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File Documents.314 Free Silver Ct.0075.2018 (2).ARBK
EMERGENCY hElpEf S DISASTER RESTORATION 247 RESPONSE Conducted at: 314 Free Silver Court Aspen, CO 81611 Conducted for: Judy Norman 970.379.1449 Prepared by: Anthony Pistono Building Inspector ( CERT# AE-17-048-BI-R-05 ) — Expires 12.6.2018 ( CDPHE #20929 ) Expires 07.24.2018 Helpers Disaster Restoration LLC 11 Duroux Lane Basalt, CO 81621 ( CDPHE ACF-21564 ) — Expires 10.16.2018 Background: Helpers Disaster Restoration LLC has performed limited bulk sampling for asbestos on suspect materials affected by the water damage in the unit at 314 Free Silver Court in Aspen. The limited scope of work for this sampling includes ONLY the wall system in the immediately affected area which is the south east wall and ceiling of the living room . This inspector refers to a finished wall (mudded taped seams, mudded screw holes, texture, and painted) as a Wall System(s). Each Wall System is broken down into 5 samples, 3 based upon the texture or surfacing material, and 2 samples for the miscellaneous materials found beneath. Suspect materials were sampled to confirm or deny asbestos content. Materials are sampled using methods described in Section IV.C. of the CDPHE Regulation 8. Date of Inspection: 3.8.18 Date of Report: 3.12.18 Field Procedures and Analysis Methods: Guidelines used for the inspection were established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the Guidance for Controlling Asbestos Containing Materials in Buildings, Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances, DOC #560/5-85-024 and 40 CFR Part 763, Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). Field information was organized as per the AHERA concept of Homogeneous Area. A Homogeneous Area is defined as a suspect material of similar age, appearance, function and texture. Each material was grouped together as a specific Homogeneous Area, sampled and then assessed for condition. Bulk samples of suspect ACM were analyzed by 11 Duroux Lane Basalt, CO 81621 p. (970) 927-3600 www.helpers.solutions 04/04/2018 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM). Scope of work: Materials affected from the water damage on the interior of the home were bulk sampled to confirm or deny asbestos content. Materials were sampled and inventoried for quantity, condition, and friability. Materials examined include: Interior Wall System — Drywall and Texture Homogeneous Areas: J1 — 5 // Orange Peel Texture (White Paint) Wall System ( Surfacing Material + Miscellaneous Material ) Sample Locations: J1 // living room ceiling mid-wall J2 // living room ceiling at corner to wall J3 // living room ceiling at corner to wall J4 // living room wall — mid-wall J5 // living room wall low, by sill plate Please see sketch for reference to sample locations. Conclusions: Laboratory analysis confirms that all samples analyzed were non-detect for asbestos. This material at the time of inspection was in good condition and non-friable. This material has a low potential for disturbance, unless it is to be removed for water mitigation purposes — which would then give it a high potential for disturbance, and demolition would render this material friable. There is approximately 120 square feet of this wall system present which will need to be removed to mitigate the water damage. If more materials are to be affected and removed that are suspect ACM or ACBM which were not sampled - work must cease, and further sampling must occur. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. RECEIVED 11 Duroux Lane Basalt, C081621 p. (970) 927-3600www.helpers.solutions 04/04/2018 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT Reservoirs Environmental,Inc. Effective January 1,2015 Reservoirs Environmental QA Manual T:\QAQC\Lab\Reservoirs Environmental QA Manual.doc R E 1 LAB Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. March 12, 2018 Subcontract Number: NA Laboratory Report: RES 403114-1 Project#/P.O.# None Given Project Description: 314 Free Silver Anthony Pistono Helpers Disaster Restoration, LLC 11 Duroux Lane Basalt CO 81621 Dear Customer, Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. is an analytical laboratory accredited for the analysis of Industrial Hygiene and Environmental matrices by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP), Lab Code 101896-0 for Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM) analysis and the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), Lab ID 101533 - Accreditation Certificate #480 for Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM) analysis. This laboratory is currently proficient in both Proficiency Testing and PAT programs respectively. Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. has analyzed the following samples for asbestos content as per your request. The analysis has been completed in general accordance with the appropriate methodology as stated in the attached analysis table. The results have been submitted to your office. RES 403114-1 is the job number assigned to this study. This report is considered highly confidential and the sole property of the customer. Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. will not discuss any part of this study with personnel other than those of the client. The results described in this report only apply to the samples analyzed. This report must not be used to claim endorsement of products or analytical results by NVLAP or any agency of the U.S. Government. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval from Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. Samples will be disposed of after sixty days unless longer storage is requested. If you have any questions about this report, please feel free to call 303-964-1986. Sincerely, Jeanne Spencer President RECEIVED 04/04/2018 P:303-964-1986 5801 Logan Street,Suite 100 Denver,CO 80216 1-866-RESI-ENV F:303-477-4275 "'w.r�jly.FgrL,,, Page 1 of 1 �J r'L�� BUILDING DEPARTMENT Reservoirs Environmental,Inc. Effective January 1,2015 Reservoirs Environmental QA Manual Q:\QAQC\LAB\Reservoirs Environmental QA Manual.doc RESERVOIRS ENVIRONMENTAL INC. NVLAP Lab Code 101896-0 TABLE: PLM BULK ANALYSIS, PERCENTAGE COMPOSITION BY VOLUME RES Job Number: RES 403114-1 Client: Helpers Disaster Restoration, LLC Client Project Number/P.O.: None Given Client Project Description: 314 Free Silver Date Samples Received: March 12,2018 Method: EPA 600/R-93/116 -Short Report, Bulk ND=None Detected Turnaround: 2 Hour TR=Trace,<1%Visual Estimate Trem/Act=Tremolite/Actinolite Date Samples Analyzed: March 12,2018 Client Lab L Asbestos Content Non Non- Sample ID Number A Sub Asbestos Fibrous Number Y Physical Part Mineral Visual Fibrous Components E Description Estimate Components R (%) (%) (%) (%) J1 EM 2041701 A White compound w/white paint 15 ND 0 100 B Tan/gray drywall 85 ND 12 88 J2 EM 2041702 A White compound w/white paint 5 ND 0 100 B White tape 5 ND 95 5 C White joint compound 8 ND 0 100 D Tan/gray drywall 82 ND 10 90 J3 EM 2041703 A White compound w/white paint 5 ND 0 100 B Tan/gray drywall 95 ND 10 90 J4 EM 2041704 A White compound w/white paint 5 ND 0 100 B Tan/gray drywall 95 ND 10 90 J5 EM 2041705 A White fibrous woven material 1 ND 80 20 B White foam 2 ND 0 100 C White compound w/white paint 3 ND 0 100 D Tan/gray drywall 94 ND 10 90 ,TEM Analysis recommended for organically bound material (i.e.floor tile)if PLM results are<1%. Liu Wenlong Analyst/ Data QA RECEIVED 4 P: 303-964-1986 5801 Logan Street,Suite 100,Denver,CO 80216 04/1-8660-R SI /-EN2V0 18 F: 303-477-4275 www.reilab.com Page 1 of 1 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT e 1«.118 Due Date: —oiatt.— Job DueTime: FSEI LA El Resewvirs E�viro�ment /. /mac_ ' RES 403114 5801 Logan St Denver,CO 80216•Ph 303 964-1986•Fax 303-477-4275 •Toll Free 866 REST-ENV INVOICE TO: (IF DIFFERENT) CONTACT INFORMATION: Company Helpers Disaster Restoration compy), _ Contact. Anthony Pistono Gwent Address 11 Duroux Lane Basalt,CO 81621 Adaress Phonic (C) (970)379-0683 Phone:(o)(970)927-3600 Fax: Fax: Call/pager Cyr Project Number and/or P 0 a Final Data Delivereble Email Address Project Descnotion/Location ^anthonvAhelpers solutions; renee a{�helpers.solutions; red@helpers solutions clay4helpers.solutions 6ESTOS LABORATO HOURS:Weekdays: 7am-7pm REQUESTED ANALYSIS VALID MATRIX CODES LAB NOTES: PLM PCM I TEM RUSH(Same Day)_PRIORITY(Next Day) STANDARD I Air=A -- Bulk=B (Rush PCM is 2hr,TEM=6hr.) Dust=D Paint=P CHEMISTRY LABORATORY HOURS:Weekdays: Barn-5pm sod=S Wipe=W Metals)/Dust _RUSH_24 hr._3-5 Day Swab=SW F=Food —Prior notification Is Drinking Water=OW Waste Water a WW RCRA 6/Metals&Welding RUSH 5 day_1O day required for RUSH w Fume Scan!TCLP turner �1 0=Other Organics _.24 hr. 3 day 5 Day _ "ASTM E 1792 approved wrpo'needle only" MICROBIOLOGY LABORATORY HOURS:Weekdays: 9am-6pm I tO 2 , 11110 E.coll 0167:H7,Collforms,S.aureus 24 hr. 2 Day 3-5 Day Salmonella,Llsteria,E.coli,APC,Y a,M 48 Hr _3-5 Day Mold RUSH 24 Hr_48 Hr_3 Day 5 Day I i • w . a tSS b co ---- --- ••turnaround tlmea aetabtlsh a laboratory pnorrty.aubleCt to raboratory volume end ate not guaranteed.Additional feef ♦ B e apply for afteth°urs,weekends and h.,lidayv• g A U ? ' _ -* a• }d a e zr e E EM Number,L.a=,ra Special Instructions: 1. 8 I - z Data Time 1 al a 1— a— W w 2- M E o I Collected Collected Client sample ID number (Sample ID's must be unique) 2 N se I o :t e O MICROBIOLOGY tSr in L- M ma tankkvry h^"^ero J1 _ - — _ 2.z ,1 I L- 2 s VJ. z — �3 s �� - �� a S J 7 - 6 — - Number of samples received' � (Additional samples shall be listed on attar form.) NOTE.-RE!mil analyze incoming samples sea ation received and will not be responsible for errors or omissions in calculations resulting tom inaccuracy of original data,By signing cllent/company representative agrees mat subm,ssion of me following samples for requested ana!ysJs as,-dicated on mis Chair of Custoay S atute analytical services agreement with payment terms of NET 30 days,failure to comply with payment terms may result in a 1 5%montNy interest surcharge o Sample Condition On Ice Sealed Intact Relinquished By: Date/Time: 3 p \'e Temp (F°) Yes/No Yes I No /ttlo Laboratory Use ` Received By C e t }\. Date/Time 3 (tZ I ( S 1030 , Carrier E-Lt, j"•.? Results Contact Phone Email Fax Date Time Initials Contact Phone Email Fax Date Time �� In �� Contact Phone Email Fax Date Time Initials Contact Phone Email Fax Date Time E C 7-2011 version 1 0 4/0 4/2 018 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT , op, P J.Jur t thy» /Miq tit ,4 er V / �i8+ (I r t/ w ! 8 o .' Ai ' ,.11 �y ;tft^,- f laf t�'. 7 i 1 At/r r 'f± tI/',i M, fir�/1�„ tf # ACCLAIM ENVIRONMENTAL , . w. tF f lr l F l,' ; wwf'� ` f.,t~ S E R V I C E S t N C .' leas ) '..�5.;', � '�/ Colorado Department ey i''; 7959 Ulster Court.Thornton,Colorado 90e02 of Public Health • T81;303 424 4847 and Environment 4 Faz:303.432.9999 " la-...' - . 4 i'..j CERTIFIES THAT 4• ;, • ASBESTOS % ' CERTIFICATION* ANTHONY PISTONO f E `', Has successfully completed , : € Si This certifies that - }6 !'.f i- „ •i. .` b ;ry The EPA-Approved AHERA Annual Refresher Course for INSPECTOR . This j':-f-1 Anthony Pistono /// lr, course is EPA-approved under Section 206 of the Toxic Substances Control Act(TSCA)and t. to �.''y A S Gc meets the requirements of Colorado Regulation No.8. a: i Certification Na.;20929 �,r ..�; "lt • r" has met the requirements of 25-7-507,C.R.S.and Air Quality Control i 4" Commission Regulation No.8,Part B,and is hereby certified by the \iy I x'' i/ I: Course Date: 12/06/17 state of Colorado in the following discipline: vc� ,!r Exam Date: N/A ill----- l- I -/i r ' r ,( i Certificate No.: AE17-048-BI-R-05 /I Building Inspector* 3 r „l Expiration Date 12/06/18 K.Jay Gal P don ' () c � Irk �r - Issued: July 24,2017 rrNd.1 t• i'� � 6 d�,•,\•,t t ` �,,..1..a.T ,q y ,a` t 1 A � . j1A '�� , .`� -.`- i% / _lt; it l sR t_ 4+�p 6.0 ,rU`Q. kt .i' ,1 Expires: July 24,2018 a This l/Irnn Is valid with thepossession of _ rMIDiWslou-appro+d.InInR course crrNn In the ditripllnespecified above or¢ed PPCO Rap.a r(tari`e/✓e / rve • F. r r ' 'y' - 3: to.,,;) ... , , .*eon a mw "7"`-,-.1 .a " Colorado Department ) 'i,r.. �.";4„e I'' E '0t`.,„.xer.",.q i ANTHONY PIBTONO f{ ep:VUl G..., f*'wav+z' e'n'Arartu"' PRINCIPAL.BRANCH MANAGER l J15„, j.- Of Public llealtll and Environment .7.ns.Ya.e.. l.0 u'r"'.�, ' - s ' ;,.,.6 "m„, .7 • --. I ASBESTOS CONSULTING FIRM .,...i.:.,:',".:::?. 7 Y• <»s •*g-- +ate.a"x,riC1�,,, fit.: This certifies that i 1 ""'nr °'-,7,,.,� �" tx', t,s .N m 970.927.3600 HELPERS SOLUTIONS 1 I. Helpers Disaster Restoration y .eam+ •,,.er.t LLC I " I " ;: Y 1"1Ti� ' a " a #'---' ,-,-- G i. a, Registration No.:ACF-21564 ; ,.«,. � V Ii „�.o. _ .. x - �a:� has met the registration requirements of 25-7-507,C.R.S.and the Air Quality Control ,,,. _ hElpEf 5 rt ,,y � 1"^4! Commission Regulation No.8,Pan B,and is hereby authorized to perform asbestos consulting x activities as required under Regulation No 8,Part B.in the state of Colorado. ) :.re•• ew o,...rr.....o..,,,..,. 1 ��� Cj . r'-�-.+ .. so„�+.. ( q g w+ EMERGENCY �, ^a� '-.`ow^ r .._ - ,i.: / xr.- • . . ic - I Issued: October 16,2017 /^J © > - p�"'�'''9i'Fm..—r' s - Ex ttes: October 16,2018 'V f�U ' rV.Mre .4fx•S" rn5s „,.. <�.. . } aaKeE RP CDr R�ep,M b . „ } -yR . , ' '" -.7X 4. .t,.S - - w:-=•-, ..r 'ao mow _ w � R .LT,�.tinoi . . ,/ ...t a A is"'jo ;r. ' L.s L ,� RECEIVED 04/04/2018 ASPEN BUILDING DEPARTMENT 10 *AV? A Go 10 44or Z 340: ti 90 f \ / 4D C) , ,--- t 1 r'. / Vr\---- 1 . \ 111PPIPP.-.. / I " / ' (I ,\ (� � �__ -� /41-triv:178 I NT