HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes.WHLR.20230809.Regular1 Wheeler Advisory Board Meeting Minutes August 9, 2023, | 3:00 p.m. In Attendance: Wheeler Opera House Advisory Board Members: Chip Fuller, Chair; Amy Mountjoy, Vice-Chair; Dr. Tom Kurt, Secretary, Richard Stettner, Daniel Benavent; Nina Gabianelli*; Ziska Childs; and Jennifer White (ex-officio, MAA). Wheeler Opera House/City of Aspen Staff: Lisa Rigsby Peterson, Executive Director*; Alixandra Feeley, Business Manager; and Karen McConnell, Administrative & Artistic Specialist. *Attended via Zoom Absent: Lauren Foreman Austin Corona of Aspen Daily News was present to gather information for an article about the Wheeler’s recovery post Covid. Meeting Recorder: Karen McConnell ________________________________________________________________________ Chair, Chip Fuller, called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m. and observed presence of a quorum. Public Comment: none. Chair Fuller requested public comment. None was offered. Chair Fuller mentioned that June minutes had been presented to the Board and there were no edits. Daniel Benavent moved to approve minutes from June 14, 2023 board meeting, Richard Stettner seconded, and Board members unanimously approved adoption of same. Wheeler Updates, Lisa Rigsby Peterson Ms. Rigsby Peterson shared the following updates with the board: Tenant Space RFP for Valley Fine Arts has been issued and remains open until September 7, 2023 and when the time period for the RFP closes, we’ll then be able to see all bidders and the general information will be shared. A pre-bid, optional meeting was held with one party in attendance. Mia Valley is expected to enter a bid and Amy Mountjoy is our board representative for the committee. Our ticketing RFP has ended with Spektrix as the new provider. The review committee included members of a marketing and box office team. Spektrix stood out for functionality and exceptional customer service to its users and we’re excited about our new relationship. Ticketing system changeover is projected to be in place by January 1, 2024. ‘Aspenshowtix’ and current box office staff will remain. What we’ll see is a better buying and enhanced customer experience. 2 Capital project Qsys system for integrated audio visual which will allow sharing from stage, backstage into the bar, downstairs into our administrative offices is an upgrade we’ve anticipated for many years. The installation will occur the first 3 weeks of September following the Music Festival and Dance Aspen. The capital rigging system RFP has received the proposed design which is in review for additional work or scope. The city’s Asset department, experts in structural engineering, are also reviewing the plans. Electrical drawings, a vital piece of the design, will be provided. Once all information has arrived and we’re aware of potential upgrades, we’ll have a sense of the process and the information will be shared. The installation and commissioning of this massive project is expected to occur over 16 weeks and the timeline has not yet been confirmed. We’ve undergone a staff change as our previous Production Manager, Craig Moxon, is no longer at the Wheeler. Michael Baca, previous Assistant Production Manager, has transitioned seamlessly into that role. The position is live on the City of Aspen website. Please alert any prospective candidates to this opportunity. We’ve had an impressive number of 22 applicants for the first year of the Aspen Cultural Vitality Fellowships which is a new pilot grant program as previously shared. It’s an individual artist support group offering up to $3,500 for artists working in the Aspen area. Ziska Childs is our board representative for the review committee. Next week final decisions are expected regarding the applications. The Council Goal of Community Connections, making sure our community feels connected while undergoing challenges of a small town, will be presented Monday to Council, along with a number of other City Departments including the Recreation Center and Red Brick for the Arts. The Wheeler is known for main stage performances, concerts and rentals but also of importance are our upcoming student matinees, our school outreach and outreach to the Spanish speaking community, family programming and piloting performances for those with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the coming season. We look forward to sharing how we at the Wheeler play an integral role in community connection with, for example, the Aspen Community School and the Aspen Country Day School. Season planning is underway and, as is the custom, we have purposefully left dates available during the holiday season-Christmas week especially. A brief overview of upcoming events was provided. Nicole Levesque, Wheeler Marketing Manager, will join us at the September Wheeler Board meeting and present information regarding her new marketing outreach and ways she’s exploring to get the message out about the work we do. Sarah Roy, Executive Director at the Red Brick will also speak to the board regarding the public art project and process the city is engaging in. Year-to-date Financials will be emailed to board members. Board Discussion The board presented opinions regarding season planning and mention was made of either full houses or presenting programming diversity which offers something for everyone which may not be as well attended. Keeping prices low and setting a stage for locals who attend the majority of the time was also discussed. Chair Fuller asked if there were any other topics to be discussed by the Board. None was offered. Ziska Childs moved to adjourn the meeting, Amy Mountjoy seconded the motion and Board members unanimously approved. The meeting concluded at 4:06 p.m. 3 Future Meetings Schedule September 13, 2023, 3:00 p.m. October 11, 2023 3:00 p.m. November 8, 2023 3:00 p.m.