it. Explained the memo. Zach: Maybe next meeting we can fill it out together. Cody: We have a slow moving pace with once a month meetings, our homework could be to research APCHA guidelines and come up with what we want to put in proposal section, then divvy out the other parts and fill out the form in the next meeting and get it approved to get on the Council agenda. Michaela: I would be excited to start working on a project. Can you hone in on what you are trying to achieve with the APCHA memo Cody: My main thing is in terms of lottery allotments and criteria for eligibility and how that is centered around workforce housing and not affordable housing. For people who have lived here for a long time but haven’t been full time working here but are maybe working remote or have 3 part time jobs, there should be nuances in the guidelines that take that into consideration. It’s even more difficult for people 18-40 who haven’t saved up. There is a rigid framework for these lotteries. Tyler: Can you share resources. Cody: It was circulated earlier from Nicky. Kate can I send the meetings and bylaws? Kate Johnson: You can send it to them to look at, you just can’t have a discussion about it until your next meeting. Also the APCHA board would have to be involved in that discussion, City Council doesn’t have a role in that. Cody: Can we be an advisory committee to APCHA Board Kate: You are not an advisory committee to APCHA board but you can send a letter and ask Council to report whatever proposals. Michaela: In the last meeting Torre told us that rather than approaching all these other people or boards, they want us to send City Council a letter. Kate: Correct Cody: Does anyone feel comfortable taking a section? Michaela: It feels hard to piece it together without the context of other pieces, what if we all redlined what you send and then we come back with suggestion for each section. Cody: I will do the whole thing, send it and then you guys can redline that. Michaela: You could do the background and existing conditions and then we could workshop the proposal together. Cody: I will send out background and conditions for you to review and that will be our first crack at advisory. Torre was enthusiastic about our idea to rebrand this so that its not intimidating for the public to come to the meeting. It would be valuable for us to find time to meet in person. Is this zoom at 12 on Wednesdays the format that best suits this board? I think it would probably be best, in terms of getting the public to come to these meetings, if we did 8 am coffee on Wednesday’s and it was noticed publicly and in the newspaper. Kate Johnson: Just to be clear, we have to have minutes, certainly you can bring food in that is fine, but be aware that Tracy Terry needs to be involved in these meetings and it has to be in a place that minutes can be taken. If you are gonna have it at another place and there is a financial gain to that, we would have to go over how that place is selected. Cody: My idea would be to have it at city hall but to change the brand of the public meeting and advertise for the public to come and have coffee and pastries. Kate Johnson: I am not sure if there is a budget to fund that? Cody: do we want to keep doing virtual at noon? Zach: I think that works best for now. Cody: I have talked to enough people that have something to contribute but they don’t come to these meetings. Zach: Maybe we put out a survey and see if we get any engagement before we ask them to come out. Cody: Seems like right now with parenting and working virtual is working well. We will move on. Homework for next meeting would be to revisit our 5 values and see how those can translate into goals. We will talk through objectives and strategy items to achieve those goals. Zach: Have we aligned on 5 goals? Cody: A lot of what we said was similar, if we can look at those, next meeting we will narrow those down and them com e up with objectives and strategies under those. Homework, turn those values into goals. Anyone have any cool advertising strategies? One or 2 liners in the public notice in the paper. Tracy: We don’t publish in the paper, only on our website. Cody: Can we publish in the paper? Kate Johnson: You can legally, but I’m not sure what your budget is. Nicky: Motion to adjourn Cody: Second Roll call vote to adjourn: Cody, yes; Nicky ay, Michaela, yes; Zach, yes. Motion passed 4-0 Adjourn